TToolMenu Version 1.0

  The TToolMenu Component is a nifty way to add a Tool Menu
to your applications, similar to the ones in the Delphi IDE
and the C++ IDE.  With a Tool Menu, your applications
users will be able to launch other applications or utilities
from within your application, simply by choosing them from a
menu on the menu bar.  
  TToolMenu provides an interface to add, edit, and delete
items from your Tool Menu.  All you have to do, is tell
TToolMenu which TMenuItem to attach itself to.
  This distribution comes with an Integrated Help File, and
a demonstration program.

This component is ShareWare, and must be registered before
it can be distributed.

Please send me comments or Suggestions by E-Mail at:

If you would like to register this component, please send a Check in the
amount of $12.50 U.S.A to:

	Steve Leach
	65 Cinnamon Lane
	Bakersfield, CA 93308


	1) Your Name
	2) Your Address
	3) Your E-Mail Address!!!

I will promptly send you the REGISTERED version of TToolMenu by E-MAIL, unless
you REQUEST that it be sent by mail.  The REGISTERED version of TToolMenu 
comes complete with source code, and may be freely distributed with your 

Component written by Steve Leach of Bakersfield, CA
Made in the USA!