(C) 1995 Patrik Wang
							     04 November 1995
Forget the Windows resource files (.RES, .RC ...) this component will make you
internationalized without writing any additional code. Just drop it on your
form and compile, finished.
This component will change the properties of controls on forms in Delphi, at 
both design and runtime. Targeting multi language support, but it can be used
for many other things. This component will alter almost all properties that the
object inspector can edit. You can choose if you want your languages to
be saved in the form or a file. You can use the same file for all your form 
configurations within the same application. It works in a multiuser 
environment and it is aware of other forms. You can share languages 
between different forms and manipulate those even in the runtime mode.

The units below must be available in the library search path when rebuilding
the library. All used units are standard and is included in the Delphi package.
I have tried to keep the dependent units to a minimum so that the overall size
of your EXE will not be too big. You will probably need almost all units in
your own project so it does not matter that it is used by this component.
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus, FileCtrl, DsgnIntf, TypInfo, OutLine, Tabs, ShellAPI,
LibConst, LibHelp, ClipBrd, ExtCtrls, Buttons, Grids, TabNotBk, Mask, INIFiles;
The units not included in the Delphi package is:
AddProp, CopyFrom, LangEdit, MulAbout, RegForm;
You dont need to include any of these in the USES clause, the component is
already compiled. If you start with an empty project this component will add
about 200K because of the dependencies, however the larger your project grows
the less the component adds. If you have an EXE file for about 400K, by adding
this component it may only grow to 515K because of the re-use of classes in
Object pascal.

* Specialized for multi language support in Delphi.
* Double byte languages support
* Edit almost all Component and Control properties
* TStrings items or TFont objects editable.
* Multi-user shared resource file(s).
* 16-bit Common dialogs support (On the fly, without any DLL or RES files)
* Delphi standard Message dialogs support (ShowMessage, MessageDlg, Input ...)
* Write you own run-time property editor via INI files
* Date, Time, Currency and Number format translations
* Show languages on selectable controls (Menus, DropDown, RadioGroup etc)
* Save resources in forms (design time) or files.
* Translate the component it self (circular component referenses)
* Aware of other forms within the same application.
* Properties browsable, just point and click.
* Share languages/properties/values between several forms.
* One run- and design-time editable resource file for one or more forms.
* An extensive help integrated with Delphi.
* Safe synconisation when changing names, removing or inserting components.
* Associate icons (stretchable) to each configuration.
* An easy property editor which is integrated in the Delphi environment.
* Filter to restrict special configurations (usable in a multi user environm.)

	Patrik Wang
	1/8 Tusculum St.
	Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Sydney

	E-Mail: PWang@MSN.COM
	Fax: +61 2 3269032