TExpress Version 2.0

Renate Schaaf
1252N 400E #3
Logan, UT 84321

CompuServe: 71031,2774
Internet: renates@xmission.com   schaaf@math.usu.edu

TExpress is a component that I wrote for my own purposes as one
of the backbones for interactive math applications. 
It is a component wrapper for an expression evaluator that I have worked 
on (and off) over the last 9 years, originally written in Turbo Pascal.
You can still easily convert it to be used with TP6 or 7 by just using
the object OParse defined in pars.pas.

*What is does

It evaluates expressions for functions depending on up to three
variables and up to 6 parameters, but it is a bit unusual.

Instead of doing a recursive descent on the expression each time for
evaluation, this evaluator only does it once, at that time quasi
compiling the function into memory.

This is what you'd like in case you want to use the function for some
time critical things, like iterations or any serious numerics.

It still usually is not as fast as a compiled function (factor ~2), but
beats any interpreter by miles. To get it still faster I'd have to
learn Assembler which I don't feel like doing.


Works under both Delphi 1 and 2. I only got it to work under 2 though
by turning Huge Strings off in the critical units. So the function
string cannot be longer than 255 characters.


You have to register the component before you can use it or the demo. 
Go to Options.InstallComponent (Delphi 1) or Components.Install (later), 
select 'Add' and browse to the directory where you have
these files. Express.pas is the one to install. It registers to the
Samples part of the component palette, but you can easily change that
by changing the procedure register.
Express uses the following support files:

After you have installed the component, drop it on a form. Have the user
assign a string to MyExpress.expression. If no exception occurs
(i.e. the syntax is correct), the function can be called as
MyExpress.TheFunction. You can pick the variable and parameter names
at design time. See included demo.

All source code is included, basically so you can fix bugs 
(I'd like to know about, of course) and use debugging. I haven't commented 
the code too much though, and the logic is such that is throws me each time 
I haven't looked at it for more than 4 weeks... It was the first serious 
thing I tried in Pascal, and I don't dare to change it now, because it
does work.

I've used this evaluator very much, and it seems to be quite stable and
does not leak memory.

If expressions are very long and/or nested deeply, you may need to increase 
the default stack size. I've tried to avoid all things that blow up the stack, 
but it still could happen.


This component is free for noncommercial and educational use.
In case you want to use it in a commercial application or as
a base for an improved commercial application, contact me.
I do not want this package to be included on Shareware CD-Roms 
or in web sites for whose access money is charged. But I guess 
I can hardly prevent it. So if you got the component through 
any of these sources, the most recent version is always available 
for free at


or at the Delphi forum on Compuserve or at places I decide to upload it
to. So please, do not upload the package to other places.


This software is to be used as is. The author is not responsible for 
any damage this software might cause.


I retain the copyright to this component.
If you use it in an application or to build an improved component,
you should mention the source.


The interface of the component 'Express.pas' explains the properties and 
methods. If you edit the SyntaxText property, you get more help.
Also, ExpDemo is an application (pretty unfancy) that demonstrates its use.


To everybody at the Delphi-Forum, especially the TeamB members who helped me 
a lot over the years:

Kurt Barthelmess
Ralph Friedman
Steve Schafer.


  ExpRead.Me  (this)
  Express.Pas (Express component)
  ParsGlb.Pas (Support unit for above)
  Pars.Pas     (Same)
  Build.Pas    (Same)   
  SynDlg.pas   (Same)
  SynDlg.dfm  (Form file for above)
  Express.dc1 (Component resource for Delphi 1 rename to express.dcr)
  Express.dc2 (Component resource for Delphi 2 rename to express.dcr)
  ExpDemo.Dpr (Project file for demo)
  ExpDemo.Res (Resource file for above)
  ExpDem.Pas    (Form-Unit for above)
  ExpDem.Dfm    (Form-File for above)

  Have fun,

                              (July 1998)