This object is an alternative for the DBEdit object. enhanced capabilities are

Maintaining Focus and Caret after showing messages 
Instant trapping of Required fields 
Suspending validation on special events
Filling of default values on creating new records
MaskEdit capabilities
Alert beep controlable


Added is an OnValidate event to check data before leaving the field.( the OnExit event is executed after leaving the field). It leaves the focus on the DBVldEdit field.
Tabbing trough other fields (or controls) or clicking another object invokes the event to happen.
To insure that the validation can be overridden, a property CtlNames is created which is a list of controls that can be set that do not invoke the OnValidate event.(for instance an Find Button to lookup some value in a second form) 

When adding a new record defaults can be filled out from the component itself. It has a property that can be filled out for this purpose.

The EditMask propertyis added so data can be formatted when entered. It works as the normal EditMask property on an MaskEdit component. 

Beeping can be toggled on the validation When the message you generate beeps also it can get annoying for the End User.