Title:    Addict
Version:  2.0
Platform: Delphi 1.0/2.0
Author:   Addictive Software
Contact:  Michael Novak (addict@flinthills.com)
WWW:      http://www.flinthills.com/~addict
Status:   Trial-Run version available

Addictive Software is pleased to announce the release of the Addict
2.0 suite for Delphi 1.0 and 2.0.  Addict consists of, what we believe
to be the most powerful spell check component available for Delphi, as
well as the only known thesaurus component for Delphi 1.0 and 2.0.

AddictSpell provides your users with a full featured spell check
component to give your applications a more professional feel.
AddictSpell mirrors, and in some ways exceeds, the functionality of
several spell check engines residing in commercial word processors.
Following is a brief list of some of the major features of

Full Component Source Code:  When you order Addict, you will receive
the full component source code used to implement AddictSpell.

Dictionary Compiler: AddictSpell comes complete with an executable
utility you can use to create new, royalty free dictionary files to be
used with AddictSpell. 

Multiple Main and User Dictionaries Open Simultaneously: Any number of
dictionary files and user dictionaries may be open simultaneously,
giving new freedom to multi-lingual users. 

Can Use Microsoft Word User Dictionaries. Microsoft Word user
dictionaries can be directly imported by your users for use with

Auto Correct Feature: Auto-corrections can be added to user
dictionaries to enable AddictSpell's ability to automatically correct
common spelling errors (i.e. teh=the). 

Checks a Wide Range of Controls: AddictSpell checks a number of
controls / data structures, including PChar Buffers, Strings, and any
descendant of TCustomEdit, TCustomMemo, and TCustomRichEdit.
AddictSpell will also check UDC's MemoWriter components and Turbo
Power's Orpheus editing components. 

Extensive Configuration System: AddictSpell's multi-user configuration
system gives each user of a multi-user application independent

Configuration Dialog: AddictSpell's configuration dialog allows any
user of your application to independently specify a multitude of
configuration options. 

User Constructed Dialogs: You are free to use the included spell check
dialog, or design your own spell check dialog. The default dialog is,
in fact, simply a user constructed dialog. 

Non-Modal Dialog: The spell check dialog is not a modal dialog freely
allowing users to edit their document in the middle of a spell check.
AddictSpell automatically detects this and restarts the check at the
cursor position when the user hits the start button. 

Multiple Undo: AddictSpell automatically remembers the positioning and
replacement information necessary to allow users to undo multiple
spell check actions. 

Selection Avoidance: Initial position and selection avoidance
properties prevent the dialog from covering the selected word and
provide extensive control of dialog positioning. 

Background Suggestions: Though AddictSpell can generate suggestions in
the usual manner, background word suggestions can be continuously
generated in the background, eliminating the need for the user to wait
on the appearance of suggestions before choosing a course of action. 

Ignore HTML Tags: For those writing HTML compatible applications, this
feature allows the AddictSpell to natively ignore HTML tags. 

Fast: AddictSpell's spell check engine is fast and flexible native
Delphi code (11,000 words checked per second on a P100 w/24 MB RAM).

Following is a brief list of some of the major features of the
thesaurus component: 

Large Thesaurus: The component comes with a compiled version of
Roget's 1911 Public Domain Thesaurus, containing over 1000 context
topics and 30,000 words. 

Thesaurus Compiler: This version of this component comes with a
utility that allows you to compile context-sensitive thesaurus topics
of your own into the format used by the component. 

Selection Avoidance: When used in conjunction with an editing control,
the thesaurus dialog box will automatically avoid the selected word in
the editing control and position the dialog directly under it. 

Fast: Despite the size of the thesaurus file (it is compressed), the
component loads in less than a second on a P100 (24 MB RAM). Context
topic lookup is near instantaneous. 

Stop by our web site to see screen shots, or try out our trial-run


Michael Novak
Addictive Software