TValueIndicator v1.0 - Delphi component

	       Written by Chris Kokkos, August 1995, Greece.                 

This is a special use gauge/indicator component for those who want a value
to step up through 3 sections. It draws each section with its color and you
can define where each stage ends in the bar. It can be used for resource 
indicators with 3 colors: green, yellow and red. So, the user can easily
see if his resources gone very low, that is when the bar has gone far left
to the left. It is more easy to use it than it sounds.

FREEWARE!!!! - These components are totaly free (in their current version).
It may have some bugs though, so be careful, test it before you use it and
please send me a mail if/when you find any bugs.

Here is some info for the new components:

*** New Properties:

Border3D    (Boolean)  Draws a 3d frame like Win95 controls.

Border      (Boolean)  Draws a black frame inside the 3D frame.

FirstPoint  (Longint)  Defines the first point, that's where the first
		       section ends.

SecondPoint (Longint)  Defines the second point, that's where the second
	    	       section end and the last one starts.

Indicator   (Longint)  It is the known 'Progress' property from TGauge. 
		       (I changed it 'cause i hate to call the Value of 
		 	a gauge 'Progress'. It may have been anything else
			but that name... I liked 'Indicator').

Kind        (Set)      It can take the values (ikHorizontal, ikVertical) 
		       and draws the bar left-->right or bottom-->top.

MaxValue    (Longint)  Defines the Maximum value of the Indicator (like

MinValue    (Longint)  Defines the Minimum value of the Indicator (like

Part1Color  (TColor)
Part2Color  (TColor)
Part3Color  (TColor)   Set these properties to change the color for each
		       section of the bar. Choose close colors for best
		       results (eg. dark blue,blue and cyan).
		       Part1 is the left/bottom part and Part3 the right/
		       top part, according to the Kind property.

Advanced Software Development
Created by Chris Kokkos, August '95.
Athens, Greece.

If you use these components in your applications please include the usual
credits in your "About.." dialog box.

For any info or suggestions please feel free to write to: