ICONJACK (VERSION 1.0) Copyright (c) 1995, Ziff Davis Publishing Company ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First Published in PC Magazine June 27, 1995 (Utilities) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICONJACK by Neil J. Rubenking PURPOSE: IconJack makes it easier to manage, view, and select from the icons on your hard disk. It can save disk space by bringing separate icon files together into a single DLL, and lets you view as many as 900 icons at one time. You can use IconJack's editing functions to select and organize icons in your collection before saving them to a DLL. ŽMDNMŻUsage: To install IconJack, simply place the program files ICONJACK.EXE and ICONJACK.HLP in a directory on your hard disk. You may also want to add a Program Manager icon for IconJack. Icons can be loaded into IconJack by dragging them from File Manager or by selecting File|Read Icons... from IconJack's menu. When you click on an icon, information about it will be displayed on the status bar. Selecting an icon and pressing <Del> will remove it from the collection. You can drag icons to different positions with the mouse. When you are done rearranging your icon collection, you can save it as a DLL by selecting File|Save Collection As DLL. To extract an icon, select it and then choose File|Save Icon as .ICO. ŽMDNMŻSupport for IconJack: Help for the free utilities offered by PC Magazine can be obtained electronically in the Utilities section of ZiffNet's TIPS forum (GO ZNT:TIPS). The authors of current utilities generally visit this forum every day. You may find an answer to your question simply by reading the messages previously posted in the forum. If the author is not available and you have a question that the sysops in the forum can't answer, the editor of the Utilities column, who also checks this forum each day, will contact the author for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neil J. Rubenking is Technical Editor of PC Magazine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------