{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ BigIni.PAS							    eh970825 }
{ Version 2.01								     }
{ Unit to read/write *.ini files even greater than 64 kB		     }
{ (till today, the KERNEL.DLL and KERNEL32.DLL do it NOT).		     }

{ (c) Edy Hinzen 1996/97 - Freeware					     }
{ Mailto:Edy@Hinzen.de	               (thanks for the resonance yet!)	     }
{ http://www.Hinzen.de                 (where you find the latest version)   }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ The TBigIniFile object is designed to work like TIniFile from the Borland  }
{ unit called IniFiles. 						     }
{ Opposite to the Borland-routines, these are declared virtual! 	     }
{ Please note that no exception-handling is coded here. 		     }
{ The following procedures/functions were added:			     }
{    procedure FlushFile	      write data to disk		     }
{    procedure ReadAll		      copy entire contents to TStrings-object}
{    procedure AppendFromFile         appends from other *.ini               }
{    property  SectionNames						     }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ The TBiggerIniFile object is a child object with some functions that came  }
{ in handy at my projects:						     }
{    property  TextBufferSize                                                }
{    procedure WriteSectionValues(const aSection: string; const aStrings: TStrings);}
{	       analog to ReadSectionValues, replace/write all lines from     }
{	       aStrings into specified section				     }
{    procedure ReadNumberedList(const Section: string;			     }
{				Strings: TStrings;			     }
{				Deflt: String); 			     }
{    procedure WriteNumberedList(const Section: string; 		     }
{				Strings: TStrings);			     }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ The TAppIniFile object is a child again.				     }

{ It's constructor create has no parameters. The filename is the application's}
{  exename with with extension '.ini' (instead of '.exe).                    }
{    constructor Create;						     }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ For Delphi 1.0 users class TStringList had been redefined and expanded     }
{ with some 2.0 functions/properties                                         }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

{ ========================================================================== }
{   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,	     }
{   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of	     }
{ ========================================================================== }

{ Programmer's note:                                                         }
{ Okay, this is NOT the fastest code of the world... (the kernel-functions   }
{ xxxxPrivateProfileString aren't, either!). I wrote it as a subproject of   }
{ my EditCdPlayer.EXE which never seems to become finished ...		     }
{ Meanwhile, I hope that Microsoft will write new KERNEL routines.	     }

{ Version history							     }
{ 1.10 faster read by replaceing TStringlist with simple ReadLn instructions }
{      improved FindItemIndex by storing last results			     }
{ 1.20 Ignore duplicate sections					     }
{      improved (for this use) TStringList child TSectionList		     }
{ 1.21 fixed 1.20 bug in case of empty file				     }
{ 1.22 added ReadNumberedList and WriteNumberedList			     }
{ 1.23 Delphi 1.0 backward compatibility e.g. local class TStringList        }
{ 1.24 added AppendFromFile                                                  }
{ 2.00 Changed compare-routines of aSection Parameters to CompareAnsiText    }
{      to handle case insensitive search in languages with special chars;    }
{      some efforts to increase speed                                        }
{      * new web and e-mail address *                                        }
{ 2.01 implemented modifications/suggestions from Gyula Mészáros,            }
{      Budapest, Hungary - 100263.1465@compuserve.com                        }
{procedure TIniFile.ReadSections(Strings: TStrings);
{    - The extra 16K file buffer is removeable (as it has minor effect if    }
{      a disk cache is used (which is the default))                          }
{      see property TextBufferSize                                           }
{    - comment lines (beginning with ';') can be ignored                     }
{      set property FlagDropCommentLines to True                             }
{    - invalid lines (which do not contain an '=' sign) can be ignored       }
{      set property FlagFilterOutInvalid to True                             }
{    - white spaces around the '='-sign can be dropped                       }
{      set property FlagDropWhiteSpace to True                               }
{    - surrounding single or double apostrophes from keys can be dropped     }
{      set property FlagDropApostrophes to True                              }
{ 2.01 (continued)                                                           }
{    property  SectionNames	is now part of TBigIni (instead of TBiggerIni}
{      added procedure ReadSections (seems new in Delphi 3)                  }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }

{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Question: how can I set these properties _before_ the files is opened?     }
{ Answer: call create with empty filename, look at this sample:              }
{       myIniFile := TBigIniFile.Create('');                                 }
{       myIniFile.FlagDropCommentLines := True;                              }
{       myIniFile.FileName := ('my.ini');                                    }
{........................................................................... }
{ Question: how can I write comment lines into the file?                     }
{ Answer: like this:                                                         }
{       tempStringList := TStringList.Create;                                }
{       tempStringList.Add('; this is a comment line.');                     }
{       BigIniFile.WriteSectionValues('important note',TempStringList);      }
{       BigIniFile.FlushFile;                                                }
{       tempStringList.Free;                                                 }
{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }