Author: Bruno Fierens
        TMS Software
        J. Jordaens str. 11
        B8510 Marke
        Fax : +32 56 963535
        E-mail: bruno.fierens@ven.be

Delphi 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 / C++Builder stringgrid with added features :

Files :

  advgrid1.zip : component files for Delphi 1.0 (v1.1)
  advgrid2.zip : component files for Delphi 2.0
  advgrid3.zip : component files for Delphi 3.0
  cbuilder.zip : component files for C++Builder (v1.1)
  demo.zip     : demo with source code for Delphi 3
                 can be used in Delphi 2 after ignoring errors while loading

Release 1.2 (for Delphi 2.0 / Delphi 3.0 only !) :

 insert / delete rows & colums
 save / load to file
 save / load to stream
 save / load to CSV file
 save / load to XLS file (D2 & D3 only)
 copy / paste to clipboard
 save to HTML
 cell alignment, cell color, cell font color, read-only cells
 automatic printing with optional title, pagenummer, date, time, border and custom drawing
 automatic column sizing
 column sorting + full sort when clicking on column header + arrow indication (like Internet mail)
 automatic goto cell based on sorted column when key pressed
 event handler for setting hint of each cell
 automatic selection of next cell after edit
 insert / delete key to insert or delete  rows
 automatic resizing with parent form
 automatic text display appended with '...' when text does not fit in column
 automatic saving of user resized columns in registry or INI file
 proportional scrollbars
 hide / unhide columns
 search capabilities with options for case sensitive, full/partial, regular expressions
 bitmaps, icons, imagelist elements
 fixed rows at bottom of grid

Feature Revision history

 0.95  : clipboard max. datatransfer size in Delphi 1.0 increased to 64Kb
 0.96  : grid resizes with parent form
 0.97  : automatic text append with ... in string too long for column
 0.98  : centered printouts
         save & load of column sizes in registry / INI file
         enhanced print preview
         print selected rectangle of grid only
 0.99  : enhanced display of sort triangle indicator
         load from XLS and CSV file
         enhanced clipboard paste function
         new property to control sorting fixed columns
         proportional scrollbars
 0.995 : hide /unhide columns
 0.996 : save /load to stream
 0.997 : enhanced printing of grid with more columns than fitable on a page
 0.998 : findfirst, findnext (optional case senstive, full/partial, regular expression)
 0.998b: enhancements to print, sorting saves col/row of grid, colors saved in HTML output
 0.998c: C++Builder support
 0.999 : enhanced handling of multiline text for edit, print, save
 1.0   : events for cell click and dblclick, read-only cells
 1.1   : onvalidate event handler for cell validation + minor
         fixes for hidden columns & searching
 1.2   : added icons, bitmaps, imagelist elements
         added fixed rows at bottom of grid
         fixed glitch for printout of multiline cells

This component is free for use in non-commercial applications, that is
any software that is not being sold in one or another way.
License for commercial use and/or full source code is available for 50$
Payment can be done by sending a check/cash/postal order, addressed to
Bruno Fierens

to : Bruno Fierens
     TMS software
     J. Jordaens str. 11
     B8510 Marke

Source code is sent immediately upon receipt of check by email.
Payment grants users the right for all future 1.x source code updates.