Direct Oracle Access 2.2

If you use C++Builder to access an Oracle database, this component set can
make your life a lot easier. With these four components (TOracleSession,
TOracleLogon, TOracleQuery and TOraclePackage) you access an Oracle database
directly, skipping the Borland Database Engine only using (32 bits) SQL*Net.
This gives you the following advantages:

· No distributing, installing and configuring the BDE
· You can use any C++Builder version to develop Client/Server applications
· No BDE overhead or tradeoffs: your queries will run up to five times faster
· The use of variants makes programming easy (null values, runtime type information)
· You can use PL/SQL blocks for server logic in your application
· Easy access to Packages
· Compatible with Oracle 7.0 up to Oracle8 and SQL*Net 2.0 up to Net8
· Many Oracle specific features supported (Savepoints, SQLTrace, SetTransaction, ...)
· Easy to use, the components are intelligent

Which means that you can try it to see if it fits your needs, but the components
will only work when C++Builder is running.

If you like these components and would like to receive the registered version 
you can order them for US$ 89.- without the sourcefiles or for US$ 388.- with
(Delphi) sourcefiles in one of the following ways :
· Order by credit card on our homepage.
· Send the money to our bank account at the ING bank
· Send us a check by mail 

Please send us a confirming email to prevent your order from getting lost.
Make sure you mention your email address and "DOA for C++Builder" and we will
send you your components (and future updates) as soon as possible by email.
If you want to receive the components by mail add US$ 10.- and you'll receive a

Payments should be sent to
    Allround Automations VOF
    Hogeweg 8
    6961 LT  Eerbeek
    The Netherlands

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us through:
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