... _ _ _ _ ... :::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// :::: :::_ .___. \ / _::: :://-- | |-----\ 24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix /--------// :: |. .___. _:____ _ ___ _: _ _| |_ \_ // // /____ __ _ cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti \: \\\_ _/__/ /___ _ /__||/// =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____ | |_ \_\ \ /____/ _ _____ _ _____ ./ _/ . . /_ \________\________\\ ._) _ \\______\__ \____| \_ _ _: _ : \______\\t^/lp! ____ | _/ / / \ _| _////__\\ / /___ \ \ __ \\ _/__\| \ :/ > t H E y A R D BBS! < _ / / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \ \ : : _ //_____\\: \ /___| \_________\ _. -.----\\-----------------------| |----- .-----------||-------- ----/: | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615 |_ -@----------------------------._____.---------------------------------@ _________ ¦_) (_¦ ______ _ ___ _________ ____ | | ___\ ___|//_______\ / / \ |____________ a4ooo/o6o/5omhz! |_______ | __/ __/¯¯ | | cdrom,scsi·fastline! | | | \ \ | | 4gb hd!,dat! |___ | |______\ \____ ! ________! |_ _| )___________! \_________/ )________ _ ¦ )_______( ¦ ____ ____________ ___ _________ ______ _ _____________ ___\ |_ ___\ ___ |__\ | | |__\ ___/// ___\ _ / | ___|------| | | |_| | ____/--------| / / |_ | | | st! | | | | | | _ (_¦ |)___ ! |___ ! |_____ ! ____!___ ! |____| | ! )__________! )___________! )_________ _ )___________! !_________| · [enzo!] · [mandrake/hf] · [camilla/psx·nation!] · · [colonel/qtx] · [-tcb!-/qtx] · [fury/psg] · [ hellf¡re ehq! · crux ehq! · corrupt ehq! · bad karma ehq · ¡nsane schq! ] [amiga!] [pc!] [console!] .----- -[·4! asskicking nodes are just waiting for you abusement!! ]- -----. | | `--- -syspw!: yes- -------- -nup!: ask!- ---- -+45-738-¡SDN (2N ISDN)- ----' . .___________ _|_ ______________________________. | | | : bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE | . _______ __ _|_ ____ ______ ________ : _____ _|_\_ / . | . \_ __ ______\_. \ ______ _\_. /__| ___ / __/__ | / / | : | / \| / l \/ . \ l___/\_ |/ /___ / : \ \______|______/ \ /_________/ | \________/ / _/_______/_ _l______/sc : _/ \____/ \__________/ _/ \___) | | . \_____| \______| | | : | |hELLFiRE & lSD wHQ!·tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC., sUNFLEX iNC. & lFC aMIGA eHQ!| | tRiSTAR & rEDSECTOR iNC. cONSOLE aND gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wHQ! | | sNEAKERS eUROPEAN hQ | | tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE | | cLASSIC^qUARTEX hQ! · dREAMCHARTS, dEViOUS dEZiGNS & dATA dIVISION dHQ! | | -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ! | | | | mASTERS aRE: | | -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·- | | | | rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB! | | 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! | | | | +31-(o)-548-54O-653 +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848 +tEL-NET | | -·>16k8 dUAL<·- -·>33k6 dUALS!<·- 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 | | | l_________._ _ _ _._________| ________ | -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·- | ________ |________|| ||________| : uPLOADEd bY Digiman oN nODE #06 : . tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 02:54:55 , 12-02-1996 . å /\______ ________ _____ ______________/\ \__ _ \\__ \\__ |_/ ______ ___/ / _j \/ T <_/ l\____ \/ _>__ / l_ \ _ \ |~ ! \ !~ \ / l____/___l____/__j_________/____ \ \_____j---------------------------oz!l_____/ 96 ARISE IS LOOKING FOR MEMBERS! We are a few sceners who decided to rebuild the "old" group. Our intention is to keep the Amiga and the scene alive, and to bring some self-coded stuff to you (Demos, Games, Tools etc.) We are on the lookout for Coders, ANSI and GFX Artists, Musicians, Traders. Our actual Memberlist: Cedrix - Leader, Sysop (World Hq) Bax - Sysop (European Hq) Defbeat - Ex-Sysop Gt - Musician, Sysop (Dist. Site) Marty McFly - Musician, Trader, Gfx Steve - Trader, Ascii, Musician Gorbatschow - Trader, Ascii Chrisse - Musician Red Alert - Ascii If you are interested in joining, then leave a mail to: Cedrix@m-night.domino.de or Bax@m-night.domino.de Greets fly out to the following deserving groups : 1oo% - Abyss - Artcore - Data Division - DCS - HF - IA - TRSI - Ultima and anyother groups that feel that they deserve. =============================================================================== @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ________________________________ .-----/ _________ \___/ ______ ___/----. ¦mRV /__| \ __/ _/ \____ \ __/\ '96¦ ¦ .-/ \__ \ \_ \ \ \ \ \-. ¦ `-+/____|____\_|____\____\______/______/-+-' ¦x×x×x×x×x×x×( 28-NOV-96 )×x×x×x×x×x×xצ ¦ HiV-PoSiTiV buST hAVE a hAPPYeND! ¦ ¦ READ & SPREAD! ¦ : gERMAN oNLY : `--------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ An alle die, die sich noch an die Sache mit den T.F.M. erinnern! Heute den 28.11.96 habe ich einen Brief von einem Staatsanwalt bekommen: BEGIN_TXT Betr: ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN GEGEN SIE WEGEN: BETRUG Sehr geehrter Herr xxx, das Verfahren gegen Sie wurde eingestellt. Mit freundlichen Grüßen gez. Henn, Staatsanwalt END_TXT so mit T.F.M. bin ich entgültig fertig! (oder auch nicht) :) ARiSE^CoRP. eHQ ___| __ _____ __ __ |° l__ __ / / l°l ) |°l__ __ / / | ! |__\°l / __ | __/ ____ | _/__\°l / | |° l\_/ /_/ | |___/°__/_|_l_|° l\_/ |__l__l___/¡ | |° \ __\° l_ /___/! . . ° ! ! ¡ /___/___// ¡ ! ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡\_/ ¡ ¸ ¡ ! ¡ ° ° ° ° ! ! ¡ ° ° ° ° ° ° rUNNiNG oN: aMIGA 2øøøC 3ø/5ø/1ø 1,8gB -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- sYSOP: bAX ++ HiV-PoSITiV ++ nOdE 0: PRi-VATE !!!! nOdE 1: sYsoPz onLy aMIGA sTUFF * pECE sTUFF * mAC sTUFF pRIVATE aXX-uSER BoX !! /\______ ________ _____ ______________/\ \__ _ \\__ \\__ |_/ ______ ___/ / _j \/ T <_/ l\____ \/ _>__ / l_ \ _ \ |~ ! \ !~ \ / l____/___l____/__j_________/____ \ \_____j---------------------------oz!l_____/ 96 ARISE IS LOOKING FOR MEMBERS! We are a few sceners who decided to rebuild the "old" group. Our intention is to keep the Amiga and the scene alive, and to bring some self-coded stuff to you (Demos, Games, Tools etc.) We are on the lookout for Coders, ANSI and GFX Artists, Musicians, Traders. Our actual Memberlist: Cedrix - Leader, Sysop (World Hq) Bax - Sysop (European Hq) Defbeat - Ex-Sysop Gt - Musician, Sysop (Dist. Site) Marty McFly - Musician, Trader, Gfx Steve - Trader, Ascii, Musician Gorbatschow - Trader, Ascii Chrisse - Musician Red Alert - Ascii If you are interested in joining, then leave a mail to: Cedrix@m-night.domino.de or Bax@m-night.domino.de Greets fly out to the following deserving groups : 1oo% - Abyss - Artcore - Data Division - DCS - HF - IA - TRSI - Ultima and anyother groups that feel that they deserve. =============================================================================== ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )- ________________________________________________________________________ __/ __ __/ _ __/ _ __/ _ __/ ___ __/ _ __/ ____/ / __/ ____/ \_ _ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ _ \_____ \_ / / ¯¯/ _/ / _/ / / / _/ / _/ / _/ / / ¯¯/ _/ / /___ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \ sAl1 \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \ / \ /________\ / \ /________\ / / \ / \ / [·hELLFIRE&lSD wHQ!·tRISTAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC.·sUNFLEX iNC.&lFC aMIGA eHQ!·] [·tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wHQ!·] [·tRISTAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·cLASSIC^qUARTEX hQ!·] [·dREAMCHARTS·dEVIOUS dEZIGNS·&·dATA dIVISION dHQ!·] [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·] [·sYSOPS: s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS·] rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4OOO wITH a cYBERSTORM O6O/5O mHZ/22 mB 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«-- ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«--- +31-(O)-548-54O-653 +31-(O)-548-521-716/521-848 +tEL-NET -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 33k6 dUALS ]- -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]- [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: Digiman ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 06 ]]-] [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 02:54:55, 12-02-1996 ]]-] _________ ¦_) (_¦ ______ _ ___ _________ ____ | | ___\ ___|//_______\ / / \ |____________ a4ooo/o6o/5omhz! |_______ | __/ __/¯¯ | | cdrom,scsi·fastline! | | | \ \ | | 4gb hd!,dat! |___ | |______\ \____ ! ________! |_ _| )___________! \_________/ )________ _ ¦ )_______( ¦ ____ ____________ ___ _________ ______ _ _____________ ___\ |_ ___\ ___ |__\ | | |__\ ___/// ___\ _ / | ___|------| | | |_| | ____/--------| / / |_ | | | st! | | | | | | _ (_¦ |)___ ! |___ ! |_____ ! ____!___ ! |____| | ! )__________! )___________! )_________ _ )___________! !_________| · [enzo!] · [mandrake/hf] · [camilla/psx·nation!] · · [colonel/qtx] · [-tcb!-/qtx] · [fury/psg] · [ hellf¡re ehq! · crux ehq! · corrupt ehq! · bad karma ehq · ¡nsane schq! ] [amiga!] [pc!] [console!] .----- -[·4! asskicking nodes are just waiting for you abusement!! ]- -----. | | `--- -syspw!: yes- -------- -nup!: ask!- ---- -+45-738-¡SDN (2N ISDN)- ----' [mULTI-cHECK v1.4 by SieGeL/tRSi] _________________________________________ · ( / t H E y A R D : ::| .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_ | /____ / | __|__/\____ / // · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 5 · | \\_|_ __/_. __/\____ _____·__ // ____ _______ |\___ |/ \ |____(_ ____/____ \ /__/_____\_ \__\_ / ________| / / / | _/ _) )____\ / ( _ / _ _/_( _ / / _/ _ \ | ( \_ _| | / | \ | // (_____\_____| \___ | __\_______.__\___| /_________\ [==|=========|______\=\_______|_________/_/================|________\dVN==|===] | / | | aMIGA/aSCII/cLASSIC aMIGA gAMES // nINTENDO64/gAMEcUBE/wII cONSOLES | | sONY pLAYsTATION cONSOLES ·// sEGA dREAMcAST & sATURN cONSOLES | | gAMEbOY/sGB/gAMEgEAR/wONDERsWAN / nEOgEOpOCKET/gBC/gBA/nINTENDO DS | | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES /. =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT | | aPPLE mACINTOSH - tYPO/fONTS // 0dAY gRAPHICS/aUDIO aPPS & gAMES | | gRAFFITI/dESIGN eBOOK/xVID / cLASSIC pC gAMES - gSM/pDA/pHONE | | aUDIO pRODUCTIONS sAMPLES / dAYdREAm/lINUX dEVELOPMENT/dOORS | | . | '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615+ >»-' -> Another Quality Release uploaded at TY <-