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      r          e          s          u          l          t          s


    1.  #08    65 pts    Sweet 42 - bod
    2.  #09    54 pts    Seeds of 2004 - 505/SMFX
    3.  #04    51 pts    Beats To Plop Beugels To - RoccoW (feat. Roeltje)
    4.  #05    44 pts    NoaBackPhang - Facet / Lemon. ^ G*P ^ Bonzai
    5.  #07    42 pts    Das Nootjoon - Chavez + Joss
    6.  #06    40 pts    a message from the past - ok3anos/TEK^Nuance
    7.  #01    39 pts    Get in the Truck - Mrs Beanbag
    8.  #03    38 pts    Flash - Filippp
    9.  #02    37 pts    Insamplely - FIREB0Y


    1.  #09    97 pts    Forgotten Woman - TMA/Abyss-Connection^TRSi^TSA
    2.  #04    93 pts    Natural Spiral - RaccoonViolet
    3.  #07    81 pts    Seven - Dennis van Zuijlekom
    4.  #10    74 pts    Gasman on the stage - Dennis van Zuijlekom
    5.  #08    70 pts    Zeno4ever&ever - Glu/Poo-Brain^Wildfurs
    6.  #03    67 pts    party.schweben - Radn
    7.  #02    61 pts    Disposable Memories - Stormcaller/Slipstream
    8.  #01    56 pts    Peacock - Cmdr.Homer/Poo-Brain^Wildfurs
    9.  #06    53 pts    Not going to outline... - reality404 - Poo-Brain
   10.  #05    45 pts    Deadmans Flag - zOoTiMe


    1.  #03   106 pts    Banshee - Facet / Lemon. ^ G*P ^ Bonzai
    2.  #05    93 pts    Who's a Good Boy? - farfar / lns ^ flex
        #06    93 pts    Abandoning the Known - Critikill
    4.  #02    92 pts    Piratari - RayNoa^Mhm
    5.  #04    61 pts    Gribnoe - Error/ErrorSoft
    6.  #01    57 pts    Little Things - Exocet/SMFX^Dentifrice^Up Rough


    1.  #04   104 pts    Imitation Of Life - Imagician / BionFX
    2.  #05    88 pts    Rocket Ranger - Suule / Oftenhide
    3.  #02    87 pts    The Real Party is Outline - RaccoonViolet
    4.  #03    79 pts    Unexplained Territory - FunkyJebronimo
    5.  #01    38 pts    Boring Software for boring People - Nodepond


    1.  #07   116 pts    Have a seat (and make us a demo) - epoqe
    2.  #08    99 pts    Pangolin - Tropical Trevor
    3.  #04    95 pts    Broccoleet - NR4 / Team210
        #05    95 pts    dream pond - pestis / brainlez Coders!
    5.  #09    90 pts    Metropolis - Aberration Creations
    6.  #06    85 pts    Danger Noodle Wraparound - Alki Industries
    7.  #03    72 pts    aetatis ? - wrighter
    8.  #02    53 pts    Vulmateriaal - ivuj /
                           Vanilleeisbaggerf hrerausbildungsabschlusspr fungs
                           beh rde
    9.  #01    43 pts    New epoqe - epoqe


    1.  #04    85 pts    Leviathan - Facet / Lemon. ^ G*P ^ Bonzai
    2.  #01    83 pts    Wish you were here now - BEFTEX
    3.  #05    82 pts    QSoundZ - smfx
    4.  #03    71 pts    invitation to kunstALTONALE'24 in hamburg/germany
                           - einklang.net
    5.  #02    67 pts    A pickle indeed - An Idiot of Slipstream


    1.  #03   107 pts    Merge - F#READY
    2.  #04    98 pts    Dancing Blobs - deater / dSr
    3.  #02    68 pts    Cosmic Fish - deater / dSr
    4.  #01    57 pts    OutlineScroller - 42Bastian


    1.  #05   150 pts    Encounter - Ilmenit
    2.  #09   122 pts    Bouncing Core - Pellicus
    3.  #06   104 pts    Bee-Bee THE OUTLINE FRACTAL - Abaddon
        #08   104 pts    Trapped in Flight - Plex / BionFX
    5.  #03    88 pts    Stormy Touch - Plex / BionFX
    6.  #04    80 pts    Road 2 Solitude - Dresdenboy
    7.  #07    69 pts    Twist'n'flow - JJLonBar
    8.  #01    54 pts    FOMOutline - The Watcher^TUHB
    9.  #02    46 pts    Let's Head Back - ps


    1.  #02   108 pts    Be Fish | Be Square - Blossom
    2.  #03    92 pts    Splash - F#READY
    3.  #01    69 pts    LynxPlasmosis - 42Bastian


    1.  #07   129 pts    Atlantis Rising - Marquee Design
    2.  #06   108 pts    Lonely Hallways - Plex / BionFX
    3.  #04   105 pts    Azurite 64b - HellMood/DSR
    4.  #03   101 pts    3D Plasmosis - Plex / BionFX
    5.  #05    70 pts    11-05-1974 Let's Party! - Pellicus
    6.  #02    51 pts    128 bytes of Party in the Bottle - oak
    7.  #01    37 pts    FRJN - Siegerl nderfinnlandliebhabergruppierung


    1.  #07   128 pts    Junction Jive - Solar
    2.  #06   121 pts    For All In Tents And Porpoises - Slipstream
    3.  #05    92 pts    TJ_raytrace - 42Bastian
    4.  #04    68 pts    Shadow Party 2024 invit - MooZ & Glafouk
    5.  #03    66 pts    Kippesoep - DESiRE
    6.  #01    57 pts    smfxboot - smfx
    7.  #02    56 pts    Gamebuitro - Exocet + Chavez + Josss


    1.  #12   133 pts    Wondere Wereld - Trepaan
    2.  #10   122 pts    Hue Bender - Team210
    3.  #11   113 pts    Goodbye Dream - teadrinker
    4.  #06    98 pts    Everybody Wants to Crank the World - nesnausk!
    5.  #04    84 pts    EasingExpoOut - ciosai_tw
        #09    84 pts    Inchoate - CN112
    7.  #08    75 pts    Subbing Death - AttentionWhore
    8.  #05    74 pts    Aurora - aldroid / deyta / beetle
    9.  #02    72 pts    TurboGenesis - Geldrop Demoscene Allstars
   10.  #03    63 pts    Wii & Chill - muffintrap
   11.  #07    58 pts    TUBED - DLG Crew
   12.  #01    37 pts    Enteenteenteenteenteenteente -
                           Siegerl nderfinnlandliebhabergruppierung


        38 votes were cast by 116 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.hu