Offical results from:

 ____  _         _ _        ____  ____  
| __ )(_)_ __ __| (_) ___  |___ \| ___| 
|  _ \| | '__/ _` | |/ _ \   __) |___ \ 
| |_) | | | | (_| | |  __/  / __/ ___) |
|____/|_|_|  \__,_|_|\___| |_____|____/ 

.--(4 Channel Tracked Music)-[ 4 entries ]--------------------------------------.
 01:   38.68%  Lust for Life / Algar
 02:   23.36%  lazy cat / dlewen
 03:   23.29%  Plumbers Lubr. / Hyperunknown
 04:   14.67%  Musiker Sökes / XenoDuck

.--(Animation Video)-[ 4 entries ]----------------------------------------------.
 01:   30.52%  Birdie / Birdmeister
 02:   30.28%  Birdie 25 / M0onLight
 03:   21.70%  Dark / XenoDuck
 04:   17.50%  Harrasment / B2

.--(Demo)-[ 8 entries ]---------------------------------------------------------.
 01:   17.07%  Peacock / Fairlight
 02:   14.05%  Kommandotolkien / xinux & mihion
 03:   12.39%  Eternal Dreams / Scarab Corpse
 04:   12.34%  Retro / Panda Design
 05:   12.23%  The Peacock / Reii, Psyanoid
 06:   11.00%  Hur svårt kan det vara? / Flax och knaZen
 07:   10.63%  Astroboys / Astroboys - 1
 08:   10.29%  Oldschool goes Newschool / Resistance

.--(Freestyle GFX)-[ 7 entries ]------------------------------------------------.
 01:   19.81%  Mafiapig / Kavvan
 02:   18.24%  Ganon Hungers / Psyanoid Aka Kladdmannen
 03:   15.27%  Alien / XenoDuck
 04:   13.44%  gluttonyhunt for joltbacon / Gourdious
 05:   13.26%  flat sea / dlewen
 06:   11.45%  Money makes the world go round / Jacob Henningsson
 07:    8.54%  Topatisen er klad hest / U MUM

.--(Freestyle Photo)-[ 9 entries ]----------------------------------------------.
 01:   15.65%  I want that camera / Dobaraq
 02:   12.90%  Appealling White Mystery / mha
 03:   12.67%  Tilde / MarMite^HusvagnCrew
 04:   11.08%  Polarbear / Reii
 05:   10.86%  Night House / XenoDuck
 06:   10.47%  freestyle photo / paddy
 07:    9.46%  shhhh! / dlewen
 08:    9.04%  Meet the indians! / Algar
 09:    7.87%  Vill också ha frukost / Diavol

.--(Gamedev)-[ 11 entries ]------------------------------------------------------.
[ notice; results based on jury selection ]
01:    Znurre - Smeed
02:    Oats, Kladdmannen, xXxSpectreKingxXx_:salty: - Guldfeber, en kärlekshistoria
03     OJ - Tom Taxi
00:    Anders Gärdenäs, Erik Nyström, David Ryman - Space Wars
00:    Diavol - Fox in hunt
00:    Tarkan_-_Paddington
00:    B2+code - Saffran
00:    Wedogames - CollectBot
00:    h4xxel, slaeshjag - Jymdsjepp
00:    Husvagn Crew - Puff Puff pass


.--(Streaming Music)-[ 8 entries ]----------------------------------------------.
 01:   14.21%  Frantic Factory / Algar
 02:   13.98%  Blue_Figurine.mp3 / Malmen
 03:   12.56%  Level up / M0onLight
 04:   12.29%  Tactical Retreat / Znurre
 05:   12.10%  Pandemonic / Hyperunknown
 06:   11.92%  Saelo High / Chasjam
 07:   11.71%  Bossfajtn / MIHION
 08:   11.23%  Bad Lullaby / Tek-Ti

We had total of 2292 votes with 94 unique voters on 59 entries