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                       /________\           \_______/  \/      \

                           SYNTAX | DEMO PARTY | 2014

                              Melbourne, Australia
                            14th - 16th November, 2014


17 Second Music:

01. cTrix / Disaster Area - Drinkin' all the beers (152)
02. Vectrex - Vectrex - Massive buildup (148)
03. chicken - crappybeat (122)
04. gaia ^ disasterarea	- FUNAMI ^^ (101.5)
05. Aday - SyntaxAteMyGameboy (97)
06. iLKke / funkentstört - 16 seconds of iLKke (84.5)
07. Jimage - STOPSTOPSTOP (75)


Oldschool Music:

01. cTrix / ELIX - Cycled (SNES) (139)
02. iLKke / funkentstört - Vacuole (C64) (131)
03. LIAM - I am bad at making music (Speccy) (94)


Tracked Music:

01. cTrix^Disaster Area	- Pirate Rave Insanity (131)
02. Vectrex - Last Mini (126)



01. Vectrex - Worth It (92)
02. Jazzcat/DFM	- malk it stop (25)


Oldschool Graphic:

01. N3XU5/Arsenic/Hitmen /Oxyron - Angels Among Us (126)
    Grip/Onslaught - Damn it Feels Good to Be a Hamster (126)
03. Almighty God/Onslaught/Level 64 - Born of Universe (121)
04. iLKke / funkentstört - TECHNOTITLAN (116)
05. Reload/Defame - Ms Chameleon (115)
06. Animal Bro / Funkentstört - Fat of the Land (105)
07. redback/Chrome - Florescence (101)
08. Redcrab/Genesis Project - Museum of Strange (98)
09. Jimage - cosm (89.5)
10. Bitbreaker/Arsenic/Nuance/Oxyron - Butt (80)
11. Jasscat - Party Party Party (69)
12. Jazzcat/DFM - QUACK (43)
13. Commander Spleen/Jimage - THE MAKING OF TILES (25)
14. Style/Foos - Pocket Style (17)
15. Jimage - HALP IT IS WALL (16)


WiLD Demo:

01. Reset Magazine Staff - Reset #05 (145)
02. aday vs jimmage - Cuebasic (123)
03. Aday - Final Government - LiberalDemise (111)
04. Jimage - Keen:Modding (83)
05. syntax all stars - happy birthday cTrix (81)


Newschool Demo:

01. Onslaught - Singularity (180)
02. Desire - Emerald Envy (139)
03. Alex - thingy the second (107)
    fugue - assorted lines (107)


Oldschool Demo:

01. Defame - Roller Scroller 2 (130)
02. sh0ck, darkowl, easy & ctrix - Hello, my name is (114)
03. Onslaught - Surprise Entry (111)
04. Jesder / 0xc64 - SYNTRO (106)
    Funkentstört - TEKSTRO (106)
05. Reset Magazine Staff - I Want To Have A Beer With You At Syntax (77)


Out of compo:

Bruce Lee II Preview by Reset Magazine Staff (Game Preview)
Coloris by Artstate (Intro)
Paper Plane by Reset Magazine Staff (Game)
Schnitzelwelt by Dinasours (One-File Demo)
Vandalism News #63 by Onslaught (Disk magazine)


Syntax Party Crew would like to say thanks for coming, especially people making 
the interstate or international journey! We hope to see you all next year, the
event will be back, bigger and badder than ever before - with your support!

November 2015 - place it in your diary!



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