.______.   ._____.  .___      ____.     .__________________________|\
  ._\|_     |__\|_    |_\|_ /___._/    |/___\|_                           \
  |   /     |    /    |  _/     |       _/    /  partymeister v1.20        \
  |_ /______|   _     |  \      |       |        -------------------- -    /
 _ /_______\____\_____|___\_____|_______|___    ________________________  /
 \/- --_ __---------------------------------\___\--------------------- -|/
     .__  /__    __.         ._     ___.      ____.  __.         .___
  ._\|__\/__/_._/  |/_____._\|_)_._/  _|/__._/    |_/  |/_____._\|_ /______
  |     \/    |    _/     |      |__       |      _/   _/     |  _/       /
  |_    ||    |    \      |      | /       |      |    \      |  \        \_
- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -
         |           Competition.................Graphics           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            01   136 Payback's a Bitch - Forcer/SVatG^TRSi
            02    87 Vihma - CONS / Onslaught

- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -
         |           CompetitionCombined Executable & Oldskool Music           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            01   125 Big Bytes - coda/SVatG
            02    98 They Charged - Punqtured / Fnuque
            03    79 Internal Groove - Brink

- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -
         |           Competition.....................Wild           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            01   132 The one where IC does that thing he does -

- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -
         |           Competition..........Freestyle Music           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            01   101 Dorito Dust - coda/SVatG
            02    94 The Moment of Truth - madbrain
            03    86 Out of reach (@party cut) - CONS / TRSi
            04    70 boeg (atparty short mix) - Jallabert/tjc
            05    66 in the thick of it - aqu
            06    66 See You Soon - Askai
            07    64 Good Days - Mandra Sigma

- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -
         |           Competition.........Game Development           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            01   116 SHAKEjr - Hornet
            02   102 3k FreeCell - Dbug/Defence-Force

- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -
         |           Competition...........Oldschool Demo           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            01   136 Day Trip - Planet Earth
            02   127 DEMOjr - Hornet
            03    90 nascent0 - nascent

- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -
         |           Competition.....................Demo           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            01   153 small beginnings - vrtx
            02   125 Lucidity - Impakt/YouthUprising
            03   104 Super Burrito Legend - SVatG
            04   101 Zerk - RBBS
            05    83 Dots And Memory - Northern Dragons & Bawlz
            06    60 THE DUNGEON - DamageX

- -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -