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.................../                       /...................[OUTLINE 2011]..:
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Oldskool Tracked Music
1    505/  checkpoint^paradox - "Hushrush"                                 
2    dma-sc - "YMetal"                                                     
3    NebulaH - "Crontab"                                                   
4    Dma-Sc - "Hextracked"                                                 
5    xyce - "ses seins"                                                    

Newskool & Streaming Music
1    bstrr / loonies^dub - "daylight dawning"                              
2    izard / inque - "memories"                                            
3    505 - "The Drop"                                                      
4    cerror / dhs - "Ping flood"                                           
5    Numtek - "100 -108 part one"                                          
6    xyce - "Loudline"                                                     
7    Alpha C - "Liquid Crystal"                                            
8    Paulo Malini & Daniel van Baffen - "Supermassive Space Penis"         
9    fugl / perihelion - "en stor vase med en lille pik i"                 
10   Opal / 1DEK - "samplitude, a spice opera"                             
11   (This space intentionally left blank) - "Happiness is Math"           
12   rahsgu / 1dek - "Tsun Tsu Morning on the Day of The Strade Bianche"   

Executable Music
1    Punqtured / Fnuque - "Gouden Eeuw"                                    
2    Numtek - "Learning Curves"                                            
3    NebulaH - "BeepSync"                                                  

1    Reboot - "Fear"                                                       

Pixel Graphics
1    Exocet - "SixLeggedFreak"                                             
2    Ukko/live! - "Mad Lab"                                                
3    illm / apan bepan + G*P - "Team Awesome"                              

Freestyle/3D Graphics
1    farfar / loonies - "Nyonea Under the Stars"                           
2    bob / apan bepan + G*P - "Princess all grown up"                      
3    Deltafire - "Windmills"                                               

1    FiXato / #lobby - "Sn\o/cano"                                         
2    DiamonDie - "Sqrrl"                                                   
3    RA/Paradox - "Cran Sundown"                                           
4    honkey - "Sunset Scheveningen"                                        
5    Farfar - "vinter bjuti"                                               
6    FiXato / #Lobby - "(M|e)ating Out"                                    
7    honkey - "Submarine"                                                  
8    SilverLance - "Fantasmas en la Playa apuntando a la Luna sin Razó® ¡lg
9    honkey - "Sunshie Zippy"                                              
10   Sil_ - "Colours of the Summer"                                        
11   Felice / Lowres - "Milky - needing a hug"                             
12   Okkie - "Lara Croft and the Temple of Sweet"                          

128 Byte Intro
1    TBC - "Ballsy"                                                        
2    Loonies - "Hotbleeps"                                                 
3    Loonies - "Flickerama"                                                
4    Gasman / Hooy-Program - "balls, touching"                             
5    Defjam - "128SYNC"                                                    
6    Arouser / The Whigfield Vanilli Family - "Sweet-tits"                 
7    Shadow/Noice - "Bordersnake"                                          
8    Kudelstaart / Peer (Ruleer) - "Karig"                                 

Realtime Wild Demo
1    deFEEST - "instaFAIL"                                                 
2    bob_er/mec - "unrealised"                                             
3    Tolle - ""                                                            
4    Baami/TSRI - "Magic happens in Eersel"                                

1    Apan Bepan - "Xnitzy && Xnutzi meet the Danish Underpants Brigade"    
2    SNR - "SNR@outline"                                                   
3    Danish Underpants Brigade - "Ren, mild og klar, parat, start!"        
4    Numtek & Rayke & Trio Escobar - "Why does it goes so wrong ?"         
5    xyce & nebulah - "wopwopwop"                                          
6    izard / inque - "Nyan"                                                
7    TUFS - "Outline 2009 Flashback"                                       

PC Demo
1    Guideline - "23"                                                      
2    danish underpants brigade - "itch glitch gebis"                       
3    SNR - "Graphism"                                                      
4    Powerteam - "Speed me up, Scotty"                                     
5    Plek/Bypass - "Poison"                                                
6    Kudelstaart / Peer (Ruleer) - "Dansen maar"                           

Atari ST/800XL Demo/Bootsector
1    Paradox - "Blue"                                                      
2    Tobe / MJJ Prod - "STMP3"                                             
3    baah/(Arm's Tech + Positivity) - "Random Cellular Automaton"          
4    peter/JAC! - "Rottoprojoxl"                                           
5    BITS - "BITS0053-ST-20110531"                                         
6    peter/JAC! - "Cube is my pron"                                        

Atari ST 96k Intro
1    RNO - "Natrium"                                                       
2    Ukko + Dma-SC + baah - "Superstar"                                    
3    The Naughty Bytes - "Lasse Reinboeng"                                 

                                 OUTLINE 2011