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                     `._\     official results v1.0    /_.'
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#  Title                                     author                     #  

_\ Graphics - FreeStyle /_______________________________________________________

1  Tesla                                     Dezha-Vy                   4 
2  Blik                                      Olya K                     2 
3  Girl with sphere                          amabilis                   3
4  Kuvalda                                   Alexander Kuraev           1

_\ Graphics - Handdrawn  /______________________________________________________

1  Keara                                     Himera                     2
2  We r cc party                             sw.I.sn                    4
3  Clouds                                    amabilis                   1
4  Quakekills                                amabilis                   3

_\ 8-bit - ZX Spectrum Graphics /_______________________________________________

1  Crazy Love                                KACuk                      4
2  Schloss Neuschwanstein                    Dimidrol                   1
3  Nether Earth                              Crazy Pixel                3
4  Strong Hold                               Mixer                      2

_\ Music - Tiny MP3 /___________________________________________________________

1  Hope To Meet You                          JeRrS                      1
2  IDExpee                                   Ized                       4
3  Spectrum Infection                        Vodoley                    2
4  24                                        geforce                    3

_\ Graphics - Photo (digital photography) /_____________________________________

1  IMGP0216                                  helga                      11
2  photo1                                    srpspb                     10
3  sacrifice                                 smdmitry                   9
4  photo2                                    srpspb                     12
5  the pig                                   frog                       8

_\ Graphics - 4k Procedural /___________________________________________________

1  klava                                     unc, Ized                  2
2  4d quaternion butterbrot set              unc, Ized                  3
3  opengl_render_test                        xiod/crolyx                4
4  One way road                              Stepanov Andrey            1
5  Oil trader's nightmare                    kraviz/abhorus             5

_\ Wild /_______________________________________________________________________

1  StarWars. Episode 48 - Return to basics.  n-Discovery                3
2  Vera                                      Perspective                2
3  Fuel: Demiurg Chimer                      Slip/Otto Dix              1

_\ Hack video /_________________________________________________________________

1  Easy Hack 4
2  SQL-injection 1
3  Debian OpenSSL Bruteforce 2
4  iPhone under knife  5

_\ 8-bit - 640k demo /__________________________________________________________

1  IMAGE MEGA DEMO                           BioTech Software &         4
2  illusions                                 Screw/OHG                  1
3  dreamers                                  skrju                      3
4  flush                                     milytia+simbols            2

_\ 32k exe music /______________________________________________________________

1  Nova                                      BiTL                       1
2  Dos                                       Preston                    4
3  Narcin                                    Preston                    5
4  Heavy                                     Darkman007/Quite           2
5  Stars                                     jandor                     3

_\ Realtime coding /____________________________________________________________

1  f1ufx                                                                4
2  FL3                                                                  2
3  qeos                                                                 3
4  maos                                                                 1

_\ Realtime sunspot /___________________________________________________________

1  Timur                                                                3
2  fzero                                                                1
3  KostaPC                                                              2

_\ ZX Spectrum Music /__________________________________________________________

1  I'll be remember                          Splinter                   4
2  T-Means (Now pary! edit)                  Splinter + Dj.Denson       5
3  contra-rock                               Megabyte                   3
4  fascinate                                 S.A.V.                     2
5  neponatka2.pt3                            JeRrS                      1

_\ Combined 64k Intro /_________________________________________________________

1  SPHR                                      Darkman007                 2
2  Flat heroes                               7dUMP                      3
3  First                                     Darkman007                 1
4  Outdated                                  f0x                        4
5  Moon mission                              SandS                      5

_\ Combined Demo /______________________________________________________________

1  Speedmachine                              V-Nom                      3
2  welovefox                                 Quite                      4
3  hyvasti                                   skrju                      2
4  kiitos                                    Vittu Girls                5
5  everything was yesterday and it was too late                         1

_\ Realtime Graphics /__________________________________________________________

1  true                                                                 2
2  gleb                                                                 4
3  MaK                                                                  6
4  cyber_maniac                                                         3
5  rest                                                                 7

_\ Realtime Photo /_____________________________________________________________

1  SS858007                                  drpain                     1
2  29082008467                               rizn                       5
3  ilovecc                                   Tails                      4
4  IMG_7544_2                                takedo                     2
5  dv                                        Cyber maniac               3

_\ Realtime Hardware Hack /_____________________________________________________

1  A.Gusakov
2  Dlinyi
3  P.S.Zaharov (voice.el)
3  Arkamax (Artem)
4  Andrey Matyashev
5  Alexander Aleynikov (deer)
6  Konstantin Akmarov

_\ Mobile Demo Compo /__________________________________________________________

Dream Debris (Nokia 3100, S40) - one entry, out of compo

_\ Invitation /_________________________________________________________________

kraviz (kraviz) / abhorus - one entry, out of compo

_\ HackQuest /__________________________________________________________________

1  kyprizel                                           2008-08-31 10:22:20 
2  kot                                                2008-08-31 01:30:23
2  Sunny                                              2008-08-31 01:33:01
3  alexxy                                             2008-08-31 16:58:18

_\ HDD Throwing /_______________________________________________________________

1  Andrey Slavin (Dr.Pain)