    .:::'                        ..............
   .::'      / / /                     `::::::::::::
   ::'      (_/_/_____   _____   _____   _____ `:::::
   :;        /  / ____) / __  ) / ____) / __  )  `::::
   :        /  / /___  /   __/ / (_    / ____/    `:::
   ;       /  / (_) / /     ) / ___)  / /          `::
         _/__/     (_/     / / (_____/ (_           `:
        ( r e s u l t a t  ŻŻ            )           :
_regular kompos...

_demo intro.......
`---1> Laxative effects - Rollin' dice          38 pts
`---2> Elcrew - Get a Grep                      32 pts
`---3> Tulou - Mopedboy                         29 pts
`---4> Traktor - IFY                             9 pts
`---5> 8BitError+CMD - MFD                       4 pts
`---6> Laxative effects - 80th deliverance       2 pts

_musik 4ch........
`---1> Esau / Traktor - Jimmy the world out     55 pts
`---2> Psycreator / Moods^Plateau - Partychicks 35 pts
`---3> Sir silvertape / [Lax] - Du har mustasch 24 pts

_musik chip.......
`---1> Obbe - Folkchippen                       42 pts
`---2> Esau / Traktor - Kwern akk               25 pts
`---3> Wasp / Powerline - Bloetsnoe             24 pts
`---4> Dystop / 8BitError - Baug                12 pts
`---5> Gouafhg / The Gang - Where is the man?    7 pts
`---6> Olle - Chipbodyklet                       1 pt

_musik wild.......
`---1> Esau / Traktor - 04 ww nug               50 pts
`---2> Psycreator / Mds^Plateau - 303Fettfresse 33 pts
`---3> Gouafhg / The Gang - What is left        31 pts

_grafik 8bit......
`---1> Lance / CMD - Rob Bary                   48 pts
`---2> Dalton / Elcrew - Elcrew logo            33 pts
`---3> Malmis / Nature - Blurrgubbe             32 pts

`---1> The Gang - GangED (win/c64 app)          51 pts
`---2> Malmis / Nature - Datavĺld (IFF anim)    44 pts

_surprise kompos..

_fast gfx
`---1> Wasp / Powerline
`---2> -
`---3> -

`---1> Esau                                     12 pts
`---2> Dalton                                    8 pts
`---3> Lance                                     6 pts
`---4> Kungen                                    6 pts
`---5> Pezac                                     5 pts
`---6> Altruist                                  4 pts
`---7> Zeppo                                     4 pts
`---8> Gouafhg                                   3 pts
`---9> Malmis                                    3 pts
`--10> Söta tjejen med huvan                     3 pts
`--11> Fete tysken                               3 pts
`--12> Pumba                                     2 pts
`--13> Fete greken                               2 pts
`--14> Silvia                                    2 pts
`--15> Todi                                      1 pt
`--16> Kakmonstret                               1 pt
`--17> Killen med fin rumpa                      1 pt
`--18> Finländaren                               1 pt
`--19> Yohnny                                    1 pt

     (There was no bathing due to bad weather,
                    but everybody voted anyway)

_TV-Lingo tournament

`---1> Traktor (Bore, Pumba, Esau)
`---2> Nature 2 (Hencox, Instream, (C-frog))
`---3> Amigôteborg (Todi, Wasp, Dalton, Zeppo)
`---4> BFDBBF (Zickbone, Dystop, Lance, Moon)
`---5> The Gang (Fred, Anna, Gouafhg, Ramzeus)
`---6> Nature 1 (Malmis, Pipe)

Team (score)

Round 1            Round 2            Round 3
ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ            ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ            ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ
AmiGôteborg (1100)-TŻŻAmiGôteborg 
Nature 1 (500)-----´    
Traktor (1300)--TŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻTraktor (1200)-TŻ*Traktor*
                Ś                           Ś
The Gang (600)--+--The Gang (700)-TŻŻBFDBBF Ś
                                  Ś         Ś
                   BFDBBF (1000)--´         Ś
                   Ś                        Ś
Nature 2 (1200)-TŻŻiŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻNature2 (200)--´
                Ś  Ś 
BFDBBF (800)----+--´

_that's it!

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org