Fiasko 2k - Official Results

    (Number is the average rating: 1 is the best, 5 is the worst)

  1.  1.256   Expiration                         Peon
  2.  1.962   UPUP                               Vectors
  3.  2.235   Realtime Radiosity 2               Broncs
  4.  2.580   djiicte                            frohikey & b.rosu
  5.  2.605   metamorf                           satori & aural planet
  6.  2.817   Hypochonder                        iNSOMNia
  7.  2.838   BOLT2 Trailer                      SofTek
  8.  2.912   Veza                               kosicky_vyber
  9.  3.089   P.O.E.M                            Carlos
 10.  3.158   La Revolution                      lithe lewd leyman
 11.  3.296   C4                                 eL & boop
 12.  3.453   Vertical Toroids and Horizontal... Horizontal Lamerz
 13.  3.457   Pest                               Optik
 14.  3.823   Ray 32                             Cold Flyback
 15.  3.975   Anca Dlanova                       kosicky_vyber
 16.  4.387   Diky!                              -JP- / Rake in Grass

64K Intro
  1.  1.825   Underground 8 - Retro 2 Metro      crs / broncs
  2.  1.963   Mabinogi                           Terror Opera
  3.  2.112   Genetic                            Hebx2/Velocity & Raist/BvT/Marshals
  4.  2.775   Pipkasoft 2nd Intro                axe & sob / pipkasoft
  5.  3.188   Posun matici                       Tom & Lloyd & Boop
  6.  3.198   Composition nr. -1                 eL & protch
  7.  3.309   Underground 7: Fresh Art From A.   D.Ment / Broncs
  8.  3.468   Winfall                            Rayer
  9.  3.481   HLT                                pAJDA
 10.  3.850   Scroller                           Nula

  1.  2.241   Journey To Zubachar                Panter / Peon
  2.  2.800   nula is full of hope               nula
  3.  2.857   Sad and happy                      Scalex / Bratri v tracku
  4.  2.883   The Code                           Quasimodo / FROZEN GROUND
  5.  3.098   All Great Loves Will One Day...    martin-s
  6.  3.220   titanix trance mutation            mo6 project
(previous 6 entries competed in the second round)
  7.  2.888   Imperator: tractor fractor         Pofider
  8.  2.890   The Story of worlds                Claymore
  9.  3.049   Fantasy 1015                       Radek Sterba / Raster
 10.  3.061   Galactic Imperator                 Norbert Grellneth / NoroSoft
 11.  3.086   Ten seconds                        Trance Jax & MR Fetha
 12.  3.099   It's go back                       Marek Hajek / Grove
 13.  3.205   f1.mp3                             Glass Box project
 14.  3.317   Oceania                            Axe
 15.  3.321   Go                                 Flash / Peon
 16.  3.482   Skoda 120                          Dzinn & Brda / U-chill Section
 17.  3.536   Rep-port: Vejlet vesanu do Prahy   Drain
 18.  3.642   Nastasia Clubbing                  Ambie / CS_Zvuk
 19.  3.728   Chainsaw Brothers 2000             Dogha / U-chill Section

  1.  2.392   HellPoint                          Pep / MaRshalS
  2.  2.432   The Knights of the Dragon          Franky
  3.  2.514   mr. & mrs. 200                     insider tradings
  4.  2.581   Uz neni co rict                    martin-s
  5.  2.680   Awakening                          Pofider
  6.  2.946   fallacy                            dusty / Bvt
  7.  3.068   OCTOPUS                            Axe
  8.  3.371   Pieces of Life                     Gondar / MovSD & Jaydee
(previous 8 entries competed in the second round)
  9.  2.928   Forbidden Fruits                   Royd / Frozen Ground
 10.  3.010   Malfunction                        GameOver / BvT
 11.  3.021   Sahara nights                      Flash / Peon
 12.  3.042   I more than one                    Raist / BvT / Marshals
 13.  3.071   Two minutes after midnight         Radek "Raster" Sterba
 14.  3.071   Viola                              carlos
 15.  3.096   Horizontal Waves                   TDM / HLA
 16.  3.124   to duly fall                       boop / pine
 17.  3.133   Runout                             Amorph / Ruber Talpa
 18.  3.186   Hadovka                            D.Ment / Broncs
 19.  3.196   I Feel You Love                    Jordy
 20.  3.198   Hunt                               Phantom
 21.  3.278   ;-)                                Nula
 22.  3.309   Cipovina                           X-agon
 23.  3.361   Kakao                              Kakan
 24.  3.365   Thirteen/Trinact                   tryhuk
 25.  3.379   Painless                           frohikey
 26.  3.489   I Flow                             Berosh
 27.  3.495   Lyricky Cajdacek                   JP / Rake in Grass
 28.  3.500   Jaro prichazi                      Dzzin / U-chill Section
 29.  3.557   The Mystery of My Attic            Dogha / U-chill Section
 30.  3.567   2bindplace                         peter pea / tetris
 31.  3.598   Alice in Wonderland                Pio & MaX
 32.  3.653   Something                          Alex a.k.a. 7up
 33.  3.785   Nice Andromeda                     Marek Hajek / Grove
 34.  4.081   p05                                hranoll / cs_zvuk
 35.  4.235   Sracka                             pAJDA
 36.  4.340   Corsar                             Pavlik

Raytraced Picture
  1.  1.841   The best place on Earth!           Jupiter / Marshals
  2.  2.058   MIDNIGHT                           sHTiF / iNSOMNia
  3.  2.230   Krutoslava                         Koza
  4.  2.310   CD-R                               JackAL
  5.  2.310   Svicen                             Rayer
  6.  2.581   Sentinel                           Mylee  / Engine
  7.  2.625   Overclock Machine                  Vystavel Lubomir
  8.  3.103   SGI                                Mata / Terror Opera
  9.  3.271   Challenger                         AD
 10.  3.279   Whisky                             Cyberproject
 11.  3.337   The Angel of Thunder               Cyberproject
 12.  3.635   Zatisi s ocima na stopkach         Carlos / Downtown
 13.  3.774   poldi                              nula
 14.  3.849   rayt640                            D.Ment / Broncs

256B Intro
  1.  1.857   poledne - dot - com               cpoc / Broncs / Downtown
  2.  1.922   Mandelbrot Is Possible            Dement / Downtown
  3.  1.989   DARKNESS                          subz3ro
  4.  2.033   txtquake                          andril
  5.  2.467   FireFrac                          xb
  6.  2.527   Mzitky_v_ocich_po_rane_kladivem   Black_DS / DDT
  7.  2.591   BurnWind                          Serzh / SerzhSoft
  8.  2.670   CZ Flag                           pAJDA
  9.  2.731   Shadow                            Bob!k
 10.  3.185   Terminate Stay President          Vasek H. / Broncs
 11.  3.233   06081945                          ToM / Terror Opera
 12.  3.333   Silnice (only 63 bytes)           Carlos / Downtown
 13.  3.483   Carlos Is Possible                Carlos / Downtown
 14.  3.544   Pixel uprostred obrazovky         nula
 15.  4.154   Roznovska radioaktivita           Drain & Mata

4K Intro
  1.  2.156   VOXELRUNNER                        subz3ro
  2.  2.852   Alley Cut                          crs & nula
  3.  3.338   HIP-HO-TIZE                        vertical sm;)e
  4.  3.377   minidino                           andril
  5.  3.948   DanielSoft Intro                   DanielSoft
  6.  4.013   LineWorld                          pAJDA
  7.  4.243   Duch cat (only 704 bytes)          carlos

Pixeled Picture
  1.  1.493   God's Whip                         Temny / Osiris
  2.  1.862   Jamiroquai                         scape / MiST
  3.  2.231   OUR ANCESTOR                       sHTiF / iNSOMNia
  4.  2.484   BierHaus                           Sam / Cult
  5.  2.554   Black Lady                         Lukasek
  6.  2.571   evil                               Bumper / Marshals
  7.  2.641   Sun_tree                           Drd / MaRshalS
  8.  2.754   vobloha                            Havl / Marshals
  9.  2.810   "FiASKO: 06:00"                    pixie / horizontal lamerz
 10.  2.909   Bad Religion                       Magic / TLG
 11.  3.227   SQUARE - terrestrial radiation     HUGE / 3SC
 12.  3.277   Velka Haluz                        Kombajn
 13.  3.576   arcade: minimalism in gfx          nula
 14.  3.738   Znamka...                          Vystavel Lubomir
 15.  3.821   Eurotel Go                         Rayer
 16.  3.985   Smysl zivota                       Dogha / U-chill Section
 17.  4.045   Poutnik                            Carlos

32K Module
  1.  2.458   silly cziptun makker               nula
  2.  2.762   Butterfly                          Flash / Peon
  3.  3.030   Slush XM                           carlos
  4.  3.269   Vengeance                          Pep / MaRshalS
  5.  3.433   Gianni Versace                     martin-s & Jura Orava
  6.  3.507   Little Huddle                      Pofider
  7.  3.530   Dark stream                        Amorph / Ruber talpa
  8.  3.794   Medley                             Blue Zone
  9.  3.941   p02                                hranoll / cs_zvuk
 10.  4.090   Pulpatternak                       Dement / Downtown

8K Module
  1.  2.123   Metalsrot III.                     Pofider
  2.  2.313   8k-moloch                          X-agon
  3.  2.595   Slimy creepin' snail               GameOver / BvT
  4.  2.662   lameness                           nula
  5.  2.802   Nothing isnt so bad                dusty / Bvt
  6.  2.949   chinatown                          axe
  7.  3.000   The Watery Whey Of Whimsy          Kakan
  8.  3.185   Simple 8                           Amorph / Ruber talpa
  9.  3.244   (noname)                           Lucas Buck
 10.  4.130   7885                               Pavlik

Wild Picture
  1.  2.015   vosajev death                      Raist / BvT / Marshals
  2.  2.299   List                               Zuzi
  3.  2.348   UFO - basic model                  My Chal I.
  4.  2.456   floweret                           Bumper / Marshals
  5.  2.478   i am fiasko                        Oweron / Marshals
  6.  2.561   Phantasy                           Magic / TLG
  7.  2.871   Ryba                               Lukasek
  8.  2.877   trip                               Slik / Marshals
  9.  3.194   Selmy                              crs / broncs
 10.  3.507   pupet                              filipes
 11.  3.667   Tangodrom                          D.Ment / Broncs
 12.  3.809   3 Dancers                          Kombajn
 13.  4.161   Black Hand                         Syner  / Engine
 14.  4.441   Black Screen                       Axe

  1.  1.790   had^kole                           Carlos / Downtown
  2.  2.122   Mask                               Axe
  3.  3.704   scene.cs                           nula
  4.  4.287   "fiasko" label                     lahve / horizontal lamerz

  1.  1.534   Z polovnickej kapsy                Syky / 20th Syky Pictures
  2.  2.689   XYZ                                Shakul
  3.  3.027   jsem prilis sexy                   Woid / Marshals
  4.  3.267   Vitani SOC                         mata & drain & john
  5.  3.280   Poblion                            Freedomak & crs
  6.  3.446   Hrad k.o.                          Freedomak
  7.  3.552   Tunel                              Carlos
  8.  3.554   Hugo's Revenge                     TDM / Horizontal Lamers
  9.  3.757   Black Jack                         Slik / Marshals
 10.  4.378   Meet Her At The LoveParade         KF Systems
 11.  4.600   m-Now!                             Mata / Terror Opera

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