Multichannel music from NAID '96. Where possible, final release versions are

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included _NAID96.MDZ file.

aa-grape.xm     "Grapefruit Glow" by Aahz & Atlantic/Carcass            #6
abandond.s3m    "Abandoned Heart" by The Dead Vulcan
ackooii.s3m     "Ackoo 2" by The Hornet                                 #20
attempt.xm      "First Attempt" by Prokrastinator/Infotech
bee07.s3m       "Bee 7" by GD/Hornet
blue.s3m        "Blue Delusion" by Vector & Crow/Vertigo
bny-prop.xm     "Prophecy" by Benoit C./NOISE
burden.s3m      "Burden" by Smeg/Terraformer
cages.s3m       "Crystal Cages" by Cyclone/Intra
celtdr3m.s3m    "Celtic Dreams" by Darkheart/Digitalus
cliche!.s3m     "Cliche!" by The Tick
dh-pofot.xm     "Party On Funk-o-tron" by Dynamic Harmony/Carcass       #1
dragon.xm       "Verses for Dragon" by Sin & Kain     "The Inner Light" by Delta-X/NOISE                      #9
ela-time.xm     "Elapsed Time" by Styves/Nucleus
envol.s3m       "Envol" by Matju/Trimaje     "Demon's Pride Remix" by Future Assassin/Mystique       #3
fallacy.xm      "Fallacy" by Porus                                      #19      "Bob" by Le Barman/Surrounders      "Ground Zero" by Van Halen/NOISE                        #11
gw-69d.s3m      "69-DIAN" by Grubwerm     "Monolith" by Harry/NOISE                               #5
hell.s3m        "Helloween" by Deks/Inca Master
im-limo.s3m     "Limonades Groove" by Iron Man/ACiD
incam.mod       "Inca Master" by Muad'Dib/Inca Master
inhal.s3m       "Intro to Hallucination" by (author unknown)
intrigue.s3m    "Intrigue" by Darkwolf/Terraformer                      #13        "Irish Without Suggar" by Drutten     "Kroitsfeld Yarkov" by Stote     "Entropy" by Ara/Satire
k_gout.s3m      "Le Gout Qui Dit Tout" by Floss/Kosmic
k_mg.s3m        "Minorglide" by Mental Floss/Kosmic                     #12
lbbnaid.s3m     "Desert Sands" by Lord Blanka/Terraformer               #7
lem-iwdf.s3m    "(I Wanna) Dance Forever" by Liam the Lemming/Mach One  #14
mj_sf.s3m       "Stormfront" by mJan
moodgard.s3m    "Moodgarden" by PGM & Vastator/Team #coders
moskito.s3m     "Moskito" by The Dead/Inca Master     "Ellipsis" by Mysterio/HPK      "Wiretrip" by Morbius/Dreamscape
naidcom2.xm     "Kannissa" by Kal Zakath/Carcass
natetan.xm      "Natetan" by InTense/Carcass
p3-eastv.s3m    "East of Vancouver" by The Pope/Mistigris+IS
pain96.s3m      "Pain 96" by Mayhem & Absalom/Carcass                   #2     "Bombs from the Loser" by Phatboy/HPK
playgrnd.s3m    "The Playground" by Replay/Carcass       "Advanced Placement" by Perisoft/Capacala
putter.s3m      "The Putter In My Ass" by Gravel/Synergy+Krac-5
reign.xm        "Reign" by Toc/Krac-5                                   #16
rg-tides.s3m    "Rise of the Tides" by Rhythm Greene/Immortal Coil      #18
rm-hyper.xm     "Hyperactif" by Rimbo/Lucid
scarab.s3m      "Desperation" by Scarab
snk.xm          "S.N.K. Acidz" by NoLuck/Infotech
somwhere.xm     "Somewhere in My Heart" by Saxy & Miss Saigon/XX     "Stigmata" by Phoenix/Kosmic
summer.xm       "Summernight Fantasy" by Vivid & Spieg/Radical Rhythms      "Tears 2: Jade" by Mosaic/Renaissance                   #8
thelight.xm     "Come to the Light" by Mellow-D/FM                      #4
thesnuh.xm      "The Snuh" by Sketch the Cow
thetrip.xm      "The Trip" by b0b/Chill+Mazurka
trance.xm       "Trance" by Onyx      "Tubular Symphony" by Rems/Inca Master
u-make.xm       "U Make Me Weak" by Evolution/ACiD                      #10
unforg10.s3m    "Unforgotten" by Vizz/Force Ten                         #17
u_abs(n).xm     "Abstraktd" by Balrog/Kosmic+Ultrabeat       "The Path Taken" by Vegas/Mystique                      #15
vanity.s3m      "Vanity" by LakEEE/Craw Productions
vanpoint.xm     "Vanishing Point" by Mesonyx
vb-naid.s3m     "Into the Groove" by Vibrance/Iguana
viewpast.s3m    "A Distant View of the Past" by The Zapper!/Force Ten
warcraft.s3m    "Warcraft" by Fred/Terraformer+Fuel        "Warriors of the Rising Sun" by Jimmy Superfly/USED
wpikitup.s3m    "Pick It Up!" by Warp/Surrounders
zip             all files in .ZIP format

- Phoenix