ДДґ This text comes from IMPHOBIA Issue X  -  June 1995 ГДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД

           NAID DEMO REVIEW           
NAID took  place  in a suburb of Mont-
real,   Canada  over  Easter  weekend.
There  were  ten entries  in  the demo
competition. All delivered the message
that America  does have people who can
code well rounded and original demos. 
The demos reviewed here  have been re-
leased and can be found  at ftp.cdrom.
com  /demos/party/naid/1995    if  the
demos have been relocated  by the time
this diskmag comes out.               
FIRST PLACE:   Opticron :  Tome of the
Impossible by Craw Productions        
As an attendee of  NAID  I was able to
see all the demos presented. After se-
eing  all  the entries  I walked  away
feeling  this one  was  the best.  And
what  do you know,  so did the judges.
Soft music,  decent graphics  and most
of all  ORIGINALITY  helped  this demo
stand out.                            
Craw presents us  with the credits  in
sync with music  and the building of a
picture--B/W  which placed in the gra-
phics  compo.   Out pops  a book shelf
which  we scan horizontally  until  we
come  to OPTICRON.   The pages of this
book turn and tell us a story. Vectors
and  other interesting effects  appear
within  the pages  of this book.   The
story finishes,  the pages reverse and
the book closes.    It and other books
from  the  bookshelf  fly  into  a sun
which glows brightly.                 
Don't  look  to this demo for new  and
amazing effects because you won't find
any.  What you will find is a soothing
demo which literally tells a story.   
THIRD PLACE:    FLIGHT                
BY:             Kosmic                
Run this demo on a 386DX40 like I have
and you'll probably fall asleep--okay,
it's not as bad as SUPERUNKNOWN but it
is very slow. A GUS with IRQ < 7 (Doom
GUS problem sound familiar)  and EIGHT
megs of  RAM  will help  this demo run
"Vote  for our demo  or we will  crush
your head!"  Is a phrase used  in this
demo  with  a person's head    (Wayne?
from Wayne's World) bouncing around on
the screen.   There is also a "techno"
section,  landscapes,  ICE vectors,  a
glenz face  and best of all  MORPHING.
The long  and quick  MORHPING  section
likly helped this demo place third.   
The code was too slow  and most routi-
nes throughout the demo have been seen
before.   Great (of course) music  and
quick morphing are what keep this demo
THERE WERE a few other demos  that did
not place in the top  THREE  that were
very good.   So, let me voice  my opi-
nion on these next two productions.   
UNKNOWN PLACE:  Technon               
BY:             Core                  
This demo wins my vote for the closest
thing  to Project Angel by an American
group.   Yes, this demo is  80% vector
objects:  spaceships flying around va-
rious  scenarios,  a vector spider and
the  for  the finale the  CORE  vector
world.  Even ran excellent on my 386DX
An  amazing production  by  two people
from  the United States.   Give  these
guys a decent musician  and a graphics
artist  and  they  will  be  the  next
"Renaissance" of the US.              
UNKNOWN PLACE:  EDEN                  
BY:             Psychic Monks         
Ever  read the book 1984?   Well, this
demo has "George Orwell" and  big bro-
ther  all over it.   Maybe some  would
even go  so far as  to  compare it  to
Pink Floyds "The Wall."               
This demo  is all  B/W  graphics  with
"words" which keep being cycled on the
screen.   Stuff  like  "Power,  greed,
death" and messages like  "Master life
in the video temple" make this quite a
strange demo.  The music by Necros al-
so adds to the industrial feel.       
If you have ever seen movies like Era-
sure Head  or  Metropolis  and enjoyed
them then this demo is a MUST have. It
is kick ass in my book.  Numero Uno in
delivering a powerful message.        
Though  not yet  released  I recall Da
Cheeze Brigade's demo  having the most
"Europeanish" feel to it. Perhaps that
is why  it was voted #1 by the public.
I as well  as the others in attendence
were surprised  at the overall quality
of demos released  at NAID -- all were
good and some were excellent.  Perhaps
the future holds more  ORIGINAL  demos
rather than demos with effects. I sure
hope  so,  especially  here in  the US
where one eye watches the TV while the
other watches the computer monitor.   
-Pallbearer/Hornet/Toxic Zombies