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      \  !!!!!!!  !!  !!!  !!!!!!!  !!!    !!       !!!!!!!   !!!!!!  \\\\
         !!  !!!  !!  !!!  !!  !!!  !!!    !!!      !!  !!!      !!!
         !!  !!!  !!  !!!  !!  !!!  !!!     !!!!!!  !!  !!!  !!!!!!   

  Please note that this party is 100% legal.  No member of Anarchy will be
  responsible for illegal sofware present at this party.  Persons who wish
  to bring illegal software do so at their own risk.

  This  textfile  gives  some  important information about our forthcoming
  party  and  the  the  events  taking place on the day.  This information
  would  have appeared in the form of an intro, but this looks unlikley at
  this  present  time.   We  would  be  grateful if you could include this
  information on your packdisks and other releases. 

  Location etc.
  The party place is:-
                         "The Civic Hall"
                          Station Road
                          South Yorkshire

  The party date is 4th April 1992 (04/04/92).  Times - 10:00 - 23:00

  The  price of addmission into the party is 4 Pounds, if you are ordering
  tickets  by  mail,  the  charge is 3 Pounds.  Tickets are available from
  either of the following addresses:-

  Party'92! Tickets               Party'92! Tickets
  9 Back lane West                49 Kirkstall Road
  Royston                         New Lodge Estate
  Barnsley                        Barnsley
  South Yorkshire                 South Yorkshire
  S71 4RZ                         S71 1RS
  England                         England

  Remember, if you are paying your  admission fee  on the door the charge
  is 4 (Four) pounds. If you are paying for  tickets  by  Cheque or Postal
  Order then please make them payable to "M.Hellewell", and make sure that
  all ticket applications reach us by the last day of March 1992 (31/4/92)
  Admission is free to persons outside the United Kingdom.
  Those  bringing computer   equipment  please   remember  to  bring power

  A licenced bar will be open from 11am to 11pm.
  Food will  be available from several extremley local shops, supermarkets,
  Cafe's,  Restraunts,   Burger-Bars  etc. An  order   will   be taken for
  Burger  &  Pizza   during  the  day  and delivered  to  the party place. 
  An Anarchy member will take your order during the course of the day.

  Party!'92 will have EIGHT prize competitions.
  The Demo Competition, The Graphics Competition, The Music Competition
  and  a  'Realtime'  Music  contest.   As a replacment for the "Kick-Off"
  competition we have devised 4 new contests that ANYONE can take part in.
  We  beleive  that it shouldn't just be the coders, artists and musicians
  that get the chance to  compete.  The details of these competitions will
  be anounced at the party. 
  Try to have your entries for the competitions finished for the party.


   The Demo Competition
   The Demo competition rules are as follows.
   (1) Your demo must run on a standard Amiga with no more than 1MB of
   (2) There is no limit to the number of productions a group may enter
       into the competition, but only one demo per coder is allowed.

   (3) Your demo must give  17 Bit Software exclusive shareware rights.
       Seventeen Bit are sponsoring the demo  competition, and donating
       the demo competion prize  money.  So please rememember to make a 
       statement in your demo to the above effect.
   The Music Competition
   The Music competition rules are as follows.
   (1) You may use ripped samples but 'pattern ripping' will give
       disqualification from the contest.      
   (2) Your tune must not exeed 256k, we dont want samples albums!
   (3) Make your tune executable. If you cant we'll do it for you.

   The Graphics Competition
   The rules for the Graphics competition are as follows.

   (1) All pictures must be compatable with Deluxe Paint IV.

   (2) Digitized entries will be disqualified.

   (3) All resoloutions are allowed. HAM is allowed, but no raytracing.

   The 'Realtime' Music Competition
   The rules for this contest are as follows.
   (1) Each entrant will be given an identicle set of 16 samples
       and NoiseTracker/Protacker.
   (2) A maximum of four hours will be given.

   (3) The whole tune must be made during this 4-Hours. You can
       bring nothing with you.

   The graphics, music and realtime-music, competitions will be judged
   by Anarchy. The Demo competition will be judged by 17 BIT Software.

   Anyone found to be abusing the party place will be thrown out. We will
   not allow  stickers or  graffiti on any  walls.  Posters  are allowed.
   Anyone who attemps to  cause trouble  or  disturb the  general  smooth
   running of the party will be  thrown out, but we think people  are far
   too sensible for that.                               Have a great day!
                                                              Judge Drokk.
   R·E·Ð зE·V·I·L Ø·F зU·A·L Ç·R·E·W is a very nice fellow......