_ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
 _ _:_\              ____       ____      _____      ____             /_:_ _
    |             ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_              |
    |            _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__            |
    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |               ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM  ÷                |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |         AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC)       |
    |       ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3)     |
    |                     THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii)                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |       LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SiCK OF iT ALL (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS)       |
    |    VORTEX (AMiGA) ÷ PHUNK (ASCii) ÷ 1OO PERCENT (AMiGA/ASCii)     |
    |           TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ MOST VALUABLE PLAYAZ (MUSiC)          |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM                |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES             |
    |                                                                   |
    |           2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET            |
    |                                                                   |
    |                        STATiC TELNET iP                           |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |       ZANER/LFC^BK^AHS^A!^SOiA -/- DiPSWiTCH/BK^A!^AHS^1OO%       |
    |         HASH/AHS^PZK^SOiA -/- NiNJA/PDX^HS  -/- MOOL/AHS          |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·

                 ______ ___    _________ ________ ________
           ______\    /____)___\__     /_\_     /_\   ___/____
           \    _/   /     |     /    /   /____/_  \____     /
            \   \    \     .    /    /          \      /    /
            /____\____\ ___|___/    / ___________\ _________\
                              /_____\ cRu/1oo

         stAFF: [sAiNT]^rSE · tHAlER^X! · [-rKr-]^lFC · sTEEL^lFc

           aMiGA * coNSolE * poRNo * mP3 * iBM   [o-2 dAY oNlY]

        4 nODes iSDn 64k * 2 nODes 56k * 3 nODes 64k stAtiC tElNEt

           oNE oF tHE fAStESt iN gERMANY · 01-Oct-99 · 15:02:52
             _______    ____                    _________ _________
        _____\_    /____\   \ ___________ _____/\     ___\\__     /
        \     /___/    _/   /    __     /     /  \    \     /    /
         \   /    /    \    \    I/    /     /    \    \   /    /
         /________\ ____\____\ ________\ ______/\_____ /__/    / 

                  _       __.    ______.                    _
           _ _ __ ¾ _ __ _) l___ \     l__ _ _ _______ __ _ ¾ __ _ _
           :\\\\  ¾ ¾   \\  .__/--\   ._   \ / ._    //   ¾ ¾  ////:
           |      ¯ ¾   _\  !/        !/    /  !/___( _   ¾ ¯      |
      drn! |        ¯   /___/     ____/     __ /    __\   ¯        | lp!
           !     ________   `----'    `----'  `----'          _.   !
          _______\_     /___.                     _.    ______\!_____
         _\       ._    _  _|_____ __________ ____\!____\           /_
     < - /______  l/  __\____.    \\  ._    //          ____      ___\ - >
           .    `----' /___ /!  ___   !/___( ___      __\   `----' .
           |               /---'  /__  \   __\  `----'             |
           !  _______.               `----'         __.            |
      ________\ __   l______    ________  ._________) l___   ____. !
      \   ._   \ /  ._   _ /____\_     /--l _      X  .__/___\  _|______
      _   !/____(   !/    /      ._   /     /     _   !/      )___.    /_
      /__  \   _____/     _____  l/  ___    \-----\___/     ____ /!  ___\
         `----'     `----'     `----'   `----\        `----'    /---'
           ¡                                                       ¡
           |       - >  t h e   a s c i i   c h a r t s  < -       |
           !_ _                        _                        _ _!
           :////____________________ _ ¾ _ ____________________\\\\:
                                     ¾ ¾ ¾
                                     ¾ ¯ ¯
                .  [   e d i t i o n  a u g u s t  1 9 9 9   ]  .

                     ____.                         _
                ___ |    |  ____         ________ / \__
              _\\_ \|    |_\\ _/___  ____\      //   _//__
            _/    \ \    |    ____/_/    ()     _\____    \_
 __         \      \ \_  |    \/                     /     /                __
-\//---------\      \    | _        _          _ _        /----------------\\/-
              \\____|\___|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/nD!

  Dear Ascii-fanatics !

  I'm quite dismotivated to write something... xCZ wrote some ugly shit about
  TAC in his newest colly. Well but more about it in the next issue because
  here is only place for 08/99 collys.

  There are no great news this month besides that aEROSOL is kickin' quality
  harder than ever. Kick it, guys !

  - Dipswitch / Main Editor

    ____.        ____   .________   ________.   ____      ______     _____
   _\   |      _\\ _/__ |       /_:_\       | _\\ _/__  _\\___  \_  /   _//__
 _/   __|_____/    ___/_|______/  :  \______:/   ____/_|   _    _/._\____    \_
 \    \            \    |    /    :    \    |    \     :   \     \|     /     /
--\    \/     _         |   /     :     \   |_         _    \     \          /-
   \_____    / \_______/'  /_____/:\_____\  ` \_______/nD--- \     \\_______/
         \__/                     :                           \____/

  This time only a quote from a colly of Acid/k0RE. I think there's no need
  to comment this one big time, jus thanks to Acid for this kind of moral
  support. Especially now when so many guys are against our aims...

  >        i'm not against english like azzaro seems to be.  i'd
  >        like  to  say  i  disagree,  when it comes to his war
  >        against  dipswitch  and  "the ascii charts" staff.  i
  >        think  his  way  of behaviour is a bit childish.  i'm
  >        not  going  to  say:   "fuck  you, german pigs, learn
  >        polish  or  die!".   i'm  also  not going to call you
  >        fascists or hitler jugend or something...  but on the
  >        other  hand  i don't want to be called "fuckhead, who
  >        pack  his  collies  into lha archives".  sorry, guys,
  >        i'm  don't  have an access to the bbs scene and don't
  >        know  how  my collections look like after i send them
  >        to madbart (archived using lha to gain some bytes!).
  >                    the  next  problem  -  a  resolution.   i  wonder why
  >                    neurodancer was surprised at the resolution i use all
  >                    the  time.   he wrote in "tac" he watched collections
  >                    with   800x600   and   wrote  that  my  logos  looked
  >                    horizontally  compressed.   it's obvious that 640x256
  >                    is  the  normal  screen  resolution!   or  perhaps...
  >                    poles  are once again different to the rest?  hmmm...
  >                    i'm   also   able   to  watch  ascii's  in  the  high
  >                    resolution, but in my opinion they look shitty.
  >        personally, i wish good luck to "tac" and need to say
  >        i  respect  "tac"  staff's work.  stop the wars guys!
  >        don't we have them too many nowadays?

  over to the reviews...

  - diP/a!

      ______     ______      _______. \  _/   ______      _______.  _____
   __\\__   \_ _\\  __/_ .___\      |__\___._\\  __/_ .__\\      | /   _//__
 _/    _/   _/     ____/_|    \     |      |    ____/_|    \     |_\___     \_
 \     \     \     \     `     \   _|      |    \     `    /\         /      /
--\     \     \ _        /\       / | _    | _        /\         __         /--
   `---- \     \\_______/  \_____/  `-\____|-\_______/  \__/\___/  \_______/nD!

Author tags & emails:

       -dKS!     =    Darkus/Aerosol          -  darkus@amigascne.org
       diP/a!    =    Dipswitch/Arcade^1oo%   -  d_switch@yahoo.de
       nD!       =    Neurodancer/1oo%        -  neurodancer@gmx.de
       sw.       =    Spermwhale/Twilight     -  janinafrostell@hotmail.com
       zNr/a!    =    Zaner/Arcade            -  zaner@gmx.net

    The following articles represent just the opinion of the single writers,
  not of the whole TAC crew. No member of the TAC crew can be made responsible
                     for something another TAC member wrote.

---( let's start with reviewing..!

   ......................................           fiLENAME: crz-rev3.txt
   :                                    :               dATE: 05/08/99
   :      - REvOLUTiON #3 by cRAZy -    :             aRTiST: Crazy
   :            - o5.o8.|999 -          :                tAG: -cRZ
   :....................................:              gROUP: -
                                               hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
                                                    fiRST oN: The Yard
       kEEP tHE sPiRiT oF aSCii aLiVE!

  Well we all know Crazy's collies... Exactly the same guest logos and design
  that he used back in '94 and the same style as in '94. But that makes Crazy's
  collys so nice-to-look nowadays. Crazy is a old guy and remembers the old
  days, and you can see that. Well, Crazy you could perhaps make thoughts about
  a new design...=) But newertheless I enjoy looking his collies...
  I think you all know Crazy's style, so I don't have to paste a logo in here.
  - diP/a!
  ______ ___     ______________
  \     / _/____/__         __ \ ____               fiLENAME: k0-phant.txt
 l_______          \ ___________\\___l                  dATE: 04/08/99
._____  /___________\  _________ _ ___.               aRTiST: Kempy
|    /________ _ __  __\              |                  tAG: km!/k0
|                                     |                gROUP: k0re
|     'phantasma' by kempy/kore.      |        hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
|                                     |             fiRST oN: The Sect
|  not-cosmic ascii journey, blah...  |
|__                                 __|

  Nice, nice... Perhaps you can't understand me, but I sometimes think that
  Kempy is a kind of polish Mortimer...=) His letters are quite unreadable, but
  still have proportions, and his ascii men and stuff is just GREAT !
  I LOVED that "Join our forces" robot at the end of the colly... Kempy,
  wouldn't be a nice idea to bring out a colly only with ascii figures and
  such things ?  I'm looking forward...
  - diP/a!

      . _______   . ________  .  ______
   ____\\_     )___\\_      )__\(___  /__
__\\    _|  __/_    _|   __/_     ______//_         fiLENAME: kkz-atc.txt
\       \_     //   \_      //    \_      //            dATE: 05/08/99
/________|    /______|     /_______|_______\          aRTiST: Dwarf
 .Ab/Punk|______|    |_______|            .              tAG: dwf
_:      \ ( k i l l k r a z e d)  /       :_           gROUP: Killkrazed
\________\\---------------------//_________/   hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
\----------\     [o5/o8/99]    /-----------/        fiRST oN: The Yard
/_                                        _\
 |   .  a B O V e t H e c L O U D s  .    |
 |                                        |
 |__________  .  d W A R f  .  ___________|

  I don't think that I have to write much about this. Dwarf's style hasn't
  changed a bit, and several people as Sperm Whale, Zaner and me wrote enough
  about his style. Nothing against Dwarf, he's a very nice guy on IRC and
  a very enthusiastic TY caller, but he should overthink his style ideas,
  as I wrote several times earlier.
  - diP/a!

  _____. _______ ______ _____. ____  _____
._\__  |_\_    /_\ _  /_\__  |_\_  \_\ __/_.
|  _/     /  _/    \_/   _/     /     _\   |        fiLENAME: a!-stup.txt
|  \_     \   \_    \    \_    /           |            dATE: 08/08/99
|___|___   \___/__________|________________|          aRTiST: Dipswitch
«------|____|tGø---------------------------»             tAG: diP/a!
                                                       gROUP: Arcade
                              "straight up!"   hiS cOLLY nO.: 15
                       dipswitch/a!^ahs^1oo%        fiRST oN: The Yard


  Well., Something new from me again... Just some experiment with a straight,
  a bit 2fAST-like style... If you are a member of a Ami/PC demo- or warez-
  group, than check this colly - there is for sure some diz for you !
  - diP/a!

       -(·  ARCADE PRESENTS  ·)-
\/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::             fiLENAME: a!-mill.txt
                                                        dATE: 08/08/99
     -(·  m i L L E N N i U M  ·)-                    aRTiST: Crazy
                                     _                   tAG: -cRZ
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\/                gROUP: Arcade
                                               hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
(· o8.o8.99 ·)--(· crazy/arcade^trsi ·)             fiRST oN: Acid Slam

  Quite the same style/design as in crz-rev3.txt. Just nice. The only
  negative thing are these far-too-big dividers.
  - diP/a!

 |          ____  ____      ____          |         fiLENAME: asl-dtc.txt
 |___.______\_ /__) _/______\  /______.___|             dATE: 14/08/99
 |¾¾¾|      _.  / \_____._ / _/       |¾¾¾|           aRTiST: Darkus
 |¾¾¾|      \|  \       |/ \ \        |¾¾¾|              tAG: -dKS
 |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|            gROUP: Aerosol
 |·AeRoSoL pReSeNt tHeIr ReBiRtH rElEaSe!·|    hiS cOLLY nO.: 39
 |           ·DaRe To ComPaRe·            |         fiRST oN: King's Crown
 |       ·! bY dArKuS / aErOsOl !·        |
 |                                        |
 `----[÷] ·VoLaTiOn & dOmInAtIoN!· [÷]----'

  The announced-to-be-back Aerosol is finally kickin' their first colly in
  '99. Well, the normal Darkus quality...=) He's for sure one of the most
  skilled artists of today. This file is for sure worth leeching. (To all you
  swappers, don't forget to order this file from your contacts !)
  - diP/a!

          ____  ____      ____   -dKS!
___.______\_ /__) _/______\  /______.___
¾¾¾|      _.  \ \_____._ \ _/       |¾¾¾            fiLENAME: asl-ltb.txt
¾¾¾|      \|  /       |/ / \        |¾¾¾                dATE: 14/08/99
¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯              aRTiST: Mute
   |  aEROSOl  gives  you  in  '99  |                    tAG: mute
   |                                |                  gROUP: Aerosol
   |       lISTEn tO tHe bEAt       |          hiS cOLLY nO.: 17
   | by                        mute |.-\            fiRST oN: The Yard

  The second Aerosol'99 colly. It's not that averenge colly because all the
  logos are names of musicans, labels and music groups. It's for sure a funny
  idea to show his musical taste through a colly (it's a shame I don't have
  the time for doing the same;(). I'm asking myself who could use that logos,
  but newertheless it's pleasant to view...
  - diP/a!

    __________  ______       _________
- -/    _    /./     /______/        /-----·        fiLENAME: asl-fwb.txt
  /     /     |_           /.       /.     |            dATE: 16/08/99
 /      \_____:/____________|________:     :          aRTiST: Native
/________|--------------------------t^-----:             tAG: n7v!aSL
|                                          |           gROUP: Aerosol
!  "" THE FIRE IN WHICH YOU BURN SLOW! ""  |        fiRST oN: The Yard
|_           _ _ ___________ _ _          _|

  Aerosole released like mad that month... For those who didn't realise that:
  Native = Dezibel/ex-Arcade !
  He strikes back in his usual quality... Well, IMHO the bigger letters of
  Dezibel, which he did aroung Jan'99, look better than his small-scale stuff,
  but that's a question of taste... The colly is great designed, as usual...
  Get it !
  - diP/a!

    ____             _____         ___
  _\\_  \_ - ------ _\_  //___ _ _\\  \___
 /   /   /          \_ \_     \  \     \  \         fiLENAME: a&bm-e99.txt
/   _   /  a! & bM!  /  /     /  /      \  \            dATE: 23/08/99
\___\___\ _________ /_ /_____/_ /______ /__/          aRTiST: Ave/Lordchaos/Dip
«-diP/a!-----------------------------------»             tAG: ave|bm lo! diP/a!
 ÷ a R C A D E  &  b L A C K  m A i D E N ÷            gROUP: Black Maiden/
   ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯  ¯  ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯  ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯      hiS cOLLY nO.: -        Arcade
liVE aT eVOKE'99 bY aVE/lORD cHAOS/diPSWiTCH        fiRST oN: The Yard

  This colly is in first line for those who missed the great party spirit at
  Evoke'99 in Langerwehe/Germany. I had great fun there, besides some great
  guys like Cyclone/Abyss and Acryl/Scoopex, I met there Ave from Black
  Maiden, who was one of the organizers, and guess who ? The one and only
  Lord Chaos, ex-member of Shoot and Whale and long time Lightforce's private
  asciimaker. So we three decided to do this funny piece of data... Nearly
  all the logos were made at the party place; I had an "Ascii Request" sign
  at my table and did asciis for many partypeople... It was really great fun !
  Get this to catch some party spirit..;)
  - diP/a!

           ___            ___  ___
         _( _/_____ _____(_ /_l   Y
________Y          Y    ___   ____|                 fiLENAME: la!-lodz.txt
        l___________    (/____l___|                     dATE: 18/08/99
                   l____/         |                   aRTiST: Thung/Azzaro
                                  |                      tAG: tg!.lA! az0!/sea
      "live at lodz" from linear! |                    gROUP: Linear
   made by thung and guest azzaro |            hiS cOLLY nO.: -
__________________________________|_                fiRST oN: The Sect
 [18/08/1999]                     | Y

  Very nice cooperation !  Thung is IMHO one of the most skilled polish
  ascii artists, and I'm even quite satisfied with Azzaro's new style...
  Check this example:

   ____       _.       _____                 _.
 _(  _/____ _( l____ _(   _/_      _______ _( l________ ___ __ _
Y  ___     Y   __   Y    ___ )__ _( __    Y   __
l___)\    _l___(/___l_____)/    Y   \_____l___(/_______ ___ __ _
      \___)               /_____l____\     tG!.lA!
                                _.       _____                 __.
            _ __ ___ __________( l____ _(   _/_      _______ _(  l_____
                                 __   Y    ___ )__ _( __    Y    ___   Y
            _ __ ___ ____________(/___l_____)/    Y   \l____l____(/____l

                      ____ |      ____ |      _____|_
                     .\  /_|____ .\  /_|______\  __|/___
                     |    _|___/_|    _|          _|___/_.
                     |_____|     _____/|    _______|     |
                          /|_____|   /_|____\     /|_____|
                           |           |           |
                _____|_     ____ |      _____|_         _|_____
               .\ ___|/_____\  /_|______\  __|/___ .____\|____ |
               |     |          _|          _|___/_|     | \_/ |
               |_____|__  ______/|    _______|     __    |_____|
                    /|____\    /_|____\     /|_____|/____|\
                     |           |           | az0!/sea  |
                ____ |      _____|_     _____|_          | ____
               .\  /_|______\  __|/___ | ____|/__________|_\  /.
               |    _|          _|___/_| \_/ | ___   ___ |     |
               |____/|    _______|     ______|    \  \_/_|_____|
                   /_|____\     /|_____|    /|_____\_____|\
                     |           |           |           |

  I'm not very satisfied with Thung's "S", but his style is all-in-all very
  nice, readable and stylish in one. Though I think his style in his previous
  colly was much better - what's up, Thung ?  Azzaro's style is also quite
  ok, i dislike the "R" and the "D" but this lines in the middle of the
  letters make the logo look quite nice.
  - diP/a!

  _____. _______ ______ _____. ____  _____
._\__  |_\_    /_\ _  /_\__  |_\_  \_\ __/_.
|  _/     /  _/    \_/   _/     /     _\   |
|  \_     \   \_    \    \_    /           |        fiLENAME: a!-crush.txt
|___|___   \___/__________|________________|            dATE: 23/08/99
«------|____|tGø---------------------------»          aRTiST: Crazy
     -/ a R C A D E  p r e s e n t s /-                  tAG: -cRZ
                                                       gROUP: Arcade
                 "cRUSH 99"                    hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
                                                    fiRST oN: The Yard
            by crazy on 23.o8.99

  Crazy's Style looks like a mixture of about everything, and then again not.
  I mean... although this is nothing spectacular, I do like it. A lot of his
  logos have this "oldschool" flavour as I feel it, simple but somehow
  stylish and still readable logos. I might have seen on or the other single
  character in other's artists work, and one or the other character might
  need improvement to really make the style look "round" and "worked out" or
  whatever you might call it, but... well, maybe thats my very own taste, but
  its still nice looking stuff. Somehow. :)
  - nD!

        ______ ______   ____
  ______\    //   __/__/    /____
  \_    /   _ \__     _    /     \_                 fiLENAME: asl-2vs.txt
.--/   /____\    _____\\_____     /--.                  dATE: 28/08/99
|-/¡__/-----/¡___\------ -B-/¡___/---|                aRTiST: Blue
|                                    |                   tAG: -B-
| AEROSOL'99 / bLUE - "2020 Visions" |                 gROUP: Aerosol
|                                    |         hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
`------------------------------------'              fiRST oN: Spaced Out

  Oh behave... this is a nice one. This is the "I find a similarity" here
  special trade weeks, so... this one looks a little bit like Rasta/e^D, and
  so... what? Nothing. Its nice, partly even readable, and its stylish. If
  Crazy/Arcade would use Blue's work as an inspiration, it would be equally
  good I'd say... Blue does what Crazy lacks a bit. A consistent style with
  stylissimo, well, you know what I mean.
  - nD!
 ._______ .         _             _
 |      -\|---------\//-----------//_:_
 |_                                  |              fiLENAME: asl-wne.txt
 ./   [native:theworldisnotenough]   |                  dATE: 29/08/99
 |                _ ______ _ _ ___   |                aRTiST: Native
 |  1999.08.29    \ ___    __//  /  _!   __              tAG: n7v!aSL
 |               _\\__ )_ (  /__/_ ( |____ !           gROUP: Aerosol
_|__   n7v!asL  /_   _  /_ \_._  /_  |_  /_    hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
 : //____________!___//  |   |_   /___//  l         fiRST oN: The Yard
                    `----l____//   l `----'
 [ Aerosol^1999 ]      \/    `-----'

  Well, it's pretty the same style in asl-fwb.txt, but of course worth
  leeching as every Native/Dezibel colly... I think I needn't to say nothing
  - diP/a!
___       .....____       .....__________
   \  ____:   :    \  ____:   : ___     /
   \\/    :   :    \\/    :   :  \/____/___         fiLENAME: warrior.zip
    \/    :   :     \/    :   :   \/      /             dATE: 14/08/99
_____\    :   :______\    :   :_          \           aRTiST: Mark Ryder
   /______:   :  mR!/_____:   :/___________\             tAG: mR!
- --------:...:-----------:...:----------- -           gROUP: Mimic
                                               hiS cOLLY nO.: ?
        MARK RYDER oF MiMiC PRESENTS                fiRST oN: The Yard
          " t h e  w a r r i o r "

- ---------------------------------------- -

  It really surprise me to see an oldschooler like Mark Ryder at Mimic.
  And it's a pitty that the collection is best viewed under Microsoft's
  edit.com and so not every Amiga scener can enjoy this colly at its best.
  I have the "luck" to own a PC with edit.com, so i could enjoy this really
  nice piece of art. It is built in the way that if you scroll it with
  PgDn with edit.com, you have a kind of animation effect, like logos appearing
  bit-by-bit and so. Hard to explain...=) You know, it's like a cartoon movie,
  where a move is built with many pictures, so here you have e.g. 10 pages
  for a title logo, and each of them has a new detail, so when you scroll
  really fast, it seems to be a kind of animation. Nice idea !
  The only disgusting thing is that Mark disses some (unknown to me) PC
  scener on the last 10 pages. I think Mark is old enough to not care about
  such shit, so why he does this ?
  All in all a very nice thing, not only for PC guys for sure !
  - diP/a!

    _____       ____.
    \  _/  ___ |   _|________     ____       _____
   __\___.\\_ \|   \:       //_._\\ _/___  _\\__  \_
 _/      |   \ \    \______/   |    ____/_/    _   /
 \       |    \ \_  |    /          \         /    \                        __
--\ _    |     \    |nD!/      _ _        _   \     \----------------------\\/-
   \\____| _   |\___|  /______/ \\_______/ \---\     \
          \\___|                                \____/               _
                             _______:  ____.  ____        _________ / \__
 iNTERVIEW wiTH vOUCK/a!  ___\      |__\___|_\\ _/___  ___\       //   _//__
                        _/    \     `      |    ____/_/    \      _\____    \_
 __                     \      \/  _       |    \          /\          /     /
-\//---------------------\ _      / \ _    | _        _          _ _        /--
                          \\_____/   \\____|-\_______/ \___/\___/ \\_______/

diP: How long you have to do with computers ? What was your first contact
     to a computer ?

vK!: My first Computer was a C64 as i was ehhh 10 years old exactly in 1990.
     Later i got an Amiga500+, Amiga1200 + Amiga4000. I'm only using Amiga.

diP: How did you get in touch with with the modem scene ?

vK!: I began to call a local Board named "The Junction" ... in 1994

diP: When did you start drawing asciis ? Tell us about you ascii career
     til now (years,groups etc.) !

vK!: I started doing ascii as i started to call "The Junction". Origin name
     was "Devine Intervation", later "The Gathering and now "The Junction".
     That name was btw my idea :)
     I've been in following groups: LookerHouse, Altern, different homegroups
     like "Arid Weed" eh Twilight. Yeah, these are (??) maybe all

diP: You still own an amiga and draw on it ?

vK!: Only Amiga only CED, only DPaintV ...

diP: What became out of the aRiD wEED project which you announced some time
     ago ? Is it officially dead ?

vK!: huh... damn i didnt expected that question. You have to know i started
     ALOT of own groups but i'm a lousy organizer. It was actually planed
     to be a REAL group, but due the fact that i did some pc/linux shit at
     the same time i forgot the group totally. After that i totally stopped
     any pc activity because its the badest machine ever; even when a uni*
     clone works on it. Sorry, its my opinion.

diP: What do you think about the developement of the ascii scene in 1999 til
     now ? Do you think it's rather a decay or a rebirth ?

vK!:In the beginning of ascii there were alot of "hey you stole my style" wars.
     Nowadays everyone just say "hey he stole my style but i dont care" ...
     I dunno if its a development but that decreasing interests for ascii
     makes surely a better and easier mood in the whole scene.
     There is surely a development in the ascii scene. After that long black
     hole of nothin else idleness more people continue her work. Thats what
     i call development.

diP: Are there some ascii artists which came out in the past two years who
     you really respect ?

vK!: Huh, respect. Thats a big word. I respect people by their character.
     Ascii artists are no girls, so i dont care about her face/style. :)
     I respect B aka Nup! Tommy... huh past two years. Zaner is quite cool
     guy, always somehow dense and he's a worthy rupper! ("rupper" means
     in eastgerman-slang something like a partyman.

diP: In last time there are many quarrels about readable vs. "unreadable"
     style. What's your opinion ?

vK!: I can't read my style again since i began to draw in 1994. Any
     questions? :)

diP: Do drugs inspire an ascii artist ?

vK!: Hahahahaha... hu, hi... you ask the right person - believe me. But
     truely you dont want to draw asciis when you have crystal in the butt,
     tickets in the brain and becks in the liver. I wont draw ascii on a
     fine E. :)
     But indirectly you can say YES. Check "Qu'est le trafiquant de drogue?"

diP: Who are your absolute ascii favorites ?

vK!: Everyone in the scene except me has a ugly style. ;)
     Damn, i'm so funny today...
     No, as i already told: B, Tommy, me ... no stop. As you see i can't
     be serious. I respect persons JUST by her character. B and Tommy,
     Threaz are quite funny people.
     Listen, if i dont like your style of talking, if i think that you
     can't party enough then you'll surely feel it. When i dont like you,
     then i dont talk to you. Fact! Makes sense, or. So i dont have ascii
     favourites, just people that i dont like.

diP: Wanna greet some people ?

vK!: Sure. Dinkiwinki, Dipsi, LahLah, Po ... and even NohNoh ... and my
     girlfriends tasty pussy. Igor Zanerski for sure, Crazy, Surfing, Nup,
     Tommy, Dipswitch, Xcluziwe, Neurodancer, CP!, CountDan, all in Drifters,
     all in PhaseD, all in Arcade, all in Style. All everywhere.

vK!: Something against if I ask a question to me?

diP: Come on !

vK!: Are dots more "stylish" than regular ascii?
     Yes! They are are.

diP: =)... Thanks for the interview !

vK!: Np! :)

                          _____.                         _
      ______     _____   |     |  _____       _____     / \__      _____
   ___\__   \_ __\ __/__ |     |__\  _/__   _\\__  \_  /  __/__  __\  _/__
 _/   __/   _//    ____/_|     |    ____/__/   __    \_\____   \/    ____/_
 \    \      \     \     \     |    \           /          /         \     \_
--\    \      \ _        /     | _        _    /     __         _ _         /--
   \----\      \\_______/|     |\\_______/ \--/_____/  \_______/ \\________/
         \      \        |     |      ____     _        _____.
          \_____/        |     |      \  /    / \__    |     |
                         |     |    .__\___. /   _/__ _|     |_
   rELEASE liST          |    _|____|      |_\____   \\__  ___/___
                         |    \     |      |     /     |   \      \_
-------------------------| _   \_   _ _    | _         nD!  \      /-----------
                         `-\_______/ \\____|-\___     /\\_____    /
                                                 \___/        \__/
  U  P  D  A  T  E  :
.-- jULY 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| drn!gbye.txt | goodbye                    | daeron    | -       | 30.07.99 |
  R E L E A S E  L i S T  0 8 / 9 9 :
.-- aUGUST 1999 - -   -     -
| filename     | colly title                | artist    | crew    | date     |
| k0-phant.txt | phantasma                  | kempy     | k0re    | 04.08.99 |
| crz-rev3.txt | revolution #3              | crazy     | -       | 05.08.99 |
| kkz-atc.txt  | above the clouds           | dwarf     | kkz     | 05.08.99 |
| a!-stup.txt  | straight up !              | dipswitch | arcade  | 08.08.99 |
| a!-mill.txt  | millenium                  | crazy     | arcade  | 08.08.99 |
| asl-dtc.txt  | dare to compare            | darkus    | aerosol | 14.08.99 |
| warrior.zip  | warrior                    | mark ryder| mimic   | 14.08.99 |
| asl-ltb.txt  | listen to the beat         | mute      | aerosol | 14.08.99 |
| asl-fwb.txt  | the fire in which you ...  | native    | aerosol | 16.08.99 |
| la!-lodz.txt | live at lodz               |thung/azzaro linear  | 18.08.99 |
| a&bm-e99.txt | live at evoke'99           |ave/lo!/dip|arcade&bm| 23.08.99 |
| a!-crush.txt | crush'99                   | crazy     | arcade  | 23.08.99 |
| asl-2vs.txt  | 2020 visions               | blue      | aerosol | 28.08.99 |
| asl-wne.txt  | the world is not enough    | native    | aerosol | 29.08.99 |

                  _____.   c H A R T S  1 9 9 9 !   _____.       _
        _______  |     |        _____     ______   |     |      / \___
      __\  ___//_|   __|___   _\\__  \_._\\__   \__|     |_    /   __//__
    _/     \     |  \\__   \_/    _    |   _//   /\__  ___/__._\____     \_
    \                  /          /        \     \ |   \     `     /      /
-----\_ _        :    /     :    /     :    \     \nD!  \               _/---
       \\_______/`---/     /`---/_____/`-----\     \\_____    /\_______/
                     \____/                   \____/      \__/
                                                               .--last place
                                                               |    ..*
             -  /  -     c   h   a   r   t   s   '   9   9    .|. .:.
                                                               ·   ·
* moving        1.  arcade (a!)           -  23  collections  (2)  +
since last
issue:          2.  sative mea (sea)      -  22  collections  (1)  -
+ = up
- = down        3.  kore (k0)             -  14  collections  (3)  0
0 = constant
                4.  killkrazed (kkz)      -   8  collections  (4)  0

                5.  1oo% (1oo)            -   7  collection   (4)  -
                    remorse (r)           -   7  collections  (4)  -

                6.  aerosol (asl)         -   5 collections   (-)
                    black maiden (bm)     -   5  collection   (6)  0
                    low profile (lp!)     -   5  collections  (5)  -
                    mimic (m)             -   5  collection   (6)  0
                    style (se)            -   5  collections  (5)  -

                7.  phunk (pnk)           -   4  collections  (6)  -
                    save our souls (sos)  -   4  collections  (6)  -

                8.  inhale (ih)           -   3  collection   (7)  -
                    element (e)           -   3  collections  (7)  -
                    linear (la!)          -   3  collections  (8)  0
                    off world (owo)       -   3  collection   (7)  -
                    zetec (ztc)           -   3  collections  (7)  -

                9.  faction (ftn)         -   2  collections  (8)  -
                    mo'soul (m's)         -   2  collections  (8)  -
                    pro arts (pa!)        -   2  collection   (8)  -
                    tasg/tesg             -   2  collections  (8)  -

               1o.  die kranken bomber (dkb)  1  collection   (9)  -
                    extreme arts (ea)     -   1  collection   (9)  -
                    jedi arts (ja!)       -   1  collection   (9)  -
                    shrimps design (shd)  -   1  collection   (9)  -
                    sublime (sub)         -   1  collection   (9)  -
                    up rough (up!)        -   1  collection   (9)  -
                    katharsis (kts!a)     -   1  collection   (9)  -

mail your comments to: asciicharts@hotmail.com

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ·  _                __                _  ·
 :       ÷ tHE aSCii cHARTS 08/99 ÷       :
 :         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯         :
 :     tHE aUGUST iSSUE oF tHE cHARTS!    :
 :      fEAT. iNTERViEW wiTH vOUCK/a!     :
_:____                                 ___:_

       _____ /\     _____  dip/a!     _____
 ____ /    //  \ ___\    \ ________  _\  _/________
 \   /    //    \    \    \    ____/\  \_____     /  k i N G S  c R O W N
 /___\____\      \ ___\____\ __\_____\ ____ /    /
 .------ /________\ ---------------------- /    / --------------------------»
 :                                        ·    ·
 : [·] o-2 dAY oNLY ! [·] aMiGA · cONSOLE · mP3 · pC · xXX [·]
 : [·] 8 fAST nODES [·] dA tEAM: [sAiNT]^rSE · tHAlER^X! · [-rKr-]^lFC [·]
 : [·] tELNET iP: 212.108.aSk.4iT [·]  ____ __________  ___       _____
 :                           _____ __ _\_ /_\_      _/_/  /____ __\    \
 : [·] cLOSED sYSTEM [·]     \  __/  \  /    /     /  /    /  /    \    \
 :                           /__\____/__\____\\    \__\____\__\ ____\    \
 `-------------------------------------------- \  / --------------- /    / -»
    · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN fUCKiNG gERMANY ·   \/ dip/a!          ·    ·

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.5 By A¡Rcø]

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \   ahs.bgirl.arcade.srz.tac.asl.lfc.bk.lp! |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  up.soia.pnk.omn.mce.1oo.vtx.pvm.mvp HQs |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
consoles.amiga.graffiti.mp3 ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
ascii.mp3.modules.chiptunes |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
classicgames.linux.drugs.dd :_  t^/____/   _.  one of the finest in +49!  |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
                                       _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet