Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/mass as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX 01-98-mac-assistant.hqx **** From: steve@macassistant.com Subject: 01-98 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter Here is the January 1998 issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter. This is a great newsletter that actually helps you use your Mac better. If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. This month the tutorials are: € Using Fetch 3.03 € Using Internet Address Detectors € Monthly OneClick tutorial The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. Subscriptions are only $12.00 per year and also allows you access the the MacTalk mailing list. This is a great place to get yor questions answered very quickly. By the way, this is a full issue so everyone can see what it is like. Sincerely Steve Mack #### BINHEX 07-97-mac-asst-tips.hqx **** From: macasst@MIS.Net Subject: 07-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the July issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last two years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. Some of the other benefits of the newsletter are: - Membership in the private MacTalk Mailing List - Membership in the MacAssistant Online User Group - Great offers and discounts on hardware and software - Monthly OneClick Tutorial written by WestCode Software - Monthly HTML Tip of the Month - Special pricing for User Group Newsletter Editors - Members favorite web sites Past tutorials have included Clarisworks, Launcher, Arranging your Hard Disk, Formatting of Hard Disks, Fonts, Apple Menu Options, The Black Art of SCSI and many more. Future tutorials will include Mac OS8, Setting up a network at home, Using PlainTalk, Hard Disk Partitioning, Using the Scrapbook, Claris Emailer, and others at members requests. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information for those that register. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. No other software is needed. #### BINHEX mac-assistant-97-06.hqx **** From: macasst@MIS.Net Subject: 06-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter This is the 26th issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last two years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. A special thank you is extended to all of those wonderful people who have subscribed and become members of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial User Group. The newsletter has undergone drastic changes since the first issue was published in May of 1995. New this month is the MacTalk mailing list which is a private mailing list to subscribers at no extra charge. Next month, I hope to add a new monthly section to the newsletter that will aid many more users. If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Members are also eligible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. ****************************************************************** This months article is "Setting Up Netscape Navigator Preferences ****************************************************************** The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. More information is being added each month for subscribers along with our fellow user group members favorite internet sites. This is a shareware product that has even more information for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. No other software is needed. #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tip-04-97.hqx **** From: macasst@MIS.Net Subject: 04-97 MacAssistant Tips This is the 24th issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last two years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. A special thank you is extended to all of those wonderful people who have subscribed and become members of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial User Group. The newsletter has undergone drastic changes since the first issue was published in May of 1995. New this month is the MacTalk mailing list which is a private mailing list to subscribers at no extra charge. Next month, I hope to add a new monthly section to the newsletter that will aid many more users. If you haven't subscribed yet, please look over the newsletter carefully. I feel that it is an extraordinary value for $1.00 per month. Now is the time to get in on the ground floor of the MacTalk mailing list. The MacTalk mailing list is not restricted to any one particular subject. It is a great way to learn about new software, places to visit on the Web and to getting help with your problems or questions concerning Macs. The MacTalk mailing list is available to members only. If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Members are also eligible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. This months article is "Using Apple's Hard Drive Formatting Software" I am now adding various articles that would be of interest to many of my readers from the Apple Technical Information Library. Also, I have added links to each of Apple's major web pages on the internet. There are over 75 links here alone. #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tip-05-97.hqx **** From: macasst@MIS.Net Subject: 05-97 MacAssistant Tips This is a full issue!!! If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. New this month is a monthly tutorial on using OneClick from WestCode Software. This is a great program. Included is a special offer. Next month, we will continue with more tutorials along with the new monthly tutorial on using OneClick. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Members are also eligible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. This months article is "Customizing ShortCuts in OneClick" #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-95-07.hqx **** Subject: MacAsst Tips/Tutorial Back Issues From: Steve Mack <macasst@galileo.mis.net> Here are the back issues of my hot new newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". The first issue was published on America OnLine in May of 1995. This archive contains all of the shareware versions from May to the October issue. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. It includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a fascinating download well worth the time. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! This newsletter will be posted here each month. Hopefully, the administrators will soon create a directory dedicated my newsletter to make it easier for all to find. Since, I now have an internet account, I have been able to drop the shareware price to $12.00 for delivery via internet email. Steve Mack MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-95-08.hqx **** Subject: MacAsst Tips/Tutorial Back Issues From: Steve Mack <macasst@galileo.mis.net> Here are the back issues of my hot new newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". The first issue was published on America OnLine in May of 1995. This archive contains all of the shareware versions from May to the October issue. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. It includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a fascinating download well worth the time. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! This newsletter will be posted here each month. Hopefully, the administrators will soon create a directory dedicated my newsletter to make it easier for all to find. Since, I now have an internet account, I have been able to drop the shareware price to $12.00 for delivery via internet email. Steve Mack MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-95-09.hqx **** Subject: MacAsst Tips/Tutorial Back Issues From: Steve Mack <macasst@galileo.mis.net> Here are the back issues of my hot new newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". The first issue was published on America OnLine in May of 1995. This archive contains all of the shareware versions from May to the October issue. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. It includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a fascinating download well worth the time. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! This newsletter will be posted here each month. Hopefully, the administrators will soon create a directory dedicated my newsletter to make it easier for all to find. Since, I now have an internet account, I have been able to drop the shareware price to $12.00 for delivery via internet email. Steve Mack MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-95-10.hqx **** From: MacAsst@aol.com Subject: MacAssistant Tips & Tutorial Here is my current issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter. It is a shareware newsletter targeted at the novice to intermediate users. Steve Mack MacAssistant macasst@aol.com #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-95-11.hqx **** Subject: 11/95 MacAsst Tips/Tutorial From: Steve Mack <macasst@galileo.mis.net> This is the latest issue of the hot new newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. It includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! Steve Mack MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-95-12.hqx **** From: (Steve Mack) macasst@galileo.mis.net Subject: MacAssistant Tips 12-95 (Reposted to replace a missing file) This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. The tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-01.hqx **** Subject: 01-96 MacAssist Tips/Tutorial From: Steve Mack <macasst@galileo.mis.net> This is the latest issue of the hot new newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". This month the newsletter has been upgraded to DocMaker 4.5.2. This new release of the famous document software from Mark Walls of Green Mountain Software has given me the ability to add some new features to this newsletter. Since there have been many changes to the newsletter this month, I have distributed this full issue to all normal sites where my shareware versions are located. New to this issue are hot links via NetScape to some critical Macintsoh Web Sites and new software releases from various sources. This feature is mainly intended for those people that have full internet accounts. However, there are some very useful URL's for those that do not have separate internet accounts. You can manually type these into your browser. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. It includes many tips about using your Mac and even a puzzle when you need to take a break. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This issue has a fasinating article on Working with Fonts. This article will explain to you the differences in the various types of Fonts currently available . This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! Steve Mack MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-02.hqx **** From: (Steve Mack) macasst@galileo.mis.net Subject: MacAssistant Tips 2-96 (This is reposted to replaced a damaged file) This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. ********************************************************* This months article is "Using the Launcher" ********************************************************* The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. The tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-03.hqx **** From: Steve Mack, macasst@galileo.mis.net Subject: MacAsst Tips 3/96 This is the latest issue of the hot new newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". This month the newsletter is dedicated to making that first internet connection. What software is needed and the other items that you need to know before connecting for the first time. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. It includes many tips about using your Mac and even a puzzle when you need to take a break. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. Enjoy!!!!!!!!! _________________________________________________________________________ Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> Subscribe to the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter _________________________________________________________________________ #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-04.hqx **** From: (Steve Mack) macasst@galileo.mis.net Subject: 04-96 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. ********************************************** This months article is "Using Apple's Extensions Manager" ********************************************** The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-06.hqx **** From: macasst@galileo.mis.net Subject: MacAssistant Tips June 96 This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. ********************************************** This months article is "Using Conflict Catcher III" ********************************************** Now subscribers automatically become members of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial User Group. With membership in the user group you will receive discounts on software, the newsletter delivered to your electronic mailbox each month and a source of help and assistance for your Mac. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. Steve Mack MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-07.hqx **** From: (Steve Mack) macasst@galileo.mis.net Subject: July MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the latest issue of the hot international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. ***************************************************************** This is a full issue for your enjoyment. ***************************************************************** This months article is "What is inside the Control Panels Folder" ***************************************************************** Now subscribers automatically become members of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial User Group. With membership in the user group you will receive discounts on software, the newsletter delivered to your electronic mailbox each month and a source of help and assistance for your Mac. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> Subscribe to the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter Check out my new web site. Let me know what you think!!! #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-08.hqx **** From: macasst@galileo.mis.net (Steve Mack) Subject: MacAssistant Tips 08/96 This is the latest issue of the hot international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. ********************************************************* This months article is "What is inside the Control Panels Folder" Part 2 ********************************************************* Now subscribers automatically become members of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial User Group. With membership in the user group you will receive discounts on software, the newsletter delivered to your electronic mailbox each month and a source of help and assistance for your Mac. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> Subscribe to the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter Check out my new web site. Let me know what you think!!! #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-09.hqx **** From: macasst@galileo.mis.net (Steve Mack) Subject: 09-96 MacAssistant Tips This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. New this month, the MacAssistant User Group. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this new online user group. Meetings will be held on AOL and via the Internet Chat Lines. Members are also elegible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. ********************************************** This months article is "Contents of the Extensions Folder" ********************************************** The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials plus an occasional puzzle. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. The tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-10.hqx **** From: macasst@galileo.mis.net (Steve Mack) Subject: 10-96 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Meetings will be held on AOL and via the Internet Chat Lines. Members are also elegible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. ***************************************************************** This months article is "Contents of the Extensions Folder Part 2" ***************************************************************** I am now adding various articles that would be of interest to many of my readers from the Apple Technical Information Library. Also, I have added links to each of Apple's major web pages on the internet. There are over 75 links here alone. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. More information is being added each month for subscribers incuding the Members Helping Members program along with our fellow user group members favorite internet sites. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-11.hqx **** From: macasst@galileo.mis.net (Steve Mack) Subject: 11-96 MacAssistant Tips This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Meetings will be held on AOL and via the Internet Chat Lines. Members are also elegible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. ************************************************** This months article is "Using the Views Control Panel" ************************************************** I am now adding various articles that would be of interest to many of my readers from the Apple Technical Information Library. Also, I have added links to each of Apple's major web pages on the internet. There are over 75 links here alone. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. More information is being added each month for subscribers incuding the Members Helping Members program along with our fellow user group members favorite internet sites. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> Subscribe to the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter Check out my new web site. Let me know what you think!!! #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-96-12.hqx **** Subject: 12-96 MacAssistant Tips From: (Steve Mack) macasst@MIS.Net This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Meetings will be held on AOL and via the Internet Chat Lines. Members are also elegible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. ************************************************** This months article is "Setting up and Configuring OT/PPP Software from Apple ************************************************** I am now adding various articles that would be of interest to many of my readers from the Apple Technical Information Library. Also, I have added links to each of Apple's major web pages on the internet. There are over 75 links here alone. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. More information is being added each month for subscribers incuding the Members Helping Members program along with our fellow user group members favorite internet sites. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. _________________________________________________________________________ Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> _________________________________________________________________________ #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-97-01.hqx **** Subject: 01-97 MacAssistant Tips From: (Steve Mack) macasst@MIS.Net This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial". If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Meetings will be held on AOL and via the Internet Chat Lines. Members are also elegible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. ************************************************** This months article is "Using Mail Merge in ClarisWorks 4 ************************************************** I am now adding various articles that would be of interest to many of my readers from the Apple Technical Information Library. Also, I have added links to each of Apple's major web pages on the internet. There are over 75 links here alone. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. More information is being added each month for subscribers incuding the Members Helping Members program along with our fellow user group members favorite internet sites. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a Docmaker application. NO other software is needed. _________________________________________________________________________ Steve Mack MacAssistant Consulting MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial <http://www.mis.net/mac/> _________________________________________________________________________ #### BINHEX mac-assistant-tips-97-02.hqx **** From: macasst@MIS.Net Subject: 02-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the latest issue of the hot new international newsletter "MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial." If you are looking for ways to use your Mac more effectively, you need to download this one. If you are tired of wading through all the reviews of software that you will probably never use, the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter will not disappoint you. Each issue is packed with useful information that the majority of people can actually use. I am now accepting credit cards. Read the enclosed "How to Subscribe" document for more info!! Everybody that subscribes automatically becomes a member of this online user group. Meetings will be held on AOL and via the Internet Chat Lines. Members are also eligible for discounts on software and hardware. If you do not belong to a Macintosh User Group then join ours! Get many of the benefits of user group membership for only $12.00 per year. The MacAssistant User Group is registered with the User Group Connection. This month the article is the first of a series on building your own web pages is enclosed in its entirety. I am now adding various articles that would be of interest to many of my readers from the Apple Technical Information Library. Also, I have added links to each of Apple's major web pages on the internet. There are over 75 links here alone. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. More information is being added each month for subscribers including the Members Helping Members program along with our fellow user group members favorite internet sites. This is a shareware product that has even more information and tips for those that register. This is a short, fascinating download well worth the time. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. NO other software is needed. #### BINHEX macassist-tips-09-97.hqx **** From: steve@macassistant.com Subject: 09-97 MacAssistant Tips This is the September issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last two years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. Some of the other benefits of the newsletter are: - This month's tutorial was Using The Scrapbook - Included is a special tutorial on using Quicknote - Also included this month is a MacTalk highlights article - Membership in the private MacTalk Mailing List - Membership in the MacAssistant Online User Group - Great offers and discounts on hardware and software - OneClick Tutorial on Editing Icons written by Mark Brooks of WestCode Software - Special pricing for User Group Newsletter Editors - Members favorite web sites - MacAssistant Web Site located at: http://www.macassistant.com Past tutorials have included Clarisworks, Launcher, Arranging your Hard Disk, Formatting of Hard Disks, Fonts, Apple Menu Options, The Black Art of SCSI and many more. Future tutorials will include Mac OS8, Setting up a network at home, Using PlainTalk, Hard Disk Partitioning, Claris Emailer, and others at members requests. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information for those that register. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. No other software is needed. #### BINHEX macassistant-tips-08-97.hqx **** From: steve@macassistant.com Subject: 08-97 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the August issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last two years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. Some of the other benefits of the newsletter are: - This month's tutorial was Formating and partioning your Hard Disk with Hard Disk Toolkit - Membership in the private MacTalk Mailing List - Membership in the MacAssistant Online User Group - Great offers and discounts on hardware and software - Monthly OneClick Tutorial written by WestCode Software - Special pricing for User Group Newsletter Editors - Members favorite web sites - MacAssistant Web Site located at: http://www.macassistant.com Past tutorials have included Clarisworks, Launcher, Arranging your Hard Disk, Formatting of Hard Disks, Fonts, Apple Menu Options, The Black Art of SCSI and many more. Future tutorials will include Mac OS8, Setting up a network at home, Using PlainTalk, Hard Disk Partitioning, Using the Scrapbook, Claris Emailer, and others at members requests. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information for those that register. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. No other software is needed. #### BINHEX macassistant-tips-3-98.hqx **** From: steve@macassistant.com Subject: 03-98 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial This is the March 1998 issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last three years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. Some of the other benefits of the newsletter are: - Membership in the private MacTalk Mailing List - Membership in the MacAssistant Online User Group - Great offers and discounts on hardware and software - Special pricing for User Group Newsletter Editors - Members favorite web sites This month is a three part tutorial on using URL Manager PRO. Learn how to get your bookmarks in order using this great piece of shareware. Past tutorials have included Clarisworks, Launcher, Arranging your Hard Disk, Formatting of Hard Disks, Fonts, Apple Menu Options, The Black Art of SCSI and many more. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information for those that register. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. No other software is needed. #### BINHEX macassistant-tips-4-98.hqx **** From: steve@macassistant.com Subject: 04-98 MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial With this issue, we have completed our third year of publishing the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter. I would like to thank everybody for their support over the years and I am looking foward to many more years of publishing the newsletter. This is the April 1998 issue of the MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial. Over the last three years we have covered many topics relating to becoming more productive with your Mac. Also, literally hundreds of tips have been published to assist our members. Some of the other benefits of the newsletter are: - Membership in the private MacTalk Mailing List - Membership in the MacAssistant Online User Group - Great offers and discounts on hardware and software - Special pricing for User Group Newsletter Editors - Members favorite web sites This month is a tutorial on how you can become a MacExpert Past tutorials have included Clarisworks, Launcher, Arranging your Hard Disk, Formatting of Hard Disks, Fonts, Apple Menu Options, The Black Art of SCSI and many more. The MacAssistant Tips and Tutorial Newsletter only has tips and tutorials. I do not do reviews in this newsletter. While reviews are useful, I feel that a newsletter that actually tells you how to use your Mac more effectively is much more useful to the novice and intermediate users. Each issue includes many tips about using your Mac. The tutorials are accompanied by graphics that help to understand the article. This is a shareware product that has even more information for those that register. This month's tutorial article is available to subscribers only. This newsletter is distributed as a DocMaker application. No other software is needed.