Abstracts from files in info-mac/gui/ks as of Sun 12 Dec 2004

#### BINHEX     acme-10.hqx   ****

From: wmartin@teaser.fr
Subject: Acme 1.0 Kaleidoscope Scheme

Acme 1.0 is a beautiful grayscale Kaleidoscope scheme developed to fully 
take advantage of the functions of Mac OS 8.5. It comes complete with 32 
bit-color icons, desktop pictures, and an 8.5 sound set. You need to have 
Kaleidoscope 2.0 or better installed on your computer, but it will run on 
any machine with Mac OS 7.1 or better installed.

Thank you,

Billy Martin

#### BINHEX     alaska-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Alaska Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Alaska Kaleidoscope scheme" on your recent additions apge.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     alliance-suite.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: Alliance 2.1.2

Alliance is a K2 enhanced color scheme for use with the Kaleidoscope
control panel. It is based upon my Star Trek fan club The Drakmärian
Alliance International. Within the next few months look for Alliance II
(the total K2 remodeling of this scheme)

Strive to be different...

#### BINHEX     amethyst.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Amythest kaleidoscope Scheme

Let glowing purple jewels dazzle your desktop with this kaleidoscope
2.0+ scheme.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     ancient-scrolls-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Ancient Scrolls" for K2

Ancient Scrolls is a color  scheme with an Egyptian feel.   It has
scroll-shaped K2 windows, disclosure triangles, other K2 resources,
Egyptian desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows,  sculpted menubar, menu, finder header,
patterned window background, and also a custom cursor, all written
in, along with custom folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop
patterns and desktop pictures are also included with the scheme.
It can only be used in K2.  Please-share-ware.
See my page for freebies, new  CD orders and pricing,
and other previews of my 126 schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     apple-ultra-tech.hqx   ****

From: CXC101@aol.com
Subject: Kaleidoscope 2.0.1 Scheme

Kaleidoscope 2.0.1 Scheme


#### BINHEX     april-violets.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" April Violets update for K2

April Violets is a floral scheme featuring violets.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 111 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     aqua-ii.hqx   ****

From: Peter Harte <pointset@euronet.nl>
Subject: Aqua II K2 scheme

Aqua II K2 scheme for those who haven't got DP3
The latest version and the best looking yet

Peter Harte
The Netherlands


#### BINHEX     aqua-iii.hqx   ****

From: Peter Harte <pointset@euronet.nl>
Subject: Aqua III Kaleidoscope scheme Version 1.5

Aqua III K2 V1.5 scheme for those who haven't got DP3
The latest version and the best looking yet

Peter Harte
The Netherlands


#### BINHEX     aquamarine.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Aquamarine kaleidoscope Scheme

Aquamarine is a geometric Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme in jade green and
blues on black.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     aquarius-kaleidoscope-sch.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Aquarius K2 Kaleidoscope scheme

Aquarius K2 is based on the signs of the zodiac. Please post on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     arf-kaleidoscope-sch.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Arf, Arf Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Arf, arf", a grayscale kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme decorated
with dogs, on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     art-deco-festival.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Art Deco Festival Kaleidoscope scheme

Art Deco Festival Kal. 2.0 scheme honors the work of Erte to decorate
your desktop.	Please post on the recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     atlantis.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Atlantis Kaleidoscope scheme

Atlantis Kaleidoscope scheme decorates your desktop in misty blues and
grays...and imagaes of what the palaces in Altantis might have looked
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     b9-shine-20.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <ssulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject:B'9 Shine 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 2

B'9 Shine 2.0 for Kaleidoscope 2 or higher is a complete remake of my
original K1 scheme. It is a two-tone brown scheme with hints of gold that
looks great and is easy on the eyes. It has a complete set of folders and
icons which complement its simple elegance. OS 8.5 ready.  Freeware.

#### BINHEX     babylon-mac.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: Babylon Mac 1.5

Babylon Mac is a K2 enhanced color scheme for use with the Kaleidoscope
control panel. It is based upon the popular television series Babylon 5.
It comes complete with custom folders, trash, windowshade sounds, cursor,
and desktop pattern. Also with this scheme is a collection of related
Desktop Pictures, sounds, and fonts. Enjoy fellow Babylonians!

#### BINHEX     bamboo-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Bamboo Kaleidoscope scheme

Bamboo is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme that uses bamboo decor and has a
slightly Oriental feel. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     be-my-valentine-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Be My Valentine Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Be MY Valentine" Kaleidoscope scheme on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     beedit-152.hqx   ****

From: patrick@straightedge.com
Subject: BeEdit v1.5.2

BeEdit allows you to edit the colors of the BeBox WDEF so you can create
BeOS style Kaleidoscope color schemes. Version 1.5.2 fixes a bug which
prevents the color picker from opening under MacOS 8.

#### BINHEX     bevark-203.hqx   ****

From: neil.green@netmatters.co.uk
Subject: bevark 2.0.3 for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1

Welcome to bevark, a scheme for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1 or later. It's a demi-minimalist scheme (which is a pretentious term I've just invented), and it's grey. It relies on the OS to supply it's icons, but it does work in a friendly fashion with OS 8.5. Oh, and bevark is so free you might wonder where the catch is.

#### BINHEX     black-lacquer-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Black Lacquer Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Black Lacquer" for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     blue-harmony-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Blue Harmony Kaleidoscope scheme

Blue harmony Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme decorates your desktop in muted
shades of blues and greens. 
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     blue-topaz.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Blue Topaz kaleidoscope Scheme

Blue Topaz is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme in grays with a brillant blue
topaz gemstone accent.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     bouquet-i.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Bouquet I Kaleidoscope scheme

Bouquet I is the first of my recent  Kaleidoscope 2.0 flower schemes. It
features handcut bouquet folders, with shades of lime and lilac to
decorate your desktop. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: royerm@gate.net
NEW HOMEPAGE URL: http://www.gate.net/~royerm

"We will dance to our own song, we must spin with our own world."

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     bouquet-noveau.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Bouquet Nouveau Kaleidoscope scheme

Bouquet Nouveau Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme decorates your desktop with Art
Nouveau style flowers and patterns.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     bt-10.hqx   ****

From: JinSan <jinsan@ca2.so-net.ne.jp>
Subject: Jin's Color Scheme, "B.T"

B.T is dark and cool scheme.
I have checked this program for viruses with NAV5.0.3.
For more information,see read me file.

#### BINHEX     butterfly-bulbs-for-holiday.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: My Butteryfly Bulbs for Holiday Lights

Please post "My butterfly bulbs for Holiday Lights" on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     byzantine.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Byzantine update for K2.1.1

Byzantine is golden, with gemstone accents and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  This update of Byzantine is a major  makeover
with new windows and icons throughout.  Shareware.  See my
page for new lower  pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:

Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     byzantium-blue.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Byzantium Blue K2 update for OS8.5

Byzantium Blue is a gem-laden scheme, with K2 windows,disclosure
triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows,  patterned menubar, menu, finder header, and
window background, all written in, along with custom folders and trash.
This version has a new star sapphire cursor and larger textboxes for OS8.5.
A  separate folder of desktop patterns is also included with the scheme,
along with a desktop picture by Bill Parris.  It can only be used in K2.

Thanks much,

#### BINHEX     cactus-flower.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Cactus Flower kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Cactus Flower scheme for kaleidoscope 2.0 on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     candy-stripes.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Candy Stripes enhanced for K.1.1

Candy Stripes is a pastel color scheme with striping.
It has stripes in the windows and scrollbars and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing and other previews of my 106 schemes at:


Janet Parris

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     cathedral-for-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Cathedral Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Cathedral Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     catty-corner.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Catty Corner Kaleidoscope Scheme

Catty Corner for Kaleidoscope 2.0 in an elegant silvery scheme with
leaves and one cat to decorate your desktop.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     celtic-knot.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Celtic Knot update for K2

Celtic Knot is a greyscale scheme replete with celtic knot designs.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 113 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     cetacea.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Cetacea Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme

Cetacea abounds with Whales and Dolphins. Please post on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     chess-set-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Chess Set Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Chess Set Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     chinese-lacquer-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Chinese Lacquer Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Chinese Lacquer kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
"If you have it, you don't need anything else,
 and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Sir James M. Barrie on Love


#### BINHEX     classic-nude-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Classic Nude Kaleidoscope scheme

"Classic Nude" is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme that uses images from the
great masters including Renior and Gauguin, to decorate your desktop.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     classico-scheme-20.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Classico Kaleidsocope 2.0 scheme

Please post Classico KAl. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: royerm@gate.net
NEW HOMEPAGE URL: http://www.gate.net/~royerm

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     clay-pot.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Clay Pot Kaleidoscope scheme

Clay Pot is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme based on Native American pottery
designs. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     colored-series.hqx   ****

Subject: Colored Series for Kaleidoscope
From: Renaissance Man <joshuab@ksu.edu>

The encolsed folder has eight schemes for Kaleidoscope 2.x.  They are
re-colored versions of Estaño by Kei Kinoshita, in purple, blue, green,
yellow, orange, red, brown, and black.  Enjoy. 

#### BINHEX     coquelles.hqx   ****

From:royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject:Coquelles Kaleidoscope scheme

Coquelles is French for Scallop shells. This Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is
decorated with the shells. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     country-christmas.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Country Christmas Kal. scheme

Get ready for Christmas with this new Kaleidoscope scheme.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     crazy-for-dogs-for-kal-20.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Crazy for Dogs Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Crazy for Dogs Kal. scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     creatures-and-chaos-20.hqx   ****

From: Nitehawk Jarrett <macnation@softhome.net>
Subject: Creatures & Chaos 2.0 for Kaleidoscope

C&C is a scheme to be used with Kaleidoscope 1.8 or higher, although some 
of it's feauters will not show up unless you are using Kaleidoscope 2.x
This scheme is based on a program called CharSys which is a character 
generator for RPGs such as AD&D. It gives your comps GUI a fantasy feel.
Please register C&C if you like it.

#### BINHEX     creatures-chaos.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: Creatures & Chaos 1.5

Creatures & Chaos 1.5 is an update to the popular K2 enhanced color scheme.
It is the official scheme for the Data Dimensions Software program, AD&D
Character System.

Strive to be different...

#### BINHEX     crystal-palace-for-kal-20.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Crystal Palace Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Crystal Palace for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     curtis-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: E.S.Curtis Kaleidoscope scheme

Edward S. Curtis is the renown American photographer who studied and
recorded the Native American peoples in the early 1900s. This Kaleidoscope
scheme honors his work and the images of the noble people he photographed.
-Martha Royer


#### BINHEX     cut-offs-111.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <ssulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject: Cut/Offs 1.1.1, a Kaleidoscope color scheme

Cut/Offs for Kaleidoscope 2.1 and up is a silver and blue textured scheme
where at least every other corner has been cut off or rounded in one way or
another. It works best at a monitor depth of thousands of colors or more.
The sides and bottoms of the windows, utility windows, dialogues and alerts
are a little fatter than standard ones, making them appear more rounded.
Cut/Offs uses custom colors, shading (integrated into the bottom and right
sides keeping them the same width as the left) and textured patterns for a
unique appearance. This version features several minor improvements.

#### BINHEX     daffodils.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Daffodils for K2, 2 versions

Daffodils is a floral scheme with daffodils in the windows
and scrollbars.  The scheme has custom trash and
folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 110 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     dark-rose-kaleidsocope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Dark Rose Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme

Please post Dark Rose scheme for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     dark-towers-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Dark Towers Kaleidoscope scheme

Dark Towers is a gothic feeling Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme in dark browns
and greens. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     darklight-135.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <ssulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject: DarkLight 1.3.5, a Kaleidoscope color scheme

DarkLight for Kaleidoscope 2 is a tri-tone classic grayscale color scheme
for apple lovers. It is easy on the eyes. All 18 color accents are active
with the original Kaleidoscope gold tone used in place of the OS 8
green-gold accent. This update adds larger document window widgets, a 32
bit icon, a new "About Box", lightens the inactive windows and fixes a few
glitches here and there. The package includes some desktop patterns and a
custom theme for Extensions Strip users.

#### BINHEX     darklight-soft-115.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <ssulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject: DarkLight*Soft 1.1.5, a Kaleidoscope color scheme

DarkLight*Soft for Kaleidoscope 2 is the fourth in the DarkLight series. It
sports a blue and gray motif combined with understated shading throughout.
D/L*Soft uses an indented selected menu item with a gray menu accent over
black text, a departure from the other D/L versions. It also has boxed
empty scroll arrow areas and lighter inactive windows, and the classic,
square dark windows have been lightened a bit compared to the original
DarkLight. My intent here was to create a DarkLight for those times when
eyes are tired or overwhelmed by using bright schemes. This version fixes a
problem with very small movable dialogs/alerts, repairs the small hard disk
icon and changes the "About Box" and the inactive progress indicator.

#### BINHEX     darklight-tabs-121.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <ssulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject: DarkLight...Tabs 1.2.1, a Kaleidoscope 2 color scheme

DarkLight...Tabs for Kaleidoscope 2.x is a twotone grayscale color scheme
featuring centered tabs on all document windows, dialogues and alerts,
instead of full width windows. These tabs allow for easy access to the
desktop. This scheme has a soft appearance and uses both French blue and
gold accents. A custom theme for Extensions Strip is included. Version
1.2.1 changes the "About Box", darkens the normal LSF/SSF tabs and the
desktop pattern and changes the desktop icon label.  Freeware.

#### BINHEX     darklight-x2-130.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <sulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject: DarkLight X2 v1.3.0, a color scheme for Kaleidoscope 2

DarkLight X2 for Kaleidoscope 2 is a re-working of my original DarkLight
scheme. X2 features a new menu, new buttons and tabs, plus the integration
of folders, icon labels, finder windows and text, desktop pattern and
windows around a silver and lavender theme. An even more classic design for
apple lovers! Version 1.3.0 adds, among other things, a new desktop
pattern, a new scheme icon, a new "About" box and larger window widgets,
plus a few minor fixes. Freeware.

#### BINHEX     darkwood.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Darkwood kaleidoscope Scheme

Darkwood kaleidoscope scheme is a "framed" 2.0 scheme in rich carved
wood to decorate your desktop.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     deck-the-halls-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Deck the Halls Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Deck the Halls" Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     deco-k2-for-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Deco for Kaleidoscope 2.0

Please post Deco K2 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     dianas-candle-complete.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Diana's Candle, enhanced for K2.1.1

Diana's Candle was done in memory of Priness Diana, and it has
custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Freeware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     dl-tabs-11.hqx   ****

From: ssulzer@midcoast.com
Subject: DarkLight ...Tabs 1.1.0

DarkLight...Tabs for Kaleidoscope 2 is a twotone grayscale color scheme
featuring centered tabs on all document windows, dialogues and alerts,
instead of full width windows. These tabs allow for easy access to the
desktop. This scheme has a soft appearance and uses both French blue and
gold accents. A custom theme for Extensions Strip is included. Latest
version adds the new style popup buttons, plus little arrows, disclosure
triangles and menu grabbers and darkens the text view background. Freeware.

#### BINHEX     dollydots-family-10.hqx   ****

From: roger@quadrand.com
Subject: DollyDots Family 1.0 for Kaleidoscope

The DollyDots Family for Kaleidoscope 1.0
The DollyDots Family is a collection of schemes for Kaleidoscope
<www.kaleidoscope.net>. They are all inspired by details on products. A lot
of products have details that are a kind of dimples, we call those dimples
‹The Dollydots were a dutch girl band in the eighties, but we liked their
name and thought it was an appropriate name for dimples in a product, there
is no dutch word for those kind of dimples in a product‹

The DollyDots Family is inspired by consumer products (we are product
designers! <www.quadrand.com/Rand>), so we made the buttons work like real
buttons and the scrollbar thumb slide like a real slider.

Included in this Family Folder are the following schemes: DollyDots,
DollyDotsBeetle, DollyDotsDark, DollyDotsDarker, DollyDotsBeluga,
DollyDotsBluey, DollyDotsMime, DollyDotsBeam, DollyDotsFunky, DollyDotsOrbit
and DollyDotsTubu.
Also included in this archive is a folder which contains all kinds of
background patterns.

Install it and Experience DollyDots for Kaleidoscope!!!

Let us know if you like it!

‹The DollyDots Family for Kaleidoscope is shareware, you can distribute it,
but always as a complete package!
If you want to put any of the DollyDots Schemes on a cd-rom, please let us
know! ‹

What others had to say about the original DollyDots for Kaleidoscope:
Just a quick thank you for a decent kaleidoscope scheme. It's great to see
someone who is actually concerned with eye strain :-)
‹Chris Jordan

I do work for the french army, and it's installed on every Mac here
‹Fernandes Gilbert

I write to you because I like your colorscheme.  [...] Thank you for good
‹Lesik Badeikin

Just wanted to drop you a line and say, "I LOVE DollyDots!"
‹Doug Baer

©1997-99 [Quad]Rand

#### BINHEX     dxsoft-hi-tech-191.hqx   ****

From: DXoft Technical Support <support@dxoft.com>
Subject: Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.9.1

DXoft Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.9.1
by DXoft

DXoft Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection contains new color schemes for use
with Kaleidoscope.

Requirements: Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later. Kaleidoscope 1.8 or later is required
for full MacOS 8 compatibility as well as 4 bit support. Visit
www.kaleidoscope.net for the latest Kaleidoscope version.

DXoft Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection is now freeware.

Thanks for supporting the shareware system!

(The Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection may be included on the Info-Mac and
AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.3)

            DXoft Technical Support  <mailto:support@dxoft.com>

#### BINHEX     dxsoft-pattern-191.hqx   ****

From: DXoft Technical Support <support@dxoft.com>
Subject: Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.9.1

DXoft Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.9.1
by DXoft

DXoft Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection contains color schemes for use
with Kaleidoscope.

Requirements: Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later (some schemes require version 1.8 or
later). Kaleidoscope 1.8 or later is required for full MacOS 8 compatibility as
well as 4 bit support. Visit www.kaleidoscope.net for the latest Kaleidoscope

DXoft Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection is now freeware.

Thanks for supporting the shareware system!

(The Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection may be included on the Info-Mac
CD-ROM. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.3)

            DXoft Technical Support  <mailto:support@dxoft.com>

#### BINHEX     dxsoft-silver-191.hqx   ****

From: DXoft Technical Support <support@dxoft.com>
Subject: Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.9.1

DXoft Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.9.1
by DXoft

DXoft Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection contains new color schemes for use
with Kaleidoscope.

Requirements: Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later. Kaleidoscope 1.8 or later is required
for full MacOS 8 compatibility as well as 4 bit support. Visit
www.kaleidoscope.net for the latest Kaleidoscope version.

DXoft Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection is now freeware.

Thanks for supporting the shareware system!

(The Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection may be included on the Info-Mac and
AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.3)

            DXoft Technical Support  <mailto:support@dxoft.com>

#### BINHEX     eagle-365.hqx   ****

Mime-Version: 1.0
From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Eagle, enhanced for K2

Eagle is dark blue, with eagles in the scrollbars and windows.  It  has
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade
soundfile,tabbed pop-up windows, and a new cursor, all written in,
along with custom folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop
patterns is also included with the scheme.  It can only be used in K2.
Shareware - K1 schemes like Eagle are only $1 each;  K2's are $4
apiece for 1-4, $3 apiece for 5-9, only $2 apiece for 10 or more.

Thanks much,

#### BINHEX     eagle.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Eagle update for K2

Eagle is a  scheme which has eagle widgets, scrollbars, and windows.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 113 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     earth-signs.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Earth Signs update for K2.1.1

Earth Signs is a earth-colored landscape scheme which is one of
a set of four  schemes featuring Zodiac symbols.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page
for new lower  pricing and other previews of my 104 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     easter-morning-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Easter Morning Kal. 2.0 scheme

Please post "Easter Morning" scheme for Kal. 2.0 on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     el-negron-10.hqx   ****

From: ssulzer@midcoast.com
Subject: El Negron 1.00

El Negrón is the full-windows big brother to my tabbed black and gold K2
scheme La Negrita. It is 8.5 ready and was inspired by my love of dark
K-Schemes, beginning with the old K1 Eclipse. As this is a very dark
scheme, you may need to adjust your monitor's contrast and brightness for
optimal daytime viewing. Those of you who have tried La Negrita will find a
little diferent style here, in the dialogues, alerts, buttons, tabs, etc.
You will find that some of the improvements I made to this scheme are also
now in v.1.0.1 of its sister scheme, especially to the bevel buttons and
the list view resources. Please open "About This Scheme" in the K2 Control
Panel Scheme Settings section for a suggested text highlight. Freeware.

#### BINHEX     elegance-argent.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Elegance Argent, update for K2.1.1

Elegance Argent is midnight blue with silver accents and has
custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

Subject:     "Styles" Elegance Argent, update for K2.1.1
Sent:        1/5/19 6:33 PM
Received:    1/2/99 10:06 AM
From:        Janet Parris, jparris6@netpath.net
To:          macgifts@info-mac.org
Enclosure:   Elegance Argent folder.sea

Please include my color  scheme, Elegance Argent, which has been
enhanced for K2 and updated, in the Recent Additions Section of the
HyperArchive, CD, etc.

Elegance Argent is midnight blue with silver accents and has
custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     elegance-hunter.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Elegance Hunter update for K2.1.1

Ultratech is dark, hunter green with gold accents and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     emerald-peridot.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Emerald Peridot, enhanced for K2.1

Please include my update of Emerald Peridot (2.5), which has been
enhanced for K2, in the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, etc.

Emerald Peridot has the apperance of gemstones, with
added disclosure triangles, desktop pattern,
utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed pop-up
windows, and a new cursor, all written in, along with
custom folders and trash.   A separate folder of desktop
patterns is also included with the scheme.   It can only
be used in K2.  Shareware.

#### BINHEX     enchanted-garden.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Enchanted Garden Kaleidoscope Scheme

Enchanted Garden is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme to decorate your desktop
with flowers and Victorian style art work on a soft green background.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     entwined-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Entwined Kaleidoscope scheme

Please posted Entwined Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page. It
is based on Celtic knot designs.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     far-east.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Far East Kaleidoscope scheme

Far East is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme in golds and browns with Asian art
influences. Please post on your recetn additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     festival.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Festival kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Festival" color scheme for Kaleidoscope 2.0+ on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     fire-signs.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Fire Signs update for K2.1.1

Fire Signs is a fiery color scheme which is one of a set
of four  color schemes featuring Zodiac symbols.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page
for new lower  pricing and other previews of my 104 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     fireman-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Fireman Kaleidoscope scheme

Fireman Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is dedicated to the firefighters who
risk their lives for us daily. Please post on your recent additions
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     firenze.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Firenze Kaleidoscope scheme

Firenze Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme pays tribute to the wonderful classical
art works of the Italian master artists and to the city of Florence.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     flamingo-in-palms-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Flamingo in the Palms Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Flamingo in the Palms" Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     fleur-provencal.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Fleur Provençal Kaleidoscope scheme

Fleur Provencal is a delightful pastel Kaleidoscope scheme in pale blues
and golds to decorate your desktop.Please post on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     flower-basket-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Flower Basket kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Flower Basket for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     folk-art.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Folk Art Kaleidoscope scheme

Folk Art Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme uses images of American Folk Art to
decorate your desk top. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     for-the-birds.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: For the Birds Kaleidoscope scheme

For the Birds Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme decorates your desktop with bright
and colorful images of birds. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     fractal-k2-for-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Fractal K2 Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Fractal K2, A kaleidoscope scheme, on your recent additions
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     frog-legs.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Frog Legs Kaleidoscope Scheme

Frog Legs Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme decorates your desktop with frogs in
a lilly pond. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     gangtobonoiv-scheme-k2.hqx   ****

From: bonneau@boulangerie.net
Subject: GangToBonoIV scheme K2.sit

The Gang to bono IV  Kaleidoscope 2  Schemes
Freeware by  Laurent Bonneau

This version of The Gang to bono IV  has been enhanced for use in K2, with
added the Finder Colors, Icon, Windowshade sounds,  Arrow Cursor, font and
Desktop Pattern scheme settings together for an integrated  Lavender
Select which of them you wish to use in the K2 control panel. 

The Gang to bono IV  Copyright 1998 Laurent Bonneau. 
All rights reserved.                 


#### BINHEX     gargoyles-for-kal-20.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Gargoyles, the K2 sequel

Please post Gargoyles for K2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     gee-phor.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: GEEphor Kaleidoscope Scheme

GEEphor is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme to match the style and colors of
the fantastic new PowerMac G4 computer.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     gem-icon-collection.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Freeware Gemstone Icons

There are approximately 50 icons of various gemstones
in the collection, and they are freeware.  They may be
used however you like and freely distributed so long as the
folder and  contact information are intact.  All rights

Janet Parris
Email: jparris6@netpath.net


#### BINHEX     geometric.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Geometric update for K2

Geometric is a greyscale with colorful geometic designs.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 111 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     ghouls.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Ghouls Kaleidoscope schme

Ghouls Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme decorates your desktop with ghouls,
gargoyles and goblins in shades of grays and dark browns. Don't let it
scare you!
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     giltwood.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Giltwood Kaleidoscope Scheme

Giltwood for Kaleidoscope 2.0+ is an elegant gold and light blue scheme
in the classical mode. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     glimmer-100.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <ssulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject: glimmer 1.0.0, a Kaleidoscope color scheme

glimmer  for Kaleidoscope 2.1 and up is a grayscale scheme with purple
accents. It features rounded tabbed windows and silver gradients in several
expected and not so expected areas, combined with the subtle use of
textures.  This scheme looks great with double scroll arrows and needs a
monitor setting at least 1000's of colors. As with many of my tabbed
schemes, glimmer  allows for the easy stacking of open windows.  Freeware.

#### BINHEX     glory-that-was-greece.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Glory that was Greece Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post the Glory that was Greece Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     gold-band-2.hqx   ****

From: wmartin@teaser.fr
Subject: Gold Band 2.0 Kaleidoscope Scheme

Gold Band 2 is a simple steel and gold Kaleidoscope sheme. You need to 
have Kaleidoscope 2.0 or better installed on your mac. 

Thank you,

Billy Martin

#### BINHEX     golden-age.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Golden Age Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Golden Age Kaleidoscope scheme on your recent additons page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     goldfire.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Goldfire update for K2.1.1

Goldfire is a vivid golden color scheme.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page
for new lower  pricing and other previews of my 104 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     grandeur-that-was-rome.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: The Grandeur that was Rome Kal. scheme

Please post "the Grandeur that was Rome" for Kal. 2.0 on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     gray-grey.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Gray/Grey enhanced for K2

Gray/Grey is a very simple light grayscale scheme for minimalists.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 106 schemes at:


Janet Parris

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     grayscale.hqx   ****

From: Lloyd Wood <L.Wood@surrey.ac.uk>
Subject: a greyscale kaleidoscope 2.0.2 for Kaleidoscope 2.0 or later

a greyscale kaleidoscope, 12 September 1999.

a greyscale kaleidoscope enables the hidden scheme lurking inside every
Kaleidoscope control panel, using very little disk space and memory to
do so. and it's _fast_. faster than any scheme supplied with

a greyscale kaleidoscope is an essential addition to your scheme
folder. with a greyscale kaleidoscope, you don't even need a scheme

a greyscale kaleidoscope is less than a 10K download.
2.0.2 enables network functionality.
(c) 1998, 1999 Lloyd Wood.



#### BINHEX     greenery-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Greenery Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Greenery" kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     happy-howlidays-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: HAPPY HOWLIDAYS Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme

Happy Howlidays is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme to put you in the
Christmas spirit...holly, poinsettas, and puppies (and a few kittens)
with brighten your desktop with holiday cheer.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     happy-thanksgiving.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving Kaleidoscope scheme

Celebrate Thanksgiving with a cheerful holiday scheme for Kaleidoscope
2.0+...have turkeys, pumpkins and pilgrims decorate your desktop.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     haunted-house-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Haunted House Kaleidoscope scheme

Don't be scared! Decorate your desktop for Halloween with a haunted
house and ghostly icons....hear scary music when you hit the windowshade
button...Enjoy my Haunted House Kal. 2.0+ scheme.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     haunted-house.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Haunted House Kaleidoscope scheme

Don't be scared!
Haunted House Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme will fill your desktop with ghosts
and jack-o-lanterns and bats and witches....and ghoulish sounds to raise
the hair on the back of your neck....
It's never too early for Halloween!
Over 40 Haunted Halloween Icons are also included!
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     hawk-os.hqx   ****

From: n8hawk <n8hawk@nospam.intergrafix.net>
Subject: HawkOS 1.5 for Kaleidoscope

HawkOS is a scheme for use with Kaleidoscope. Version 1.5 has all the 
resources for systems 7-9 and even contains a HawkOS startup screen that 
may be used as a companion to the scheme. If you continue to use the 
scheme and like it please register it and send comments to me at 

#### BINHEX     hawkos.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: HawkOS 1.0.1

HawkOS is a K2 scheme which is completely compatible with Mac OS8.5 (32 bit
icons). This scheme was a labor of love of almost 8 months time and the
culmination of talent from six different designers who are know as a group
as the Kaleidoscope Schemers Association. Included with the scheme is a
HawkOS startup screen so that you can get the most out of this scheme. No
further updates will be forthcoming until OSX is released. Until then be on
the lookout for the newest K2 scheme by Nitehawk Jarrett...the Trekker
Collection. Coming to an archive near you.

Strive to be different...

#### BINHEX     hearts-and-flowers-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Hearts and Flowers kaleidoscope scheme

Decorate your desk top for Valentine's Day with my Kaleidscope 2.0
scheme. Hearts, Flowers and cupids frolic will frolic on your folders
and windows.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     helen-of-troy.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Helen of Troy Kaleidoscope Scheme

Helen of Troy is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme that celebrates the "face
that launched a thousand ships". It is a dark green and brown scheme.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     hi-platinum-22.hqx   ****

From: drew_drew@hotmail.com
Subject: Hi-Platinum 2.2 (final)

Hi-Platinum 1.7.2 & 2.2

This is a Kaleidoscope 2 scheme.

Notable changes since 1.7.1 & 2.1:
All Hi-Platinum (HiP) schemes have movable modal grow box. All HiP 
schemes are now complete (well, to the best of my knowledge). Several 
modifications have been made to the 2.x Finder icons (now installed in 
all schemes)... among other things, a new set of Trash cans. This 
release introduces HiP Zoey. Zoey is essentially HiP X without the 
accent colors. Zoey gains superior menu highlighting, however. Added in 
the customization folder are the Zoey menus. If you install these menus 
to HiP Classic, you will lose the accent colors.

Andrew Lee

#### BINHEX     high-contrast.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: High Contrast Kaleidoscope scheme

High Contrast is a bold, geometric Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme in shades of
black, white and gray. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     hokkaido-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: "Hokkaido" Kaleidoscope scheme

Hokkaido is a Kaleidoscope scheme for 2.0+. It uses Japanese art from
Racinet's Historic Ornaments (Dover Publishing) and Arttoday.com
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     holy-night.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Holy Night Kaleidoscope scheme

Holy Night Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is a subdued Christmas scheme in
grays and taupes based on old English etchings. Please post on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     hosanna-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Hosanna Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Hosanna Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     hot-chrome.hqx   ****

From:royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject:Hot Chrome Kaleidoscope scheme

Hot Chrome Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is a metalic looking finish for your
desktop. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     i-aqua-111.hqx   ****

From: Orion Dimitrakopoulos <orion@fhw.gr>
Subject: iAqua 1.1.1 - K2 Scheme

Dear Mac User,

     The iAqua Kaleidoscope Scheme is the result of many experiments and
everyday field testing in Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).

     iAqua is a combination of all the Aqua schemes ever released in the
Internet. I took the best elements of each scheme, made a few
corrections, and created what I believe to be a ballanced sum.

     If you are a Kaleidoscope Scheme Designer, you are free to use any
elements of the scheme you want, under the condition that you will
refer to their origin.

     iAqua is StudyThePastware & FightTheFutureware.

#### BINHEX     illuminations-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Illuminations Kaleidoscope scheme

Illuminations Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme used historic ornament to
decorate your desktop.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     instrumental-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Instrumental Kaleidoscope scheme

Instrumental Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme uses musical instuments to decorate
your desktop.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     into-the-woods.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Into the Woods Kaleidoscope scheme

Into the Woods is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme thats makes you feel you
are deep in the forest...surrounds you with trees and singing birds...
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     jam-215.hqx   ****

From: neil.green@netmatters.co.uk
Subject: jam 2.1.5 for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1

Hello abstract readers, and welcome to jam. This is a small, grey scheme for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1 or later, containing an awful lot of custom icons and all the OS 8.5 resources fit to print. The scheme is free, and prefers minimalists.

#### BINHEX     jewels.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Jewels update for K2

Jewels features different gemstones in various states and windows.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder; they were
inadvertantly left out of the previous mailing.  Jewels can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 111 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     jins-ut-cursor.hqx   ****

From: JinSan <jinsan@ca2.so-net.ne.jp>
Subject: Jin's "U.T Cursor"

U.T cursor is dark and cool cousor extension with animation.
Enjoy this with my "U.T" color scheme.
I have checked this program for viruses with NAV5.0.3.
For more information,see read me file.

#### BINHEX     jons-schemes.hqx   ****

From: jonrelay@napanet.net
Subject: Jon's Kaleidoscope Schemes.

This file contains the following:

Jon's Scheme - mouse-drawn interface
Jon's Scheme 2K - text interface
Jon's Scheme Deluxe - graphical interface of Jon's Scheme 2K
Scheme Smeme! - similar but better than Jon's Scheme Deluxe
Yet Another Scheme - my favorite elements of the schemes I've seen

For some reason these didn't make it onto the Scheme Archive at

#### BINHEX     joyous-noel.hqx   ****

From:royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject:Joyous Noel Kaleidoscope scheme

Get ready for Christmas....decorate your desktop with a new and festive
Christmas Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme. Please post Joyous Noel on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     jukebox-ks-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Jukebox Kaleidoscope scheme

Jukebox Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is a tribute to the old style Wurlitzer
jukeboxes...three plays for a quarter...
Please Post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     jw-waterhouse.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: J.W. Waterhouse kaleidoscope scheme

J.W. Waterhouse Kal.2.0  scheme pays tribute to the artist John William
Waterhouse and uses his work to decorate your desktop. Please post on
your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     kal-os-8.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: Kal OS8 1.5

Kal OS 8 is a K2 enhanced scheme for the kaleidoscope control panel. It was
made for those that didn't yet have OS8 on their systems and for those that
wanted a "better looking" OS8. This scheme is black and red as opposed to
the usual greyscale and has a better default folder. Enjoy.

#### BINHEX     kaleidoscope-22-de.hqx   ****

From:Greg Landweber <greg@kaleidoscope.net>
Subject:Kaleidoscope 2.2 (German)

Kaleidoscope 2.2 -- Shareware $25
by Greg Landweber and Arlo Rose

German Version

Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, letting 
you switch between completely different designs provided by plug-in 
files called "Schemes". Kaleidoscope comes with eight schemes, 
including the Mac OS 8, System 7, and Be OS interfaces, as well as 
five radically new designs by Arlo Rose, formerly of Apple's Human 
Interface Design Center. There are also several thousand third party 
schemes available on the Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive and elsewhere.

Kaleidoscope 2.2 is a significant upgrade. Looking ahead, 
Kaleidoscope 2.2 is now compatible with Mac OS 9. Under 8.5 and 
later, it supports scroll bars with both arrows at one end, and the 
Finder spinning zoom rectangles are back! Kaleidoscope 2.2 also now 
patches the toolbars in Photoshop. This version fixes problems with 
Apple DVD Player, Extensis Mask Pro, America Online 4.0, Adobe 
Illustrator 8, Tex-Edit, SoundJam, Icon Archiver, ICQ, Multi Ad 
Creator, Quark CopyDesk, Installer VISE, and other applications. The 
included schemes have all been updated to look and work better, and 
there are several dozen other minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

#### BINHEX     kaleidoscope-22-fr.hqx   ****

From:Greg Landweber <greg@kaleidoscope.net>
Subject:Kaleidoscope 2.2 (Japanese)

Kaleidoscope 2.2 -- Shareware $25
by Greg Landweber and Arlo Rose

French Version

Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, letting 
you switch between completely different designs provided by plug-in 
files called "Schemes". Kaleidoscope comes with eight schemes, 
including the Mac OS 8, System 7, and Be OS interfaces, as well as 
five radically new designs by Arlo Rose, formerly of Apple's Human 
Interface Design Center. There are also several thousand third party 
schemes available on the Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive and elsewhere.

Kaleidoscope 2.2 is a significant upgrade. Looking ahead, 
Kaleidoscope 2.2 is now compatible with Mac OS 9. Under 8.5 and 
later, it supports scroll bars with both arrows at one end, and the 
Finder spinning zoom rectangles are back! Kaleidoscope 2.2 also now 
patches the toolbars in Photoshop. This version fixes problems with 
Apple DVD Player, Extensis Mask Pro, America Online 4.0, Adobe 
Illustrator 8, Tex-Edit, SoundJam, Icon Archiver, ICQ, Multi Ad 
Creator, Quark CopyDesk, Installer VISE, and other applications. The 
included schemes have all been updated to look and work better, and 
there are several dozen other minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

#### BINHEX     kaleidoscope-22-it.hqx   ****

From:Greg Landweber <greg@kaleidoscope.net>
Subject:Kaleidoscope 2.2 (Italian)

Kaleidoscope 2.2 -- Shareware $25
by Greg Landweber and Arlo Rose

Italian Version

Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, letting 
you switch between completely different designs provided by plug-in 
files called "Schemes". Kaleidoscope comes with eight schemes, 
including the Mac OS 8, System 7, and Be OS interfaces, as well as 
five radically new designs by Arlo Rose, formerly of Apple's Human 
Interface Design Center. There are also several thousand third party 
schemes available on the Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive and elsewhere.

Kaleidoscope 2.2 is a significant upgrade. Looking ahead, 
Kaleidoscope 2.2 is now compatible with Mac OS 9. Under 8.5 and 
later, it supports scroll bars with both arrows at one end, and the 
Finder spinning zoom rectangles are back! Kaleidoscope 2.2 also now 
patches the toolbars in Photoshop. This version fixes problems with 
Apple DVD Player, Extensis Mask Pro, America Online 4.0, Adobe 
Illustrator 8, Tex-Edit, SoundJam, Icon Archiver, ICQ, Multi Ad 
Creator, Quark CopyDesk, Installer VISE, and other applications. The 
included schemes have all been updated to look and work better, and 
there are several dozen other minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

#### BINHEX     kaleidoscope-22-jp.hqx   ****

From:Greg Landweber <greg@kaleidoscope.net>
Subject:Kaleidoscope 2.2 (Japanese)

Kaleidoscope 2.2 -- Shareware $25
by Greg Landweber and Arlo Rose

Japanese Version

Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, letting 
you switch between completely different designs provided by plug-in 
files called "Schemes". Kaleidoscope comes with eight schemes, 
including the Mac OS 8, System 7, and Be OS interfaces, as well as 
five radically new designs by Arlo Rose, formerly of Apple's Human 
Interface Design Center. There are also several thousand third party 
schemes available on the Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive and elsewhere.

Kaleidoscope 2.2 is a significant upgrade. Looking ahead, 
Kaleidoscope 2.2 is now compatible with Mac OS 9. Under 8.5 and 
later, it supports scroll bars with both arrows at one end, and the 
Finder spinning zoom rectangles are back! Kaleidoscope 2.2 also now 
patches the toolbars in Photoshop. This version fixes problems with 
Apple DVD Player, Extensis Mask Pro, America Online 4.0, Adobe 
Illustrator 8, Tex-Edit, SoundJam, Icon Archiver, ICQ, Multi Ad 
Creator, Quark CopyDesk, Installer VISE, and other applications. The 
included schemes have all been updated to look and work better, and 
there are several dozen other minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

#### BINHEX     kaleidoscope-22-us.hqx   ****

From:Greg Landweber <greg@kaleidoscope.net>
Subject:Kaleidoscope 2.2 (English)

Kaleidoscope 2.2 -- Shareware $25
by Greg Landweber and Arlo Rose

English Version

Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, letting 
you switch between completely different designs provided by plug-in 
files called "Schemes". Kaleidoscope comes with eight schemes, 
including the Mac OS 8, System 7, and Be OS interfaces, as well as 
five radically new designs by Arlo Rose, formerly of Apple's Human 
Interface Design Center. There are also several thousand third party 
schemes available on the Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive and elsewhere.

Kaleidoscope 2.2 is a significant upgrade. Looking ahead, 
Kaleidoscope 2.2 is now compatible with Mac OS 9. Under 8.5 and 
later, it supports scroll bars with both arrows at one end, and the 
Finder spinning zoom rectangles are back! Kaleidoscope 2.2 also now 
patches the toolbars in Photoshop. This version fixes problems with 
Apple DVD Player, Extensis Mask Pro, America Online 4.0, Adobe 
Illustrator 8, Tex-Edit, SoundJam, Icon Archiver, ICQ, Multi Ad 
Creator, Quark CopyDesk, Installer VISE, and other applications. The 
included schemes have all been updated to look and work better, and 
there are several dozen other minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

#### BINHEX     kaleidoscope-jp.hqx   ****

From: support@kaleidoscope.net
Subject: Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 (Japanese)

Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 -- Shareware $25
by Greg Landweber and Arlo Rose

Japanese Version

Kaleidoscope is the ultimate in user interface customization, letting 
you switch between completely different designs provided by plug-in 
files called "Schemes". Kaleidoscope comes with eight schemes, 
including the Mac OS 8, System 7, and Be OS interfaces, as well as 
five radically new designs
by Arlo Rose, formerly of Apple's Human Interface Design Center. 
There are also several thousand third party schemes available on the 
Kaleidoscope Scheme Archive and elsewhere.

Kaleidoscope 2.1.2 offers many improvements and resolves various 
conflicts. It works better with the latest applications that take 
full advantage of the Mac OS 8.5 Appearance Manager, such as MT- or 
YA-NewsWatcher and Transmit. In particular, Internet Explorer 4.5 
looks especially good now with Kaleidoscope running. Menus with 
complex patterns should draw faster, too. In addition, version 2.1.2 
fixes problems with the new Blue & White G3's, StuffIt SpaceSaver, 
FaxSTF, Extensions Manager, AppleWorks, Internet Explorer, Action 
Files, SmartScroll, AliasMenu, Palm Desktop, DeskScan, Bias Peak, and 
Claris Impact.

-- Greg Landweber
   Kaleidoscope Support

#### BINHEX     kitty-kitty-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Kitty, Kitty Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Kitty, Kitty" for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     klimt-kal-20-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Klimt Kal. scheme

Klimt Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme does tribute to the work of Austrian
artist, Gustav Klimt. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

"If you have it, you don't need anything else,
 and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Sir James M. Barrie on Love


#### BINHEX     kowloon-kaleidoscope-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Kowloon Kaleidoscope scheme

Kowloon Kaleidoscope scheme used traditional Chinese design and music.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     la-belle-dame.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: La Belle Dame Kaleidoscope scheme

La Belle Dame is a 2.0 kaleidoscope scheme...it uses coral and green
shades, art nouveau style figures and flowers. Please post on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     lace-and-sapphires.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Lace and Sapphires for K2 update

Lace and Sapphires is a lavender/blue color scheme.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for  freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 106 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     let-it-snow.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Let It Snow! for K2.1.1

Let It Snow! was created for those who live snow and skiing.
It has skiers in the windows and scrollbars and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, ski
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns, one by
Bill Paris.  It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page
for new lower  pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


#### BINHEX     librarian-ii-bookworm.hqx   ****

From: Nitehawk Jarrett <macnation@softhome.net>
Subject: Librarian II: Bookworm for Kaleidoscope

Librarian II: Bookworm, also known as LB2, is a scheme to be used with 
Kaleidoscope 2.0 or greater. It gives your mac's GUI the feel of a 
library with book-shaped windows, book icons, etc. If you like this 
scheme please register it. Once registered for LB2 you are also 
registered not only for future LB2 upgrades, but also for LB1.

#### BINHEX     library-kaleidscope-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Library Kaleidsocope 2.0 scheme

Please post "Library " scheme for Kaleidoscope 2.0 on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     macedonia-for-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Macedonia Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Macedonia Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     mackintosh-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Mackintosh kaleidoscope scheme

Mackintosh Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is based on the work of the scotch
designer and architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Please post on your
recent additions apge.
-Martha Royer


#### BINHEX     mahogany-chrome-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@mdcc.ipmail.att.net>
Subject: Mahogany/Chrome kaleidoscope scheme

Mahogany/Chrome  is a kaleidoscope 2.0+  scheme reminiscent of vintage
luxury car interiors, all posh with wood and chrome...it also introduces
transparent pull down menus...an option in kal. 2.3
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     mardigras-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: MardiGras Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post MardiGras Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     marrakesh-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Marrakesh Kaleidoscope scheme

Marrakesh is a brown and gold Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme using intricate
Turkish designs to decorate you desktop.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     masterpiece-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Masterpiece Kaleidoscope Scheme

Masterpiece Kal. scheme uses framed images of famous artists to decorate
your desktop. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     mean-green-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Mean Green Kaleidoscope Scheme

Mean Green is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme in vivid greens against
black,,,,,it is geometric is design.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     metalskin.hqx   ****

From: duncan@norwood.com.au
Subject: Metalskin 1.0 Kaleidoscope scheme

Metalskin is an elegant, dark, tech-chrome scheme for use with
Kaleidoscope 2.0x.

Duncan Cowan

Please feel free to include this file on the Info-mac Archive cd.


#### BINHEX     midnight-butterfly-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Midnight Butterfly kaleidoscope scheme

Midnight Butterfly for Kaleidoscope 2.0+ decorates your desktop with
vivid butterflies on a black background. The folders are handcut
butterfly icons, and a complete set of my new butterfly icons is also
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     millennium-madness-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Millennium Madness Kaleidoscope scheme

Millennium Madness Kaleidoscope scheme celebrates the New Year 2000 and
decorates your desktop with vivid colors on a black background.  Please
post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     morganite.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Morganite update for K2.1.1

Morganite is pink with pale pink gems and golden scrollwork.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along
with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 107 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     mosaic-kaleidoscope-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Mosaic kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme

Please post "Mosaic Kaleidoscope scheme" on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
"If you have it, you don't need anything else,
 and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Sir James M. Barrie on Love


#### BINHEX     mosaica-francais-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Mosaica Francais Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Mosaica Francais for Kal. 2.0 on you recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     mother-goose-ks-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Mother Goose Kaleidoscope scheme

Mother Goose Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme decorates your desktop with
characters from nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Please post on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     msi.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: My Secret Identity

My Secret Identity is a K2 enhanced color scheme for use with the
Kaleidoscope control panel. It is based upon the popular '80s comic book
series of the same name.  It comes complete with custom folders, trash,
icon, and a too cool to be true desktop pattern.

#### BINHEX     musee-kaleidoscope-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Musee' Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Musee' for kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     newport.hqx   ****

From: nitehawk@ccomm.com
Subject: Newport 1.1

Newport is a K2 enhanced color scheme by Nitehawk Jarrett and Brian A.
Moore for use with the Kaleidoscope control panel. If you enjoy the Kal
scheme Marlboro but wanted something with a menthol "taste", this scheme is
for you. Please note: you don't have to be a smoker to enjoy Newport for K.

Strive to be different...

#### BINHEX     old-maps.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Old Maps Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme

Old Maps Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme uses images of historic world maps to
decorate your desktop.

-Martha Royer

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     oliva-2-116.hqx   ****

From: ssulzer@midcoast.com
Subject: Oliva 2-1.1.6

Oliva 2 features popup window tabs (instead of traditional full width
windows) as its theme on all windows, movable dialogues and movable alerts.
This scheme also now has larger, re-designed window widgets and a real
olive menu. For this version, at the "suggestion" of Dr. Pimento, the
progress bars have now been "oliverated", and a slight change has been made
in the shading of the folders.  Freeware.

#### BINHEX     orchid-jungle-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Orchid Jungle kaleidoscope scheme

Orchid Jungle kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme decorates your desktop with
colorful orchids and lush jungle plants. Please post on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     outback-kaleidoscope-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Outback Kaleidoscope scheme

Outback kaleidoscope scheme uses Austrailian Aboriginal art to decorate
your desktop. Please post on the recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     palms-for-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Palms Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Palms" Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer


#### BINHEX     panda-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Panda  Kaleidsocope scheme

Panda is a lighthearted Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme with little cartoon
panda bears frolicking on your desktop.It will brighten your day!
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     pannini-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Pannini Kaleidoscope Scheme

Pannini Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is based on a painting "Views of Modern
Rome" by The Italian artist Giovanni Pannini (1691-1765). It is a
simple, classical scheme featuring columns and marble.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     pastel-roses.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Pastel Roses update for K2.1.1

Pastel Roses features pale pink roses.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 107 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     pastorale.hqx   ****

From:  jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Pastorale update for K2.1.1

Pastorale is a soft green landscape scheme.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 106 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     patriot-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Patriot Kaleidoscope Scheme

Patriot is a red, white and blue Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme celebrating
the historic flags of North America. Please post on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     pennsylvania-dutch-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Pennsylvania Dutch kal. scheme

Please post Pennsylvania Dutch Scheme for Kaleidoscope 2.0+ on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     pharaoh-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Pharaoh Kaleioscope scheme

Pharaoh is based on images from ancient Egpyt and is wriiten for Kal. 2.0.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer


#### BINHEX     pillars-revisited-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Pillars Revisited" for K2

Pillars Revisited is a color  scheme with a Grecian feel.   It has
pillar-shaped K2 windows, disclosure triangles, other K2 resources,
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows,  sculpted menubar, menu, finder header, patterned
window background, and also a custom cursor, all written in, along with
custom folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is also
included with the scheme.    It can only be used in K2.
Please-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, new  CD orders
and pricing, and other previews of my 126 schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     pinstripe.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Pinstripe update for K2.1.1

Pinstripe is dark blue scheme with pinstriping and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     pipe-dreams-ks-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Pipe Dreams Kaleidoscope scheme

Pipe Dreams is a geometric gray  and turquoise scheme. 
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     poinsettia-for-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Poinsettias Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Poinsettias Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     porcelain-rose-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Porcelain Rose Kaleidoscope Scheme

Porcelain Rose is a 2.0 Kaleidoscope scheme, in soft colors of pinks and
cocoas. It almost looks good enough to eat!

-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     precious-metals.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Precious Metals for K2.1.1

Precious Metals has the look of silver and gold and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     primavera-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Primavera kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Primavera kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme on your recent additions
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     punjab-palace.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Punjab Palace Kaleidoscope scheme

Punjab Palace Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme uses designs from India to
decorate your desktop. Please post on the recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     purple-gradient-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Purple Gradient kaleidoscope Scheme

Purple Gradient is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme that decorates your desktop
with purple and teal geometric designs.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     purple-passion-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Purple Passion kaleidoscope scheme

Purple passion is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme that changes the look of
your desktop, windows and folders  to glamourous high tech purple
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     rainbow-blues.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Rainbow Blues update for K2.1.1

Rainbow Blues is dark turquoise with rainbow colored accents
and has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along
with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     red-maze-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Red Maze Kaleidoscope scheme

Red Maze Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is a red and black scheme based on
ancient Greek patterns from the collection of Owen Jones' "The Grammar
of Ornament".  Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     red-rose-33.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Red Rose update for K2

Red Rose is a floral scheme laden with red roses.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 113 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     renaissance-black.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Renaissance Black update for K2.1.1

Renaissance Black is dark with golden scrollwork.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 106 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     rhapsody-in-blue-for-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Rhapsody in Blue Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Rhapsody in Blue Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
"If you have it, you don't need anything else,
 and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Sir James M. Barrie on Love


#### BINHEX     romanesque-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Romanesque Kaleisdoscope Scheme

Romanesque is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme to decorate your desktop. It has
a classical feel, reminiscent of Roman columns and carvings.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     romanov-kaleido-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Romanov Kaleidoscope Scheme

Please post Romanov Kaleidoscope scheme on your recent additions page.
It uses images of the court of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     rosebud-ks-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Rosebud Kaleidoscope scheme

ROSEBUD KAL. 2.2 SCHEME adorns your desktop with rosebud borders, cursor
and handcut rose folders...
-Martha Royer
NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: royerm@gate.net
NEW HOMEPAGE URL: http://www.gate.net/~royerm

"We will dance to our own song, we must spin with our own world."

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     safari-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Safari Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Safari Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme on your recent additions
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     saint-francis-ks-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Saint Francis kaleidoscope scheme

This Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme pages honor to Saint Francis of Assisi and
is decorated with his image.
Please post on your recent additions page
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     santas-kaleidoscope-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: SAnta's Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Santa's Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     scheme-checker-147.hqx   ****

From: webmaster@miljolab.no
Subject: SchemeChecker 1.4.7 - Kaleidoscope 1.x and 2.x scheme utility

When Greg Landweber released Kaleidoscope 1.5, he started supporting third
party color schemes. This made it possible for anybody to make their own
schemes and change their MacOS interface completely. But, unfortunately, not
all scheme designers are careful enough to make sure their schemes are bug

To help scheme authors create schemes that had less bugs and would run more
smoothly, SchemeChecker was released. SchemeChecker runs several tests on
your schemes, to make sure you haven't omitted any crucial resources, or
added resources that aren't used at all.

Starting with version 1.4, SchemeChecker is fully compatible with the new,
complex scheme format in Kaleidoscope 2.x schemes. SchemeChecker also allows
schemes built for earlier versions of Kaleidoscope to contain the new
Kaleidoscope 2.x resources, such as desktop patterns, window colors or
cursors, as long as the resource IDs or functionality don't overlap.

SchemeChecker enables you to check all the schemes in any folder (including
subfolders), just one scheme or several schemes which can be selected from a
list. The results can easily be exported to a TEXT file which you can open
in any text editor.

Recent changes to SchemeChecker
1.4.7 - Aug 12, 1999
   * Added support for Kaleidoscope 2.2 and the new Photoshop clut that
     may be added to schemes.

1.4 - 1.4.6:
   * SchemeChecker remembers the selected scheme folder between launches.
   * Support is added for the new resources introduced in Kaleidoscope
     2.1.2 and MacOS 8.5.
   * SchemeChecker now does a better job at checking schemes configured
     to be used only with Kaleidoscope 2.0 or later. It also allows
     schemes built for earlier versions of Kaleidoscope to contain the
     new Kaleidoscope 2.0 resources in areas where the resource IDs
     don't overlap.
   * Kaleidoscope now checks the "Minimum Kaleidoscope version" entry in
     the Colr ID 129 resource for errors.
   * You can now make SchemeChecker automatically fix any unset System
     Heap and Purgeable bits.
   * When you select a different scheme in the Result window, the dis-
     played information no longer reverts to the "further info" field.
   * misc. bug fixes and improvements

#### BINHEX     scheme-factory-10pr2.hqx   ****

From: Joe Stenger <joe@kaleidoscope.net>
Subject: Scheme Factory 1.0pr2

Scheme Factory 1.0pr2
by Joe Stenger and Arlo Rose

Scheme Factory is the official scheme editor for the Kaleidoscope 2.0
scheme format. Whether you're a novice schemer or a seasoned professional,
Scheme Factory offers you the tools you need to make Kaleidoscope 2 schemes
quickly and easily.

You'll find that Scheme Factory offers a clean and easy to use interface
allowing you to create schemes as quickly as you can draw the elements for
your scheme. Scheme Factory is built with Apple's Human Interface
Guidelines in mind, so you can count on it to work the way you expect a
Macintosh application to work.

This version is a complete rewrite of Scheme Factory and is now able to run
on 68K Macs. It requires System 7 or higher and Apple's Appearance Manager
1.0.1 or higher. You can now paste cicn resources (icons) and ppat
resources (patterns) directly into your scheme using this version of Scheme
Factory; no more need to use a different program to do this. This version
also includes lots of other additions and interface tweaks.

#### BINHEX     scrollwork-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Scrollwork Kaleidoscope

Scrollwork is a very decorative scheme for Kaleidoscope 2.1. Please post
on your recent additions apge.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     seashell-2-lite.hqx   ****

X-Sender: jparris6@netpath.net (Unverified)
From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Seashell II Lite for K2

Please include my update of Seashell II Lite, which has been
enhanced for K2, in the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, etc.

Seashell II Lite has added disclosure triangles,   tabbed pop-up
windows, and a new plain 3-D cursor which replaces the seashell
one in the full version with folders and trash.   A separate folder
of desktop patterns is also included with the scheme.   It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.

#### BINHEX     seashell-ii-lite.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Seashell Lite for K2.1.1

Seashell II Lite has seashells in scrollbars and windows.  It has
a default folder and trash. It  has a 3D cursor in place of the seashell
one in the "full" version, along with disclosure triangles, but
does not include many extras in the full version.  It does have
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources written in.
and can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 106 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     seashell-ii.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Seashell, complete, update for K2.1.1

Seashell II has seashells in the windows and scrollbars and has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom shell cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a seagull windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns, icons in Icon
Archiver format, shell bulbs for Holiday Lights, etc.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     secret-garden-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Secret Garden Kaleidoscope scheme

Secret Garden for Kaleidoscope 2.0  is a charming garden scheme invoking
memories of old English countryside gardens.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     silver-mini-vines-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Silver Vines Kaleidoscope scheme

Silver Vines is a grey scale Kaleidooscope 2.0 scheme that decorates
your desktop with twisting ivy. 

-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     skylight-11.hqx   ****

From: wmartin@teaser.fr
Subject: Skylight 1.1 Kaleidoscope Scheme

Skylight is a blue and gray Kaleidoscope scheme developed to take 
advantage of the functions of Mac OS 8.5. It comes complete with 32 
bit-color icons, and a desktop picture. You need to have Kaleidoscope 2.0 
or better installed on your computer, but it will run on any machine with 
Mac OS 7.1 or better installed.

Thank you,

Billy Martin

#### BINHEX     special-delivery-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Special Devilery Kaleidoscope scheme

Special Delivery Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme is made to celebrate the joy
of stamp collecting. Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     spider-web-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Spider Web" for K2

Spider Web features the look of a spider web with the desktop
 showing through.  It features K2 resources, notably,  all
K2 windows with spiderweb design, and also other K2
resources including: desktop pattern, utility pattern,
windowshade soundfile, window background, tabbed
pop-up windows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header,  and
also a custom 3D cursor, all written in, along with custom
folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is
also included with the scheme.    It can only be used in K2.
PLEASE-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders and
pricing, and other previews of my 126 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     spring-meadow-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Spring Meadow Kaleidoscope scheme

Spring Meadow is a delightful Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme recalling images
of meadows and flowers in the spring.

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     spring-plaid.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Spring Plaid update for K2

Spring Plaid features pastel plaid in scrollbars and windows.  It
has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom plaid cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 110 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     springtime-366.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Springtime update for K2.1.1

Springtime is green with lavender flowers.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 107 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     sterling-silver-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Sterling Silver Kaleidoscope scheme

Sterling Silver is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme. It decorates your desktop
in gleaming silver tones....
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     stripes.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Stripes update for K2

Stripes is a red, white, and blue scheme for patriotic occassions.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 113 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-autumn-leaves-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "STYLES" Autumn Leaves for K2

Autum Leaves is a scheme with fall leaves in the windows and
scrollbars.  It has custom trash and folders and a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 126 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-bravado.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Bravado K2 update

Please include my new update of  my K2 scheme,
Bravado, which has been updated  in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Bravado is a textured blue, easy-to-tolerate K2  scheme.
It has all K2 windows with custom trash and folders.  It  also has a
custom cursor, along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern,
utility pattern,  window background pattern, a short windowshade
 soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all
written in.  Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new
lower  pricing, and previews of my 117 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-bunnies.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Bunnies

Bunnies is especially for rabbit lovers.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 106 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-byzantium-blue.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Byzantium Blue K2 update

Please include the latest update of my K2 scheme, Byzantium Blue,
in the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD,  etc.

Byzantium Blue is an extremely detailed K2 scheme featuring
K2 windows with star sapphires and turquoise in antique gold
setting, disclosure triangles, other K2 resources including
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header,  and
also a star sapphire cursor, all written in, along with custom
folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is
also included with the scheme, along with a desktop picture
created by Bill Paris especially for the scheme.    It can only
be used in K2.  This update also has centered title text.
PLEASE-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and other previews of my 118 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-byzantium.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Byzantium K2 update

Please include my new update of  my K2 scheme,
Byzantium, which has been updated  in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Byzantium is a K2  scheme with the appearance of antique gold,
fire oals, and amber depicted in the windows and scrollbars.
The folder includes a desktop picture by Bill Paris.
It has all K2 windows with custom trash and folders.  It  also has an
antique gold cursor, along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern,
utility pattern,  window background pattern, a short windowshade
 soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all
written in.  Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new
lower  pricing, and previews of my 117 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-dusty-rose-plain.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Dusty Rose, plain cursor, K2 update

Please include my new update of  my K2 scheme,
Dusty Rose, which has been updated  in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Dusty Rose is a scheme with roses blooming in the windows and
 scrollbars.  Folder includes a gorgeous desktop by Bill Paris.
It has all K2 windows with custom trash and folders.  It  also has a
custom 3Dcursor, along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern,
utility pattern,  window background pattern, a short windowshade
 soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all
written in.  Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new
lower  pricing, and previews of my 117 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris

#### BINHEX     styles-dusty-rose.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Dusty Rose K2 update

Please include my new update of  my K2 scheme,
Dusty Rose, which has been updated  in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Dusty Rose is a scheme with roses blooming in the windows and
 scrollbars.  Folder includes a gorgeous desktop by Bill Paris.
It has all K2 windows with custom trash and folders.  It  also has a
custom rose cursor, along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern,
utility pattern,  window background pattern, a short windowshade
 soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all
written in.  Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new
lower  pricing, and previews of my 117 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-garden-k2.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Garden update

Please include my new update of  Garden, which has
been enhanced for K2 and updated in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Garden is a floral scheme with flowers in the windows and scrollbars.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 121 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-geometric.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Geometric for K2.1.1

Geometric is a grayscale color scheme with
brightly-colored geometric shapes, and it has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, window
background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for new lower
pricing and other previews of my 103 schemes at:


Thanks much,

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-headress-one-k2.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Headress One for K2

Please include my new color scheme, Headress One, which
has been enhanced for K2, in the Recent Additions
Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Headress One is a scheme which depicts one of Queen
Amidala's headresses in the scrollbars and windows.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 121 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-jewels-k2.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Jewels update for K2

Please include my new update of  Jewels, which has
been enhanced for K2 and updated in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Jewels is a color scheme which features different gemstones
in various states of the windows and scrollbars.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 121 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-peach.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Peach Lace update for K2.1.1

Peach Lace is pale peach with white lacework.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing, and other previews of my 107 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-school-days-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "STYLES" School Days for K2

School Days features school times and activities in the windows and
scrollbars and widgets.  It has custom trash and folders and a pencil
cursor, along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility
pattern,  lined school paper menu, ruler menubar, window
pattern, a short windowshade school buzzer soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 126 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-seasprite.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Sea Sprite K2 update

Please include the latest update of my K2 scheme, Sea Sprite,
in the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD,  etc.

 Sea Sprtie is a highly detailed K2 scheme featuring
K2 windows with mermaids, seashells and pearls in sea
colors, disclosure triangles, other K2 resources including
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header,  and
also a custom pearl cursor, all written in, along with custom
folders and treasure chest trash.  A separate folder of desktop
patterns is also included with the scheme, along with a desktop
picture created by Bill Paris especially for Sea Sprite and an
alternate chanelled whelk shell cursor.    It can only be used
in K2.  This update has centered title text and deleted actbs.
PLEASE-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and other previews of my 118 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-spring-garden-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "STYLES" Spring Garden for K2

Please include my new update of  Spring Garden, which has
been enhanced for K2 and updated in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Spring Garden is a floral scheme with flowers in the windows and
scrollbars.  It has custom trash and folders and a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 126 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-summer-fun-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "STYLES" Summer Fun for K2

Summer Fun is a scheme with summer activities in the windows and
scrollbars.  It has custom trash and folders and a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 126 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-swan.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Swan for K2 update

Please include my new update of  my K2 scheme,
Swan K2, which has been updated  in the Recent
Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD, etc.

Swan K2 is a scheme with swans swimming in the windows and
 scrollbars.  Folder includes a stunning desktop by Bill Paris.
It has all K2 windows with custom trash and folders.  It  also has a
custom cursor, along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern,
utility pattern,  window background pattern, a short windowshade
 soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all
written in.  Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can
only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new
lower  pricing, and previews of my 117 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-textura.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Textura K2 update

Please include the latest update of my K2 scheme, Textura,
in the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD,  etc.

Textura is a textured blue/green K2 scheme featuring
K2 windows with highly textured windows and scrollbars,
disclosure triangles, other K2 resources including desktop
pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header,  and
also a custom cursor, all written in, along with custom
folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns
is also included with the scheme.    It can only
be used in K2.  This update also has centered title text.
PLEASE-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and other previews of my 118 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-twilight-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "STYLES" Twilight for K2

Twilight features an evening landscape in the windows and
scrollbars.  It has custom trash and folders and a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 126 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-willow-song-k2.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "Styles" Willow Song K2 scheme

Please include the latest update of my K2 scheme, Willow Song,
in the Recent Additions Section of the HyperArchive, on CD,  etc.

Willow Song is a blue/green K2 scheme featuring
K2 windows with a landscape of willow trees, with
disclosure triangles, other K2 resources including
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header,  and
also a custom cursor, all written in, along with custom
folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is
also included with the scheme.    It can only
be used in K2.  This update also has centered title text.
PLEASE-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, new CD orders,
pricing, and other previews of my 121 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-winter-wonderland-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "STYLES"  Winter Wonderland for K2

Winter Wonderland is a scheme with wintry scenes in the windows and
scrollbars.  It has custom trash and folders and a custom 3D cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade bell soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders,
pricing, and previews of my 126 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     styles-wood-nymph-ks.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: "STYLES" Wood Nymph for K2

 Wood Nymph is an extremely detailed K2 scheme featuring
K2 windows with wood nymphs, flowers and tendrils in wood
colors, disclosure triangles, other K2 resources including
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-up windows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header,  and
also a custom twig cursor, all written in, along with custom
folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is
also included with the scheme, along with a desktop picture
created by Bill Paris especially for Wood Nymph and an
alternate brown 3D cursor.    It can only be used in K2.
This update has centered title text and deleted actbs.
Shareware.  See my page for freebies, CD orders and
pricing, and other previews of my 126 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable sample schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     sunny-one-ks-102.hqx   ****

From: Steve Sulzer <ssulzer@midcoast.com>
Subject: Sunny One 1.0.2

Sunny One for Kaleidoscope 2.1.x is a yellow and grayscale scheme inspired
by the Sunny variation of Apple's Platinum interface for OS 8.5. It needs
1000 colors or more to look right. Sunny One features rounded windows with
a mix of sunny yellow and grayscale shading for variety and eye relief, and
it combines classic "tried and true" elements with newer Kaleidoscope 2
styling. This version features a few minor fixes and enhancements.

#### BINHEX     sweet-tooth.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Sweettooth Kaleidoscope scheme

Sweettooth Kaleidoscope scheme decorates your desktop with
candy....jelly beans, peppermints, chocolate, gum drops,
lollipops...Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     tab-city-103.hqx   ****

From: ssulzer@midcoast.com
Subject: Tab City For Kaleidoscope 2

Tab City for Kaleidoscope 2.x is a mid-light 8.5 ready grayscale color
scheme featuring centered tabs on all document windows, dialogues and
alerts, instead of full width windows. These tabs allow for easy access to
the desktop. Tab City has the 18 accent colors found in Apple platinum, but
they have been "warmed-up" a bit. This version changes the bevel buttons
and the "About Box" in the K2 control panel. Freeware.

#### BINHEX     tab-city-lefty-101.hqx   ****

From: ssulzer@midcoast.com
Subject: Tab City Lefty For Kaleidoscope 2

Tab City Lefty for Kaleidoscope 2.x is a mid-light grayscale 8.5 ready
color scheme featuring lefty tabs on all document windows, dialogues and
alerts, instead of full width windows. These tabs allow for easy access to
the desktop and are easily stacked. Tab City Lefty has the 18 accent colors
found in Apple platinum, but they have been "warmed-up" a bit. A custom
Extensions Strip theme is included as well. This version changes the scheme
icon, the bevel buttons and the "About Box" in the K2 control panel.

#### BINHEX     tahitian-pearl-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Tahitian Pearl Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme

Please post "Tahitian Pearl" Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme on your recent
additions page.

#### BINHEX     tarot-angels.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Tarot Angels update for K2

Tarot Angels is a midnight blue scheme with angel designs
adapted from tarot cards, and silver-on-blue touches.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 111 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     tartan-k2-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Tartan K2 Kaleisdoscope scheme

Please post Tartan K2 scheme for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     teddy-bear-for-kal-20.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Teddy Bear Kal. 2.0 scheme

Please post "Teddy Bear" Kaleidoscope scheme on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
"If you have it, you don't need anything else,
 and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have."
Sir James M. Barrie on Love


#### BINHEX     the-castle-ks-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: The Castle Kaleidoscope scheme

The Castle Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme decorates your desktop with catles
and palaces...please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     thunderhead-202.hqx   ****

From: neil.green@netmatters.co.uk
Subject: thunderhead 2.0.2 for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1

thunderhead 2.0.2 is a scheme for Kaleidoscope 2.1.1 or later. It's grey, it's
free, it has custom icons, and it works most happily alongside MacOS 8.5.

#### BINHEX     tiffany-kaleidoscope-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Tiffany Kaleidoscope Scheme

Please post Tiffany Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions apage. It
pays tribute to the stained glass work of Louis Comfort Tiffany.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     tis-the-season-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@mdcc.ipmail.att.net>
Subject: 'Tis the season Kaleidoscope scheme

Get ready for christmas with this cheerful holiday scheme...santas and
holly will decorate your desktop.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     toga-party-kal-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Toga Party Kaleidosocpe scheme

Please post Toga Party Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     toolbox-schemes.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Toolbox Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Toolbox scheme for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     tribute-to-w-morris-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Tribute to W. Morris

This Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme pays tribute to the art and design of
English artist William Morris. Please post on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     tropical-paradise-ks-scheme.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Tropical Paradise Kaleidoscope scheme

Tropical Paradise Kaleidoscope scheme trunes your desktop into a lush
tropical jungle...please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     trufolder-windoid-them.hqx   ****

From: colkerr@cadvision.com
Subject: TruFolder K2 Theme

TruFolder K2 Theme (version 2.1.1)

#### BINHEX     tubular-chrome-ks-10.hqx   ****

From: foxcat@home.com
Subject: Tubular Chrome 1.0 Kaleidoscope scheme.

Unofficial Proofreader of the Internet

#### BINHEX     turquoise-lacquer-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Turquoise Lacquer Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Turquoise Lacquer scheme for Kal. 2.0 on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     ultratech.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Ultratech update for K2

Ultratech is a dark, shiny scheme for those who like tech schemes.
It has custom trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor,
along with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
Also included is a special desktop picture by Roy Murphy.
Desktop patterns are also included in the folder.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and previews of my 113 hand-drawn schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     ut-12.hqx   ****

From: JinSan <jinsan@ca2.so-net.ne.jp>
Subject: Jin's Color Scheme, "U.T"

U.T is dark and cool scheme.
I have checked this program for viruses with NAV5.0.3.
For more information,see read me file.

#### BINHEX     valentine.hqx   ****

From: royerm@icanect.net
Subject: Valentine in Black and White Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Valentine in Black and White Kaleidoscope scheme on your
recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

#### BINHEX     vincents-flowers-kal.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Vincent's Flowers Kaleidoscope scheme

"Vincent's Flowers" for Kaleidoscope 2.0 pays homage to the work to the
famed Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. It uses images from his floral
still lifes to decorate the scheme. Please post on your recent additions
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     vintage-bouquet-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Vintage Bouquet

Vintage Bouquet is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme to decorate your desktop 
with old fashined floral images in shades of brown and gold.
-Martha Royer 
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     vintage-floral-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Vintage Floral Kaleidoscope Scheme

Vintage Floral is a Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme to decorate your desktop
with charming vintage flower folders and windows.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     violet-bouquet-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Violet Bouquet Kaleidoscope scheme

Violet Bouquet is a Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme. It decorates your desktop
with vivid purple violets on a black background.
Please post on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     vivaldi.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Vivaldi for K2.1.1

Vivaldi is a dark jade and grey color scheme with metallic
touches in windows and scrollbars.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
There is also a separate folder of desktop patterns.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page for freebies,
new lower  pricing and other previews of my 108 schemes at:


Janet Parris

email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     water-signs.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles Water Signs update for K2.1.1

Water Signs is an aqua seascape color scheme which is one of a set
of four  color schemes featuring Zodiac symbols.  It has custom
trash and folders. It  also has a custom cursor, along with
disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
window background pattern, a short windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows, and other K2 resources, all written in.
It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.  See my page
for new lower  pricing and other previews of my 104 schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     white-gold.hqx   ****

From: mandarax@glasnet.ru
Subject: White Gold: K2 theme

Apple Platinum? Why not Apple Plumbum? There are too much heavy gray
tones in Mac OS 8 default theme.
White Gold is a make up of Apple Platinum - but more light and a bit
optimistic with dominating of white tone.

White Gold is inspired by Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator interface.
White Gold are made with great love to Apple System 7.

Artem Melnikov

#### BINHEX     wildside-ii-ks.hqx   ****

From: royerm <royerm@gate.net>
Subject: Wildside II Kaleidoscope Scheme

Wildside II is an elaborate Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme using images of
African  animal skins...leopard, zebra, tiger..to decorate your
folders,  windows and desktop.

-Martha Royer
See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:
Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there

#### BINHEX     willow-song.hqx   ****

From: jparris6@netpath.net
Subject: Styles" Willow Song K2 scheme

Willow Song is a scheme with K2 windows and resources which
depicts weeping willow trees in a rolling hills landscape  It features
disclosure triangles, and many other K2 resources including
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed
pop-upwindows,  colored menubar, menu, finder header, patterned
window background, and also a custom cursor, all written in, along
with custom folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns
is also included with the scheme.    It can only be used in K2.
PLEASE-share-ware.  See my page for freebies, new lower
pricing, and other previews of my 113 hand-drawn  schemes at:

Downloadable schemes may be found at:

Janet Parris
email:  jparris6@netpath.net

#### BINHEX     wood-hue-kaleidoscope.hqx   ****

From: royerm@gate.net
Subject: Wood Hue Kaleidoscope scheme
 Wood Hue Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme uses varied wood grain patterns to
decorate your desktop. Please post on your recent additions page.
 -Martha Royer
 See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here:

#### BINHEX     yt-10.hqx   ****

JinSan <jinsan@ca2.so-net.ne.jp>
Jin's Color Scheme, "Y.T"

Y.T is dark and cool scheme.
I have checked this program for viruses with NAV5.0.3.
For more information,see read me file.