This directory ( contains
the June 1994 interim Dylan language reference.

This document uses the Palatino and Courier fonts.

The same document is available in several different formats:

ps    - Adobe Postscript

rtf   - Rich Text Format. This is a plain ascii file, containing
        formatting command. Many word processors can import this
        file format, including MacWrite, MicrosoftWord, Word Perfect,
        and others.

postcard.hqx - This is a self-displaying document created with
        Print2Pict and the Postcard extension. To view on a Macintosh,
        simply double-click. Print2Pict is written by 
          Baudouin RAOULT, 17 Home Farm Close
          RG2 7TD Reading Berkshire, England.

miniviewer.hqx - This is a self-displaying document created with
        Common Ground. This will display and print the document at 
        full resolution (up to 300dpi) even if you don't have the original
        fonts installed. On Macintosh, double-click the document
        to view it (a miniviewer application is embedded). For unix
        or Windows viewers, contact No Hands Software, Inc.
        (Belmont, CA, 800-598-3821, fax 415-593-6868)