Abstracts from files in info-mac/info as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     800saywhat-301-jp.hqx   ****

From: ChrisLi@bridge1.com
Subject: 800-SAY-WHAT 3.0.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the 800-SAY-WHAT package. 

This version requires Mac OS X 10.1 or higher.

Ever get tired of trying to figure out what numbers to dial when you see
those cute 800 numbers such as 1-800-SOS-APPL?  Now you can easily decode
the numbers with this handy shareware application from Modessit Software.

#### LINK       _Communication     ****

#### LINK       _Development     ****

#### LINK       _Hardware     ****

#### LINK       _Help     ****

#### LINK       _Software     ****

#### BINHEX     alt-cyber-drive.hqx   ****

From: schram@mail.coos.or.us
Subject: alt.CyberDrive

If you don't know what the BMW CyberDrive promotion is, this file will
do you no good and you may skip to the next message.

This is an alternate opening HTML page for the BMW CyberDrive promotion
made primarily for Mac MS Internet Explorer users who are unable to
access the CyberDrive CD-ROM while online.

It contains links to all the viewable QuickTime and QuickTimeVR movies
hidden on the CyberDrive CD-ROM so you can access them at full speed
whether online or offline. It opens the CyberDrive web site in a
separate browser window so that the movies can be "sort of" integrated
into the total presentation. (I left off a few movies that were not
browser viewable, but have included a text listing of the CD's catalog
if you want to try to extract them.)

I slapped this page together without the knowledge or consent of BMW or
anyone else. It's OK with me to include it in the Info-Mac CD, but be
aware that the CyberDrive promotion ends in July 1997. Enjoy.

Chris Schram -- schram@mail.coos.or.us -- http://www.coos.or.us/~schram

#### BINHEX     american-architecture.hqx   ****

From: "Paul Gronemeyer" <pgrone@hotmail.com>
Subject: American Architecture for FilemakerPro

Art & Info / American Architecture

This is a FilemakerPro database about American Architecture.
Starting with the Schindler House from 1922 up to Richard Meiers Getty 
from 1997. Each entry contains a photo of the object, a ground elevation, 
and information about the architect and the date of completion.

1998-2002 by PGro

#### BINHEX     apple-easter-eggs-14.hqx   ****

From: IXist@aol.com
Subject: Apple Easter Eggs 1.4

What secrets lurk inside the heart of your Mac? Are you too frightened to
look? I didn't think so. 

Grab this self-viewing DocMaker file to discover what those zany Apple
engineers and programmers have hidden inside your Macintosh and Newton. You
may be amazed!

Welcome to the first Easter release of the world's largest collection of
Apple easter eggs.  In fact, there are over 200 of them!  This is a
compilation of secrets stuffed inside of your Macintosh or Newton by Apple
programmers and engineers, which are not accessible without doing something
that you wouldn't normally do.  Easter eggs include random jokes, elaborate
credit screens, or hard-to-find games that are meant to give the creator a
little fame, also adding a personal touch to the best computer on earth.  

For Example: One well known easter egg is if you type "secret about box", in
System 7.5, in Stickies and drag it to the desktop.  You will be able to play
a game, or you can see and move a virtual flag on the new PCI Macs in System
7.5.2 & 7.5.3.  Download this file for more info.

All eggs only apply to Apple Computer made products so any Mac or Newton
owner can try them without having to deal with other software.  This file has
been mentioned in MacWorld Magazine, put on CD's, mentioned in books and
E-Zines, was a most popular download on AOL, and is a top download at many
other software sights.

The upgrade:  Version 1.4 has all of the eggs in previous versions and plenty
more.   I did not have a main focus for this release but there are many
excellent and detailed additions, and even a peek at the first Copland easter
egg.  I also fixed spelling, made many corrections, and added roughly 50 more
eggs to the collection.  Also, with the release of DocMaker 4.6, there is a
much better interface and I cleaned things up a bit.  There are so many
changes I can not list them all.  Download this file, look around, and have

Made with DocMaker, which means it is stand-alone.  It requires no other
helper applications but a decompressor.  A Newton only list of easter eggs is
also available for all PC owners.

#### TEXT       better-8bit-qt-color.txt   ****

From: AvramD@aol.com
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 94 16:22:35 EDT
Subject: copy of better-8bit-qt-color.txt for archives

Here you go Igor... Thanks!
If you've seen some really beautiful 16 or 24 bit quicktime moovs on someone
else's expensive Mac, and you've seen really beautiful GIF images on your own
piddling 8 bit Mac (256 colors), and you whish you could get the quality of
the later when viewing the former (and you don't mind run-on sentences), then
you've come to the right posting!

This is a simple trick that anyone can do to improve the color of quicktime
moovs on a mac that can only display 256 simultaneous colors. It doesn't
always work, and sometimes it makes them look much worse. But there are lots
of moovs out there that it does help, and hey - it's free!

Background (experienced graphics people can skip this): 

Color Macs can actually display over 16 million colors. The trouble is that

#### BINHEX     blue-box-invoices-12.hqx   ****

Bluebox invoices

#### BINHEX     chiron-24.hqx   ****

From: CyberDog91@aol.com
Subject: Chiron v2.4 Release Folder 1

Thanks for checking out Chiron v2.4 for the Macintosh.  A complete online
manual for dealing with your Macs problems.


Over 300 additional system error listings have been added.  A chapter
explaining over 20 of the most common system errors is also included at the
request of several users.


Chiron is a self-running application that contains a wealth of information
helpful to most Macintosh users.  This version of Chiron includes information
on the following subjects:

- System Error Code Listings -  These chapters list and describe the type of
system errors indicated by the I.D. number in System Error dialogs.  Also
includes in depth description of over 20 of the most common errors.

- Virus and Trojan Horse Listing - This chapter lists and explains all
currently known Macintosh virus and trojan horses, plus ways to prevent virus
and trojan horse infections and simple ways to clense your system of those
unwanted viruses.

- Newton Error Codes -  This chapter explains what the various error codes
are for Apple's Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

- The Sad Mac -  This chapter is very helpful if you can't get a Mac to start
up.  Often, if there is a problem with the hardware the Macintosh will
display an error code at start-up time (often referred to as a "Sad Mac").
 This describes what the problems these error codes represent on ALL
Macintosh's from the Mac 128k up to the latest models, excluding the

- Crash Recovery Strings -  This chapter contains all the information I could
find on using your Macintosh's programmer switch (see user manual for more
info) to successfully recover from a crash with only minimal damage's.

- How to Avoid Another Bomb -  This chapter explains how you can prevent that
dreaded bomb dialog.


Yep, no charge.  I originally compiled this information for my own personal
reference.  But, at the request of several Mac Users I have posted it online.

The author can be contacted at:

Chiron v2.4
Rob Cummings
104 Evelina Drive
Marlborough, MA 01752-1088



#### BINHEX     cmyk-chart-pdf.hqx   ****

From: scott@rabid.com
Subject: cmyk color charts

These CMYK charts can be accessed with Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0. They
contain eleven pages of complete CMYK color combinations in 10% increments.
This can be useful for achieving predictable color output from your
printer. Enjoy!

#### TEXT       compusa-restocking-fee.txt   ****

Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 07:21:06 PDT
From: Bruce_Rubin.Wbst845@xerox.com
Subject: [!]CompUSA 10% restocking return policy for Apple products found on


The evening of May 22nd, while beta testing (i.e. playing) Apple's eWorld, I
drilled down through Computer Center:News & Industry Information:MacWEEK
Online:MacWEEK Round Table:Tips to Mac the Knife and found a "conversation"
regarding how CompUSA has a 10% restocking policy for Apple products! I posted
this note on a Rochester, NY FC BBS (Mac's Last Stand 716-247-9056) and the one
reply todate (last note of this message) makes it seem that this new policy
might be more Apple's than CompUSA's fault. I haven't heard of this new policy
of Apple's affecting other stores. While it is not uncommon for manufacturers
to get very very tough on their suppliers, this is the first time that I have
heard of a sales outlet getting beat up!



#### BINHEX     computer-terms-hc.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: Computer Terms

A glossary of computer terms in a HyperCard stack.

Jeffrey D. Iverson         507.386.6208 weekdays
Iverson Software Co.       507.625.7355 evening/weekend
522 Record St.             j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546     http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     convert-ce-fonts-14.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Central European TrueType Fonts

This documentation describes in detail how to convert Unicode
TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Central European.
The Windows fonts are freely available from Microsoft.
Macintosh Central European fonts are compatible with the Czech,
Hungarian, Polish, and Slovak system software.

With the procedure of version 1.3 you might have had conflicts
when using the original font (e.g. Arial) together with the
modified font (e.g. Arial CE). 
Version 1.4 explains how to fix this.
Moreover, QuickDraw GX is no longer required.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-celtic-fonts-14.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Celtic (Welsh) TrueType Fonts

This documentation describes in detail how to convert Unicode
TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Celtic.
The Windows fonts are freely available from Microsoft.
Macintosh Celtic fonts include the letters 'w' and 'y' with
various accents (´ ` ^ ¨) in addition to the regular West European

With the procedure of version 1.3 you might have had conflicts
when using the original font (e.g. Arial) together with the
modified font (e.g. Arial Celtic). 
Version 1.4 explains how to fix this.
Moreover, QuickDraw GX is no longer required.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-cyrillic-fonts-14.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Cyrillic TrueType Fonts

This documentation describes in detail how to convert Unicode
TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Cyrillic.
The Windows fonts are freely available from Microsoft.
Macintosh Cyrillic fonts are compatible with the Bulgarian,
Russian, and Ukrainian system software.

With the procedure of version 1.3 you might have had conflicts
when using the original font (e.g. Arial) together with the
modified font (e.g. Arial Cyr). 
Version 1.4 explains how to fix this.
Moreover, QuickDraw GX is no longer required.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-esperanto-fonts-14.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Latin-3 (Esperanto, Maltese) TrueType Fonts

This documentation describes in detail how to convert Unicode
TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Esperanto.
The Windows fonts are freely available from Microsoft.
Macintosh Esperanto fonts include special Esperanto, Maltese,
and Turkish letters in addition to the regular West European

With the procedure of version 1.3 you might have had conflicts
when using the original font (e.g. Arial) together with the
modified font (e.g. Arial EO). 
Version 1.4 explains how to fix this.
Moreover, QuickDraw GX is no longer required.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-greek-fonts-14.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Greek TrueType Fonts

This documentation describes in detail how to convert Unicode
TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Greek.
The Windows fonts are freely available from Microsoft.
Macintosh Greek fonts are compatible with the Greek system

With the procedure of version 1.3 you might have had conflicts
when using the original font (e.g. Arial) together with the
modified font (e.g. Arial Greek). 
Version 1.4 explains how to fix this.
Moreover, QuickDraw GX is no longer required.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-romanian-fonts-14.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Romanian TrueType Fonts

This documentation describes in detail how to convert Unicode
TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Romanian.
The Windows fonts are freely available from Microsoft.
Macintosh Romanian fonts include special Romanian letters
instead of Danish and Norwegian characters and
they are compatible with the Romanian system software.

With the procedure of version 1.3 you might have had conflicts
when using the original font (e.g. Arial) together with the
modified font (e.g. Arial RO). 
Version 1.4 explains how to fix this.
Moreover, QuickDraw GX is no longer required.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     convert-turkish-fonts-14.hqx   ****

From: Andreas.Prilop@altavista.net
Subject: Convert Turkish TrueType Fonts

This documentation describes in detail how to convert Unicode
TrueType fonts from MS Windows to MacOS Turkish.
The Windows fonts are freely available from Microsoft.
Macintosh Turkish fonts include special Turkish letters
in addition to the regular West European characters and
they are compatible with the Turkish system software.

With the procedure of version 1.3 you might have had conflicts
when using the original font (e.g. Arial) together with the
modified font (e.g. Arial Tur). 
Version 1.4 explains how to fix this.
Moreover, QuickDraw GX is no longer required.

This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### TEXT       creating-an-emergency-disk.txt   ****

From: williams@world.net (Bill Stanford)
Subject: Drive Setup. But how? (C)

In Info-Mac Digest V13 #140, Al Bloom, replying to Roberto Krause, wrote:

>>How can I boot Drive Setup? My Mac (IDE Hard Disk) says always The HD
>>must not be active. I boot with s disk, click Drive Setup and he says he
>>cant boot Drive Setup from the hard disk. And a 1.44 disk is too little
>>to include Sytem AND Drive Setup. The solution?
>Huh? I dunno about the IDE-drive Macs, but the rest of us get Disk Tools
>for that sort of thing. Whatever.
>To rid yourself of the Finder on a boot floppy, first copy Disk Tools
>to a new disk. Drag System out of the System Folder. Delete everything
>else. Then copy your app to the floppy.
>You do have to play some games to get by without a Finder. [snip] Click on
>"boot >blocks" and rename Finder and Startup App to the name of whatever
>app you

#### TEXT       csm-general-faq-225.txt   ****

Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 08:34:11 EST
From: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Subject: faq submission

Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.apps,comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.wanted,comp.sys.mac.hardware,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Introductory Macintosh frequently asked questions (FAQ)
From: elharo@shock.njit.edu  (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Reply-To: elharo@shock.njit.edu
Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.misc
Organization: Dept. of Mathematics, NJIT
Keywords: FAQ, Macintosh, Mac, macintosh, mac, general, introduction
Summary: This document answers a number of the most frequently asked
 questions on Usenet about Macintosh computers.  To avoid wasting 
 bandwidth and as a matter of politeness please familiarize yourself 
 with this document BEFORE posting.
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.edu

Archive-name: macintosh/general-faq

#### TEXT       csm-miscellaneous-faq-230.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 07:36:52 +0700
From: eharold@sunspot.noao.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Subject: New version of the misc faq

From: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.misc,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Miscellaneous Macintosh frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.misc
Organization: Department of Mathematics, NJIT
Lines: 1202
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.edu
Reply-To: elharo@shock.njit.edu
Summary: This document answers a number of the most frequently asked 
 questions about Macintoshes on Usenet.  To avoid wasting bandwidth
 and as a matter of politeness please familiarize yourself with this 
 document BEFORE posting.
Keywords: FAQ, Macintosh, Mac, macintosh, mac, misc, miscellaneous

Archive-name: macintosh/misc-faq
Version: 2.3.0

#### TEXT       csm-wanted-faq-230.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 07:37:18 +0700
From: eharold@sunspot.noao.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Subject: New version of the wanted faq

From: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.wanted,misc.forsale.computers.mac,comp.answers,misc.answers,news.answers
Subject: Macintosh for sale frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.wanted
Organization: Department of Mathematics, NJIT
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Reply-To: elharo@shock.njit.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Summary: This document answers a number of the most frequently asked 
 questions about Macintoshes on Usenet.  To avoid wasting bandwidth
 and as a matter of politeness please familiarize yourself with this 
 document BEFORE posting.
Keywords: FAQ, sale, for sale, Macintosh, Mac, macintosh, mac

Archive-name: macintosh/wanted-faq
Version: 2.3.0

#### BINHEX     csmpg-faq-96-12-21.hqx   ****

From: garage@wave.net (Ellrott)
Subject: c.s.m.p.games FAQ Draft

This is a copy of the draft for the FAQ for the
comp.sys.mac.programmer.games newsgroup.
It isn't complete yet, so if you have anything you'd like to add, please
send a message to me at garage@wave.net
The homepage for this is <http://www.wave.net/upg/garage/>, but my server
isn't that nice, so I'm still working on getting the updated pages up, as
of now, the pages that are currently up are 2 months old.  But don't worry,
I've worked on them alot, and when there up, they'll look alot better.

Kyle Ellrott

#### BINHEX     dhammapada-13.hqx   ****

From: Brian Kelley <bkelley1@nycap.rr.com>
Subject: Dhammapada 1.3

The Dhammapada is a collection of 423 Buddhist verses, arranged into 26 
chapters by topic.  It is said by many to contain the essence of the 
Buddha's teachings, and is one of  the best-loved works in the Pali Canon.

This application generates a verse of the Dhammapada each time it is 
opened, making it a nice addition to the Startup Items folder.  In 
addition, the entire text of the Dhammapada is available for browsing and 
reading in the conventional, linear way.  Individual verses and chapters 
can be saved as text files and printed from the File menu, and the Edit 
menu allows copying of the text.  If you encounter any unfamiliar terms, 
there is a "Useful Definitions" item under the Apple Menu.

New in Version 1.3
--option to install into Startup Items folder with the click of a button
--new title graphics

#### BINHEX     dividers-rules.hqx   ****

From: nau@bahnhof.se
Subject: Dividers

These files are dividers/rules for people building web-pages.
The read me file contains all the info a person needs to understand
what it is all about.
Thank you.
John Nau
e-mail: nau@bahnhof.se

John Nau
Photographer/Digital Art
Stockholm, Sweden
Address: Tätorpsvägen 17A
S-128 31 Skarpnäck, Sweden
Tel. 08 94 15 54

#### BINHEX     easy-errors-111.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 95 01:22:36 EST
From: udrubini@king.mcs.drexel.edu (Arthur Dent)
Subject: Easy Errors v1.11

   A small application that will give you the description of
various error codes on the Mac and Newton.  (Note: it doesn't
run on Newtons)  Freeware.

New features include more error codes, cosmetic & coding 
enhancements, and Native PPC code.  This is a Fat Application.

#### BINHEX     ecclesial-calendar-68k.hqx   ****

From: james.graham@dial.pipex.com
Subject: Ecclesial Calendar (68K)

This program displays the date of:-

Ash Wednesday
Asscension Thursday

and the day of the week for Christmas day

For any year between 1584 and 2190

System requirements:

Any AppleMac with a 680XXX processor and running under system 7 or 


Jim Graham

#### BINHEX     ecclesial-calendar-ppc.hqx   ****

From: james.graham@dial.pipex.com
Subject: Ecclesial Calendar (PPC)

This program displays the date of:-

Ash Wednesday
Asscension Thursday

and the day of the week for Christmas day

For any year between 1584 and 2190

System requirements:

* Any Power PC running under System 7.0 or greater.


Jim Graham

#### BINHEX     error-finder-10b3.hqx   ****

From: search1701@hotmail.com
Subject: ErrorFinder 1.0b3

ErrorFinder 1.0 for Macintosh takes all the ambiguity out of those 
mysterious error numbers and messages. Just enter the error number and 
ErrorFinder 1.0 for Macintosh will tell you what it means.

ErrorFinder 1.0b3 is a bug-fix release. See the 1.0b3 Beta Notes file 
for a detailed explanation.

#### BINHEX     errors-help-11-hc.hqx   ****

From: kdunham@eoni.com
Subject: Errors & Help

"Errors & Help" includes two freeware HyperCard stacks, ©1997 by Ken
Dunham, to help you figure out what's wrong with your computer.  One
stack is for IBM, the other for Macintosh.  The Macintosh stack is well
developed.  Each stack lists common errors, explained in layman terms,
with technical documentation available as needed.  A great tool for any
lab manager or home troubleshooting individual.

You have my permission to put this stack on commercially available CD
ROM's.  Feel free to email comments and questions to kdunham@eoni.com.

#### TEXT       expo-event-list-96-01-03.txt   ****

From: robert_hess@macweek.com (Robert Hess)
Subject: Macworld Expo Event List 01/03

Jan. 3 edition of my Expo Event List.

1/08/96	9:00 AM	5:00 PM	Mactivity/Web	http://www.mactivity.com/conferences/m_web/m_web.html
1/08/96	5:00 PM	9:00 PM	Mactivity WebOut Vendor Fair	see http://www.mactivity.com, 800-798-2928, info@mactivity.com
1/09/96	7:30 AM	9:30 AM	Symantec User Group Breakfast	ANA Hotel
1/09/96	8:00 AM	9:30 AM	Power Computing PowerCurve Rollout	ANA Hotel, 50 3rd. St, 2nd floor, University Room, across the street from Moscone, 415-974-6400; Invite Only; RSVP lwall@waltsom.uucp.netcom.com or call Erin Curtis or Lynne Wall at 408-496-0900
1/09/96	8:00 AM	9:00 AM	Ion/Interscope/Inscape Primus TalesŠ	Šfrom the Punchbowl and Residents Bad Day on the Midway Party; Bimbos 365 Club, 1025 Columbus
1/09/96	9:00 AM	5:00 PM	Mactivity/Web	http://www.mactivity.com/conferences/m_web/m_web.html
1/09/96	10:00 AM	6:00 PM	Macworld Expo	
1/09/96	12:00 PM	12:30 PM	Macromedia/ Xres	demo at Marriot, room number TK.Lynne Stadler and Tom Hale.
1/09/96	5:30 PM	8:30 PM	Dantz Party	the Cartoon Art Museum, 814 Mission St., 2nd Floor, across from 5th & Mission Garage;
1/09/96	6:00 PM	7:30 PM	Club Adtype debriefing	sponsored by Adtype Solutions, an Apple reseller in Sydney, Aust.; the 30th Flor Bar, Holiday Inn Union Square, Sutton St.
1/09/96	6:00 PM	8:00 PM	Live Picture Press Conference	...to unveil Live PIcture 2.5.Digital Pond, 4th Street.RSVP to Eileen Ebner @ ebner@mcleanpr.com or 415-513-8800.
1/09/96	6:30 PM	7:30 PM	UGWUMP Live Broadcast	on eWorld (Shortcut: IRC) and IRC channel #UserGroups
1/09/96	6:45 PM	10:00 PM	Claris FM Pro 3.0 Launch	Press & Invite only; @ SF MOMA, 151 3rd St.; RSVP 12/22 @ (408) 987-3888 or sue_hrt@claris.com
1/10/96	7:00 AM	10:00 AM	Adobe User Group Breakfast	ANA Hotel
1/10/96	7:30 AM	9:00 AM	DK Multimedia press breakfast; Ultimate Sex Guide CD	Anne Hooper's Ultimate Sex Guide CD-ROM; cheri grand; dkcherig@aol.com

#### BINHEX     graphic-arts-info-hc.hqx   ****

From: pete@chinet.chinet.com
Subject: InfoStack
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 1995 14:45:49 -0600 (CST)

The InfoStack is a HyperCard stack used as a troubleshooting aid by
InfoComm's technicians.  Much of the contents of the stack is of general
interest to anyone in a PostScript publishing environment.  There are
a few details specific to Linotype, Agfa, Iris, Tektronix, and QMS
printers.  There is help on both Macintosh and PC issues, as well as
general PostScript questions and several formulas for the graphic arts.

The document is in BinHex format and must also be unstuffed with StuffIt
Deluxe 3.  Making it self-extracting or a lower release level would
have made it significantly larger.

InfoComm, located in downtown Chicago, is one of the largest, busiest,
and fastest-growing service bureaus in the world.  Today there are 30
technicians working around the clock, pushing through hundreds of jobs
per day, from the simplest paper output to fully imposed 8-up CMYK flats
from high-end OPI drum scans.

This document is (c) 1995 Peter Zelchenko.  It may be distributed freely
and cited, as long as reasonable credit is given.  For commercial,
for-profit use, you must contact the copyright holder.

#### BINHEX     happy-mac-guide-20.hqx   ****

From: David Calligaris <calligar@s1.asi.fr>
Subject: HappyMac Guide 2.0

I send a new FreeWare (an AppleGuide) very useful.

Drop on System folder "HappyMac Guide" and restart !
The Help Menu come with a new item (all technical 
informations about all Macintosh)

Kinds Regards.

#### BINHEX     hcipmssimswr-cool-guide.hqx   ****

From: (Moritz Grund) moritz.grund@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de

Hey ya! 
The abbrev "HCIPMSSIMSWR" mean: 
"How Can I Place My System Screens In My System With Resedit"

... Cool title or isn't it? :)

PS: Beware! Thats the useless guide ever created!!

#### DIRECTORY  hdwr   ****

#### BINHEX     help-mac-answer-book.hqx   ****

From: SASchwartz@aol.com
Subject: Help! The Mac Answer Book; a trouble-shooting book

#### BINHEX     how-computers-work.hqx   ****

From: (Claire Abrams) cabrams@smcoe-ns.ed.co.sanmateo.ca.us
Subject: How Computers WorkŠ

If you're interested in how computers work or maybe just want to learn
about specific parts of personal computers, you can find it in this
document.  It was written to enable anyone who knows a little about
computers to be able to read it, yet still to greatly appeal to those
whom are trying to learn more. This document was created for my
english class, and it represents hours of work, however it is
freeware.  I only request you e-mail me with questions or comments. 
This document doesn't cover macintosh hardware only.
Jacob Abrams

#### BINHEX     how-to-pick-up-women-hc.hqx   ****

Subject:     HowToPickUpWomen
From: nomsdos@ecentral.com
Subject: How to Pickup Women

How to Pick Up Women is an INSTRUCTIONAL GRAPHIC ADVENTURE that has
taken years to write.  Thanks to the help of some of the most beautiful
female bartenders in three cities, and lots of trial and error, this
program GUARANTEES you will soon be one of those guys that makes other
guys wonder "How in the world does he do it?". You can pick up women
that other men claim "must be gay" because they can't get the time of
day from them.  And you do it without spending a single dime on them !!!
No matter how beautiful, stunning, or sexy she is, SHE CAN BE YOURS
using the little known knowledge comprized in this program. How to Pick
Up Women is designed to be entertaining as well as educational and
enlightening.  Nine different stunningly beautiful women will guide you
through the "Six Steps to Success" and the "Seven Golden Rules".  With
it's clever animation and clickable responses, "The Approach" will allow
you to practice on several major beauties and check your "SCORE" before
you ever leave your computer in search of the "REAL THING". "The 39
Classic Mistakes" will show you where men fail miserably at pick ups
and, knowing how to avoid those mistakes, will help you even more. The
program doesn't stop there.  It goes on to "The First Date" which tells
you what places to avoid and why, how to win her over to you and have
her come back begging for more.  Then it goes even further to "The
Second Date" which tells how to keep her once "the change has come and
she's under your thumb". WARNING -- This program may teach you things
that will cause you to have such a busy social life you won't have time
for your computer ever again !!! YES, it's big, but there is a lifetime
of knowledge, secrets, and information contained within.   (Shareware

Harley Bradley
dba: MagicHat Shareware
P.O. Box 6302
Denver, Colorado  80206
(303) 680-2628

#### BINHEX     info-mac-ix-cd-info.hqx   ****

From: PHT Macintosh Dept., mac@pht.com
Subject: Info-Mac 9 CD-ROM

After several *really* late nights and a lot of Dr. Pepper, I was finally
able to complete the latest Info-Mac CD (this is volume #9). Submissions to
the Info-Mac archive have increased enough that we need to release a 2-CD
set every three to four months. This is fantastic, and we thank all the
Macintosh authors for this success!

Enclosed you will find the two Read Me files (TEXT and HTML versions) from
the CD, as well as a text listing of all programs on the 2-CD set.
Additional information about the Info-Mac IX CD-ROM (and a link to info
about previous Info-Mac CD releases.) can be found on the WWW at

I hope you enjoy the CD!


Dave Boswell
Pacific HiTech Macintosh Development (mac@pht.com)

#### BINHEX     joke-master-hc.hqx   ****

From: ronrhodes@earthlink.net
Subject: JokeMaster

JokeMaster is a massive database (over 100,000 words) of clean but 
hilariously funny jokes and stories. JokeMaster is:

* Easy to use. Finds the jokes you need in a user-friendly way.

* A big time-saver. Enables you to quickly find just the joke you need.

* Perfect for public speakers, pastors, youth workers, writers, media 
personnel, and everyone who likes to laugh.

* It also has powerful point-and-click navigation features, as well as a 
scrollable index with over 600 categories of jokes. Clicking on a 
category brings up a full listing of jokes on that topic.

JokeMaster is jam-packed with clean, funny jokes. It contains no 
put-downs, no ethnic jokes, nothing sexually offensive, and nothing 
morally off-color. The jokes in JokeMaster are appropriate not only for 
public speeches, but even for family picnics and sermons at church.

Not only that, JokeMaster contains jokes that are much, much funnier than 
those contained in a major competing software product. Some of those 
jokes are just plain silly. Only genuinely funny jokes are found in 

JokeMaster may turn out to be the best unpaid assistant you've ever had! 

* No more tedious searching through old joke books. 

* No more time lost looking for just the right ice-breaker. 

* JokeMaster makes your job easier. 

* And JokeMaster will help your speeches, writing, and/or sermons come 

#### BINHEX     ma-painters-cookbook.hqx   ****

From: jmiles@brigadoon.com
Subject: Ma Painter's Cook Book

Ma Painter's Cook Book is cooking from the turn of the century. All
recipes have been copied from notes written in her own hand. She was a
cook for some of the wealthiest settlers of the northwest area of Boise
Idaho around the 1900's.

#### BINHEX     mac-easter-eggs-12.hqx   ****

From: IXist@aol.com
Subject: Apple Easter eggs

Hello, I recently noticed that you have an old list of Macintosh Easter Eggs.
 What a shame.  This list os five times as large and is very well known.  I
figured you might want it, and given that you also have a CDROM you might
want to put it on that.  Tell me what you think.  I have not have a negative
responce yet.

#### BINHEX     mac-error-codes-de.hqx   ****

From: wstroh@amda.or.at (Wolfgang M. Stroh)
Subject: German Mac Error Codes


The enclosed archive contains a German list of most Macintosh error codes
(somewhat like System Errors DA or System Errors 7.0.1). The most common
errors have detailed explanations. I find that list very useful and keep it in
the Apple menu as a reference. Please note that it is written in German!
Disinfectant 3.6 reports no viruses.


#### BINHEX     mac-errors-20.hqx   ****

Subject: MacErrors 2.0
From: Marty Wachter <mrw@welchgate.welch.jhu.edu>

#### BINHEX     mac-faq-36.hqx   ****

From: luvnpeas@mail.bigzoo.net
Subject: Mac FAQ 3.6
A collection of frequently-asked questions about Macs, in a highly
searchable, easy-to-browse form. Everything from gaming to which modem best
imitates bird calls (and vice-versa). Mac FAQ is an Infodex stack, so it
requires Hypercard. More info: http://www.efn.org/~bsharvy/crunchy.html

#### BINHEX     mac-hardware-jungle.hqx   ****

From: Paul Gronemeyer <pgrone@gmx.de>
Subject: Mac Hardware Jungle

This is a Filemaker database about the first Apple Computers.
Starting with the Apple I it contains informations up to the first
generation G3 machines from 1998
You see a picture of each Mac and a complete technical description.
Power Books are included, starting with the Mac Portable from «89 to the G3
powerbook from «98
Workgroupserver and some early Performa models are not in the database.
There are 109 models in the database.

Freeware,  enjoy!

e-mail any comments to pgrone@gmx.de

1998-2002  / Paul Gronemeyer

The file may be included on all CD Roms as long as the original folder is

#### TEXT       mac-medical-modifications.txt   ****

From: MarkMilem@aol.com
Date: Sun, 28 May 1995 09:13:38 -0400
Subject: Mac Medical Modifications, etc. (S) (long)


I have been remiss about my promise to summarize to the list.

Back on 17 Feb, I said:

>A friend of mine has a relative who suffers from ALS and he is interested in
>any support groups/information that might be available here/on the net.
>He is also interested in adapting technology to help when various bodily
>systems start to fail.  Is there any information on use of Macs for
>quadriplegics and the like?

I have chosen some of the replies as representative and edited those for
length.  Any errors should be considered mine.

#### TEXT       mac-newton-easter-egg-list-94.txt   ****

From: bskendig@netcom.com (Brian Kendig)
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 1994 09:41:38 PDT
Subject: The Macintosh/Newton Easter Egg List

  .__________________________________________________.    | Contents |
  |                                                  |    |================|
  |  The Macintosh/Newton Easter Egg List            | .  | Hardware       |
  |  compiled by Brian Kendig (bskendig@netcom.com)  | .  | System         |
  |                                          ____    | .  | Other software |
  |  Easter 1994 edition.                   | OK |   | .  | Useful tips .  |
  |                                         `----'   | .  `-------------|\-'
  `--------------------------------------------------' .                |_\
      .................................................    (c)1994 bsk    \

Welcome to the Macintosh/Newton Easter Egg List!  An "easter egg"
(sometimes known as a "cookie") is something amusing or otherwise
nonproductive (like a picture, a song, or the developers' names) hidden

#### BINHEX     mac-scsi-hardware-dp.hqx   ****

From: jnebeard@earthlink.net
Subject: HOW-TO Tutor for Mac SCSI

With all the flap re 'evil things SCSI do', I thought it appropriate
to surface this tutorial on SCSI setups.

Shipped as a Common Ground 'miniView' document, with credits
in the about box ...

Hoping we all enjoy our Macs,  sooner, faster, better, ...
and of course ... IT'S A Macintosh!

Jeff & Eilene Beard

(ps: orginal posted circa '94-95 info-mac)

#### BINHEX     mac-storage-faq.hqx   ****

From: lesjones@usit.net (Leslie Jones)
Subject: Mac Storage FAQ

This is the new FAQ for the new comp.sys.mac.hardware.storage newsgroup.
The FAQ answers many common questions about general Mac storage, floppy
drives, CD-ROM drives, and hard drives. The FAQ is a plain text file,
formatted with setext. It can be read in any word processor or text editor
that can open files larger than 32K, but it looks super nice in EasyView.

Chapter 7 describes various storage devices (SyQuest, Zip, magneto-optical,
etc.), and has information about the upcoming Jaz and EZ 135 drives.
Chapter 7 also compares various removable cartridge devices based on
performance and cost.

This archive also contains a spreadsheet for calculating storage costs for
removable cartridge drives. The spreadsheet is provided in ClarisWorks 2.0,
Excel 3.0, and SYLK formats.

#### BINHEX     mac-tips-and-tricks-10-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Haakon Stoedle) Hakon.Stodle@kunst.hitos.no
Subject: Mac Tips & Tricks 1.0

Mac Tips & Tricks is a HyperCard stack that contains useful tips and tricks to 
make using your Mac even easier than it already is.

You get tips on how to free up more memory (and not just by turning extensions 
off), how to use MacsBug to get out of a crash, why the shift key is so 
invaluable and much, much more.

Mac Tips & Tricks is NOT a compilation of easter eggs. For that I would 
recommend Apple Easter Eggs, by Daniel Fanton.

Mac Tips & Tricks is freeware, all I ask is that if you discover a useful 
feature on your Mac that is not included in this release, send it to me. My 
e-mail adress is Hakon.Stodle@kunst.hitos.no.

#### BINHEX     mac-to-vga-adapters-10.hqx   ****

From: markau0@lycos.com
Subject: Mac To VGA Adapters 1.0
Information on how to build Mac to VGA and VGA to Mac Adapters.

Includes MacII Sync on Green (Composite Sync) Adapter information.

Version 1.0

#### BINHEX     macintosh-faq-de.hqx   ****

From: helmke@informatik.mu-luebeck.de (Jan Helmke)
Subject: Why a german [Macintosh] FAQ
Date: 23 Jan 1995 12:31:29 GMT


today I've mailed a german FAQ for the Macintosh in this group. WHY?
Because no one knows about an english FAQ. This one is very good, monthly
and the most popular in Germany.
Please let me know if there is an english FAQ out there or that this is the
wrong way
for posting a FAQ.

Ciao Jan

#### TEXT       macpgp-guide-27.txt   ****

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 17:46:34 -0800
From: qwerty@netcom.com (Xenon)
Subject: "Here's How to MacPGP!" guide

Here's the latest version (2.7) of my "Here's How to MacPGP!" guide, to
replace /info-mac/info/macpgp-guide-18.txt.

Hey Mac user, having too much fun? Don't want your plans made public?
You're sending e-mail on "postcards" if you don't have the free public key
encryption program PGP. You heard about it in the news; here's your easy
guide to getting and using it. It will get non-Mac users started too.

 -=Xenon=- <qwerty@netcom.com>

Send mail to qwerty@netcom.com with Subject "Bomb me!", for my "Here's How
to MacPGP!" guide (this document) and Gary Edstrom's PGP FAQ. If you
received this unexpectedly, it means I found your post on Usenet or
elsewhere asking about PGP, or I have made a mistake. People can now get
these by anonymous ftp to netcom.com in /pub/gbe and /pub/qwerty as well.

#### BINHEX     macs-in-mixed-network.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 17:58:30 +0200
From: mhaveri@sun3.oulu.fi (Matti Haveri)
Subject: macs_in_mixed_network.txt

A while ago (2/95) I posted the following question about bringing Macs
to a Mac-hostile network:

> I have a friend that was going to get Internet-connection to his Mac at
> work. There are some PC's to be connected as well.
> However, he is working in a Mac-hostile environment (tm) and now his
> system-administrator is going to refuse to connect his Mac because he
> believes that Macs with their AppleTalk-protocol are a serious security
> risk (he works in a hospital and the network is TCP/IP-based with
> connections to other hospitals).
> Is it really possible for AppleTalk-packets to bypass certain gateways and
> other protection schemes that IP-packets can't?

Here are the answers I got (thanks). The consensus seems to be that 1) Macs
are secure on the net and MacTCP talks the same IP as UNIX-boxes and PC's
2) Routers have to be explicitly configured to pass AppleTalk packets on
3) A lone Mac doesn't need to use AppleTalk and, if necessary, AppleTalk
can easily be switched off via the chooser 4) When used, AppleTalk and
protocols like NetBEUI and Windows for Workgroups broadcast their presence
on the net but this shouldn't cause trouble.

#### BINHEX     macs-talkin-dictionary-22.hqx   ****

From: jeffsapple@earthlink.net
Subject Mac's Talkin' Dictionary 2.2

File Size =  2.8 MB compressed and 6 MB uncompressed. System
Requirements:  Any computer running system 7 or better. The application
uses only 1 MB of RAM (Random Access Memory).

Mac's Talkin' Dictionary is great for the beginner and intermediate
Apple Macintosh user. Add Alias to Apple Menu of Mac's Talkin'
Dictionary enables you to view all chapters included. Multiple windows
may be open with the dictionary and a text editor is included for
creating your own documents enabling you to add your own pictures, sound
or your own voice.

Definitions found are about the: Ä Internet Ä Macintosh computers (from
the Macintosh 512K to the PowerMac 9500) Ä Basic C Programming Ä System
Folder Ä Control Panels Ä System Extensions Ä Popular Application
Programs (from text editors to games) Ä Tips & Troubleshooting Ä and

Mac¼s Talkin¼ Dictionary special features include the use of the speech
manager to read the selected text for you. Pictures and icons for a more
enhanced learning environment. Various sound and system sounds have been

#### BINHEX     macweek-index-93.hqx   ****

From: "Craig O'Donnell" <dadadata@world.std.com>
Subject: MacWEEK Online Index for 93
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 1994 16:25:03 -0500 (EST)

>  An EasyView-compatible text file containing a monthly index
> of all MacWEEK articles which were published online in
> 1993. Includes an EasyView index.
> The files themselves must be obtained by logging onto ZiffNet/Mac
> and going to the MacWEEK Forum Libraries.

#### BINHEX     macweek-reviews-93.hqx   ****

From: errera@ese.ogi.edu (Claude Errera)

Subject: [*] MacWeek 1993 Product Review Index

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 14:00:51 -0800


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The 1/3/94 edition of MacWeek included an index to all 

products reviewed in 1993. It noted that a tab-delimited

version is available on ZiffNet/Mac, but since I don't

have access to that service, I scanned the printed review

and saved it as tab-delimited text myself. It looks okay

with a left tab at 3 in. and a right tab at 6.5 in.

Hope this is useful to some of you!


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

#### BINHEX     make-icelandic-fonts-20.hqx   ****

From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de
Subject: Make Icelandic TrueType Fonts 2.0

This documentation describes in detail how to access the special
Icelandic characters, which are contained in all of Apple's Roman
TrueType fonts and in all of Adobe's PostScript fonts.

Version 2.0 lets you patch also LaserWriter 8.x.

Only ResEdit is required.

Andreas Prilop

#### TEXT       make-turkish-fonts-20.txt   ****

From: april@macb033.rrzn.uni-hannover.de
Subject: make-turkish-fonts-20.txt

This documentation describes in detail how to access the special Turkish
characters, which are contained in all of Apple's Roman TrueType fonts.
As a bonus, you get a multiplication sign for the useless lozenge.

Andreas Prilop
July 1997

You need only ResEdit.

(1) Duplicate a font suitcase and remove all bitmap fonts from the copy.

#### BINHEX     midi-copyrights.hqx   ****

From: higgs@netcom.com (Simon Higgs)
Subject: No Subject!
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 1994 23:08:07 -0800

The following file entitled "MIDI_Copyrights.sea.hqx" contains a multi-media 
presentation (Made in MacroMedia Director) of an article I wrote for Keyboard 
magazine in the June 1993 issue. The article was called "MIDI File distribution 
and computer bulletin boards". Please put this in your directory containing 
MIDI Files or MIDI Shareware.

MIDI & Copyright.sea
MIDI File Distribution and Computer Bulletin Boards

©1993, 1994 Simon Higgs

 6-Feb-94  7:08:28-GMT,537357;000000000001
Return-Path: <higgs@netcom.com>
Received: from terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
	id AA26431; Sat, 5 Feb 94 23:08:16 PST
Received: from mail.netcom.com by terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu (8.6.4/2.2)
	with ESMTP id CAA04835; Sun, 6 Feb 1994 02:07:55 -0500
Received: from localhost by mail.netcom.com (8.6.4/SMI-4.1/Netcom)
	id XAA00281; Sat, 5 Feb 1994 23:08:24 -0800
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 1994 23:08:24 -0800
From: higgs@netcom.com (Simon Higgs)
Message-Id: <199402060708.XAA00281@mail.netcom.com>
To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu

#### BINHEX     music-file-formats-10.hqx   ****

From: jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah)
Subject: Music File Formats Archive 1.0 (Zip File)
Date: Mon, 2 May 94 23:12:54 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

version 1.0 by Jamal Hannah, 5/2/94

Contains specifications (and effects!) for the following music file
formats: MOD, MED, FastTracker, StarTracker, XTracker,
ScreamTracker 3, Farandole, MultiTracker, TakeTracker, Oktalyzer,
Pro-16, Studio Session, UltraTracker, GraveMod, ROL, 669 and General-Midi.

If you have more info, or corrections, please write:

Jamal Hannah
P.O. Box 992
Cambridge, MA 02140-0009

Email: jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu or jah@world.std.com

Use "UnZip 2.0.1" or "ZipIt" for the Macintosh to open this archive!

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MUSFMT10.ZIP"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MUSFMT10.ZIP"

#### BINHEX     pc-errors-and-help-11-hc.hqx   ****

From: PC Errors & Help 1.1
Subject: development/hypercard

"PC Errors & Help 1.1" is a freeware HyperCard stack created by Ken
Dunham, ©1997.  This stack is a list of common errors encountered during
consultation with IBM/PC customers.  Each error is explained in layman
terms with technical documentation available as needed.  A great
organization or reference tool for any lab manager or home
troubleshooting individual.  Users of Macintosh PowerPC computers will
especially like this product.

You have my permission to put this stack on commercially available CD
ROM's.  Feel free to email comments and questions to
kdunham@eosc.osshe.edu or kdunham@eoni.com.

#### BINHEX     phone-codes-time-zones-334.hqx   ****

Subject:     PhoneCodes/TimeZones 3.3.4
Sent:        7/23/97 8:22 PM
Received:    7/23/97 8:24 PM
From:        mross@antigone.com
To:          macgifts@info-mac.org
CC:          mross@shell2.ba.best.com
Enclosure:   PhoneCodesTimeZones3.3.4.sit

Have you ever received a phone message and not known if it's still
"business hours" where the call came from? Or planned to call your
nephew in Harare and not known if he would be awake yet?

PhoneCodes/TimeZones is an update to my previous Area Codes/Time Zones.
It is a DocMaker stand-alone application which provides all kinds of
useful information. It lets you pinpoint where an area code or country
code is located and what time it is there. Conversely, it lets you look
up area codes for major cities in the US and Canada and international
country codes for all the countries in the world.

Version 3.3.4 is an interim release which is up-to-date on the latest
Area Code additions. Look for version 4.0 coming soon with detailed
world Daylight Savings Time information.

The reference ftp site for the latest released version is:

New in version 3.34 (23-Jul-1997):
- Added new Area Codes 580 678 720
- Updated info on Area Codes 450 473 660 781 784 978

#### BINHEX     picture-key.hqx   ****

From: biggus@colorado.edu
Subject: Picture Key - small jpg of screenshot key combos

This is just a very small jpeg picture which shows you what key combos in
OS 8/8.1 control which functions, when taking a snapshot of your screen or
some part of it. Why? I always forget the combos, despite taking many
pictures, and found this handy. Maybe someone else will find it handy.

Of course, it's free and pass it around if you want to.

System requirements:
* MacOS 8/8.1
* jpeg viewer (such as JPEGView).

Jeff Biggus

#### BINHEX     ppc-mac-prices.hqx   ****

From: Robert_E._Winston@pol.com
Subject: PPC Mac Prices.sit.hqx
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 09:02:50 -0500
Organization: Productivity OnLine   513-333-3111

Here, compiled from various public sources, are the dealer cost,
ApplePrice, CompUSA and Georgia Tech educational prices for the
Macintosh PowerPCs.
Dealer cost is Apple's level B price. This is the price paid by the
large chains like CompUSA. 

ApplePrice is Apple's retail price which is supposed to reflect actual 
street price. Real street price is somewhat less.  

CompUSA price is from a store in Minniapolis. 

GT = special educational prices at universities, in this case Georgia

The two enclosed files are identical except one is in ClarisWorks 2
format and the other is plain text.


#### BINHEX     ppc-press-releases-94-03-14.hqx   ****

From: Brian Amira <brian@scs.unr.edu>
Subject: Power_Macintosh_PRs_3_14_94.hqx
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 16:07:28 -0600

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

PRs released on March 14, 1994.



Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Power_Macintosh_PRs.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Power_Macintosh_PRs.sit"

#### BINHEX     real-world-golive-6.hqx   ****

#### TEXT       remote-access.txt   ****

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 08:46:11 -0600
From: monty-hampton@uokhsc.edu (Monty Hampton)
Subject: Renote Access (Summary)

Thanks to all of those who responded to my inquiry regarding remote access.
Special thanks to Alan Hewat, Bruce Goldstein, Matthew Ahrens, Subbarayudu
Darisipudi and Dennis D. Davison.  

The results are summarized below. 

>Is there an A/B switching device available that will automatically switch
>to the modem for incoming calls or is there another solution to the A/B
>situation (short of always having to switch back and forth each day)?

Mixed reviews here. Some suggested manual switching (which I wanted to
avoid). There are auto-switching devices, but no on responding had
experience with them.  

>Is it best to purchase a modem capable of booting the system or should I
>leave my system on and just turn off the monitor (or leave the monitor on,

#### BINHEX     rymals-hints.hqx   ****

From: "Larry Rymal:T.E.M.U.G.-EAST_TEXAS-" <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Rymal's Hints from his Friends (A FAQ)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 13:19:38 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

        Only a `fool' would dare declare that he/she is an expert when
talking about computers.  Such a person ranks with Texas weather
forecasters although these guys ought to be admired for attempting to
tame Texas meterology.  Only by listening and working with computer
friends can a person advance his/her competency in this exciting field.
        `Rymal's Hints from Friends' is a DocMaker application that
should really be titled: "Head-shaking-InterNet-surfers-who-have-saved-
Larry Rymal's-hide-more-than-once-on-getting-his-computer-going-and-
showing-him-how-to-navigate-the-InterNet".  It is basically a compilation
of hints and tips from a few of you on the InterNet and on TeNET, the
Texas Education Network.  Most of the comments and hints have the
original address, date, and subject header intact, some don't.  All have
appeared publically.  But, for the most part, these are valuable nuggets
of information and I for one, am very grateful and I'll bet these have
helped thousands upon thousands of folks world-wide as they are shared.
        But alas, "Rymal's Hints" is just a meager representation of what
has been posted in the past.  A lot of fine folks' comments is not in
this application and it is a pity, too.  At any rate, I'm very
appreciative of the e-Help that has been transmitted through the years
and certainly don't take it for granted.  Secondly, many of the folks
whom I have assisted locally is a direct result of your aid.  So, please,
don't think that your comments are unnoticed, even if they don't show up
in some meager FAQ.
        The application has been stuffed, and can be deStuffed and
deHQXed by dropping ontop of the StuffIt Expander.  Just click on it
afterwards and it will load up for you automatically for reading.

--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Rymal_Hints.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Rymal_Hints.sit"

#### DIRECTORY  sft   ****

#### TEXT       symbol-bold.txt   ****

From: "Bruce Bromberek" <brombere@a2.chen.umn.edu>
Subject: Bold Symbol - the Method
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 18:31:27 -0600 (CST)

Here is the method I've used, courtesy Roger Marks who posted
Anders Liljegren's original method.  I offer no gaurantee 
other than to say it worked for me.  Proceed at your own risk.

>Date: Tue, 29 Jan 91 15:20:17 MET
>From: Anders Liljegren <andersl@snobben.teknikum.uu.se>
>Subject: Symbol bold

I encountered the problem with printing in Symbol bold a couple of years ago.
For a long time I used a work-arround which consisted of having another copy
of the Symbol screen font called something different, e.g. symbo2, in my
system. When I wanted to print in Symbol bold I used Symbo2 bold instead. 
This meant that the system didn't recognise the screen font Symbo2 as 
corresponding to the Laser font Symbol. It then used the standard way of 
printing fonts not available on the LaserWriter, namely to use the screen font 

#### BINHEX     the-organized-macintosh.hqx   ****

From: preilly@isoquantic.com
Subject: The Organized Macintosh 1.0

The Organized Macintosh (TOM) is a SimpleText document containing a
description of the world's most organized Macintosh computer. TOM is a
useful guide to setting up your Mac's directories for optimum
efficiency. Whether you are a neophyte or long-time mac user, you will
find TOM to be an eye opener.

.... Patrick L. Reilly, Gen.Mgr., IsoQuantic Technologies, LLC 1343 N.
Alma School Rd.,Ste. 125, Chandler, AZ 85224 V: +1.602.814.8500 (F:7946)

#### BINHEX     troubleshooting-101-ia.hqx   ****

From: eddingto@ddbniac.com
Subject: Troubleshooting 101 IA

The "Troubleshooting 101 Presentation" is a fully interactive application
designed to help you troubleshoot your Macintosh if it bombs or freezes
under System 6.0 through 7.6. It won't help you with a "Sad Mac" on startup
problem, won't bring back a trashed file, and it won't make your boss give
you a raise, but it just might bail you out of a bad situation. This is
written with a Macintosh novice in mind but contains useful information for
all levels of Macintosh users.

There are two versions of this troubleshooting presentation, but both have
identical content. "Troubleshooting 101 IA.sit" (or "Troubleshooting 101
IA") is the "basic" presentation. "Troubleshooting 101 IA wM.sit" (or
"Troubleshooting 101 IA w MUSIC") contains background music which plays
throughout the presentation.

This is the "Troubleshooting 101 IA" version. It requires a Macintosh with
a 14" monitor and capable of displaying 256 colors or more.

The "Troubleshooting 101 Presentation" was created by the same author of
the "Troubleshooting 101 DA". It is not designed to replace the
"Troubleshooting 101 DA" but to compliment it.

For more information, please visit http://rampages.onramp.net/~reddingt

|         Royce Eddington           |    eddingto@ddbniac.com    |

#### TEXT       type-1-errors-faq-95-09-28.txt   ****

From: abrody@worldweb.net (Don't Panic)
Subject: Type-1-FAQ-9-28-95.txt

Anyone who has not heard the answer to this FAQ should read this:
Why does my ...
Application unexpectedly quit?
Finder report a Type 1, 2, 3, or 28 error?
Finder report an F-line error?
Finder report a BusError (Type 1)?

All four of these happen basically due to any of the following problems:
Your desktop file is corrupted
Your PRAM is corrupted
An INIT conflict
A fragmented hard drive
Incompatibility with machine or system
Lack of math coprocessor (usually followed by a Finder error 90)
Preference file corrupts
Internet connection through TurboGopher, Fetch, Telnet, Mosaic, Eudora, or

#### BINHEX     vendor-db.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 17:18:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Hastings <amcoex@crl.com>
Subject: VendorDB 

It is a database of computer hardware and software vendors (over 5,400) with 
phone numbers. 

#### BINHEX     winecellar-08b2.hqx   ****

From: lukas.hjalmar@cryogen.com
Subject: Winecellar 0.8b2

This is the Winecellar of France, a type of wine reference guide. Since I am no
connoisseur, I can only tell you what I belive and have read. Although I don´t
think, any connoisseur could honestly give you anything more. This product is not
'Shareware' but 'Wineware' so if you like it and wish to get updates and new
"Winecellars"  ("Winecellars" of Germany, Spain and Italy are being researched)
you must send me a bottle of wine, preferably a local wine since that will make
it more interesting. Wine inclusive of transport should not have a value
excessive of 10$-30$, well unless you relly want to give me more that is. Please
mark the box you mail it in "FRAGILE" for safety reasons.

#### BINHEX     world-net-from-a-mac.hqx   ****

From: g.jorgensen@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Macs on AT&T Worldnet

Text document describing how to get signed up with the AT&T WorldNet 
service for Internet access and how to configure a Macintosh to access 

Please do not ask the author for help or support with WorldNet, TCP/IP, 
FreePPP, etc.

Equipment needed: Macintosh, modem, temporary use of a Windows PC & modem
Software needed: OpenTransport or MacTCP, FreePPP or other Mac PPP client
Author: Greg Jorgensen, g.jorgensen@worldnet.att.net


Greg Jorgensen

#### BINHEX     year-2000-pdf.hqx   ****

From: g.wagner@sylvania.sev.org (George Wagner)
Subject: Year 2000 brochure updated

I uploaded a PDF file of a brochure with information regarding the Year 
2000 problem.  I didn't realize that the PDF file was unable to use 
margins smaller than .25 inch, and it cut off the edge.  Please replace 
the earlier file with the one that I am posting to 

The brochure describes the various potential problems that the year 2000 
brings.  It details what the problems are, how to test for them, and why 
it is important to deal with this issue as soon as possible.

George L. Wagner Jr.
Computers, Support, & Consulting

#### BINHEX     yosemite-album-guide-10.hqx   ****

From: ansbro@n2.net
Subject: Yosemite 3D Trail Guide and Photo Album 1.0

Explore new vistas in Yosemite Valley and enjoy your own favorite photos at the same time! 
Fly overhead, zoom to favorite viewpoints or just walk around on the surface. 
Grand Tour viewpoint lets you fly around for an overview of the entire valley. 
Popular viewpoints like Vernal Falls and Half Dome automatically load photos in the bottom frame. 
Glacier Point includes a slideshow 
The album is pre-loaded with some great amateur photos (+ a QTVR of Yosemite Falls). 
Navigation instructions are included in the left frame. (You need a 3D VRML plugin like Cosmo ) 
A Mac may require 80 to 100 megs of memory (using virtual memory) with 60 to 80 allocated to Netscape. 
The online version covers the Half Dome trail.  The download version covers the whole valley. 

#### BINHEX     zen-guide-to-internet-pdf.hqx   ****

From: SPantke@NetzService.de (Stefan W. Pantke)
Subject: Zen Guide to  the Internet (PDF)

This is the 'Zen Guide to  the Internet' as PDF formated
document. Use (free) Acrobat Reader to view on your
Mac (or PC, SUN, ...).

For techies: I wrote a program that reads the original
text version of the document, convert the document to
Pagemaker's tagged file format and convert it using
Acrobat Distiller to finally create the PDF.