Applies to:
    Kermit 95 1.1.17
    15 June 1998

  This document:
    Copyright (C) 1995, 1998, Trustees of Columbia University
    in the City of New York, all rights reserved.

First release: 1.1, October 2, 1995.  This release is thoroughly documented in
the accompanying manuals and online files, except that after the "Kermit 95"
manual went to press, an autodownload feature was added for Kermit and ZMODEM
protocol.  It works automatically, and is described in the main READ.ME file.

Versions 1.1.1 through 1.1.17 fix bugs and add features.  The bugs are
described in the BUGS.TXT file.  The second edition of "Using C-Kermit" was
published concurrently with the release of Kermit 95 1.1.8 / C-Kermit 6.0.192
and its descriptions of Kermit's command and scripting language and file
transfer capabilities and procedures are up to date as of those releases; any
C-Kermit features added since that time are documented in the CKERMIT2.UPD
file.  Other new features that are specific to Kermit 95 are described in the
new Kermit 95 manual, which is in the Kermit 95 DOCS\MANUAL subdirectory in
HTML format, to be accessed by a Web browser.

  NOTE: In version 1.1.11, all *.DOC files were renamed to *.TXT to
  avoid incorrect file associations in Windows, OS/2, Netscape, etc
  etc.  These are plain-text files, not Word-for-Windows or other
  "rich" documents.  (We and everybody else have named our plain-text
  documentation files with the .DOC filetype for decades -- shouldn't
  they have picked something else?)  (Ditto for HLP, INI, etc)

Prior to publication of the new Second Edition of the Kermit 95 manual, this
file contained documentation of K95-specific features that were added since
the original Kermit 95 release in 1995.  All of that material is now
incorporated into the new Kermit 95 manual.

This file lists the changes that were made in each Kermit 95 release.

VERSION 1.1.1 - 3 November 1995

Bug fixes only:

 . Attempts to remove preloaded entries from Dialer caused a crash
 . Alphabetization of Dialer entries fixed not to be case-sensitive
 . Download directory specification in Dialer no longer ignored
 . Dial prefix no longer also treated as dial suffix by Dialer
 . Kermit BBS Dialer entry fixed to have Backspace key send Backspace
 . Range checking of various numbers by Dialer fixed
 . SET MODEM commands in K95CUSTOM.INI no longer ignored
 . Improved search technique for command files
 . Accuracy of Dialer status line online timer improved
 . ZMODEM downloads fixed to work when FILE COLLISION is BACKUP or RENAME
 . ZMODEM transfers fixed to work over various types of TELNET connections
 . Faster detection of lost connections during file transfer

VERSION 1.1.2 - 18 December 1995

New Features:

 . RLOGIN connections
 . Meridian Technology SuperLAT connections
 . 32-bit ("thunking") Trumpet Winsock connections now supported
 . 32-bit FTP Software OnNet-32 connections now supported
 . VTxxx terminal LEDs are now shown in the terminal-screen status line
 . Terminal cursor style selection added to Dialer Terminal page
 . Some new \v(xxx) variables and \fxxx() functions.
 . MKDIR command added to create directories


 . Dialer vertical scrolling problem fixed
 . ANSWER command fixed (previously it could crash Kermit)
 . No more sending the autoanswer-off string to the modem
 . Compose key (Alt-C) fixed
 . SET TERM CHAR TRANSPARENT fixed to allow display of characters 0x80-0x9F
 . Various other VT emulation fixes resulting in a perfect VTTEST score
 . \v(keyboard) now properly set
 . Alt-O changed from controller print to autoprint, as advertised
 . No more sending Ctrl-Z at end of print job
 . XMODEM upload versus packet length bug fixed
 . XMODEM download bug fixed
 . MOVE / MMOVE fixed to work with XYZMODEM.
 . File transfers interrupted with Ctrl-C can now be resumed in same session
 . Ctrl-C out of "SET HOST *" now possible
 . Ctrl-C during file transfer now works
 . Ctrl-C out of server mode now works
 . SET FILE DOWNLOAD DIRECTORY fixed to work with server mode too
 . Filename parser failed when filename was in a variable, fixed
 . Setting terminal character-set from Dialer fixed
 . Setting title bar from "kermit -j host" fixed
 . The EMACS.INI keymap wasn't patched correctly in 1.1.1
 . The 1.1.1 patch did not allow for READ.ME files in multiple directories

VERSION 1.1.3 - 27 February 1996

New features:

 . Host mode
 . Year 2000 readiness
 . User specifiable auto-upload host commands
 . Searching and bookmarks in Terminal scrollback buffer
 . Big speedups in Kermit file transfer speed over network connections
 . New SET TCP <parameter> <value> command for tuning TCP/IP connections
 . New RMDIR and UNDEFINE commands
 . READ, ASK, ASKQ, GETC can now be used with long variable (macro) names
 . \v(instatus) variable shows results of most recent INPUT command
 . New functions \fhexify(), \unfhexify()
 . New string functions \fspan(), \fbreak(), \ftrim(), \fltrim()
 . New variables \v(errno) and \v(errstring)
 . Maximum length for macro names increased to 64
 . Maximum length for array references increased to 128
 . SET SERVER IDLE-TIMEOUT allows automatic exit from server mode
   after the specified amount of inactivity (0 = no idle timeout).
 . Command line option for passing in a socket handle: -j _n where
   "n" is the numeric socket handle.


 . EMACS.INI fixed -- Alt-x/Alt-y scan codes were mixed up - fixed.
 . SET / IF ALARM fixed
 . INPUT could not be interrupted from the keyboard except by Ctrl-C - fixed.
 . \v(cpu) fixed to show actual CPU type, rather than "unknown"
 . ESC [ ? 6/7 i escape-sequence processing removed (no such sequence)
 . Transparent printing fixed not to translate character sets.
 . Preloaded Microcom-AT (Deskporte) commands fixed.
 . Crash when pasting big stuff into terminal window fixed.
 . Cursor-type selection not saved in Dialer - fixed
 . PBX material from Locations & Codes Dialer page not saved - fixed.
 . SET TERM CHAR TRANSPARENT, then terminal reset, killed K95 - fixed.
 . Spurious "A connection might still be active on COM1..." - fixed.
 . SET PORT<cr> to unassigns current port - fixed to give no error message.
 . DIAL TIMEOUT causing access violation - fixed.
 . Modem list in setup program PPI / Multitech mixup - fixed.
 . Ctrl-Space default assignment should have been NUL (^@) - fixed.
 . XYZMODEM Transfers didn't work over RLOGIN connections - fixed.
 . VT220/320 Erase Character (ECH) bug - fixed.
 . LOGIN.SCR renamed to LOGIN.KSC to avoid conflicts with screen savers.

VERSION 1.1.4 - 5 March 1996


 . Messed up colors on initial Terminal screen - fixed.
 . Colors behave differently than in MS-DOS Kermit - fixed.
 . Redialing on a SET HOST / SET MODEM / DIAL connection didn't work - fixed.
 . Command-file line numbers not reset - fixed.
 . ASSIGN/DEFINE failed to fail if definition too long - fixed.
 . Dialer temporary files called .SCR instead of .KSC - fixed.
 . The MSEND command did not work with ZMODEM - fixed.
 . The Backspace key didn't work with "set term char finnish" - fixed.

Version 1.1.4 also has new support for printing to PostScript printers,
and a security feature ("nopush") for use with "restricted shells".

VERSION 1.1.5 - 1 July 1996

New Terminal Emulations:

 . AT386 (Interactive Unix Console)
 . Avatar/0+ added, and also incorporated into to ANSI-BBS
 . Data General DASHER 200 and 210
 . Heath-19
 . SCOANSI (SCO Console, and for use with Linux, for color sessions)
 . Televideo 910+, 925, 950
 . Wyse 30, 50, 60, 370

Keyboard Handling Improvements and Fixes:

 . Built-in keymaps for each terminal type, with automatic switching
 . Windows 95 Caps Lock bug - K95 now works around it
 . Windows 95 Dead Key bug - K95 now works around it
 . A built-in EMACS keyboard mode
 . Lots of new Kverbs
 . MS-DOS Kermit compatible keycodes: SET MSKERMIT KEYCODES { ON, OFF }
 . Kverbs now allowed in OUTPUT commands
 . VT220/320 Arrow and F Keys (etc) can now send 8-bit escape sequences
 . New Latin-2 Compose key.
 . New Compose-key sequences for Apostrophe, Circumflex, Grave, Tilde, etc,
   added to get around dead-key problems (but hopefully dead-key problems
   are fixed too).
 . DEC VT220/320 User Defined Key (UDK) support
 . SHOW KEY ALL shows all key mappings

Other Terminal Emulation Improvements and Fixes:

 . Various xterm extensions to VT terminal types (title bar, set time, etc)
 . True blink
 . Fix - NULs now sent to printer in transparent print mode
 . Fix - DCS, OSC, APC, PM ignored during transparent print mode
 . Fix - Control Characters now processed during DCS, OCS, APC, PM strings
 . A new key mapping file for use with host-based WordPerfect 5.1

Command Screen Improvements:

 . Scrollback and mouse features in the command window
 . Ctrl-L clears command screen

Script Programming Improvements:

 . INPUT vs session log bug fixed
 . disk: or disk:directory at prompt is like CD
 . Constructions like "send foo\%a" fixed.
 . Faster wildcard expansion with more matches allowed

File Transfer Improvements:

 . XYZmodem fixes and improvements
 . Integration of XYZMODEM into file transfer display and most commands.
 . Autodownload fixed to work no matter what terminal character-set is.


 . Serial-port transmit speedups (up to 84%)
 . SET HOST <ip-address> no longer uses DNS
 . New RLOGIN.EXE stub for convenient RLOGIN connections


 . New Dialer has no more unsightly blotches
 . Dialer fixes: PBX items now work correctly.
 . Dialer terminal type menu expanded to include new types.
 . Dialer LAT support.


 . textps (PostScript print filter) now supports A4 paper size.
 . Ctrl2caps now also allows Esc and Grave keys to be swapped.

General C-Kermit Improvements:

 . Autoupload (auto-server)
 . Dynamic packet timers
 . Redirection of REMOTE command output to file, printer, or pipe
 . BYE, given on a network connection, now also closes the connection
 . File transfer display imrovements: RTT/Timeout, Protocol Name, etc
 . { ADD, CLEAR, SHOW } SEND-LIST: Make mixed groups of files to send
 . Preservation of incoming mixed-case filenames
 . Internal DIRECTORY, TYPE, WHO, and DELETE command execution
 . Uploads now preceded by protocol-specific host command, like "rz".
 . Kermit protocol robustness and performance improvements

 . New easy-to-write-and-read script program syntax
 . LOCAL variables in macros
 . New SWITCH statement
 . hh:mm:ss now accepted for PAUSE, SLEEP, WAIT, INPUT, SET ALARM, ...
 . OUTPUT fixed to handle backslashes like other commands do
 . OUTPUT fixed to handle strings > 80 chars
 . NOPUSH executed automatically if environment variable CK_NOPUSH is defined
 . \&_[0..9] = macro argument vector
 . New variables: \v(xversion)
 . New functions: \ftod2secs()

 . DIAL { blah, blah } to quote commas in DIAL strings in macros
 . New variables: \v(dialresult) \v(dialnumber)
 . New \v(dialresult) codes (e.g. 30 = "blacklisted")
 . Improved understanding of modem-specific numeric result codes
 . Network directory now works for all network types
 . New modems: Gateway Telepath II, Microlink, ...
 . Fixes for modems: PPI, Multitech, Paradyne
 . Improved DIAL and SHOW DIAL displays
 . -J ("be like Telnet") command-line option

 . Better display of ? help in keyword and file fields
 . SET EXIT WARNING is now more accurate
 . New abbreviations: E = EXIT, H = HELP
 . !command ("!", no space, shell command) fixed
 . "command | kermit -s -" fixed
 . Command-recall bug fixed


 . Various memory leaks plugged & other bug fixes

VERSION 1.1.6 - 16 July 1996


 . SET MSKERMIT KEYCODES: Some keys didn't work right.
 . VT100 reverse scrolling was broken.
 . SET KEY commands became too slow.
 . Array elements could not be used for filenames.

VERSION 1.1.7 - 24 July 1996


 . Televideo and Wyse printing didn't work right
 . VT220/320 DCS string cancellation didn't work
 . SCOANSI and AT386 emulation conflicted with Dialer
 . PUSH from Terminal screen to shell could not be returned from
 . K95DIAL window minimized to desktop instead of task bar



VERSION 1.1.8 - 21 Nov 1996

 . New terminal emulations:
   - Hazeltine 1500
   - Hewlett Packard 2621A
   - Volker Craig VC404

 . Terminal-Emulation Character Sets (Windows NT only):
   - Kermit 95's terminal emulator is now based 100% on Unicode
   - Arabic, Greek, Turkish, ISO 8859-3 thru -10 terminal character sets added
   - Full ISO 2022 character-set designation and invocation
   - Any mixture of character sets can be shown on the screen at once
     if they are in your font (e.g. Lucida Console)

 . Keyboard Handling Improvements:
   - LK450 keyboards now supported
   - Default terminal- and mode-specific keymaps can now be changed
   - Expanded EMACS mode

 . Other Terminal Emulation Improvements:
   - Horizontal scrolling
   - Automatic macro execution upon terminal-type switching
   - xterm / DECterm enhancements added to VT220/320 emulation
   - VT 320 status line now fully supported
   - User settable answerback message
   - Numerous Wyse and Televideo improvements
   - LOG SESSION corrected to record untranslated characters

 . Communications:
   - Cardinal modems now supported
   - InterConnections, Inc, TES32 connections are now supported
   - Multiple SuperLAT sessions now supported
   - Support for TELNET NEW-ENVIRONMENT protocol added
   - New commands to overcome TELNET binary-mode misnegotiations

 . Dialer:
   - New button to create script files
   - Multiple sessions to same Dialer entry now allowed
   - Dialer now puts entry name in the K95 title bar
   - Terminal type selection is now a scroll list of all 23 emulations
   - New minimize-on-use option
   - Browse-file dialogs added for notebook Login and Keyboard pages
   - Alt-F4, Close, and Cancel now ask permission to close window

VERSION 1.1.9 - 17 December 1996


 . Page faults when "set terminal character-set transparent" was used
 . Keyboard character-set translation problems
 . Broken Hebrew and Russian keyboard modes
 . Broken dead-key and Alt-Gr support
 . Broken Latin-2 Compose key
 . Broken print-screen and transparent-print functions
 . Some problems with HP2621 emulation
 . VMS SET TERM/WIDTH=xxx did not always clear screen
 . Several other lower-profile bugs.

New Features:

 . Improved horizontal scrolling
 . EDIT, SET EDITOR, SHOW EDITOR and a new "netedit" feature
 . XSEND32 utility for sending directory trees
 . Support for host WordPerfect private character-set designation
 . (Partial) HPTERM emulation (Hewlett Packard "term0")
 . (Partial) Honeywell VIP7809 emulation

VERSION 1.1.10 SUMMARY - 14 January 1997


 . Tall screens didn't work in Windows 95, and various other sizing problems.
 . Occasional ghost cursor when logical screen width > 80.
 . VT100/102 numeric keypad did not have default mappings loaded.
 . Disconnections on TES32 connections when left sitting idle for too long.
 . Session logs recording more data than they should have.
 . A problem with the XMODEM and YMODEM autoupload sequence.
 . The HOSTMDM script didn't work with user-defined modems.
 . Major problems with HP terminal emulation.
 . Minor problems with DG terminal emulation.


 . New utility for initializing Plug-n-Play and/or PCMCIA modems

 . HPTERM, HP2621, and Wyse 60 emulation have been improved sufficiently
   for use with HP-UX SAM.  Downloadable function keys are now implemented
   for these terminal types, and downloadable F-key labels are supported by
   a popup screen, viewable with a new Kverb, \Kfnkeys, assigned by default
   to Alt-f.

 . Ability to specify coloration of protected fields in emulations that
   have them.

 . Improved help screens on Alt-h.

VERSION 1.1.11 - 8 February 1997

 . OS/2 support
 . Data General DASHER D217 emulation.
 . Greater flexibility in choosing autodownload triggers and behavior.
 . A couple new modem types ("generic-high-speed" and Megahertz-Xjack).
 . Terminal margin-bell control.
 . Minor bug fixes

VERSION 1.1.12 - 24 June 1997 

 . DDE messages to Web browsers and other apps
 . DEC PATHWORKS support
 . Bidirectional printer ports
 . Array initializers
 . STATISTICS /BRIEF (shorter file-transfer statistics report) 
 . Minor bug fixes

VERSION 1.1.13 - 8 June 1997 

 . Microsoft Telephony (TAPI) support
 . Support for 132 columns and any other screen sizes in Windows 95
 . Browser support in terminal emulator ("URL hot spots")
 . File transfer pipes and filters
 . Support for 10-digit and other special dialing methods
 . Many new built-in modem types added
 . Modem speaker control
 . Numerous other modem and dialing improvements
 . A way to defeat idle-time limits
 . Various Telnet protocol additions
 . Carrier loss detection during file transfer
 . Greek character-set translation in file transfer and terminal emulation
 . Wyse Status and Label line messages
 . Data General Dasher D217 UNIX mode (host and user selectable)
 . D217 alternate character sets (Math/Symbol, Line Drawing, Word Processing)
 . Hazeltine 1500 emulation now fully operational
 . Xon/Xoff flow control now works in Windows 95
 . REDIRECT now works
 . New IF conditions: OPEN, <=, >=
 . New macro argument \%* (= "all arguments")
 . New built-in help for \function()s
 . New built-in help for \Kverbs including new key finder
 . New screen-scraping functions
 . New functions \fcommand(), \frawcommand(), \fstripx(), \fstripn(), \flop()
 . New variables \v(pexitstat), \v(filename), \v(filenumber), \v(p_ctl), ...
 . Major Dialer improvements: multiple location & modem definitions, etc
 . Updates to preloaded Dialer database entries
 . Bug fixes, tuning, etc.

VERSION 1.1.14 - 24 September 1997

 . Compatibility with the new calling conventions of Netscape Communicator.
 . Ability to run with TCP/IP stacks that don't support the use of
   select() to test for writability of a socket (e.g. Quarterdeck, Cisco).
 . New support for FTP Software's OS/2 PC/TCP TCP/IP stack.
 . File-transfer command switches for:
     Protocol selection
     File selection (by date, size, exception list, etc)
     Transfer mode (text, binary)
     Selection of input from or output to pipes
     Disposition of source file after transfer (keep, delete)
     Disposition of transferred file (store, mail, print)
     Treatment of filenames and pathnames
     Specification of filters to pass the file through as part of transfer
     etc etc
 . CONNECT command switches:
     Specification of triggers for automatically escaping back
     Time limits, Idle limits, etc.
 . New /RAW-SOCKET switch for SET HOST / TELNET disables Telnet negotiations. 
 . Improved printer control and SET PRINTER command switches.
 . Built-in support for several new modems: Rolm, USR X2, etc.
 . Blind dialing (i.e. when there is no dialtone).
 . New terminal emulations:
     QNX Console
     BETERM (for Telnetting to BeBox)
     IBM HFT (High Function Terminal)
     Siemens Nixdorf (SNI) BA80 and 97801-5xx
 . New host character sets for terminal emulation:
     SNI Brackets, Euro, and IBM
     (SNI Facets too, nominally, but the PC doesn't have these characters)
     QNX Console (mostly the same as CP437)
     Windows Code Pages 1250, 1251, 1253, 1254, 1257
 . Lucida Console font substitutions for NT (can be turned off and on).
 . Hazeltine 1500 emulation extended to support Wyse printer controls.
 . Fixed national keyboard support, dead keys, Alt-Gr combos (again).
 . New variables: \v(pid), \v(mousecurx), \v(mousecury), \v(trigger), etc.
 . New functions: \fn2hex(), \fn2oct().
 . Dialer changes:
     New prompt-for-password feature
     New Printer page
     One-touch creation of desktop connection shortcuts
 . K95D (Internet connection listener) can now launch apps in the background.

Version 1.1.14 also fixes some bugs in 1.1.13:

 . Dead-key and Alt-Gr keys not functioning correctly.
 . Certain problems with filenames containing spaces.
 . Problems with Num Lock when using MS-DOS Kermit keycodes.
 . Minor problems with the OUTPUT command (echoing when it shouldn't, etc).
 . END from within SWITCH didn't work.
 . TAPI Modem Dialing selection in the Dialer was backwards.
 . Wrong system type was announced in Telnet New-Environment negotiations.
 . IF ALARM didn't work between midnight and 2:46:40am.
 . Certain mouse actions generated an extraneous error beep.
 . DG emulation "load time of day" escape sequence didn't work.
 . DG and HP line-drawing chars not displayed correctly in Windows 95 and OS/2.
 . All emulations would fail to display line-drawing characters in Windows NT.
 . HP/DG/TVI/Wyse/Hazeltine emulations didn't work well with parity.
 . ANSI emulations would not reset the active color upon color-reset from host.
 . Various other problems with HP terminal emulation
 . Ctrl-C caused problems when running K95 under 4NT on Windows NT.
 . Assorted minor problems with TAPI.
 . Trouble dialing at low serial speeds (like 1200) in Windows 95.
 . Modem commands in Dialer erroneously reset when editing modem definition.
 . Native SuperLAT support for Windows NT on the Alpha.
 . SHOW KEY interrupted by Ctrl-C caused keyboard problems.
 . SET HOST * eats up CPU.
 . Various problems making Telnet connections to non-Telnet ports.
 . SET MODEM TYPE to the newest modem types didn't work.
 . SETUP.EXE could crash if TAPI had never been configured.
 . Incorrect default numeric keypad map for AT386 and SCOANSI.
 . SET TERMINAL DEBUG ON unnecessarily interfered with Telnet negotiations.
 . Selection of non-default NETBIOS adapter didn't work.
 . SET BROWSER setting was ignored by \KmouseURL.
 . SET DIAL DISPLAY ON did not work with TAPI modems.
 . TAP alpha paging script was not robust enough.
 . Incorrect setup of Telebit modems.
 . File transfers could fail with very short packets.
 . Problems with screen dump of non-ASCII letters in Windows NT.
 . HPTERM and VIP9809 selection in the Dialer didn't work.

VERSION 1.1.15 - 30 September 1997

 . Fixes some minor bugs in 1.1.14

VERSION 1.1.16 - 8 April 1998


 . Kerberos(TM) and SRP(TM) authentication for Telnet connections.
 . DES and CAST encrypted Telnet connections. (requires additional patch)
 . Faster echoing in the Terminal screen.
 . Works better with speech and Braille devices. 
 . Linux Console emulation added.
 . File transfer and terminal emulation performance improvements.
 . Transfer of directory trees.
 . Automatic per-file text/binary transfer-mode switching.
 . Improved performance with Winframe / Winterm.


 . New REDO command finds and reexecutes a previous command.
 . HELP OPTIONS describes command-line options.
 . DELETE command now has /VERBOSE and /QUIET switches.
 . K95 easier to call from other programs.

 . Kerberos IV and V ticket getting and management.
 . Kerberos IV and V authentication on Telnet connections.
 . DES and CAST strong encryption for Telnet connections (requires 
   additional patch)
 . Stanford University's Secure Remote Password authentication for Telnet.
 . Reverse DNS lookups performed on the IP address to retrieve real name
   of remote host (e.g. when connecting to pooled hostnames), plus new
   SET TCP REVERSE-DNS-LOOKUP { ON, OFF } command to enable/disable this.
 . New ability to select from multiple network adapters.
 . More TELNET option negotiations added: LOGOUT, XDISPLOC, ...
 . Bigger buffers and numerous internal speedups.
 . New CLOSE [ CONNECTION ] command (as in Telnet and FTP).
 . New SET { LINE, HOST } switches, /CONNECT and /SERVER.
 . DIAL completion message now shows entire modem CONNECT message, and
   other improvements in DIAL progress messages.
 . SET MODEM COMMAND <action> {} now disables sending of command for <action>.

Terminal Emulation:
 . Faster echoing.
 . Linux Console emulation.
 . Word Perfect keyboard mode.
 . New support for Cyrillic code pages 855 and 856.
 . Recognition of escape sequence to invoke PRODUCT macro.
 . SET TERM KEY /LITERAL to disable character-set translation of a
   key definition on a per-key basis.
 . SHOW KEY now tells if MSKERMIT KEYCODES are in use.

File Transfer:
 . New Kermit fast streaming protocol for use on reliable connections.
 . It is now possible to "unprefix" the NUL character (ASCII 0).
 . Fast transfer settings negotiated automatically when both Kermits know
   they have a TCP/IP connection.
 . Internal microtuning for faster Kermit transfers.
 . Recursive directory traversal for sending directory trees.
 . GET /RECURSIVE to request a directory tree from a server.
 . Automatic directory creation when receiving directory trees.
 . GET /DELETE /RECURSIVE to "move" a directory tree from server to client.
 . SET FILE PATTERNS to specify text and binary filename patterns for
   automatic text/binary transfer-mode switching when sending.
 . SEND /MOVE-TO: moves a file to another directory after successful transfer.
 . SEND /RENAME-TO: renames a file after successful transfer.
 . SEND /LIST:<name-of-file-containing-list-of-files-to-send>.
 . New WHERE command: "Where did my file go???"
 . Increased accuracy of file-transfer throughput statistics.
 . STATISTICS display is now brief but verbose display can be requested.
 . Peak CPS now included in statistics.
 . Numerous fixes to the fullscreen file transfer display.
 . New "brief" file transfer display option - one line per file.
 . New Transaction log option to create records for database or spreadsheet.
 . Automatic draining of queued-up incoming packets after sending Error packet.
 . /BINARY and /TEXT switches now override all other text/binary decisions.
 . Better detection of connection loss before or during file transfer.
 . Nagle algorithm turned off during file transfer on TCP/IP connections.
 . New SET TRANSMIT TIMEOUT <sec> to specify echo/prompt reading timeout.

 . REMOTE MKDIR and REMOTE RMDIR to create and remove directories on server.
 . ENABLE / DISABLE { MKDIR, RMDIR } added to server.
 . Improved server response to REMOTE HELP.

Script Programming:
 . New functions for getting recursive file lists.
 . New functions for getting flat and recursive directory lists.
 . New, more natural syntax for assigning values to variables.
 . A way to make scripts uninterruptible.
 . Automatic (local) arrays.
 . No more need to copy file lists obtained from functions before use.
 . IF ABSOLUTE <filename> <command>.
 . SHOW MACRO is more flexible and helpful.
 . EXIT <exit-code> <message>: New <message> field added.
 . SET FUNCTION DIAGNOSTICS { ON, OFF } to diagnose function-call errors.
 . SET FUNCTION ERROR { ON, OFF } to specify treatment of function-call errors.
 . \%* now shows entire argument string.
 . \&_[] now holds all macro args even if more than 10.
 . SET INPUT CANCELLATION { ON, OFF } to prevent keyboard cancellation of INPUT
 . Internal representation of pathnames, e.g. in variables, now uses / rather
   than \ as directory separator to avoid conflict with parser.
 . \v(ipaddr) now evaluated even if a TCP/IP connection is not present
 . REMOTE QUERY KERMIT function(\%a) now evaluates \%a locally.
 . Kerberos ticket management commands, conditionals, and functions.

 . New site-specific connections database DIALORG.DAT
 . Menu items for frequently accessed Kermit Project web pages
 . New TCP/IP page in entry notebooks
 . Configuration of editor, FTP client, and browser

New variables:
 . \v(printer) - Current printer name.
 . \v(escape)  - ASCII value of current CONNECT-mode escape character.
 . \v(intime)  - Number of milliseconds for INPUT to find its match.
 . \v(krb...)  - Kerberos-related variables.

New functions:
 . \frandom(max)            - Random number between 0 and max.
 . \fdirname(filespec)      - Directory part of filespec.
 . \frfiles(wildcard)       - Recursive file list.
 . \fdirectories(wildcard)  - Directory list.
 . \frdirectories(wildcard) - Recursive Directory list.
 . \fword(s,n,...)          - nth word from string s.
 . \fsplit(s,&a,...)        - Split words of string s into array \&a[].
 . \fdimension(&a)          - Dimension of array \&a[].
 . \ferrstring(n)           - System error message for code n.
 . \fkrb...()               - Kerberos-related functions.

New command-line options:
 . -G: get file and write it to standard output.
 . -L: recursive directory traversal when sending.
 . -#: K95 startup flags.


 . Occasional hanging on EXIT resolved.
 . Numerous problems caused by MSC optimizer: Wyse protect mode would enter
   infinite loop; GET would fail after an XMODEM SEND; VT regional scrolling...
 . Certain commands were not getting into the command recall buffer.
 . DIRECTORY command displayed one file less than it should have.
 . Console mode was changed from TEXT to BINARY and not restored in Win95.
 . MKDIR command didn't in work in OS/2.

 . Slow echoing problems resolved.
 . Exit warning was generated if a TAPI device was open even if not in use.
 . CONNECT would succeed if a TAPI device was open but no call in progress.
 . TAPI device not closed when deselected, preventing other apps from
   accessing it until K95 terminated.
 . SET MODEM COMMAND VOLUME HIGH did the wrong thing.
 . Assorted Telnet initialization problems on non-Telnet ports.
 . Assorted minor Telnet negotiation problems.
 . URL rlogin://host did not work (since "rlogin" not a real service name).
 . The SET TCP NODELAY did not work.

Terminal Emulation:
 . VT emulation CSI Pn X did not erase attributes along with characters.
 . BA80 did not handle Function Key Labels or Status Line commands.
 . VT/ANSI emulation <ESC>E (NEL) at bottom bottom was not scrolling.
 . QANSI graphics characters were displayed incorrectly.
 . Wyse graphics incorrectly converted to local code page in Windows NT.
 . Host programming of function keys in AT386 and SCOANSI emulation was broken.
 . MSKERMIT KEYCODE for Ctrl-Enter was wrong.
 . Various problems fixed in HPTERM emulation.
 . DG transparent printing would fail to print ESC.
 . SET TERMINAL TYPE set the wrong flag when National Charsets were used.
 . Unwanted entry into "mark mode" when using mouse to copy.

File transfer:
 . SET FILE NAMES LITERAL sometimes unnecessarily inhibited file transfers.
 . Autodownload didn't work when parity was mismatched.
 . XYZmodem receives reported twice the number of files received.

 . Server end of REMOTE SET WINDOW / RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH values not checked.

Script Programming:
 . "def \%a 12:00:00, pause \%a" caused a parse error.
 . RETURN from inside SWITCH didn't work.
 . RUN didn't set SUCCESS/FAILURE or \v(pexitstat).
 . SET TITLE did not update title immediately.
 . Failure to EXIT sometimes, notably in host mode.
 . Certain commands like SET TERM TYPE would terminate APC prematurely.
 . An empty APC command would send K95 into an infinite loop.

 . Various parsing problems with SET PRINTER switches.
 . Default windows printer queue might not have been detected on NT.
 . Networked windows printer queues could not be seen on NT.

 . Login Script Text box data was being lost.
 . Printer Type combo box could not be set to File, Pipe, or None.
 . Communications page would not always retain the override speed.

VERSION 1.1.17 - 15 June 1998

New features:
 . CDROM Distribution
 . New Second Edition of the Kermit 95 manual in HTML rather than printed
 . PCTERM keyboard capability
 . Ability to switch active keyboard and input mode (e.g. US / Hebrew)
 . LOTS of new code pages for Euro readiness
 . Scrollback and Mark-mode status now shown in Title bar
 . XMODEM-CRC file-transfer protocol
 . Date conversion functions, included Julian date
 . New DEC Kverbs for PC keyboard on VT520
 . SET AUTH {K4, K5} SERVICE-NAME <name>   
 . SHOW TERMINAL and SHOW CHARACTER-SETS reorganized and improved

Crashes Fixed:
 . Dialer crashes when TMP or TEMP environment variable has bad value
 . K95 crash if serial connection hung up during XYZMODEM transfer

Networking Fixes:
 . Various fixes to Kerberos, SRP, etc.
 . Certain obscure problems with IP domain name resolution 
 . Problems with TES32 worked around
 . OS/2 TCP/IP problems corrected 

Script Programming Fixes:
 . \fword(), \frindex() had off-by-1 errors
 . Value of retun code from END statement was inaccessible
 . Limit on macro definition length was smaller than advertised
 . Certain extraneous warning messages when parsing a switch
 . LOOKUP command did not report FAILURE
 . REMOTE command did not report FAILURE
 . PAUSE always reported FAILURE
 . The \v(os...) variables were wrong in OS/2
   RUN command interfered with screen updates in a script

Command Interface Fixes:
 . Inability to include backslash at the end of a key definition
 . Beeping dead keys in NT
 . Incorrect interpretation of dead keys in K95 Command screen in NT
 . Occasional "dead keyboard" after clicking on a URL

Terminal Emulation Fixes:
 . Broken Scroll Up/Down in HFT, AIXTERM, SCOANSI, and AT386.
 . Wyse60 emulation character-set bank switching and assignment
 . SCOANSI/AT386 attribute reset
 . Minor problems in QANSI emulation
 . Alt-. and Alt-; in Word Perfect Keyboard mode
 . Missing ISO 2022 character-set sequences in some ANSI X3.64 emulations
 . Missing restore default fore/background color escape sequences
 . Bad cursor positioning with double-width characters

File Transfer Fixes:
 . Illegal switch combinations on GET/REGET commands no longer allowed
 . Problems with file transfer recovery versus filename pattern match
 . K95 server's response REMOTE HELP contained some extraneous characters

Miscellaneous Fixes:
 . 10-digit dialing procedure omitted the area code
 . PDIAL misapplied dialing rules
 . SET BELL VISIBLE didn't work reliably
 . Various minor problems with code pages in Windows 95
 . Problems with TELNET.EXE/RLOGIN.EXE finding K95.EXE if spaces in pathname

VERSION 1.1.19 - 15 February 2000

This is to announce Kermit 95 1.1.19 for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, and
2000, and IBM OS/2, replacing version 1.1.17 of June 1998.

Like its predecessors, version 1.1.19 comes in two pieces: a GUI Dialer to
set up and launch your connections, and the K95 program itself, that runs in
a Console window.  We had originally planned that the next release after
1.1.17 would include a version of K95 that ran in a GUI window, but it's not
ready yet.  However, a new release was needed now:

 . Because of incompatible changes in the MIT Kerberos libraries;
 . To bring K95 current with C-Kermit 7.0.

Kermit 95 1.1.19 is a downloadable patch to K95 1.1.17:

If you are running a pre-1.1.17 K95 version, you'll need to patch up to
1.1.17 first, and then patch to 1.1.19.  

Warning: the 1.1.19 patch is about 3MB; allow sufficient time and disk space
for the download.  

Here is a brief list of the changes since 1.1.17:

 . Redesigned File-Transfer page.
 . Lots of new configuration options added especially for secure connections.
 . Defunct predefined entries pruned.

 . New MANUAL command brings up the online K95 1.1.19 manual.
 . New built-in DIRECTORY command with numerous options.
 . New SET OPTIONS command to customize directory-listing preferences.
 . Consistent file-selection switches for SEND, DIR, DELETE, etc.
 . New notation for relative dates (+3days, -6months, yesterday, tomorrow)
 . Ability to restrict filenames to 8.3 notation on Windows 95/98/NT/2000.

 . Kerberos implementation updated to new Kerberos library releases.
 . Kerberos Rlogin protocol added with encryption option.
 . Automatic Kerberos TGT get and destroy modes.
 . Secure Remote Password implementation updated to support SRP 1.5.0.
 . OpenSSL support added to provide secure connections to TELNET, IKS,
     HTTP, and other services using public key cryptography and X.509
 . Microsoft NTLM authentication added for use with Microsoft Windows
     2000 and NT Services for Unix.

 . Internet Kermit Service client.
 . Overhauled Telnet negotiation engine:
   + Improved standards compliance.
   + More script-friendly.
   + More configurable.
   + Ability to set connection policies.
 . File transfers through Pragma Systems' NT Telnet Server.
 . Ability to forward X-Windows Session data across the Telnet connection
 . DNS SRV record lookups.
 . HTTP client commands.

 . New support for 8 data bits + parity on serial connections.
 . New ability to select number of stop bits on serial connections.
 . Test dial procedures without actually dialing.
 . Dialing improvements (10-digit dialing, blind dialing, PBXs, etc).
 . New SET DIAL MACRO for last-minute phone number manipulations.
 . SET DIAL METHOD AUTO defaults tone or pulse by country code.
 . Better support for dialing without flow control.
 . Automatic redial no longer unnecessarily re-initializes the modem.
 . SET CLOSE-ON-DISCONNECT { ON, OFF } for serial connections.
 . Streamlining and increased bulletproofing of Kermit/Modem dialog.
 . Lots of new built-in modem types.
 . New all-purpose "generic-high-speed" modem type.

 . Microsoft VTNT for Telnet into Windows NT and 2000.
 . IBM 3151 emulation.
 . Wyse 160 emulation.
 . Session-log format selections (binary, text, debug).
 . Improved printer control.
 . Built-in driver for PostScript printers.
 . Televideo Send-Data mode.
 . Block mode in Televideo and Wyse ASCII terminal emulations.
 . SNI 97801 terminal support for National lanaguages and CH.CODE modes.
 . HZ1500 graphics character-set.

 . Ability to transfer directory trees even between unlike systems.
 . Improved performance and responsiveness.
 . Ability to move or rename each file after successful send or receive.
 . High-precision timers and statistics.
 . New display and log formats.
 . New options for coping with defective Kermit protocol partners.

 . New keepalive during long-running REMOTE HOST commands prevents timeouts.
 . Longer REMOTE commands allowed.
 . R-command shortcuts for REMOTE commands (e.g. RCD for REMOTE CD).
 . Optional server CD messages a`la FTP, local too.
 . Additional GET options and combinations.
 . Numerous new file management commands and features.

 . Automatic transfer/file character-set matching in file transfer.
 . Unicode / ISO-10646 Universal Character Set.
 . Full conversion between Japanese character sets and Unicode.
 . KOI8-R (Russian) and KOI8-U (Ukrainian) character sets.
 . ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek Alphabet (= ELOT 928).
 . ELOT 927 Greek, CP869 Greek code page.
 . ISO 8859-15 Latin Alphabet 9 (includes Euro and OE).
 . Bulgaria-PC (code page).
 . Mazovia (Polish PC code page).
 . CP855 (Cyrillic PC code page).
 . CP858 (West European PC code page, includes Euro).
 . CP1250, 1251, 1252 (Windows code pages, include Euro)
 . Corrections to Hebrew-7 conversions.

 . New connection log
 . New brief transaction-log format option
 . New FTPD-like transaction-log format option
 . Unbuffered transaction logs
 . Time-critical debugging with millisecond timestamps
 . Unbuffered transaction log

 . A new general-purpose file I/O package added supporting multiple files
     open at once; character, line, and block i/o; sequential and random
     access; read, write, update, and append modes; absolute and relative
     seeks by line or byte, etc.
 . Floating-point numbers and arithmetic.
 . Associative arrays.
 . Ability to pass arguments to command files as well as macros.
 . Ability to pass more than ten arguments to a macro or command file.
 . Expanded command buffer length to allow bigger macros, variables, etc.
 . Maximum number of macros increased.
 . New support for compound Boolean expressions.
 . Automatic arrays.
 . Array initializers.
 . New built-in array operations: COPY, RESIZE, CLEAR, SET, SORT, . . .
 . SEND an array as if it were a file.
 . IF and XIF merged (so ugly XIF is no longer needed).
 . New functions to load arrays with file or directory lists.
 . New SCREEN command for screen clearing & cursor positioning.
 . Date conversion functions (Julian dates, etc).
 . Built-in help for functions.
 . Function and variable diagnostics.
 . Timed ASK commands.
 . Popup ASK commands.
 . Many new IF conditions.
 . Autodownload during INPUT command execution.
 . New OUTPUT command options.
 . Automatic arrays.
 . Array initializers.
 . Assignment operators.
 . New TRACE and SHOW STACK commands for debugging scripts.

 . New and revised Third Edition of online Kermit 95 manual.
 . New Supplement to Using C-Kermit, Second Edition.
 . Updated Kermit 95 Bugs List.
 . All of the above are now HTML documents, fully indexed and crosslinked.
 . Most other auxilliary text converted to HTML too.

Thanks to everybody who sent in reports and suggestions, and especially to
the Beta testers.

If you have any problems with the patch or the new version, send email to:

Shrink-wrapped versions should be available in a few weeks.  The price has
not changed.

VERSION 1.1.20 - 31 March 2000

This is to announce Kermit 95 1.1.20 for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, and
2000, and IBM OS/2, replacing version 1.1.19.  This is the version that will
be shrinkwrapped and sold in the retail market for the next six months or
so.  The changes are primarily in three areas:

 . Bug fixes
 . Security
 . Packaging

The upgrade patch is here:

Version 1.1.20 fixes the following bugs in 1.1.19:

 . VT102 terminal type didn't work
 . Failure to make certain Telnet connections
 . LOGIN.KSC didn't work without the Dialer
 . Wrapping problems with C1 characters in non-ISO-2022 character sets
 . IBM 3151 character attributes didn't combine
 . MAIL command did not work
 . SEND ..\\*.c failed with "unreadable error"
 . LOCAL and global variable name conflicts resulted in confusion
 . Certain popups not disabled by -# 96 command-line option
 . ANSWER 0 improperly timed out
 . ANSWER fails to answer call with SET TAPI MODEM-DIALING ON
 . RLOGIN Window Size reports are not sent
 . Pulse dialing did not work

The following security features were added:

 . Telnet Forwarding of X Windows System data via X authorized connections
 . Secure Kerberos 5 user-to-user connections
 . OpenSSL updated to 0.9.5a (Windows only; OS/2 still at 0.9.4)
 . Support for NRL Kerberos (Windows only)
 . Kerberos 5 ticket retrieval without embedded IP addresses
 . New standalone command-line secure FTP client (K4, K5, SRP, SSL/TLS)

These are explained more fully below.

Kermit 95 1.1.20 will be packaged in a new and attractive slim container.
Here's a preview of the exterior (it folds twice, like a triptych):

"Using C-Kermit", 2nd Edition, is still included, but now as a PDF file
rather than a printed book.  Furthermore, the new C-Kermit 7.0 CDROM is
included too.  The single-copy retail price has been raised from $54.00 USD
to $64.00 USD, the first increase since K95 was first released five years
ago.  Bulk right-to-copy and academic site license prices remain steady.
The shrinkwrap price increase reflects increased production costs, but is
partially offset by the lower weight, which reduces shipping charges.

The PDF version of Using C-Kermit is supplied only with new 1.1.20
shrinkwraps.  It is not supplied with bulk or academic site licenses or with
patches (since the publisher must be paid for each copy).

The new package (including the C-Kermit 7.0 CDROM) is in manufacturing, and
should be available for shipment in two or three weeks.  The new order forms
are here:

Unfortunately, we have just about run dry of 1.1.17 kits, so new orders
will have to wait until the new kits arrive.


All of the following items are supported in 1.1.20 only after the
latest cryptography patch has been applied (which is available only in the
USA and Canada due to USA export restrictions):

The cryptography patch is applied after the main patch.  Third-party
libraries must be obtained separately, as noted in security.html (reference

Telnet Forward-X:

Kermit 95 1.1.20 is the first secure Telnet client to implement the Telnet
Forward-X Option (Telnet Forwarding of Authorized X Windows System Session
Data over Secure Connections).  From now on when Kermit 95 is used to
establish a secure connection to a Telnet Server supporting this option, all
data transmitted between X clients and X servers will be protected using the
same level of security established for the Telnet session.  No longer will
you have to switch to using SSH and its weaker authentication methods simply
to maintain the privacy and integrity of your X Windows System data.
The Telnet Forward-X option:

 . Can be used in conjunction with all forms of secure Telnet
   connections including (but no limited to) Kerberos 4, Kerberos 5,
   Secure Remote Password, and Transport Layer Security.

 . Is compatible with all forms of X Authorization data.  Unlike SSH
   X Windows System tunneling, Telnet FORWARD-X can support strong
   authorization methods such as XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 and

As of this announcement, Telnet Forward-X is available in the START_TLS
Telnet for Unix distribution from Peter Runestig:

Telnet Forward-X will also be supported by forthcoming releases of MIT
Kerberos 5.

Kermit Secure FTP Client (Windows only):

Kermit 95 1.1.20 is the first Kermit product to provide FTP client
functionality.  This pre-1.0 release is a command line only FTP client that
is designed to support all of the authentication methods supported by Kermit
95 for Telnet including: Kerberos 4, GSSAPI - Kerberos 5, Secure Remote
Password, and SSL/TLS.

Additional Kerberos 5 Features:

Kermit 95 1.1.20 is the first Kermit product to support Kerberos 5 User-to-
User authentication, allowing two Kermit users to establish secure data
connections without requiring the administrative permissions necessary to
configure a Kerberos server principal and associated keytab databases.

Kermit 95 1.1.20 is the first Kermit product compatible with the Naval
Research Labs' Kerberos 5 distribution for Windows and hardware
authentication devices such as SecureID.

Kermit 95 1.1.20 provides configuration options to remove all IP Address
information from Kerberos 5 tickets to allow those tickets to be used to
authenticate a client across a Network Address Translator.

(End of Kermit 95 UPDATES.TXT)