21-Mar-99  0:17:36-GMT,11344;000000000001
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	Sat, 20 Mar 1999 19:13:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Frank da Cruz <fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu>
Sender: Frank da Cruz <fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 99 19:12:59 EST
To: C-Kermit Developers and Testers <kermit@columbia.edu>
Reply-to: kermit@columbia.edu
Subject: C-Kermit 7.0 Beta.05
Message-ID: <CMM.>

C-Kermit 7.0 Beta.05 will be revealed publicly in a day or two.  This
announcement is for those of you would like a preview and who can build from
source code and (hopefully) send in binaries that I can't make myself.
In case any of you have not seen C-Kermit 7.0, Beta.04 was the first public
release; it's described at:


Here is what's new in Beta.05:

File Transfer:
 . Default file type changed from TEXT to BINARY.
 . RESEND and REGET commands now include an implicit /BINARY switch.
 . Ditto for SEND /RECOVER and GET /RECOVER.
 . Like-to-like transfers are now binary unless character sets translated.
 . Added GET and RECEIVE /MOVE-TO: and /RENAME-TO:, allowing incoming files to
   be moved or renamed when and only when they have been received successfully.
   PATHMAMES RELATIVE in the receiver.
 . SET FILE INCOMPLETE AUTO added: keeps incompletely received files only
   for binary-mode transfers.
 . SHOW TRANSFER added to display all SET TRANSFER items.
 . Ctrl-Z added to default prefixing list for old UNIX hosts and/or Kermits.
 . LF added to default prefixing list for "rlogin in the middle" connections.
 . Ctrl-D and Ctrl-U prefixed by default for rlogin-in-the-middle.
 . Transaction log is now unbuffered (e.g. for "tail -f transact.log")
 . Hints added for file-transfer failures, etc, plus SET HINTS { ON, OFF }.

 . Better support for dialing without flow control.
 . Automatic redial no longer unnecessarily re-initializes the modem.
 . Kermit/Modem dialog streamlined.
 . SET FLOW [ { /REMOTE, /MODEM, /TCP, /DIRECT, ... } ] <flow-type>
   allows flow control to be specified separately for each kind of connection.
 . Kerberized Rlogin (ask us about this -- it's not in the public files).
 . Numerous Kerberos/SRP/etc improvements (ask about these).

File Management:
 . New PURGE command for deleting excess backup files.
 . DIRECTORY command performance improvements.
 . Better handling of symlinks in UNIX DIRECTORY command. 

 . New support for PRN files in VMS.
 . { DIRECTORY, SEND, ... } /RECURSIVE added for VMS.
 . Various other corrections and adjustments to VMS DIRECTORY command.
 . VMS search list now recognized as a directory, e.g. in CD SYS$MANAGER.
 . Connection log enabled for VMS.
 . Filenames in VMS fullscreen transfer display streamlined to fit better.

 . Various IKSD improvements.
 . Updated HELP text, docs, etc.
 . Many new #ifdefs to accommodate missing library functions, etc.
 . New ability to build a scripting-only version with no file transfer (!).

New platforms:
 . VMS 7.2
 . SCO XENIX 2.3.4
 . DG/UX 5.4R3.10 and R4.11.
 . DYNIX/ptx 4.4.2

Bugs fixed:
 . File collision / backup-file name calculation on 14-char file systems fixed.
 . Erroneously-converted filenames on like-to-like REGETs fixed.
 . Numerous problems with dialing out from a VMS serial port fixed.
 . VMS IKSD client fixed.
 . VMS/UCX TCP/IP transfers hanging at end fixed.
 . VMS "show communications" failure to show serial speed fixed.
 . VMS build procedure fixed to autodetect <if.h> needed for u_int.
 . Server side of REMOTE DIRECTORY sometimes omitted some fields, fixed.
 . Various Telnet protocol bugs fixed.
 . Numerous problems with recursive UNIX directory traversal fixed.
 . Loss of command echoing after file transfer on Linux and AIX 4.1 fixed.
 . Broken window-size change interrupt (SIGWINCH) handling fixed.
 . Inconsistent formatting of \v(lockdir) fixed.
 . HP-UX 5.00 + Wollongong TCP/IP build was broken in Beta.04, now fixed.
 . Numerous complaint-reduction adjustments to syntax.
 . UNIX version now ignores BRKINT (BREAK/RESET key, e.g. on HP workstation).
 . UUCP line locking was broken in AIX 3.2.
 . Pointless "Unknown terminal type: blah" message removed.
 . Spurious "DELETE is Disabled" message removed.
 . Spurious "Session Limit Exceeded" message removed.
 . Still More Spurious "OK to exit?" messages removed. 
 . Inconsistent horizontal lines around CONNECT/command transitions fixed.
 . Core dumps when attempting to write wtmp record and peer not in DNS.
 . Occasional core dumps when debugging.

Known problems:
 . Switch names / options for DELETE and PURGE are inconsistent.
 . Hint after failed network connections erroneously assumes Rlogin.
 . VMS version crashes when told to "telnet blah 0".
 . Problems with \v(model) variable in some HP-UX versions.

Special thanks to Peter Eichhorn & Lucas Hart for their thorough and
painstaking analysis, reports, and suggestions (and from Lucas, also new
code for the VMS version).  And to Hunter Goatley and Richard Levitte for
lots of help and advice with VMS.  And to those who provided guest IDs on
platforms I don't otherwise have access to for building and testing.  And as
always to Jeff Altman for his many contributions to the design and the code,
and for finding and fixing so many bugs.

Before posting Beta.05 on the Kermit website and making public announcements,
I'd like to collect some additional binaries.  I've already made 75 of them
myself, listed below.  If you can contribute any that are not listed, please
pick up the sources from:

  ftp://kermit.columbia.edu/kermit/test/special/x.tar.gz (or .Z)

The tar archive contains the UNIX sources only.  The ZIP archive contains
the UNIX and VMS sources, suitable for unZIPping on a VMS system.

Please upload any new binaries to:




using the same naming conventions as in the list.  And of course report
any problems to me, as usual.

I expect to install Beta.05 sources, binaries, and docs on the website within
the next day or two.  I don't expect any major functional changes before the
final release -- just bug fixes and minor adjustments.

Thanks!  (And anybody who wants off this announcement list, just let me

- Frank

Here's the list:

ckd195b05-aosvsii-2.20.73.pr        Data General AOS/VS-II 2.20.73
ckvv195b05-vms55-nonet.exe          DEC VAX, VMS 5.5
ckvv195b05-vms55-ucx20.exe          DEC VAX, VMS 5.5 + UCX 2.0
ckvv195b05-vms61-nonet.exe          DEC VAX, VMS 6.1
ckvv195b05-vms61-tgv40a.exe         DEC VAX, VMS 6.1 + MultiNet 4.0A
ckvv195b05-vms71-nonet.exe          DEC VAX, VMS 7.1
ckvv195b05-vms71-tgv40b.exe         DEC VAX, VMS 7.1 + MultiNet 4.0B
ckva195b05-vms62-nonet.exe          DEC Alpha, VMS 6.2
ckva195b05-vms62-ucx40.exe          DEC Alpha, VMS 6.2 + UCX 4.0
ckva195b05-vms71-nonet.exe          DEC Alpha, VMS 7.1
ckva195b05-vms71-tgv40b.exe         DEC Alpha, VMS 7.1 + MultiNet 4.0B
ckva195b05-vms71-ucx41.exe          DEC Alpha, VMS 7.1 + UCX 4.1
ckva195b05-vms72-nonet.exe          DEC Alpha, VMS 7.2
ckva195b05-vms72-tgv42a.exe         DEC Alpha, VMS 7.2 + MultiNet 4.2A
ckva195b05-vms72-ucx50.exe          DEC Alpha, VMS 7.2 + UCX 5.0
cku195b05.aix41                     IBM AIX 4.1
cku195b05.aix42-4.2.1               IBM AIX 4.2.1
cku195b05.aix43-4.3.2               IBM AIX 4.3.2
cku195b05.ultrix43-mips             DECstation 5000, Ultrix 4.3
cku195b05.dec-osf30                 DEC OSF/1 3.0
cku195b05.du32                      Digital UNIX 3.2
cku195b05.du40                      Digital UNIX 4.0
cku195b05.dgux54310-m88k            Data General DG/UX 5.4R3.10 on 88K
cku195b05.dgux54411-m88k            Data General DG/UX 5.4R4.11 on 88K
cku195b05.hpux500-s550-5.21         HP-UX 5.21 on Model 550
cku195b05.hpux500wintcp-s550-5.21   HP-UX 5.21 on Model 550 + Win TCP
cku195b05.hpux80c-s300-8.00         HP-UX 8.00 on Model 300 + curses, TCP
cku195b05.hpux80notcp-s300-8.00     HP-UX 8.00 on Model 300 no curses or TCP
cku195b05.hpux80oc-s300-8.00        HP-UX 8.00 on Model 300 (optimized)
cku195b05.hpux90-s700-9.05          HP-UX 9.05 on Model 700 (not optimized)
cku195b05.hpux90o-s700-9.05         HP-UX 9.05 on Model 700 (optimized)
cku195b05.hpux90o700-s700-9.05      HP-UX 9.05 on Model 700 (optimized for 700)
cku195b05.hpux100-s700-10.01        HP-UX 10.01 on Model 700 (not optimized)
cku195b05.hpux100o-s700-10.01       HP-UX 10.01 on Model 700 (optimized)
cku195b05.hpux100-s700-10.20        HP-UX 10.20 on Model 700 (not optimized)
cku195b05.hpux100o-s700-10.20       HP-UX 10.20 on Model 700 (optimized)
cku195b05.next-m68k-3.1             NeXT 68040, NeXTSTEP 3.1
cku195b05.next33-m68k-3.3           NeXT 68040, NeXTSTEP 3.3
cku195b05.dynixptx44-i386-4.4.2     PC, Sequent DYNIX/ptx 4.4.2
cku195b05.irix53                    SGI IRIX 5.3
cku195b05.irix62                    SGI IRIX 6.2
cku195b05.irix63-o2                 SGI IRIX 6.2 on O2
cku195b05.irix65-indy-6.5.3f        SGI IRIX 6.5.3f on Indy
cku195b05.irix65-o2-6.5.3m          SGI IRIX 6.5.3m on O2
cku195b05.irix65-o200-6.5.3f        SGI IRIX 6.5.3f on O200
cku195b05.bsdi3-3.1                 PC, BSDI 3.1
cku195b05.freebsd2-i386-2.2.7       PC, FreeBSD 2.2.7
cku195b05.linux-i386-rh5.2          PC, Linux, Red Hat 5.2
cku195b05.linuxnc-i386-rh5.2        PC, Linux, Red Hat 5.2 (no curses)
cku195b05.linuxnotcp-i386-rh5.2     PC, Linux, Red Hat 5.2 (no TCP/IP)
cku195b05.linux-i386-sw3.5.0        PC, Linux, Slackware 3.5.0
cku195b05.mklinux-ppc-dr3           Apple PowerMac, MkLinux DR3
cku195b05.qnx16-4.25                PC, QNX 4.25 (16-bit)
cku195b05.qnx32-4.25                PC, QNX 4.25 (32-bit)
cku195b05.sco234                    PC, SCO XENIX 2.3.4 (no curses)
cku195b05.sco234c                   PC, SCO XENIX 2.3.4 (curses)
cku195b05.sco32v4-4.2               PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (no TCP/IP)
cku195b05.sco32v4gcc-4.2            PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (built with gcc)
cku195b05.sco32v4net-4.2            PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (with TCP/IP)
cku195b05.sco32v4netgcc-4.2         PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (gcc + TCP/IP)
cku195b05.sco32v4ns-4.2             PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (no select())
cku195b05.sco32v505                 PC, SCO OSR5.0.5 (no TCP/IP)
cku195b05.sco32v505gcc              PC, SCO OSR5.0.5 (gcc, no TCP/IP)
cku195b05.sco32v505net              PC, SCO OSR5.0.5 (with TCP/IP)
cku195b05.sco32v505netgcc           PC, SCO OSR5.0.5 (gcc, TCP/IP)
cku195b05.unixware2-2.1.3           PC, SCO UnixWare 2.1.3
cku195b05.unixware7-7.0.1           PC, SCO UnixWare 7.0.1
cku195b05.sinix542                  Siemens Nixdorf RM200 SINIX 5.42
cku195b05.solaris25-sparc-2.5.1     Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.5.1
cku195b05.solaris25g-sparc-2.5.1    Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.5.1 (gcc)
cku195b05.solaris26-sparc           Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.6
cku195b05.solaris26g-sparc          Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.6 (gcc)
cku195b05.solaris7g-i386            PC, Solaris 7 (gcc)
cku195b05.solaris7g-sparc           Sun Sparc, Solaris 7 (gcc)
cku195b05.sunos41gcc-4.1.3          Sun Sparc, SunOS 4.1.3_U1

(End of list)