Date: Sun, 31 Jan 99 21:39:40 EST
From: Frank da Cruz <>
To: C-Kermit Developers and Testers <>
Subject: Announcing C-Kermit 7.0 Beta.04

To: C-Kermit Developers and Testers <>
Subject: C-Kermit 7.0 Beta
bcc: fdc, cmg, jaltman, ckermit@watsun

Here is C-Kermit 7.0 Beta.04.  We still haven't gone public yet; let's hope
this will be the one.  Here's what's new in Beta.04:

 . Additional tuning of IKS client/server protocols.
 . Server end of REMOTE directory now sorts listing by filename.
 . Server end of REMOTE directory now obeys SET OPTIONS DIRECTORY.
 . Server end of REMOTE directory now shows symlinks (in UNIX).
 . Server end of REMOTE directory now shows directories like ls does (UNIX).
 . Expanded TELOPT command can now send most TELNET protocol options.
 . Connection messages tightened up a bit.
 . Horizontal lines now mark remote/local transitions for clarity.
 . SET TERMINAL AUTODOWNLOAD default changed to ON.
 . SET FLOW AUTO changed to use NONE on direct serial connections, since
   if we choose RTS/CTS or Xon/Xoff we can start out in a deadlock.
 . Changed "kermit -l" to handle flow control the same as SET LINE does.
 . Improved performance of file collision recovery in large directories.
 . Changed connection log commands to avoid confusion with CLOSE CONNECTION.
 . Increased intuitiveness of recursive transfers in VMS (1).
 . VMS C-Kermit server now accepts GET /RECURSIVE (1).

Bug fixes:

 . Fixed file reception to check write access before accepting file.
 . Fixed connection log to work for TELNET and RLOGIN commands.
 . Fixed server end of REMOTE DIR, HELP, DELETE, TYPE dropping characters.
 . Fixed erroneously sticky DIR /SORT key.
 . Fixed numerous bugs with recursive directory traversal in UNIX.
 . Fixed improper pathname format in VMS-to-Windows transfers.
 . Fixed some parsing problems involving unbalanced right parentheses.
 . Fixed spurious "(OK)" message popping up while typing a REMOTE command.
 . Fixed "remote xxx | yyy" (xxx = REMOTE command, yyy = any filter).
 . Fixed broken CLEAR INPUT.
 . Many -DNOxxxx builds tested and fixed where needed.
 . Syntax adjustments to numerous platforms, compilers, etc.
 . Sinix 5.43 build fixed (I hope -- no way to test)
 . Pyramid DC/OSx build fixed (I hope -- no way to test) 
 . IRIX 6.4 build fixed (I hope -- no way to test) 
 . HP-UX 10.01 build fixed.
 . HP-UX 6.x and 7.x builds fixed, I hope.
 . Non-gcc AT&T 7300 builds fixed (I hope)
 . Fixed erroneous product names for BSDI versions.

(Still) deferred to future Betas:

 . Better handling for mixed short/long-name file systems in UNIX (2).
 . Various problems parsing filenames containing braces or spaces.
 . Character-set translation for filenames.


(1) But you still have to include "..." in the filespec to get recursion.

(2) As when, for example, you have a short-name file system NFS-mounted
    on a long-name file system.


Test builds of Kermit 95 incorporating IKS client support will be
made available to registered users upon request.  Send requests:

  Subject: K95 IKS Beta Request

Include your serial number and K95 version number.


Be sure to report any problems to:

Soon we should be able to go forward with a public announcement on the
newsgroups and website, and then final release as soon as possible of both
C-Kermit 7.0, and K95 1.1.18, which will be based on it.


Websters can skip the rest and go straight to:

(Let me know about any bad links.)

C-Kermit 7.0.195 Beta.04 is in the kermit/test tree at the Kermit ftp site,
along with drafts of all the update documentation, etc:
   cku195src.tar.Z   Source code (UNIX and VMS), tar, UNIX compress
   cku195src.tar.gz  Source code (UNIX and VMS), tar, gzipped
   cku195txt.tar.Z   Other text files, tar, UNIX compress
   cku195txt.tar.gz  Other text files, tar, gzipped
   cku195.tar.Z      All sources and text files, tar, UNIX compress
   cku195.tar.gz     All sources and text files, tar, gzipped        All sources and text files, zipped (Info-ZIP)
   Common and individual source and text files for UNIX, VMS, OS-9,
   AOS/VS, Stratus VOS, etc etc.

 Among the interesting text files (all updated since last time):
   ckermit2.txt    -- User documentation of new features since 6.0.
   iksd.txt        -- Internet Kermit Service Daemon documentation.
   security.txt    -- Documentation of Kerberos and SRP features.
   telnet.txt      -- Discussion of recent Telnet protocol changes.
   ckaaaa.txt      -- Overview of files, file naming conventions, etc.
   ckc195.txt      -- Program edit history since 6.0.
   ckuins.txt      -- UNIX installation instructions.
   ckvins.txt      -- VMS installation instructions.
   ckcbwr.txt      -- General C-Kermit "beware file" (hints and tips).
   ckubwr.txt      -- UNIX C-Kermit beware file.
   ckvbwr.txt      -- VMS C-Kermit beware file.
   ckcplm.txt      -- Program logic manual, API definition, etc.
   ckccfg.txt      -- Program configuration options.

Recall that all .upd, .doc, .hlp, and .bwr files have had their filetypes
changed to .txt, for the benefit of Windows-based Web browsers that that
associate the earlier file types (.doc, .hlp, etc) with Windows applications.


Binaries for C-Kermit 7.0 Betas now have the Beta level (e.g. "b03") as part
of their name.  Beta-2 binaries have been renamed to include "b02".  Those
whose names do not fit the ck*195b0[23].* are from the C-Kermit 6.1 test,
built at sites that can't be reached any more or that have since been
upgraded to newer OS versions, or built on systems that don't work any more,
or that were sent in by others.  These are all plain, flat uncompressed
binary files, to be downloaded in binary mode and renamed appropriately (to
"kermit", "KERMIT.EXE", etc).
 +     DG MV 2500 AOS/VS-II 2.20.73
   ckiker.exe                       Commodore Amiga
   ckpker.plan9-68020               Plan 9 from Bell Labs on 680x0
   ckpker.plan9-i386                Plan 9 from Bell Labs on PC
   ckpker.plan9-mips                Plan 9 from Bell Labs on MIPS
   ckpker.plan9-sparc               Plan 9 from Bell Labs on Sparc
   ckuker.ps2aix3-1.2.1             IBM PS/2 AIX 1.2.1
   ckuker.rs6aix32c                 IBM RS/6000 AIX 3.2
   cku195b03.aix41                  IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.1
 + cku195b04.aix42-4.2.1            IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.2.1
 + cku195b04.aix43-4.3.1            IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.3.1
 + cku195b04.aix41-4.3.2            IBM RS/6000 AIX 4.3.2
   ckuker.att351gm                  AT&T 7300 UNIX PC, UNIX 3.51
   ckuker.bsd44-hp9000_300          HP-9000/300, 4.4BSD
   ckuker.bsdi2-2.1                 PC, BSDI 2.1
   ckuker.bsdi2-3.0                 PC, BSDI 3.0
 + cku195b04.bsdi3-3.1              PC, BSDI 3.1
   cku195b03.bsdi4-4.0              PC, BSDI 4.0
 + cku195b04.dec-osf30              DEC Alpha OSF/1 3.0
   cku195b03.du32-osf1-3.2b         DEC Alpha OSF/1 3.2B
 + cku195b04.du32                   DEC Alpha Digital UNIX 3.2
 + cku195b04.du40                   DEC Alpha Digital UNIX 4.0B
 + cku195b04.freebsd2-i386-2.2.7    PC, FreeBSD 2.2.7
   cku195b03.hpux500wintcp          HP-9000/550 HP-UX 5.21 with TWG-TCP/IP 1.2
   ckuker.hpux65oc-hp9000_350       HP-9000/350 HP-UX 6.50
   ckuker.hpux70olfnc-hp9000_350    HP-9000/300 HP-UX 7.00
 + cku195b04.hpux80oc-s300-8.00     HP-9000/385 HP-UX 8.00
 + cku195b04.hpux90o-s700-9.05      HP-9000/712 HP-UX 9.05
 + cku195b04.hpux90o700-s700-9.05   HP-9000/712 HP-UX 9.05 (optimized for s700)
 + cku195b04.hpux100-s700-10.01     HP-9000/735/99 HP-UX 10.01 (not optimized)
 + cku195b04.hpux100o-s700-10.01    HP-9000/735/99 HP-UX 10.01 (optimized)
 + cku195b04.hpux100-s700-10.20     HP-9000/715/33 HP-UX 10.20 (not optimized)
 + cku195b04.hpux100o-s700-10.20    HP-9000/715/33 HP-UX 10.20 (optimized)
   ckuker.hpux1100o+                HP-9000/871/D370, HP-UX 11.00 (optimized)
   ckuker.hpux1100                  HP-9000/871/D370, HP-UX 11.00 (not opt)
 + cku195b04.irix53                 SGI Indigo-2, IRIX 5.3
 + cku195b04.irix62                 SGI IRIX 6.2
 + cku195b04.irix63-o2              SGI O2 R5000 IRIX 6.3
 + cku195b04.irix65-indy-6.5.2m     SGI Indy R4600 PC, IRIX 6.5.2m
 + cku195b04.irix65-o200-6.5.2m     SGI Indy Origin 200, IRIX 6.5.1
   ckuker.is5r3jc                   PC, Sunsoft Interactive UNIX 4.1
   ckuker.linux-1.2.13-i386         PC, Red Hat Linux 3.03, kernel 1.2.13
   ckuker.linux-2.0.33-mc68000      Motorola 680x0, Linux 2.0.33
   ckuker.linux-2.0.35-i386-suse-5.1PC, Linux 2.0.35, Suse 5.1
 + cku195b04.linux-i386-rh5.2       PC, Red Hat Linux 5.2, kernel 2.1.125
 + cku195b04.linux-i386-sw3.5.0     PC, Slackware Linux 3.5.0, kernel 2.0.36
 + cku195b04.mklinux-ppc-dr3        PowerWave 132, MkLinux DR3, kernel 2.0.36
 +         NeXT 68040 NeXTSTEP 3.1
 + cku195b04.next33-mc68k-3.3       NeXT 68040 NeXTSTEP 3.3
   ckuker.pyramid                   Pyramid
   ckuker.pyrdcosx                  Pyramid
 + cku195b04.qnx16                  QNX 4.24 16-bit
 + cku195b04.qnx32                  QNX 4.24 32-bit
   ckuker.sco32v4netnd-odt2         PC, SCO ODT 2.0
 + cku195b04.sco32v4                PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (no TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v4ns              PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (no TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v4gcc             PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (no TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v4net             PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v4netgcc          PC, SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 (TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v504net           PC, SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 (TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v505              PC, SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 (no TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v505gcc           PC, SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 (no TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v505net           PC, SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 (TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sco32v505netgcc        PC, SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 (TCP/IP)
 + cku195b04.sinix542-mips-5.42     SNI SINIX-N 5.4.2 MIPS (RM200)
   cku195b02.solaris24-sparc-2.4    Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.4
   ckuker.solaris24g-sparc          Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.4 (made with gcc)
   cku195b02.solaris24x25-sparc     Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.4 with SunLink X.25
 + cku195b04.solaris25-sparc-2.5.1  Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.5.1
 + cku195b04.solaris25g-sparc-2.5.1 Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.5.1 (made with gcc)
   cku195b02.solaris26-i386         PC, Solaris 2.6
 + cku195b04.solaris26-sparc        Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.6
 + cku195b04.solaris26g-sparc       Sun Sparc, Solaris 2.6 (made with gcc)
   cku195b04.solaris7g-i386         PC, Solaris 7 (made with gcc)
 + cku195b04.solaris7g-sparc        Sun Sparc, Solaris 7 (made with gcc)
 + cku195b04.sunos41c-4.1.3         Sun Sparc, SunOS 4.1.3_U1 (full)
 + cku195b04.sunos41gcc-4.1.3       Sun Sparc, SunOS 4.1.3_U1 (full) (gcc)
   cku195b03.sv68r3v6               Motorola MVME 147 68K, System V/68 R3V6
   cku195b03.sv88r40-4.3            Motorola MVME 197 88K, System V R4 V4.3 
   cku195b03.sv88r40-4.4            Motorola MVME 187 88K, System V R4 V4.4 
 + cku195b04.ultrix43-mips          DECstation 5000, Ultrix 4.3
   ckuker.unixware2-2.1.1           PC, Unixware 2.1.1
   ckuker.unixware2-2.1.2           PC, Unixware 2.1.2
 + cku195b04.unixware2-2.1.3        PC, Unixware 2.1.3
 + cku195b04.unixware7-7.0.1        PC, Unixware 7.0.1
   ckvaker-vms62-nonet.exe          Alpha CPU, VMS 6.2,   no TCP/IP
   ckvaker-vms62-tgv40a.exe         Alpha CPU, VMS 6.2,   MultiNet 4.0A
 + ckva195b04-vms71-nonet.exe       Alpha CPU, VMS 7.1,   no TCP/IP
 + ckva195b04-vms71-tgv40a.exe      Alpha CPU, VMS 7.1,   MultiNet 4.0A
 + ckva195b04-vms71-tgv41b.exe      Alpha CPU, VMS 7.1,   MultiNet 4.1B
   ckvvker-vms45-nonet.exe          VAX CPU,   VMS 4.5,   no TCP/IP
 + ckvv195b04-vms55-nonet.exe       VAX CPU,   VMS 5.5-2, no TCP/IP
 + ckvv195b04-vms55-ucx20.exe       VAX CPU,   VMS 5.5-2, UCX 2.0
 + ckvv195b04-vms61-nonet.exe       VAX CPU,   VMS 6.1,   no TCP/IP
 + ckvv195b04-vms61-tgv40a.exe      VAX CPU,   VMS 6.1,   MultiNet 4.0AX
 + ckvv195b04-vms71-nonet.exe       VAX CPU,   VMS 7.1,   no TCP/IP
 + ckvv195b04-vms71-tgv40b.exe      VAX CPU,   VMS 7.1,   MultiNet 4.0B

If you have access to a development platform not listed above with a "+"
where you can try building C-Kermit 7.0, please contact me with the results
(or for help if needed).  Or just upload successfully-built binaries to:



using the naming conventions from the list above, and send a note saying
what it is and who it is from (list details of machine make & model, OS &


- Frank