__ .--------------------------------------------------\/-TRE!-------------. |¡ _:______ __________ __________ ______________ | ___:____|__ _/_| ____ /__|_ ____ /__|_ _____ / MOTION WHQ | \ ____/ | \_____/ :/ \_____/ :/ \________/ PWA GHQ | \______________|____________/____________/_______|aC! | :_________ ______________ ___________ _________ __________ | .__\ _____/____|_ _____ _ /_\______ .| ___/____|_ ____ /____ | | \_______ :/ \________/ ___/ |: \ / \_____/ / | l________________/_______| \_______________l_____________/____________/ | _:____ .______._\/__ ______ .______ __________ | ._\____ \| .| \_:_\____ \| .| ____ /____ __________________:_ | \ \ || | \ \ || \_____/ //.-- --- l_______\_______|_______|_______\_______|____________//_____________________ | | | sTAFF: sISKO/M! BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX | | Fury/M!^PSG Bezzzerk/MXM Lord Zai/PWA^GTA | | __ EazY-E/TaU^ORS Calypso/GOD Treach/AC! | `---------\/-----------------------------------------------------------' -(04-18-95 00:39:49)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)- -(Uploader:rED aLERT )- -(Location:ACCeSSiON EuRO HQ)- -(Nd:04)- _______ ________ ._____._________ mAiN mASTERS: / __ ¬\ / ¬\(_____)______ ¬\ PyRO & ChUcKiE / _|/ \/ \___/| ¬| | \ \ / \_ \ / ¬\| | | / \sECoND mASTERS: \ | / / \ | |/ / eDE \____| /\_____ / _|_____ / Voice & Chris! ======|___/=======\___/|___/==[sLa]\___/== Jonny Walker ________.____. _______ __ __ -sHININg 8 gERMAN hQ- / ¬\ | __ / __ ¬\ / \ / ¬\ / \___/ |/ ¬\/ _|/ \/ Y \ -aMiGA oNLY!- \___ \ / \ \_ \ \ / \ / / | / \ / / -6 noDEZ- \ ___/____ /\____| /\___|Y| / UsR-iSDN-ZyX-V.34 =\___/========\___/======|___/=======|__/== _______ ___________ _____ _______ __\_ / _____ _____ ________ / __\_ \ __\_ // /___/ _______ __\_ \ __\_ \ __\_ / / / // /___// __/_ __\_ // / // / // /______ /___ / / / \_ \_ / / // /___// / // / /_\__ / // __/ / / / / _/ // __/_ / / // / // / _/ // \ / / / \______// / // / // _/ // _/ _________//___/___/ /___/sYz / _/ //___/___/ \______//______________ \______/ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .------------------------------------------. |ø [ HOUSE OF HOUSE ] ø| | Ravers & DJs All Over The World UNITE! | | This Is The Central Meeting-Point For | |All Ravers In Germany And Round The Globe!| | Read This Text-File For More Information.| |ø ø| `------------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ -_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_ West Germany , Tue Apr 11 23:09:38 1995 Hello Raving Society ! The Aim of this Text-File is NOT to advert for my BBS (well...), but to try to UNITE as many Ravers/DJs all over the World, to meet at ONE Place in the Heart of the Techno-World, West-Germany. Techno has become over the last Years a strong Force which is present in many Places like TV , Radio , Internet, etc. Why not also in BBS, which can be accessed easily by everone owning a Modem ? With this Idea in my Brain I opened 1994 the BBS *RAVER'S PARADiSE*. Contacting as many Ravers as possible in my Area I openend a special TECHNO CONFERENCE, containing latest Infos on Raves , Vinyl-Reviews, etc. In this Conf you can talk Gossip about the latest News, Scandals, supported by News from the HOUSE NETWORK, which I am Member of. I moved in January 1995, and just renamed the BBS into *HOUSE OF HOUSE* ! (Inspired by the famous Track from Cherrymoon/Bonzai Records) The BBS is running on AmiExpress, latest reg. Version on 2 Nodes. In the next few Months I will expand to 3 Analoge Nodes and 2 ISDN Nodes. Besides the Techno-Wares, HOH supports also Software for other Systems like Amiga & SNES, you know what I mean ? =) We ALSO have a Conference called BRAIN FOOD. If you can tell me, what it might contain, you will gain Access to it. Let me say one Word, only FEW People have Access to it right now. (E) So If you're a Raver or a DJ (Girls are WELCOME!!!), try to reach my BBS, you really won't regret it. Spread the Word, there IS a place to meet. tHE ______ _______________________/_________ <-+ / /______/ / / / ___/ _________ _ | _/ / / / / / /\___ \_/ ______ _ | / / / // / ___/__ | // /___________/___________/ ______/ / |/______/ / / / /___________/ | / / _________________/ /_________ oF | / /______/ / / / ___/ __________ __ | _/ / / / / / /\___ \_/ _______ | / // / / // ___/__ +-> | / /___________/___________/___________/ / | +/______/_____/-rS!-------------------------------/___________/----+ house of house - raver's paradise +------------------------------------------------------------------+ DJs: ALIEX , mAZ! , -redSkin! featuring DJane Miss AMY! +49-(0)201-422686 (II Nodes Ringdown) New User Password: VINYL <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I hope to see you there ! Help to pass this File all over the World ! EOF. -_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_¯-_ F.O.R. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / _______ _______/ [4m/[0m______/ [4m/[0m______/ / / / / [4m/[0m_______ ________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / [4m/[0m______ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / [4m/[0m_______ [4m/[0m______/ [4m/[0m______/ [4m/[0m______/ [4m/[0m______/ [4m/[0m_______/ [4m/[0m_______/ _______/ / / / C.A.L.L. _______ ______ ______ ______ __ __ __ ________ _____ ________ \. _ ~\| ~|\. ~\| ~||.~| | || ~|\. ~\\ ~\\. ~\ |\\ ___/| __ .||\\ __/| __ .||| | | || .| \\ ____/|\ _/ \\ ____/ | \/\ | __ |||.\/ || __ |||| |___ |_ || _\/_ .\ |.\/| _\/_ .\ || \ | || :||| | || || :||: \ .\/ \__ ||/ \\|| | / \\ |:___/ |__||_:||:_|__||__||__||:__\ //\_____:|\_______/|:__| \_______/ . . . . \/ . . -FuZzY- . . . . . .--> tRSi/X-iNNOVATiON WHQ --- Syndicate WHQ --- ULa Dist. Side <---. ·-> AMIEXPRESS V4.8/AMIGA 3000/630 MB HD/630 MB CD-ROM/24 H ONLINE <-· | | | U.S.Robotics DUAL STANDARD V.34 Rulez | | | | Sysop : Spy/tRSi | | Cosysops : Arthur Dent, PHANTOM, CINDARELLA/SR&ILa, | | Byteandi/tRSi, JTC, CAT, big-rat | | Nosysop : Ljopo/ILa | | | | PORT NUMBER MODEM SPEED NODETYPE | ·---+-------------------------------------------------------------+---· D | NODE 1: +49(0)30 721 6071 USR V.34 28800 RINGDOWN NODE 1-3! | C I | NODE 2: +49(0)30 721 6072 USR V.34 28800 DIRECT LINE ACCESS | A A | NODE 3: +49(0)30 721 6073 USR V.34 28800 DIRECT LINE ACCESS | L L | NODE 4: +49(0)30 722 6065 USR V.34 28800 DIRECT LINE ACCESS | L | NODE 5: +49(0)30 721 9940 USR V.34 28800 DIRECT LINE ACCESS | ·---+-------------------------------------------------------------+---· | | | G . I . V . E I . T A R . I . N . G | | | ·--> SUPPORTING !PD-SOFTWARE ONLY! FOR: AMIGA, ATARI, IBM-PC & MAC <--· ____ / /\ / / \ _______ ____ / /___/ _____/\ _/__ __\ \_ /_ / /\__\ / \___\ \ /\ \___\\ ____ \ \____/ /\ \__\ / / / _____/ \__\_ \\ __\_ \_ \_\ \/ \__\_ \/___/\ \__\_ / / /___/ ____ / /___/\ \__/ / __/ / / \__/ /__\ / _/_\___ __\ \_\__ \ \ \ \ / \ / \ / / _/__ \/_ / __\_ \_ /\ \__/_ / /\_\/ \/___/ / \/_/_ / /\_\/\__/ / /\/ \__\_\ \____/ \ \/___/ \ \____/ \ / / / / / / \_\ \ / \_\ \ / /___/ / \ / / / \___\/ \___\/ \ /___/ /\/_ / / \_\ \ / \____/ \___\/sYz [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø] _______ ________ ._____._________ mAiN mASTERS: / __ ¬\ / ¬\(_____)______ ¬\ PyRO & ChUcKiE / _|/ \/ \___/| ¬| | \ \ / \_ \ / ¬\| | | / \sECoND mASTERS: \ | / / \ | |/ / eDE \____| /\_____ / _|_____ / Voice & Chris! ======|___/=======\___/|___/==[sLa]\___/== Jonny Walker ________.____. _______ __ __ -sHININg 8 gERMAN hQ- / ¬\ | __ / __ ¬\ / \ / ¬\ / \___/ |/ ¬\/ _|/ \/ Y \ -aMiGA oNLY!- \___ \ / \ \_ \ \ / \ / / | / \ / / -6 noDEZ- \ ___/____ /\____| /\___|Y| / UsR-iSDN-ZyX-V.34 =\___/========\___/======|___/=======|__/== � ______________________/\________ Amiga 3000/25 MHZ ( ____ ______________/ /__ ) 28.8k YORiKO (V34) Y / \ ( ) / ___/ Y SySOP: rED aLERT! iSDN RiNGDoWN! · / \ (| )__ ( ___) ·Co-SySOP: vINDEX / \(: Y\\ \ -[/X\AC]- ( _______)____| · \\ ____\ MARKy & PoWER // Y (_____)\/ \\ _____________________\\_________________________//___________/\________ ( ___/ \ _______\ \________/\______ ___________________/ \/ \___) Y / \\ \\ \( )/ // \ ( ) / //\ / \ \ · \ \\ \) ) :| // \ | :|/ // X ) /\ \ \) ) /| || (/ \| ||\ // /\ \ / (__\ \____) /_____/_| | \_______) |_\//___/__\__/\ /___ (________/______/________(____)\ ____\______(____)__//___________\/____) `---------------\\--------------\/-------------------\\-------[Seven M]-' // One of the oldest around ! // aSK THe ELiTE FoR THe NuMBeRS AnD SySTEM PaSSWoRD! ACCESSiON EuRO HEADQUaRTERS !!! __ .--------------------------------------------------\/-TRE!-------------. |¡ _:______ __________ __________ ______________ | ___:____|__ _/_| ____ /__|_ ____ /__|_ _____ / MOTION WHQ | \ ____/ | \_____/ :/ \_____/ :/ \________/ PWA GHQ | \______________|____________/____________/_______|aC! | :_________ ______________ ___________ _________ __________ | .__\ _____/____|_ _____ _ /_\______ .| ___/____|_ ____ /____ | | \_______ :/ \________/ ___/ |: \ / \_____/ / | l________________/_______| \_______________l_____________/____________/ | _:____ .______._\/__ ______ .______ __________ | ._\____ \| .| \_:_\____ \| .| ____ /____ __________________:_ | \ \ || | \ \ || \_____/ //.-- --- l_______\_______|_______|_______\_______|____________//_____________________ | | | sTAFF: sISKO/M! BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX | | Fury/M!^PSG Bezzzerk/MXM Lord Zai/PWA^GTA | | __ EazY-E/TaU^ORS Calypso/GOD Treach/AC! | `---------\/-----------------------------------------------------------' -(04-18-95 00:39:49)-- -- - --(BB-TxtAdder v0.9 by BiLBo BaGGins/M!^RNX)- -(Uploader:rED aLERT )- -(Location:ACCeSSiON EuRO HQ)- -(Nd:04)-