ODS Second Generation MIB Document Revision: 1.0 September 17, 1990 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 2 ____________________________________________________________ ODS Second Generation MIB Document This document specifies the Management Information Base (MIB) for SNMP agents residing in local area network equipment manufactured by Optical Data Systems. As indicated by the title, the MIB described here is the second generation of SNMP implemented at ODS. The second generation MIB retains compatibility with the first generation MIB while greatly expanding the information available within ODS equipment for network management. The specification that follows includes only the enterprise branch of the MIB. However, the MIB does include full support of the applicable groups in the SNMP standard MIB. This includes the following groups: system, interfaces, address translation, ip, icmp, udp. The TCP and EGP protocols are not included in ODS SNMP agents and therefore, the tcp group and the egp group are not supported in the ODS MIB. The enterprise branch includes branches to manage ethernet concentrators (enc), ethernet bridges (enBridge), token ring concentrators (tokenRing), and token ring bridges (trBridge). Currently, only the ethernet concentrators branch is fully specified. The other branches will be specified as the SNMP agents become available. The MIB described here conforms to RFC 1156 (also known as "MIB 1"). Support for the additions found in the newly released RFC 1158 ("MIB 2") will be available shortly. 1. Object Definitions ODS-MIB { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) 50 } DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS NetworkAddress, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks FROM RFC1158-SMI; ods OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 50 } enc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ods 1 } enBridge OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ods 2 } tokenRing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ods 3 } trBridge OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ods 4 } encMib1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enc 1 } e1Interface OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { encMib1 1 } e1AddressGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { encMib1 2 } encMib2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enc 2 } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 3 ____________________________________________________________ encInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { encMib2 1 } encBox OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { encInterfaces 1 } encCards OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { encInterfaces 2 } encPorts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { encInterfaces 3 } encAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { encMib2 2 } END ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 4 ____________________________________________________________ 2. ODS First Generation Mib The ODS first generation mib is presented here for the sake of completeness. It should be treated as obsolete and all SNMP management of an ODS agent should be performed on the second generation mib (section 3). 2.1 Interfaces Group The interface group contains information pertaining to the box's physical connections including global box configuration and specific port information. This information is available more clearly and completely as a subset of the second generation mib in section 3. Object: e1TotalCRC { e1Interface 1 } Syntax: Counter Definition: Total number of CRC failures that have been detected by the star. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1CRCSec { e1Interface 2 } Syntax: Guage Definition: Maximum number of CRC failures per second that can occur before an alarm is sent to the manager. A value of 0 disables reporting of this trap. Access: read-write Status: obsolete Object: e1TotalFAE { e1Interface 3 } Syntax: Counter Definition: Total number of frame alignment errors that have been detected by the star. Access: read-only Status: obsolete ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 5 ____________________________________________________________ Object: e1FAESec { e1Interface 4 } Syntax: Guage Definition: Maximum number of frame alignment errors per second that can occur before an alarm is sent to the manager. A value of 0 disables reporting of this trap. Access: read-write Status: obsolete Object: e1PortMask { e1Interface 5 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: Each bit of this integer represents the enable for one of the star's user ports. Bit 0 maps to user port 1, bit 1 maps to user port 2, and so on. A bit value of 1 enables the port, 0 disables the port. The upper 8 bits are ignored for eight-port stars. Access: read-write Status: obsolete Object: e1Index { e1Interface 6 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: Value describing the network/local configuration of the star. For eight-port stars, the index value is 8 for local mode and 9 for network mode. For sixteen-port stars, the index value is 16 for local mode and 17 for network mode. Access: read-write Status: obsolete Object: e1BoxCode { e1Interface 7 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is a box id code. Access: read-only ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 6 ____________________________________________________________ Status: obsolete Object: e1SystemTime { e1Interface 8 } Syntax: TimeTicks Definition: The current absolute time at the star. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1SoftwareVersion { e1Interface 9 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: The version number of the star firmware. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1MgrFlag { e1Interface 10 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: A flag indicating the presence of an SNMP manager on the network. Access: read-write Status: obsolete Object: e1AddrTrapFlag { e1Interface 11 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: A flag indicating if address traps should be sent to the SNMP manager. Access: read-write Status: obsolete ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 7 ____________________________________________________________ 2.2 Address Group The address group consists of the information pertaining to the traffic on the network as seen by the concentrator. Object: e1AddressTable { e1AddressGroup 1 } Syntax: SEQUENCE { e1PhysicalAddress OCTET STRING, e1PortNumber INTEGER, e1FirstPacketTime TimeTicks, e1LastPacketTime TimeTicks, e1Packets Counter, e1Frags Counter, e1FragsSec Gauge, e1PcktsSec Gauge } Definition: There is one entry in the table for every physical address seen in a packet transmitted through the concentrator. Access: read-write Status: obsolete Object: e1PhysicalAddress { e1AddressTable 1 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: The physical address seen in the source address field of an ethernet packet. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1PortNumber { e1AddressTable 2 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: The port number on the concentrator that the physical address was seen on. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1FirstPacketTime { e1AddressTable 3 } Syntax: TimeTicks ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 8 ____________________________________________________________ Definition: The time stamp from the concentrator's real- time clock at the time the physical address was first seen. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1LastPacketTime { e1AddressTable 4 } Syntax: TimeTicks Definition: The time stamp from the concentrator's real- time clock at the time the physical address was last seen. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1Packets { e1AddressTable 5 } Syntax: Counter Definition: The number of packets seen with this physical address. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1Frags { e1AddressTable 6 } Syntax: Counter Definition: The number of fragments (packets less than 64 bytes in length) seen with this physical address. Access: read-only Status: obsolete Object: e1FragsSec { e1AddressTable 7 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: The number of fragments per second from this physical address that will trigger an SNMP trap. ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 9 ____________________________________________________________ Access: read-write Status: obsolete Object: e1PktsSec { e1AddressTable 8 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: The number of packets per second from this physical address that will trigger an SNMP trap. Access: read-write Status: obsolete ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 10 ____________________________________________________________ 3.0 ODS Second Generation MIB The second generation MIB includes two major groups of objects divided between "interfaces" and "administration". The interfaces objects contain information for controlling the configuration of the concentrator and monitoring the traffic passing through it. The administration objects contain management-related configuration information for the concentrator. 3.1 Interfaces The interfaces on an ODS concentrator are divided in three groups: the box group, the card group, and the port group. The box group contains objects of information and control that are global to the concentrator. The card group contains objects specific to a particular card in the concentrator. The port group contains objects specific to a particular port on a card in the concentrator. 3.1.1 Box Group The box group contains information specific to the entire concentrator. It differs from the card and port groups by presenting information independant of where in the concentrator the events are occurring. Contained in the box interfaces section are counters that keep statistics on the traffic and errors occurring throughout the concentrator. Also, there are gauges that are used to trigger global concentrator alarms. In the box address table section, the entire address database is available for monitoring. Box Interfaces The box interfaces section contains counters and gauges used in traffic and error monitoring. Also included are variables that identify the type of concentrator hardware and its general configuration. Object: boxId { encBox 1 } Syntax: INTEGER { ods241(1), -- single card, 16-port fiber optic ods251(2), -- single card, 16-port AUI ods261(3), -- single card, 16-port twisted pair ods243(4), -- single card, 8-port ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 11 ____________________________________________________________ fiber optic ods263(5), -- single card, 8-port twisted pair ods290(9) -- multi-card system } Definition: This value is a box identification code. In single card systems, the boxId is the same as the cardId for the card in slot 1 (which is the only card in a single-slot system). In multi-slot systems, the boxId is a chasis id code and the box's hardware is further defined by the cardId's found in the cardTable. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxDescr { encBox 2 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This is a "human readable" text string corresponding to the boxId and describes the box's hardware. In single-slot systems, the boxDescr is the same as the cardDescr for the card in slot 1. In multi-slot systems, the box's hardware is further described by the cardDescr's found in the cardTable. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxMode { encBox 3 } Syntax: INTEGER { local(1), network(2) } Definition: This value indicates the connection mode of the network interface on the concentrator. In general, this indicates if the network port in the box is connected to the network. More specifically, if in network mode, this box is cascaded off of another ODS concentrator. In local mode, this box is either the top of a cascaded configuration or the only ODS concentrator in the configuration. ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 12 ____________________________________________________________ Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxHashSelect { encBox 4 } Syntax: INTEGER { default(1) } Definition: This value is an identification code for the current hashing algorithm used in accessing the address table database within the concentrator. Variations in hashing algorithms can improve performance depending on the variation in addresses present on the network. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: boxPktsThru { encBox 5 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of packets that have passed through the concentrator. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxOctetsThru { encBox 6 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of bytes contained in non-errored packets that have passed through the concentrator. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re- booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxAddrsThru { encBox 7 } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 13 ____________________________________________________________ Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of different physical source addresses contained in non-errored packets that have passed through the concentrator. This counter has a maximum value indicated by the boxAddressCapacity object defined below. Once this counter has reached its maximum value, it will not change unless the firmware is re-booted or addresses are deleted from the database by a network manager. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxPktsLost { encBox 8 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets that passed through the concentrator but could not be attributed to a concentrator card/port connection. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxPktsMissed { encBox 9 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets that passed through the concentrator but could not be processed due to the network traffic load exceeding the processing capacity of the agent. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxCrcs { encBox 10 } Syntax: Counter ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 14 ____________________________________________________________ Definition: This counter contains the number of packets with crc errors that passed through the concentrator. This value is a total of the crc error counters associated with each port of the concentrator. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxFaes { encBox 11 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets with frame alignment errors that passed through the concentrator. This value is a total of the fae counters associated with each port of the concentrator. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re- booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxFrags { encBox 12 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets containing fewer than 64 bytes that passed through the concentrator. This value is a total of the fragment counters associated with each port of the concentrator. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxPktThresh { encBox 13 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive packets per second passing through the concentrator. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 15 ____________________________________________________________ packets exceeds this gauge, a box-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive packets. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: boxCrcThresh { encBox 14 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive crc errors per second passing through the concentrator. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of crc errors exceeds this gauge, a box-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive crc errors. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: boxFaeThresh { encBox 15 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive frame alignment errors per second passing through the concentrator. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of fae's exceeds this gauge, a box-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive fae's. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: boxFragThresh { encBox 16 } Syntax: Gauge ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 16 ____________________________________________________________ Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive fragments per second passing through the concentrator. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of fragments exceeds this gauge, a box-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive fragments. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: boxAddressCapacity { encBox 17 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the maximum number of entries that can be contained within the agent's address database. Each database entry corresponds to a different physical source address seen in a packet that passed through the concentrator. This value is the maximum value that can be assumed by the boxAddrsThru counter, the maximum value of the total of the cardAddrsThru counters, and the maximum value of the total of all the portAddrsThru counters. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Box Address Table The box address table is a table of address-related data accessed by physical source address. This table represents the global database of traffic history aquired by the agent. There is an entry in the table for every physical source address seen by the agent in a packet that passed through the concentrator. The maximum size of the table is given by boxAddressCapacity. The current size of the table is given by boxAddrsThru. The database always reflects the most current addresses, i.e. when the table contains the maximum number of addresses and a new address is seen, the entry in the table that has seen the least recent activity is deleted to make room for the new address entry. Object: boxAddressTable { encBox 18 } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 17 ____________________________________________________________ Syntax: SEQUENCE OF BoxatEntry Definition: This is a table of address-related data accessed by physical source address. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: boxatEntry { boxAddressTable 1 } Syntax: BoxatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { boxatPhysAddr OCTET STRING, boxatOldest TimeTicks, boxatNewest Timeticks, boxatPkts Counter, boxatOctets Counter, boxatSlot INTEGER, boxatPort INTEGER } Definition: This is the record type for each entry in the boxAdressTable. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: boxatPhysAddr { boxatEntry 1 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This is the ethernet physical source address seen by the agent in a packet(s) that passed through the concentrator. This is the object used to access (instantiate) a table record. Using the SNMP "getnext" operation, the table can be accessed in increasing address order. The rest of the fields in a table entry indicate information pertaining to this address. Assigning a value of NULL (via the SNMP "set" operation) to this object will delete the record from the database. The first time that this address is seen by the agent, a NewAddressAlarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap. (This alarm is only reported to a manager if it has enabled this type of alarm in the adminTrapTable.) Access: read-write ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 18 ____________________________________________________________ Status: mandatory Object: boxatOldest { boxatEntry 2 } Syntax: TimeTicks Definition: This value is a time stamp to mark the first time that a packet with boxatPhysAddr was seen by the agent. This value is referenced from the last time the firmware was booted and should be resolved by the network manager with sysUptime ( from the system group of the standard portion of the MIB ) to get a "real time" value. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxatNewest { boxatEntry 3 } Syntax: TimeTicks Definition: This value is a time stamp to mark the most recent time that a packet with boxatPhysAddr was seen by the agent. This value is referenced from the last time the firmware was booted and should be resolved by the network manager with sysUptime ( from the system group of the standard portion of the MIB ) to get a "real time" value. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxatPkts { boxatEntry 4 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets that have been seen by the agent with boxatPhysAddr as the physical source address. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxatOctets { boxatEntry 5 } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 19 ____________________________________________________________ Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the total number of bytes contained within the packets seen by the agent with boxatPhysAddr as the physical source address. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxatSlot { boxatEntry 6 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the slot number that the packet containing boxatPhysAddr was seen on. If boxatPhysAddr is seen on a slot that is different from the last recorded value, the value will be updated and a ChangedAddressAlarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap. (This alarm is only reported to a manager if it has enabled this type of alarm in the adminTrapTable.) Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: boxatPort { boxatEntry 7 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the port number that the packet containing boxatPhysAddr was seen on. If boxatPhysAddr is seen on a port that is different from the last recorded value, the value will be updated and a ChangedAddressAlarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap. (This alarm is only reported to a manager if it has enabled this type of alarm in the adminTrapTable.) Access: read-only Status: mandatory ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 20 ____________________________________________________________ 3.1.2 Card Group The card group presents much of the same information that is available in the box group but sub-divides the information by which card it pertains to. The card group contains a card interfaces section and no card address table. (A card address table is not presented here since the box address table is also presented in the port group subdivided by card and port.) Card Interfaces The card interfaces section includes a few variables describing the sizing (number) of the cards in the concentrator and a card table presenting information on each specific card in the concentrator. Card Sizing The sizing information presented here includes the size of the chasis in slots and the current number of slots that are populated. Object: cardCapacity { encCards 1 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the number of slots in the chasis. For single-slot systems, this value will be one. For multi-slot systems, this value will indicate the maximum number of cards than be populated in the chasis. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardIOCount { encCards 2 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the number of I/O cards that are populated in the concentrator chasis. For single-slot systems, this value will always be one. For multi-slot systems, this value will indicate the number of slots that are populated with I/O cards. This value can be zero since the network management card and ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 21 ____________________________________________________________ the network interface card are not considered I/O cards. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Card Table The card table contains information for each possible slot in the concentrator chasis. The table is indexed by slot number using cardIndex. Unpopulated slots will still have an entry in the table, and all information associated with that slot will reflect its empty state. Object: cardTable { encCards 3 } Syntax: SEQUENCE OF CardtEntry Definition: The card table contains an entry for each slot in the concentrator chasis and is accessed by cardIndex. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: cardtEntry { cardTable 1 } Syntax: CardtEntry ::= { cardIndex INTEGER, cardId INTEGER, cardDescr OCTET STRING, cardOperStatus INTEGER, cardAdminStatus INTEGER, cardPktsThru Counter, cardOctetsThru Counter, cardAddrsThru Counter, cardCrcs Counter, cardFaes Counter, cardFrags Counter, cardPktThresh Guage, cardCrcThresh Guage, cardFaeThresh Guage, cardFragThresh Guage, cardPortCount INTEGER } Definition: This is the record type for each entry in the cardTable. ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 22 ____________________________________________________________ Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: cardIndex { cardtEntry 1 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This is the slot number used to index the cardTable. The first entry in the table corresponds to slot one and a cardIndex value of 1. The last entry in the table corresponds to the last slot in the chasis and a cardIndex value equal to cardCapacity. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardId { cardtEntry 2 } Syntax: INTEGER { empty(1), -- empty slot time(2), -- timing card enc(3), -- enc managment card fiber12(4), -- 12-port fiber optic card aui12(5), -- 12-port aui card twisted12(6), -- 12-port twisted pair card base12(7), -- 12-port 10 base T card thin8(8) -- 8-port thin net card } Definition: This value is a card identification code. It uniquely identifies the type of card populated in the slot given by cardIndex. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardDescr { cardtEntry 3 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This is a "human readable" text string corresponding to the cardId and describes the type of card populated in the slot given by cardIndex. ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 23 ____________________________________________________________ Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardOperStatus { cardtEntry 4 } Syntax: INTEGER { up(1) } Definition: This value is the "reported" operational state of the card. The state of the card is changed by writing the requested state to cardAdminStatus. The state of the card will change to the requested state if possible. The cardOperStatus should be read after a requested change of state to see if the state actually changed. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardAdminStatus { cardtEntry 5 } Syntax: INTEGER { up(1) } Definition: This value is the "requested" state of the card in the slot given by cardIndex. A network manager sets this value using an SNMP set request. To verify the state of the card after the request has been made, the cardOperStatus should be read. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: cardPktsThru { cardtEntry 6 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of non- errored packets that have passed through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. Access: read-only Status: mandatory ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 24 ____________________________________________________________ Object: cardOctetsThru { cardtEntry 7 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of bytes contained in non-errored packets that have passed through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardAddrsThru { cardtEntry 8 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of physical source addresses contained in non- errored packets that have passed through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. This value will decrement as addresses are deleted from the database by a network manager and will reset to zero when the firmware is rebooted. The sum of the cardAddrsThru values from all of the cards in the concentrator will not exceed the maximum size of the address database given by boxAddressCapacity. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardCrcs { cardtEntry 9 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets with crc errors that passed through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. This value is the total of the crc error counters associated with each port on the card. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardFaes { cardtEntry 10 } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 25 ____________________________________________________________ Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets with frame alignment errors that passed through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. This value is the total of the fae counters associated with each port on the card. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardFrags { cardtEntry 11 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of fragments (packets less than 64 bytes in length) that passed through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. This value is the total of the fragment counters associated with each port on the card. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: cardPktThresh { cardtEntry 12 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive packets per second passing through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the packets exceeds this gauge, a card-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive packets. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: cardCrcThresh { cardtEntry 13 } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 26 ____________________________________________________________ Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive crc errors per second passing through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the crc errors exceeds this gauge, a card-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive crc errors. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: cardFaeThresh { cardtEntry 14 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive frame alignment errors per second passing through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the fae's exceeds this gauge, a card-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive frame alignment errors. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: cardFragThresh { cardtEntry 15 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive fragments per second passing through the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the fragments exceeds this gauge, a card-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive fragments. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 27 ____________________________________________________________ Status: mandatory Object: cardPortCount { cardtEntry 16 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is a count of the number of ports on the card in the concentrator given by cardIndex. Access: read-only Status: mandatory 3.1.3 Port Group The port group is a further division of the global concentrator information into groups of information specific to a card/port combination. It contains interface information similar to the card interface information but at a port level. The port group also includes another representation of the address database in the form of the port address table. The important distinction in this table is the capability to view the traffic history specific to a single port or combination of ports. Port Interfaces The port interfaces information is presented in the form of the port table. This table includes counters and gauges similar to those found in the box and card groups with the added capability of disabling any port. Port Table The port table contains an entry for every port on every card in the concentrator. It is indexed by a slot/port combination given by portSlot and portIndex. Object: portTable { encPorts 1 } Syntax: SEQUENCE OF PorttEntry Definition: The port table contains an entry for each port on each card in the concentrator chasis ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 28 ____________________________________________________________ and is accessed by a combination of portSlot and portIndex. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: porttEntry { portTable 1 } Syntax: PorttEntry ::= { portSlot INTEGER, portIndex INTEGER, portOperStatus INTEGER, portAdminStatus INTEGER, portPktsThru Counter, portOctetsThru Counter, portAddrsThru Counter, portCrcs Counter, portFaes Counter, portFrags Counter, portPktThresh Counter, portCrcThresh Gauge, portFaeThresh INTEGER, portFragThresh Gauge } Definition: This is the record type for each entry in the portTable. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: portSlot { porttEntry 1 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the slot number to which the related information in the record applies. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portIndex { porttEntry 2 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the port number to which the related information in the record applies. ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 29 ____________________________________________________________ Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portOperStatus { porttEntry 3 } Syntax: INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } Definition: This value is the current operational state of the port specified by portSlot and portIndex. The state of the port is changed by performing an SNMP set request to portAdminStatus. When the portOperStatus is "down", no data will pass to or from any network nodes connected to the concentrator via the specified port. When the portOperStatus is "up", any data will pass to or from any network nodes connected to the concentrator via the specified port. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portAdminStatus { porttEntry 4 } Syntax: INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } Definition: This value is the current "requested" operational state of the port specified by the portSlot and portIndex. The actual operational state of the port is queried by reading portOperStatus. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: portPktsThru { porttEntry 5 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of non- errored packets that have passed through the ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 30 ____________________________________________________________ port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portOctetsThru { porttEntry 6 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of bytes contained in non-errored packets that have passed through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portAddrsThru { porttEntry 7 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter holds the total number of physical source addresses contained in non- errored packets that have passed through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. This value will decrement as addresses are deleted from the database by a network manager and will reset to zero when the firmware is rebooted. The sum of the portAddrsThru values from all of the ports on all of the cards in the concentrator will not exceed the maximum size of the address database given by boxAddressCapacity. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portCrcs { porttEntry 8 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets with crc errors that passed through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 31 ____________________________________________________________ Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portFaes { porttEntry 9 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets with frame alignment errors that passed through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re-booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portFrags { porttEntry 10 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of fragments (packets less than 64 bytes in length) that passed through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. This value will reset to zero when the firmware is re- booted. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portPktThresh { porttEntry 11 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive packets per second passing through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the packets exceeds this gauge, a port-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive packets. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 32 ____________________________________________________________ Object: portCrcThresh { porttEntry 12 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive crc errors per second passing through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the crc errors exceeds this gauge, a port-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive crc errors. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portFaeThresh { porttEntry 13 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive frame alignment errors per second passing through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the fae's exceeds this gauge, a port- level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive frame alignment errors. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: portFragThresh { porttEntry 14 } Syntax: Gauge Definition: This gauge contains the threshold value for monitoring excessive fragments per second passing through the port in the concentrator given by portSlot and portIndex. If at any time the agent detects that the rate of the fragments exceeds this gauge, a port-level alarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap indicating excessive ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 33 ____________________________________________________________ fragments. If this gauge is set to zero, alarming on this statistic is disabled. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Port Address Table The port address table is a table of address-related data accessed by a combination of card, port, and physical source address. This table represents the global database of traffic history aquired by the agent divided by slot and port. In each division of the table (specified by slot and port), there is an entry in the table for every physical source address seen by the agent in a packet that passed through the specified port of the concentrator. The maximum size of the table is given by boxAddressCapacity. The size of all of the divisions of the table combined is equal to the size of the entire table. The current size of each slot/port division of the table is given by the portAddrsThru value for the specified slot/port. The database always reflects the most current addresses, i.e. when the table contains the maximum number of addresses and a new address is seen, the entry in the table that has seen the least recent activity is deleted to make room for the new address entry. Because of this, a new address seen on one port of the concentrator can cause an entry to be deleted from a division of the database associated with a different port. Object: portAddressTable { encPorts 2 } Syntax: SEQUENCE OF PortatEntry Definition: This is a table of address-related data accessed by a combination of slot (portatSlot), port (portatPort), and physical source address (portatPhysAddr). Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: portatEntry { portAddressTable 1 } Syntax: PortatEntry ::= { portatPhysAddr OCTET STRING, portatOldest TimeTicks, portatNewest Timeticks, ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 34 ____________________________________________________________ portatPkts Counter, portatOctets Counter, portatSlot INTEGER, portatPort INTEGER } Definition: This is the record type for each entry in the portAddressTable. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: portatPhysAddr { portatEntry 1 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This is the ethernet physical source address seen by the agent in a packet(s) that passed through the port of the concentrator given by portatSlot and portatPort. This is the third object used to access (instantiate) a table record. Using the SNMP "getnext" operation, the address database can be accessed in increasing address order retreiving only those records matching the specified slot and port. The rest of the fields in a table entry indicate information pertaining to this address. Assigning a value of NULL (via the SNMP "set" operation) to this object will delete the record from the database. The first time that this address is seen by the agent, a NewAddressAlarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap. (This alarm is only reported to a manager if it has enabled this type of alarm in the adminTrapTable.) Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portatOldest { portatEntry 2 } Syntax: TimeTicks Definition: This value is a time stamp to mark the first time that a packet with portatPhysAddr was seen by the agent on the specified slot and port. This value is referenced from the last time the firmware was booted and should be resolved by the network manager with ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 35 ____________________________________________________________ sysUptime ( from the system group of the standard portion of the MIB ) to get a "real time" value. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portatNewest { portatEntry 3 } Syntax: TimeTicks Definition: This value is a time stamp to mark the most recent time that a packet with portatPhysAddr was seen by the agent on the specified slot and port. This value is referenced from the last time the firmware was booted and should be resolved by the network manager with sysUptime ( from the system group of the standard portion of the MIB ) to get a "real time" value. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portatPkts { portatEntry 4 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the number of packets that have been seen by the agent on the specified slot and port with portatPhysAddr as the packet's physical source address. Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portatOctets { portatEntry 5 } Syntax: Counter Definition: This counter contains the total number of bytes contained within the packets seen by the agent on the specified slot and port with portatPhysAddr as the packet's physical source address. Access: read-only ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 36 ____________________________________________________________ Status: mandatory Object: portatSlot { portatEntry 6 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the slot number that the packet containing portatPhysAddr was seen on. If portatPhysAddr is seen on a slot that is different from the last recorded value, the value will be updated and a ChangedAddressAlarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap. (This alarm is only reported to a manager if it has enabled this type of alarm in the adminTrapTable.) Access: read-only Status: mandatory Object: portatPort { portatEntry 7 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This value is the port number that the packet containing portatPhysAddr was seen on. If portatPhysAddr is seen on a port that is different from the last recorded value, the value will be updated and a ChangedAddressAlarm will be sent to the network manager(s) via an SNMP trap. (This alarm is only reported to a manager if it has enabled this type of alarm in the adminTrapTable.) Access: read-only Status: mandatory 3.2 Administration The administration group contains objects used to configure out-of-band management of the concentrator and two tables used to manage community strings and trap reporting. ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 37 ____________________________________________________________ 3.2.1 Out-of-band Configuration The out-of-band configuration objects are used to determine the specifics of the serial connection. Also, the time and date objects are used to set the real-time-clock used by the agent when reporting statistics through the serial connection. Object: adminTime { encAdmin 1 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This string represents the real time of day at the concentrator. Its format is HHMMSSss where HH is hours (24 hour format), MM is minutes, SS is seconds, and ss is hundredths of seconds. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: adminDate { encAdmin 2 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This string represents the real date at the concentrator. Its format is YYMMDD where YY is year, MM is month, and DD is day. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: adminSerialBaud { encAdmin 3 } Syntax: INTEGER { b9600(1) } Definition: This value is the baud rate used to communicate through the serial port of the concentrator for out-of-band management. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: adminSerialPerson { encAdmin 4 } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 38 ____________________________________________________________ Syntax: INTEGER { vt100(1) } Definition: This value is the terminal emulation personality mode used through the serial port for out-of-band management. Access: read-write Status: mandatory 3.2.2 Community Strings Table The community strings table is used to restrict different levels of access to a concentrator agent by a network manager(s). Different community strings can be entered into the table with assigned access priveleges. By restricting the knowledge of these community strings, a network administrator can control which management stations can manage the concentrator. There are five levels of privelege that can be assigned to a community string: none - no access to the concentrator agent is allowed, read-only - monitoring of the concentrator agent is permitted, read-write - monitoring and control of the concentrator agent is permitted, super - read/write access to restricted areas of the MIB are permitted. The restricted areas of the MIB include the community string table and the trap table. Without super priveleges, neither reading or writing of these objects is permitted. Object: adminCommTable { encAdmin 5 } Syntax: SEQUENCE OF AdctEntry Definition: This is a table of community string information accessed by ctIndex. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: adctEntry { adminCommTable 1 } Syntax: AdctEntry ::= { ctIndex INTEGER, ctCommStr OCTET STRING, ctPrivelege INTEGER } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 39 ____________________________________________________________ Definition: This is the record type for each entry in the adminCommTable. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ctIndex { adctEntry 1 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This is the index into the community string table. This is the object used to access (instantiate) a table record. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ctCommStr { adctEntry 2 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This is a "human readable" text string used to restrict access priveleges to the concentrator agent. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ctPrivelege { adctEntry 3 } Syntax: INTEGER { none(1), read-only(2), read-write(3), super(4) } Definition: This value represents the access privelege assigned to the community string given by ctCommStr. Access: read-write Status: mandatory ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 40 ____________________________________________________________ 3.2.3 Trap Table The trap table is used to assign trap receiving levels and their associated community strings to network managers. A table record includes the IP address to report traps to, the community string used when reporting the trap, and several enables that can be used to selectively filter which types of traps are reported to that IP address using that community string. This provides the capability for the same network manager or different network managers to receive different types of traps using whatever community strings they might require. Object: adminTrapTable { encAdmin 6 } Syntax: SEQUENCE OF AdttEntry Definition: This is a table of trap reporting information accessed by ttIndex. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: adttEntry { adminTrapTable 1 } Syntax: AdttEntry ::= { ttIndex INTEGER, ttCommStr OCTET STRING, ttMgrAddr IpAddress, ttTrapEnBox INTEGER, ttTrapEnCard INTEGER, ttTrapEnPort INTEGER, ttTrapEnAddr INTEGER } Definition: This is the record type for each entry in the adminTrapTable. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ttIndex { adttEntry 1 } Syntax: INTEGER Definition: This is the index into the trap table. This is the object used to access (instantiate) a table record. Access: read-write ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 41 ____________________________________________________________ Status: mandatory Object: ttCommStr { adttEntry 2 } Syntax: OCTET STRING Definition: This is a "human readable" text string used when reporting traps to the manager whose network address is ttMgrAddr. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ttMgrAddr { adttEntry 3 } Syntax: IpAddress Definition: This is the ip address of the manager that will receive traps using the associated community string. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ttTrapEnBox { adttEntry 4 } Syntax: INTEGER { enable(1) disable(2) } Definition: This object is used to enable and disable the reporting of box-level traps to the manager whose network address is ttMgrAddr. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ttTrapEnCard { adttEntry 5 } Syntax: INTEGER { enable(1) disable(2) } ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0 ODS Second Generation MIB Document Page 42 ____________________________________________________________ Definition: This object is used to enable and disable the reporting of card-level traps to the manager whose network address is ttMgrAddr. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ttTrapEnPort { adttEntry 6 } Syntax: INTEGER { enable(1) disable(2) } Definition: This object is used to enable and disable the reporting of port-level traps to the manager whose network address is ttMgrAddr. Access: read-write Status: mandatory Object: ttTrapEnAddr { adttEntry 7 } Syntax: INTEGER { enable(1) disable(2) } Definition: This object is used to enable and disable the reporting of address-level traps to the manager whose network address is ttMgrAddr. Access: read-write Status: mandatory ____________________________________________________________ Revision: 1.0