A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

        RFC 3488

        Title:      Cisco Systems Router-port Group Management
                    Protocol (RGMP)
        Author(s):  I. Wu, T. Eckert
        Status:     Informational
        Date:       February 2003
        Mailbox:    iwu@cisco.com, eckert@cisco.com
        Pages:      17
        Characters: 37152
        Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso:  None

        I-D Tag:    draft-wu-rgmp-03.txt

        URL:        ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3488.txt

This document describes the Router-port Group Management Protocol
(RGMP).  This protocol was developed by Cisco Systems and is used
between multicast routers and switches to restrict multicast packet
forwarding in switches to those routers where the packets may be

RGMP is designed for backbone switched networks where multiple, high
speed routers are interconnected.

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not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
memo is unlimited.

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