2. Review of Documents
3. Liaison Reports
The IESG has invited the IAB to become more familiar with its actual functioning by offering each IAB member the opportunity to attend one IESG telechat as an observer. Jim Kempf reported on his observations with respect to IESG consideration of the Service Location Protocol drafts. The perspectives of consideration of functional requirements and the adoption of functional solutions within considerations of reuse of existing protocols were noted.<.p> The IESG consideration of the Security Considerations draft was managed with the deliberate choice of not engaging the AD in order to illustrate the level of work associated with IESG consideration of each draft.
It was noted that the IESG is proposing to provide Draft Tracker read only access to the IETF by Atlanta.
The RFC Editor is working on updating and streamlining guidelines for use
of common abbreviations, and working with the IESG on an update to the internet-draft
nits document with respect to the rfc-editor checklist.
Vern Paxson reported that the Delay Tolerant RG is being set up at present.
The simulation effort is to directed initially in the area of validation
of routing protocols using a formal approach. There is some level of uncertainty
regarding the more general applicability of this approach, and the routing
case is being used as an initial test of the approach. There is a research
initiative concerning web data integrity, related to OPES concerns of the
semantics associated with middle boxes, web caches and content delivery,
and the means by which the recipient can validate the delivered content
against the originator's intent.
Lynn St Amour reported that the .org bid is proceeding well and the review
of the bids is currently way within ICANN. A decision is anticipated in
the September / October timeframe. Funding support for ISOC is also an
ongoing activity.
The IAB discussed the forthcoming ITU plenipotentiary meeting and at this
stage the IAB has no plans for any formal participation at this meeting.
The IAB has a level of interest in the plenipotentiary's disposition of
a number of Internet-related proposals that are to be discussed at this
Nothing to report.
The PSO PC members reported that the PSO-PC had elected Francisco da Silva
as the PSO-PC nominee to the Board of ICANN. The IETF members of the PSO-PC
abstained from the vote at the request of the IAB.
Nothing to report.
From the IAB's perspective it was noted that any outcomes from this activity should not place the IAB into a role outside of its charter. It was noted that in taking a more active stance in the application of architectural considerations in specific cases IAB activity may alleviate some level of IESG workload.
It was also proposed that the retreat allow some time to look ahead and consider how the IETF could respond to various scenarios of scale and evolution of roles and nature of participation in the IETF as an effort in establishing a shared understanding these issues, without necessarily attempting to find specific solutions within the retreat itself.
The IAB discussed the issues raised in the Yokohama IETF plenary regarding transparency of processes, current levels of productivity and the roles of the IESG and IAB in relation to the proposed retreat.
Further refinement of the proposed agenda will be undertaken in the coming weeks.
The IAB noted that a number of points of clarification concerning the responsibility of the IAB for IETF external liaisons and the proposed role of the Technical Advisory Committee.
The IAB was of the view that it was important that the liaison between the TAC and the ICANN Board be conducted by a Board liaison to the TAC, and that the use of the nominating committee to place three individuals on the TAC was inconsistent with the stated role of the TAC as a conduit to the respective organizations for expert technical advice and commentary. The IAB also noted that its concerns regarding the protocol parameter assignment role of the IANA had not been addressed in this report, and wished to reiterate its position taken in the IAB's previous submission in any comment on this report.
These minutes were prepared by Geoff Huston; comments should be sent to [email protected]. An online copy of these and other minutes is available at: ftp://ftp.iab.org/in-notes/IAB/IABmins/
IAB Web page is at http://www.iab.org