1. Review of Action Items
2. Review of Documents
3. Liaison Reports
It was noted that an application from ISO has been recieved by the PSO. Given the current activity within ICANN relating to evolution and reform and the potential for outcomes that will have substantial impact on the current role and composition of the PSO, it was considered that an appropriate course of action for the IETF members of the PSO-PC would be to advise the PSO PC of a desire to defer this application until the PSO's future is clearer.
RFC Editor:
Is was reported that The RFC Editor is preparing an Internet Draft on the topic of guidelies on how to manage extended lists of contributors to RFCs. The RFC Editor is also undertaking activity on use of XML for RFCs and also RFC indexing, as well as augmenting the RFC document search activity as part of the program of improvmenmts to the RFC Editor's document service. Work is also underway to improve the visibility of the status of documents that are within the RFC Editor's queue.
It was reported that current activity is associated with the implementation of the new governance model. Some clarification was provided regarding the procedures of the IETF nominees to the ISOC Board of Trustees.
The IRTF chair reported on three items that wil be followed up via email:
Harald indicated that he will step down as liaison to ISO JTC SC2, SC18 and SC29, and new liaisons are sought. It is proposed that the IAB forward a request for SC2 (character sets) liaisons to the APPs ADs, SC18/21 (directores and X.400) to the APPs ADs and SC29 (multimedia and avt) to the Transport ADs to consider suitable liaisons from their area directorates or WGs.
Mobile Networks:
James Kempf reported a positive response to the proposal from the wireless directorate, and a problem statement is being prepared. This document is intended to be used to guage interest levels as to whether to proceed with a workshop on this topic. Some focus on a small number of quite specific aspects of this domain was considered to be of value in scoping the workshop.
IAB Retreat:
It was proposed to hold an IAB retreat on the morning or afternoon of Sunday July 14, at Yokohama. The retreat is intended to focus on the status of external relationships and arrangements undertaken by the IETF.
The IAB considered the qualifications of the nominees with respect to the envisaged role of the IETF nominees on the ISOC Board.
The IAB determined to nominate Fred Baker for a three year term of office and Erik Huizer for a two year term. These names will be passed to the IESG for confirmation of the nomination.
These minutes were prepared by Geoff Huston; comments should be sent to [email protected]. An online copy of these and other minutes is available at: ftp://ftp.iab.org/in-notes/IAB/IABmins/
IAB Web page is at http://www.iab.org