. .___________ _|_ ______________________________. | | | : bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE | . _______ __ _|_ ____ ______ ________ : _____ _|_\_ / . | . \_ __ ______\_. \ ______ _\_. /__| ___ / __/__ | / / | : | / \| / l \/ . \ l___/\_ |/ /___ / : \ \______|______/ \ /_________/ | \________/ / _/_______/_ _l______/sc : _/ \____/ \__________/ _/ \___) | | . \_____| \______| | | : | |hELLFiRE & lSD wHQ!·tRISTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC., sUNFLEX iNC. & lFC aMIGA eHQ!| | tRiSTAR & rEDSECTOR iNC. cONSOLE aND gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wHQ! | | sNEAKERS eUROPEAN hQ | | tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE | | cLASSIC^qUARTEX hQ! · dREAMCHARTS, dEViOUS dEZiGNS & dATA dIVISION dHQ! | | -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ! | | | | mASTERS aRE: | | -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·- | | | | rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB! | | 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! | | | | +31-(o)-548-54O-653 +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848 +tEL-NET | | -·>16k8 dUAL<·- -·>33k6 dUALS!<·- 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 | | | l_________._ _ _ _._________| ________ | -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·- | ________ |________|| ||________| : uPLOADEd bY crusader&candyma oN nODE #05 : . tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 01:49:00 , 03-16-1997 . å æ***'""""`***#_ Æ" ķļ JÞ F --------------------- JL F --------------------- J& ÆF JMK J F JÞŽĩ æī F b . L . u . e JÞ Ž#ĩĩæææmĩ_Æ F JÞ Ž#_ j@ F r . i . b . b . o . n JL ķĩ _d" Þ # Ž## Æ ŽK °æ_ J crL Žĩ ķ&_æī a## °b_ free information is _æ@Ŋ Ž#_ °#w_ a humanitary right! _aøP ķĩ Ž*m_ __ø@" Ž#_ °#w_ ķ" _#ī°æ_ ŽķQ JÞ _" ķ&_ JÞ L a#" ķæ_ 7 --------------- L _æ@Ŋ----------- °#w_ 7 --------------- JÞ _aøP Ž*m_ l p^d J_ø@" °#wJÞ °" Žķ# ___ ___ \\ // | | __| _____ _____ ____ |__ \\ \ /_| /| _/_. // ______________| `-----------------' |______________ \\ _______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___ // | | __ /| __/_\ /_| /-| __ /.---/ | | _| `--\____\--------------------------\____\-/_____| |_ \\ _ _ ____ _____ ___ĩĩ ____ crL _ // // .-/ \-| /-. \ /_aæ0@Ž/| _/_. \\ | `-----------' `--aæ#P"--æF------' | _______ ______ ______æ0P"__ _ÆF_____ ______ ___ \ \.-\__ |---____.-\ _aÆ@"\ ĩ@'-\ /-.-\__ |---/ | `-\/-----------------------Æ0°------_ÆF-------------------/_____| t.h.e r.e.t.u.r.n o.f t.h.e m.a.g.i.c.i.a.n _ĩØ" _ÆF' __, _æÞ _ÆP _ĩÆŅP" ĩ#" æ@" JL _ĩØP" ļÆF Æ" Æ' _Æ@" ĩ@" JF # _ÆPŊ dF Ø JŪØ@" _Ø" # °" _Ø Q Ø' __ø' # crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision JL_ĩæØ@' ķL Žķķ°Ŋ # Ž& Ž&_ ..... ..... Ž#. ... : ..:.... :t0!:... .... ķæ. :.:... . . :.:.: :..: :.: : Žķm_ : . ___:___/\ . _/\ . ____:__/\ Žķ&_______/\ . ___:___/\ . _______/\ _\\_ _ \__\\__)__\\_ _ \__Ž&. _ \__\\_ _ \__\\_ _ \_ / / / / / / ķ& / / ______/ ______/ / / _/_ _/_ / _/_ Žķæ. _/_ / _/_ / / _/_ _______\/_____\/___________\/_____/ Žķm\/______ \/______ / \/_____/ :. : ... /_____/Žķ#m /_____/ . _/_____/\ .: ..:...: : Ž : _\\_ _ \_ ..: :.: .: : / /_____/ :... :.. : _/_ / ..: ...: : \/_____/ :. _/\ :.. : . ____:_/ \. _______/\ . _/\__:__ . _/\ . ____:__/\ . _______/\ _\\_ _ (_\\_ _ \__\\_ ___/____\\__)__\\_ _ \__\\_ _ \_ / / / ______/______ / / / / / / _/_ / _/_ / _/_ / _/_ /______ _/_ / / \/___________\/______ \/___________\/_____/_ _______\/_____/ / .: /_____/ : \/_____/ : /_____/ :... ...______....__..:.._________ : :. ....: :\ ...:Ed:..:.: : ./ . ..:.. :..: :...: :...: | :.: | | _________ ________ _______ ________ _______ _______ ______ .-\ |-\ /- \ --- -\ /- \ /___ ---\__ | |---. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' | digitaL vision (tm) | ______ ________ ______ ________ ______ ____ ___| |-\ /- -\\ -- -\ /- -/ \- -----/ | | | _am*^^*=m__ | | | | | | ĩP ___ Ŋ°w_ | | | | `----------------,F ĩ*°~~°*m_ °w---------------------------------'crL á JF Ž*_ Žh_ | ______ # JL Ž*į,*Ī°°°*m_ | ļpĪ"ŊŊŊŽ°ŅÞ ķw _*" Ž4ļ_\ ĩK _# °*w__ _pī # F ĩ@ Ŋ"9F ŽL j ÍØØm_ ,K __&aa__ 7 °ķØØŅĩ_ jF __mĪ"Ŋ Ŋķ_ ]_ Ž*ØØØŅmĩ_Ø _æđ _w°Ŋ F _ÆØŅ_ °*#ØØØP _Æ Ē" Ø æØØØØ#m_ Ž"Ŋ _P Ē J' Ž"""2ØØØØ#æĩĩ_____ _ĩÆ" _F in the coLLection caLLed ,ÆØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØŅŅŅŅŅÆØØØÞ _ __ø" Ž"Ŋ,ÆØØØØŅØØØØØØØØØØØŅØØØØ ļ °^**^°\ ķ°"Ŋ ŽØØØ@ķØØØØØØ "°đ _/Ŋ á ____ Ŋ °#ØØØī J" __ĩĩĩ_ Ø \\ _æ*^^**w__ ļQĩÆØØØØØF J' F ===*w_Ŋ~ aŪØØØØØØØØÞ ,K fotografia: marta bacardit 7 ,p°" ØØØØØØØØØF F ___ `K_ """°đ áØØØØØØØØP á // Žķ*w_____ 0ØØØØØØØF # a_ ŽŅØØØØP" Jī ___°w_ _ĩF ________ ___| Žķx ___ æ*/ __/ | | | | _____|___ ___|_____ _ ___|__ _____|____ crL | /-- --\___ |\ ---| __/ | | | | | | | | | | `-----------------------------------------------' p.r.e.f.a.c.e so this thing Landed on my lawn this morning. i couLdnt exactLy figure out what it was but when my cousin morgan heard about it from a friend he caLLed me up to warn me and it turned out that he and i were on the same track. this LittLe fragment in the grass was gLowing Like nothing we'd ever seen with our own eyes. but on cnn two days ago they had had a incredibLe story about four norwegan girLs. they were waLking in the unexpLored outskirts of osLo when a gLowing fragment feLL down infront of them. they took it in their innocent paLms and suddenLy they feLt a feeLing which experts Later expLained as common hornyness. anyway, one of them started to undress her three friends. as she buttoned up their white bLouses she used the gLowing fragmetpiece to burn a hoLe through their underpants. that treatment just made the others hornier and more wiLde than ever, and in the end the girLs Laid Licking each other. the experts Later found out that the fragment was pieces of an swiss diLdo which an astronaut dropped on his way to mars. the four norwegan girLs were pLaced at intensive care on hospitaLs and are now obLiged to seek heLp for this rather unusuaL probLem. but the worst part's that morgan took the fragment home. to study he toLd me. i don't beLieve him. he's Lack of money right now and couLd need the hostpitaLfood. good luck... ___ _ _ ____ ___ _ ___ __ _ | ._ _. \\ /_ _. __./ _./ __\ ._ \\/ __\ | | /--| \ | -| \ | \ | \ | _. | /--| | _. | |__/ |___--- ---___|___--- ---___|---\__|--\___|__/ |___--- --\___| _ _ ___ _ _ _ -- // __\ _./ \\ /_ __\ | | / | _. | \ | -| _. | unc |_\/---|--\___|---\__|---___|--\___| _ _ __ _ ___ __ __ _ _ \\ _. __\ \\__ . __\ _./ _. // \\/ \\ /_ | \ | _. | | _. | \ | \ | | -| p^d ---___|--\___|---___|--\___|---\__|___---|___--- ---___| ] fotografia marta bacardit [ crL is, indeed an internationaL favorite for aLL ages, an incredibLe force of energy. in the art of ascii, hes a pacesetter for quaLity of production what makes crL more unique may be the fact that aLL of his accompLishments have not aLtered his sensitivity and concern for the weLfare others or his intense caring and Love for his friends aLL over the worLd. He's so giving of himseLf that, at times, he Leaves very LittLe to protect that beautifuL inner core that is the essence of him. i think crL is Like a Litmus-paper. hes aLways trying to Learn. He's one of the sharpest wits, hes inteLLigent and hes cunning; that's a strange word to use about him because ot impLies devoiusness and hes surLy one of the Least devious peopLe i have ever met. when i hear the name crL i think of briLLiance and it just so happens that he is one of the most gifted asciiartoists the worLd have ever seen. thank you crL - geraLd wiLLiams t.a.b.L.e o.f c.o.n.t.e.n.t.s meLfis ........... cider ............ hot shot ......... bad zone ......... maLboro .......... cyber design ..... digitaL vision ... pLanet goLd ...... prodigy .......... rapid design ..... bLuebook ......... keLdon ........... outside worLd .... fLatLine ......... pLastik dreams ... burning desire ... trash city ....... moLdavia ......... decision ......... totaL amount of Logos: 19 __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _______ ________ ______ ________ _______ ___ .\ \-| _/ | |--| __/ -\ /- --\\ ---. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | crL`-----------------------------------------------------------' m.e.L.f.i.s )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _______ _______ ________ ________ _________ .\ -- -\ /- -\ | __/ | _ /. | | | | | | | | | | | | crL`-------------------------------------------------' c.i.d.e.r )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( __________ _______ _________ | /_ -/ \- \ /__ | | | | __|___ _____|____ ___|___ _____|___ .--\\ --| /_ -/ \- \ /__ | | | | | | | | | | crL`-----------------------------------------------' h.o.t s.h.o.t )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( __________ _________ __________ | / --\__ |-\ | | | | | ___|__ ___|___ |_____ _____|____ .-- //-- -/ \_ -----/ | __/_ | | | | | | | | | | crL`-----------------------------------------------' b.a.d z.o.n.e )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( ______ _______ _____ _______ ____ ________ ____ \ \ -\__ | |--| /- -/ \-| _ / -/ \-. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | crL`--------------------------------------------------------------' m.a.L.b.o.r.o )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _______ _______ _________ _________ __________ .\ ------\ \| /-| ___/ | __ /. | | | | | | ___|_____ ____|____ __|___ ___|____ ____|___ | ____ .-\ | ___/ .-\\ ----\ /--\ --------/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | crL`-----------------------------------------------------------------' c.y.b.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _________ ________ _______ ________ _______ _______ ______ .-\ |-\ /- \ --- -\ /- \ /___ ---\__ | |---. | | | | | | | | | __|___ _____|__ ____|_ _____|__ ____|_ |___ | `--- ___| |-\ /- -\\ -- -\ /- -/ \- -----/ |------' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | crL`-----------------------------------------------------------------' d.i.g.i.t.a.L v.i.s.i.o.n )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _____ ________ ________ ____ _________ _________ ____| | |- --\___ |-----/ | __/_\ /__ | | | | | | | | | | ______ |_________ | ________|_ | |____|---.-- ________ -/ \- |- -\ |--------' | | | | | | | | | | crL`-----------------------------------------------' p.L.a.n.e.t g.o.L.d )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _____ ________ ____ _______ ______ _____ __| | __ / -/ \- -\ |-\ /- --______ --\ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `--------------------------------------------------------------'crL p.r.o.d.i.g.y )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( __________ ________ ______ ________ _________ | __ / --\___ |___| |-\ /- -\ | | | | | | | ___|_____ ____|____ __|___ ___|____ ____|___ | ____ .-\ | ___/ .-\\ ----\ /--\ --------/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------'crL r.a.p.i.d d.e.s.i.g.n )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _________ ________ _________ _________ | /_| |-| /-| __/_ | | | | | | ______|__ ____|_ ____|_ ____ _|__ `---| /_ -/ \- -/ \-| / /- | | | | | | | | | | crL`-------------------------------------------' bLuebook )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( ____ _____ _________ ________ _________ ______ ____ | / /| ___/_| |---\ |-/ \- -----/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------------'crL k.e.L.d.o.n )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( ____ _______ _______ ___ ______ _______ _______ .-/ \-| /_\ /__ -\\ --- -\ /- -\ | __/_ | | | | | | | | | | ___ |_____ |________| _______| ____|____ | `----____ _| |-/ \-| __ /| |- -\ |---' | | | | | | | | | | | | `------------------------------------------------------'crL o.u.t.s.i.d.e w.o.r.L.d )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _ _____ | / | |- -\_ |\ /_| |- -\ /- ----/ | __/_. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `------`------`------`------`------`------`------`------'crL f.L.a.t.L.i.n.e )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _____ ______ _______ ____ ______ ______ ____ __| | |- -\___ |-\\ -- \ /__ -\ /_ \ ---- | | | | | | | | |________| _______|__ _____|___ __|______ _|______ | _____ | .-\ | __ /| __/_ -\____ |\ \ -\\ ---. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `----------------------------------------------------------------'crL p.L.a.s.t.i.c d.r.e.a.m.s )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _______ _______ ________ ___ ______ ___ | /_| /-| __ / ----/ |-\ /- ----/ |--______ | | | | | | | | |________| _______|_ ___|__ __|_____ _|_______ |________| .-\ | ___/ .-\\ -- -\ /-| __ /| __/_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `----------------------------------------------------------------'crL b.u.r.n.i.n.g d.e.s.i.r.e )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( ________ __________ ________ _____ _________ .\ /__| __ / --\___ |-\\ ---| /_ | | | | | | | _|____ |_________ |_________ | ________| `--------.\ ----- -\ /-.\ /__ -\ \ | | | | | | | | | | crL`-----------------------------------------------' t.r.a.s.h c.i.t.y )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _____ __ ____ _____ _____ ___ ____ _____ .\ \ -/ \-| |- -\ |-\__ |__| |-\ /- -\__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `------`------`------`------`------`------`------`------'crL m.o.L.d.a.v.i.a )__ __( )______(( ))______( __________________________ ____________\ /_____________ ____\ /____ \ f.o.t.o.g.r.a.f.i.a : m.a.r.t.a b.a.c.a.r.d.i.t / \ / design: crL.pioneer design.digitaL vision ________ ________ ___) (( )) (___ ) ( _____ _____ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ _ .-\ | __/_.\ -- -\ /- \\ -- -\ /- -/ \- ----/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `------`------`------`------`------`------`------`------'crL d.e.c.i.s.i.o.n )__ __( )______(( ))______( m.o.s.t a.r.t.w.o.r.k crL . pioneer design . digitaL vision a.d.d.i.t.i.o.n.a.L a.r.t.w.o.r.k b.y handLe group tag Logo ŊŊŊŊŊŊ ŊŊŊ ŊŊ ŊŊ Ŋ tommy epsiLon design t0! pioneer design unceen pioneer design unc fotografia marta bacardit n.e.w. o.n.e.s - big mama r.e.s.t i.n p.e.a.c.e - rayban, sysop of swedish headquarter s.p.e.c.i.a.L g.r.e.e.t.i.n.g.s - marta bacardit.. hoLa chica, hay mucho mantequiLLa aLLí.. - geraLd wiLLiams.. thank you for aLL kind words - rayban.. you'LL be hard to repLace, but contact us again when you are ready to start it aLL over again. good Luck with the projects.. - big mama.. ok so you've been in for Long but our fab coord. haven't toLd me.. weLcome onboard - v-cut.. i know that you're reading this. so when wiLL we have that suparkväLL you promised? - booth.. there's a oLd paL.. e-maiL me wiLL you?! p.i.o.n.e.e.r d.e.s.i.g.n a.r.e founder: crL · organizer: xtc [ pioneer design ascii-division are ] crL · meLfis · unceen · jägarn · blockman ten! · deamo · houdini · grief · spaceman [ also greets to the other members ] razid · pada · redhead · xtc doom · spectraL · monodude · who? · big mama [ and our hQ-sysops ] xtc - whQ · ten! - nhQ · daLamar - euhQ minor threat - nLhQ | | [ greets to our ex-ascii-members ] no$tro · randy · strauss · tix · anthrax · fLare cereal killer · sinister · keLdon · beLzebub | | | | /____________\ s . e . e . k . i . n . g pioneer design are Looking for different sites and hQ's. we have some which we find interesting, but perhaps you can offer us more. we are Looking for: dist. sites aLL over europe uk hQ, swe hQ, german hQ contact us today m.e.m.b.e.r.s.h.i.p appLy for membership at pioneer design whQ 'citydump' +46 4358o354 sysop: xtC.p^d ] the one who hesitates masturbates [ or e-maiL me for ordering, joining or other e.-.m.a.i.L crL_pdesign@hotmaiL.com h.o.m.e.p.a.g.e crL's officiaL homepage http://www.geocities.com/ under construction /first.htmL aLso support worLd hQ 'citydump' 1node european hQ 'dragonLance' 4nodez dutch hQ 't.n.t' 1node norwegan hQ 'disaster area' 1node p.r.e.v.i.o.u.s c.r.L.r.e.L.e.a.s.e.s nr system name date bytes reaL name Logos o1 re-asco1.txt o7/o7/95 o22856 reaL mystory................ 12 o2 re-asco2.txt 12/o7/95 o34138 reaL pLeasure............... 2o o3 re-asco3.txt 22/o7/95 o44556 is this reaLLy reaL......... 24 o4 re-asco4.txt 24/o7/95 o2357o reaL personaLities.......... 17 o5 re-asco5.txt 31/o7/95 o31884 pLainfuL memories voL 1..... 25 o6 pLs-dott.txt o3/o8/95 o38454 dotties pLace............... 22 o7 pLs-hof!.txt 11/o8/95 o42444 haLL of fame................ 3o o8 p^d-sis!.txt 23/o8/95 o45ooo surviving in scene.......... 25 o9 p^d-kmw!.txt 31/o8/95 o3o9oo keeping my word............. 2o đ 1o p^d-jLaL.txt 1o/o9/95 o7oooo just Like a Legend.......... ° 11 p^d-atsc.txt 1o/o9/95 o49o62 and the story continues..... 39 12 p^d-mdm!.txt o9/1o/95 o8882o miLLion doLLar mouth........ 54 13 nds-diat.txt 31/1o/95 o87912 deserted isLands & tequiLa.. 37 14 p^d-!ts!.txt o6/11/95 o6oooo the sign.................... 34 15 nds-tmts.txt 17/11/95 o75674 t minus 12 seconds.......... 37 16 p^d-acac.txt 24/12/95 o53o2o a competitive art-coLLection 24 17 p^d-Jawa.txt o5/o1/96 o595oo jamie waLters............... 2o 18 p^d-mis!.txt o7/o1/96 o77663 made in sweden.............. 3o 19 eLt-wtfc.txt 24/o1/96 o4oooo who the fuck cares.......... 43 2o p^d-age!.txt 24/o1/96 15ooo1 ascii goes eLite............ 99 21 p^d-tdr!.txt 16/o2/96 o87ooo trebbiano di romagna........ 19 22 p^d-aiyc.txt 16/o2/96 o34444 as if you cared............. 18 23 p^d-tsoa.txt o1/o3/96 o84738 the singLeton of auchroisk.. 49 24 p^d-bye!.txt o4/o3/96 o31926 chevaLier montrachet........ 15 25 p^d-pogå.txt 24/o4/96 o79755 pontus gårdinger............ 29 26 p^d-Sasc.txt 13/o6/96 o52ooo sandra scream............... 22 27 p^d-abte.txt 1o/o7/96 o8366o a breathtaking experience... 38 đ 28 dfn-Lego.txt o1/o8/96 o55333 Lego my ego ................ ° 29 p^d-awgh.txt o3/o8/96 o616oo amanda wants to go home .... 23 3o p^d-tLfs.txt 2o/o8/96 o788oo tiny Logos for someone ..... 24 31 p^d-Lust.txt 2o/o8/96 o5465o Let us sLeep together ...... 65 32 p^d-sps!.txt 13/o9/96 o595oo some peopLe say ............ 36 33 p^d-wish.txt o8/11/96 o57934 when i saw her ............. 5o 34 p^d-wLk1.txt 3o/11/96 o5oooo we Love keLdon ............. 55 ē 35 dv-ijchi.txt o5/o1/97 o4oooo i just cant cant heLp it ... 36 ē 36 p^d-kymi.txt o6/o3/97 o3oooo kyLie minogue .............. 2o 37 p^d-fmb!.txt 13/o3/97 o4oooo fotografia: marta bacardit . 19 -- --ũ totaL ũ-- -- amount of bytes: 211oooo, amount of coLLections: 37 amount of Logos: 113o đ some egoreLeases ē reLeased via maiLcontacts. order them to you via e-maiL. @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______ _____.--------\ | fotografia : | |---------------' marta bacardit | | | | produced by: crL.pioneer design |_____| digitaL vision @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )- ________________________________________________________________________ __/ __ __/ _ __/ _ __/ _ __/ ___ __/ _ __/ ____/ / __/ ____/ \_ _ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ _ 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