---------- CUT ---------------------- CUT -----------------------------------

                   __      .   .             ___
                 ((__)\    :   :           ((___)       ._____.
            ___.   ___  ___:   | ____.       ___  ______|     |
           _\  | __\  |_\  |   |_\  _|_    __\  |_\     |  ___|
         _)  `_|__  `_|  `.|   |  `.  _|  |    _|  `._  :   |
         \        |__\ _______/ _______|  )____\ ____\|_____|
          `-------'-jaw----------------- --------------------poks!
     ____                     .:
    (___))              ___...::
    _____  ____    ___ |   |_____   ______.______    ____    ____    _____
   _\    |_\  _|_ _\  \|   |    /___\  .  |     /__._\  _|_ _\  _|_ _\    |
  |  `. _|  `.   |     |   |  .Ô   | `.|__|   .Ô   |  `.   |  `.   |  O  _|
  |_____\________\___\___/ |____:__|___|  |_____:__|_______\_______\_____\
    #killkrazed                :
    killkrazed@usa.net         :
    www.neutech.fi/~tribe/kkz  :
    jaw    ascii               :
    dwarf  ascii               :
    tribe  internet            :
    hbit   ascii               :
    -we-are-----(read this)----:
    searching a good ascii     :
    artist to join us .........:
    ----(read this)------------:
                        .      :  
        O               :      :  
                        :      :                             
                        .      :                              
                               : first &        :           
                               :_"worst" words! :
                               :                :
                               :hi. jaw talking shit again..(: so. i'm now
 in our party called ilmapallo :and i still dont have tickets to assembly!!
 fucking fuck! but thats my pro:blem .. this colly should be ready 22.6
 at least i hope so. this colly:will include ascii and some text what 
 will be written during the par:ty. party is behind the god and here is 
 forrest around us. well. nice!: i dont know how long this colly will be
 put trying to do longer than t:he earliers. phuuh. tired to write. u must
 be tired to read.. think so bu:t dunno. dont drown to water during the summer
                               :  --- jaw ---    :
                               : laiskuuden huippuus!
                                 the top of laziness!
                                 remember the abnormal thinks again.
  .:  time is 12:55 at         :
  :   thursday.                :
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :                                                    :
  :   have only 6 machines in here now!!               :
  :   playing with bnc cable net!                      :
  :                                  -jaw              :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 1   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ .damn    : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                 ___.          :      .___       ______.
               __\  |_.______  :  ___ |   | _____|     |
              _\  `.  |     /___._\  \|   |_\    \  ___|
             )   o    |   .Ô    |___\__/  |       `. |
  .:  time is 20:42 at         :
  :   thursday.                :
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :                                                    :
  :   now we have 8 machines in here.. cool!           :
  :   hm. listening pepper and goldie!                 :
  :                                  -jaw              :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 2   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ .pepper  : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
           _______. ____.   _______. _______. ____.   _______.
          _\      |_\  _|_._\      |_\      |_\  _|_._\    . |
         |  `.. o |  `   _|  `.. o |  `.. o |  `.  _|  `.  __|
         |    |___|       |    |___|    |___|       |    . \__
         |____|---)_______|____|---)____|---)_______|____|    |
         \_________  pEppEr!         __________________________\
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 3   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___goldie(go)! ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                               :                ____.
                               :....          ))____/
            .______    ______. ____:    ___.    ____  ____
            |      (_._\     |_\:  | ___\ _|__._\   |_\  _|_.
            |    o   |  `.   |   __|__.       |     |  `.  _|
            |___    _|  oO  _|        | oO    |_   _|       |
            _   )___\_______\_________\_________\__\________\   _
                              ::..     .........                 rKa
                        ....   :  :    :       ::...........     KKK
                        :  :...:..:    :       :           :     KKK
                        :              :    .  :           :     KKK
                       .:..............:    :  :           :     KKK
                                       :....:  :           :     KKK
                                            :  :           .     """ 
                                   .........:  :::::.......:    .%%%.
                                   :.     .....:                %III%
                                    :      :                    `%%%Ô
  .:  time is 21:47 at         :
  :   thursday.                :
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :                                                    :
  :   Chemical Brothers rulez.                         :
  :                                                    :
  :                                  -jaw              :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 4   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___chemicalb.: ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
               .____.          :   .____ ((())))
  ____     ____|    | ____     ___ |    | _____  ____     _____     ____
 _\  _|__ _\   |    |_\  _|__._\  \|    |_\    |_\  _|__._\   /___ _\   |
|  `. |  |  `. |    |  `.   _|  `  `    |  `.  |  `. |  |  `.Ô    |  `__|__
|     :  |         _|        |___\___/  |     _|     :  |     :   |        |
|________|_____|___\ ________|     |____|_____\_________|_____|___|________\
. ____      _______  ______. ________  ____|     | ____.    _______. ______
:_\  _|___._\    . |_\     |_\       |_\   |     |_\  _|__._\      |_\    _]_
|  `.     |  `.  __|  `.   |  `.  ___|  `. |     |  `.   _|  `   __|_ `.     |
|     oO  |    . \__. oO  _|      \  |         __|        |    . \_          |
|_________|____|    |_____\|_______`.|_____|___\-|________|____|   |_________|
               |____|      :                                   |___|
  .:  time is 04:32 at         :
  :   friday... uknow!         :
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :   during the "evening" we have listened these:     :
  :   tehdas, oxylon, lok, destiny and somethink.      :
  :   we have very fun in here. hope that u have too!! :
  :                                  -jaw again.       :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 5   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___  lok     : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                       :                      :
                   ____.      lOk.        ____.
               .___\   |                 _\   |____.
              _\    `__|__._____________|  `  |    |
             )  `         |             |         _|_.
             \____________\_____________\_____|\     |
                       :       rulz.          :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 7   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ tehdas   : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
       _________. _____.    ____:          ____     ______     _______
      _\        |_\   _|__._\   |_____.____\  _|__ _\    /___ _\     _]_.
    _)  `.   ___|  `.    _|  `. |     |     `.    |  `.  .   |_ `.      |
 .--\_       \            |     .    _|          _|      :   |          |--.
 |    |_______`.__________|_____|____\___________\_______:___|__________|  |
 |                                                                         |
 |                      rulezz.                                            |
 |                                              .__________________________|
 |_______________________________________________\     factory!            :
                                :                 `._______________________:
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 8   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ oxylon   : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                      .....  ..:
                      KKKK:..:KKKK     ____                         .___.
             ________.`KKKK::KKKKÔ____|    |____.  _________._______)   |   
            _\       |  `KKKKKÔ |  `. |   /  `__|__\        |       | __|
           |  `.    _|.KKKKKKK. |___     (         |`.     _|   .     |
           |________\.KKKK"KKKK.    )_____\________\_______\ ___|_____|
                     KKKKÔ `KKKK                    :
                               :  rulz too!         :
                               : ...................:
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 9   :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ destiny  : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
---------- CUT ---------------------- CUT -----------------------------------

now i'm gonna go to sleep.. be cous i wanna be wake tomorrow when the rest of
machines will come to here! good night! i will continue doing this tomorrow.
time is now 5:04 friday morning.. nice! but it is normal.. or abnormal. heh

---------- CUT ---------------------- CUT -----------------------------------

so  now i'm waking  up.. and time is 13:47.. well..  nearest shop is open
longer than yesterday. maybe we can catch there today. now i gonna do that
"destiny" ascii.

---------- CUT ---------------------- CUT -----------------------------------
                               :                         .____.
      ____    ____     ______  : ________. _____  _______|    | ____
  ____\  _|_._\  _|__._\    _]_:_\       |_\    |_\      |    |_\   |___.
 _\    `  : |  `    _|_ `.     |  `.  ___|      |  `       ___|  `  |   |
)           |        |         |      \        _|     :     |       Ô  _|
 \__________|________|_________|_______`.______\______|_____| _________\
  .:  time is 13:53 at         :
  :   friday and and.. yeah.   :
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :   we have just visited in shop and buyed lotsa     :
  :   drinking.. i dont mean booze! i mean pepsi!      :
  :   more machines should come to here today.. dunno! :
  :   and listening metallica! - still jaw             :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 1o  :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ metallica: ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                           :                              ___
       ___.                :                            ))__(!
  ___ |   | ____     ______: _____     ____     ____     ____  ____          
 _\  \|   |_\  _|__ _\     |_\   /___._\  _|__._\  _|__ _\   |_\   |___.  
)___\___/ |       _|  `  __|  `.Ô.   |  `     |  `     |  ` _|  `__|   | 
      |___|________|_____\ ______:___|________\________\____\ _________| 
  :                                                           _____<---'
  :       almost in one line!!                               _\   /___.
  :                                                         |  `.Ô    |
  .:  time is 19:38 at         :
  :   friday and again yeah.   :
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :   now here has just come more people and we dont   :
  :   drink pepsi anymore.. u know.. booze rulz.       :
  :   during the evening i'm gonna do some asciis to   :
  :   this colly and now we are listening BONJOVI! ;(  :
                               : : --- jaw ^kkz    :
                               : :.................:
  .:  time is 10:45 at         :
  :   saturnday morning and    :
  :   i dont have headache.    :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :   so so. hm. those asciis didnt never come ready.  :
  :   i just talked the whole evening and night with   :
  :   nice girl. pretty good looking girl. ;))):)      :
  :                                        -jaw.       :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 11  :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `         :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ girl     : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                ________. _____: _______  ____.
              ._\       |_\    |_\    . |_\   |
              |  `.O    |  `   |  `   __|  `__|__.
              |____    _|     _|    . \__.       |
                   )___\______\_____|    |_______\
                               :    |____|
---------- CUT ---------------------- CUT -----------------------------------

so now is sunday.. 20:08 and .. hm. earlier i was tired to do this but now
i have new inspiration and i have sleeped couple of hours.. nice! the
sun is shining still althought weather report promised something really
different weather.. but thats only good thing.  - jaw

---------- CUT ---------------------- CUT -----------------------------------
  .:  time is 20:12 at         :
  :   sunday ..................:
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :   why i'm playing game named "killer instict"?     :
  :   well who knows.. maybe the reason is that i      :
  :   think killer instict is the best fighting game?! :
  :                                                    :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 12  :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ ` killer  :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ instict  : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                   )):::)      :
       _____ ____. ______   ______      ______      _____     ________.
     ._\    |\   |_\     |__\     |_ ___\     | _ __\   _|__ _\       |
     |  `.  |   _|_.     |      __|___      __|___   `.    _|  `.   __|
     |            |     _|            |           |         |     . \___
     |______|     |_____\ ____________\___________\_________|_____|     |....
       :    |_____|nojawhanse.                                    |_____|   :
       :   _______         ____                                             :
       :.._\      | ______|    |                                            :
        -|        |_\     |    | ________                                   :
         |       _|         ___|_\      _]_  _________                      :
         |_______\            |_  `        |_\        | _______             :
         :        _____|______|            |       ___|_\      |            :
    ::::::                    |____________|       \           |            :
    ::                                     )________`.        _|            :                                             \_______\     
    :                                                 \_______\             :
    :                                                    _______            :
    :                                                   _\    __|___        :
    :                                                 -|        |   |       :
    :                                                  |           _|       :
    :                                                  |___________\        :
    :                                                     _________         :
    :                                                    _\        |        :
    :                                                  -|       ___|       ::
    :.................................................. |       \ ......:::::
                               :                        |________`.
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 13  :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `action   :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ quake2   : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\_________.       :__|
                               :            __
                               :           ))_\                ___
                   _____    ___    ______  ____  _____  ______|   |
                  _\   /__ _\ _|_ _\     |_\   |_\    |_\     |   |
                 |        |    | |     __|    _|   o _|         __|
                 |_____:__|______\_____\______\______\ ____|____|
                   ______  ___     _____    ___ ___  ____  jaw
                  _\     |_\  |__ _\   /__ _\  |   |_\  _|_
                 |   __  |    |  |        |      __|      _|
                 |___\ \_|______(______:__|____|  |________|
                    ..\_\                      |__|       ..
                     :         .%"%.   now u know what    :
                     :         %% %%  we are playing!     :
                     +-------- `" .% . -------------------+
                                .%%Ô .%.
                                %%%. `%%
                               :- ÑhlÑmsÑhlÑmn.
  .:  time is 14:04 at         :
  :   monday ..................:
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :   "ihanaa leijonat ihanaa" .. this peace of music  :
  :   have been heard hundreds of times in here ..     :
  :   phuk. mutta missÑ on j.j? - abnormaljaw          :
  :                                                    :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 14  :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ `ihanaa   :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___ leijonat : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\  ihanaa .       :  |
                               :               ___
               _____. ___      _____    ______|   |_____    _____
              _\    |_\  |___ _\   /__ _\     | __|\   /__ _\   /__
             |  `. _|    :   |     .  |         |         |        | !
             |_____\ ____|___|_____:__|____|____|______:__|_____:__|
   _____    _____      _____      ___    ______   ______|    |  ______
  _\    |  _\   _|__  _\    |   _)   |  _\     | _\     |  __| _\    /___
 ’    __|__  `.    _|       | __\   _|_        |           |             |
 |         |        |      _|          |  oO  _|           |             | 
 |__________\  _____| _____\  _________| _____\  _____|____|  _______:___| 
                                   ___                       ________    |
   _____. ___      _____    ______|   |_____    _____       _\       |<--'
  _\    |_\  |___ _\   /__ _\     | __|\   /__ _\   /__    |       __|
 |  `. _|    :   |     .  |         |         |        | ! |       \
 |_____\ ____|___|_____:__|____|____|______:__|_____:__|   |________`.
 :                             :
 :     - A. Mertaranta.        :
                               : mutta missÑ on j.j?
                               : - M. Kyllînen
  .:  time is 20:43 at         :
  :   wednesday................:
  :                            :........................
  :                                                    :
  :   Message:                                         :
  :   hm. it's been long time when i have done somet-  :
  :   hink to this colly. the party is over now...     :
  :   i have just went to my place and doing this..    :
  :   hm. should i continue this? dunno.               :
  :   i haven't sleep much.. should i go to sleep? nO! :
  :   my neighbour gonna organize some kind a party in :
  :   his place but propably i wont be in there.       :
  :   well the rest of our party was almost same like  :
  :   earlier. we had only 9 machines in there.. damn! :
  :   so so .. but next time will be better next time  :
  :   is our 8 party what we have ever organized..     :
  :                                         -jaw       :
                          :       :
               _(asskey)__. by.   :__.
              _\ nro. 15  :       :  |
 <<--------- _\ ` thE     :  jaw  :  | ------------------------------------<<
            )___   eNd    : ^kkz  :  |
           <<---\         .       :  |

                                .    .
                  ________  ____:    : ____.
                ._\       |_\   |    |_\  _|__.
                |       __|         _|  `.   _|
                |_______\ ______|___\ ________|
                    :                _____\   |
                    :               _\     ___|
                    :..crap.   ____|        |
                            ___\   |____|___| 
                           |  . `.   |

                        ups. line forgotten..
    .............. gREEtz......:.......................................
    :                                                                 :
    :    Boheme, Dartagnan, Daeron, Mortimer Twang, Tribe, Prosthesis :
    :    Tyrant, Cail, Scar, Tofu, Juke, Dwarf, Hbit, "Velikani"      :
    :    Soulfly, Letharic, Velarde, Crazy, Dipswitch, Luminator      :
    :    Reanimator, Tekk, Riven, Phobia, Dezibel, Drunkard, Zaner.   :
    :                                                                 :
    .............. rESPECtz....:.......................................
    :                                                                 :
    :    Boheme, Dartagnan, Daeron, Mortimer Twang, Dwarf             :
    :    Soulfly, Letharic, Crazy, Dipswitch, Phobia, Dezibel         :
    :    Tekk, "Velikani", Prosthesis, Zaner.                         :
  __.._____ ____. ____ ____    ____
  \_||_   //   /|/   //   /____)_  \_..__
   vol/   /    _.    /    _.   ____/_||_/
. __./    \    \|    \    \|   \    \ .__ .
:  //____/ \____\___/ \____\_________\:\  :
:   °                                 °   :
:   | live in ilmapallo by jaw        |   :
:  _°_      released 23.6            _°_  :
: _\|/_______________________________\:/_ :
