Component Name:			TTextTable
Version:			0.82
Platform:			Delphi 3/4
Sources:			In registered version
Example:			Included
Documentation:			You read it :) 
Author:				Vladimir Savelev (c) 1998
Contact e-mail:
Description:			Simple descendant of TDataSet.
				Implements simple dataset capabilities
				for text based data files.
                                Works without BDE.
				Also capable to store single loaded text 
				table in form (and further, in exe).

     This component provides data base like access to tab 
  (or what you want,for example comma) separated text file. 
     Since this component is a descedant from TDataSet, it can be used 
  with most of data aware controls, such as DBGrid, DBNavigator, etc.
     All fields are established as String fields, for simplicity.
     Also this component can save loaded text file in form and further
  is executable. Such text data can be modified, but doesn't stored.

       Unzip to separate directory.
       Copy contents of D3(D4) folder (two .dcu files and package file)
     to directory in you Delphi path and install package txttbl.

	Added properties and methods:

  property DivChar  : char

	Fields separator, default - Tab (#9)

  property SepChar  : char

	Quote character, default - " (quote symbol) 
        Maded to understand field values like

            Mary;Jon;Dave (when DivChar=;)

        For using SepChar in field values use it twice:

               real value:         I say: "Hello";She says "Bye"
               stored in file as:  "I say: ""Hello"";She says ""Bye"""

  property WinText: boolean

      Property added for reading old DOS coded data (national symbols).
        True  - don't decode text
        False - make OemToAnsi conversion

  property KeepData : boolean

	True  - store data in form
	False - load data only from files

  property FileName : string

	name of text file. Better with full pathname

  function    FindKey(const KeyValues: array of const): Boolean;

	This function added for my purposes. It seems like similar
   function in TTable, but it finds only first entry of KeyValues
   in first column of text file.

   procedure   PasteFromClipboard;

        This procedure adds data from clipboard (only if number of columns
     is equal to number of fields in dataset) to you table.

   procedure   CreateFromClipboard;

        This procedure creates dataset from clipboard. First row is
     cosidered is field names.

	Please, send me any suggestions, bug reports and opinions.

						Vladimir Savelev