System Makro  January 1999

  This simple program makes it easy to excute all kinds of Applications by run
  it and type in f.eks "FM" and the File explore will run.
  It´s faster than moving around in all kinds of menus or folders for repeatedly
  used Applications.

  First time you run this program just type in "lnk"+[Enter] and it will create
  a shortcut on your DeskTop with the HotKeys [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[M] so next time you
  can use that keycombination for quick access.

  When it runs, it wil only show a Combobox in the midle of your screen and
  go away if you press [Esc] or you type in a Makro Alias like "FM"+[Enter]

  I have suplied a standard makros.txt so you can see the format and get some
  basic idears on how to setup a command string and parameters.

  Format: "Makro Alias","Command Line","Params"

  "FM","explorer.exe","" // Starts the File explorer
  "INET","rasphone.exe","-d [Entry Name]" //Uses RAS to connect to Internet
  "HANGUP","rasphone.exe","-h [Entry Name]" //Hang up RAS
  "BDD","","" //Browse
  "BIN","","" //Browse
  "NET","CMD","/k NETSTAT -a" //Run´s NetStat and keep it open (NT only)
  "NET","COMMAND","NETSTAT -a" //Run´s NetStat (Win95/98 only)

  You are free to use this source and information in anyway you like, it is
  public domain.

  Tip: when working with the RAS applet, you can from RUN, type rasphone.exe /h
       and se the full list of options.
