Version:		1.0
Target:			Delphi 3.0
Status:			Freeware "no src." for non commercial use.
Section:		Visible Components
Description:	Adds 3 components : a sizeable analogical watch, a decimal/Hexa
				calculator and a multimedia/documents player.
Author:			Jean-Michel CAMBOT
HTTP page:
License:		You may use these components FREE even in a COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE.
Content:		Horloge.dcu, Horloge.dcr, BaliCALC.exe, BaliWAVE.exe
Use of Watch:	Just add the component on a form, and size it (it will adjust
				itself to stay a square). Minimum size is 30. To change the
				size, just modify the [Width] property. You may use the
				[ShowTime] property to enable or disable time displaying.
Use of Calcul:	The calculator is a SpeedButton whose OnClick method runs a
				decimal/hexadecimal pretty calculator. Just define the 
				properties for the SpeedButton, and ignore the OnClick method.
				Your application must have BaliCALC.exe on its startup folder.
Use of Media:	The MediaFAST player is a SpeedButton whose Onclick method runs
				the media file (BMP of 256 colors maximum, WAV, MID, AVI, MOV,
				or any document whose extension is defined in Windows 
				associations, or a full command) that you defined in the [Media]
				property. You may define the normal properties for this 
				SpeedButton, except the OnClick method, which is ignored.
				If you leave the [Media] property empty, this component will 
				run the selected text of the focused Edit or Memo control. You 
				may let the user type in a media file name in an edit control, 
				then select this text, and click on your button to visualize or 
				hear the media ! If the media file is a Wave file, Midi file or 
				Video file, the player will let the user pause, restart, move or 
				stop the media. If you type in a text in the [Error] property,
				it will be displayed in a message box if the user clicks on your
				button without having selected a text before in an edit or memo
				Your application must have BaliWAVE.exe on its startup folder.