This is the third release of this project..

I've received quite a lot reactions on this project! (a lot more than I
expected) keep it up!

What's new in second release:
- nothing really changed in the application itself (i just don't have the time)
- I changed ISP, so a new e-mail adress(!)
- Included my ICQ number...
- Included my homepage URL. (There's a small faq and such...)
- Included the DAO_TLB.PAS file

What's new in the third release: (this one)
- Finally fixed the problem with dao showing an error (Thanks to John Malia)

The story of...

I've always been very charmed by the MS-Access database structure.
(Referential integrity, all in 1 file, etc...)
I often tried to build data-aware components for it through OLE (Since I
thought it was the only way except ODBC) but failed every single time...
(Far too complex in the low-level stuff)

One day, I was bored, and roaming around the delphi-menus, my eyes catched an
interesting option : "Import Type Library..." in the "Projekt" menu...
"What's a 'type library'?" I thought. (Well, not exactly... I think in Dutch
most of the time :-) )
After selecting it, my heart started beating heavily, when seeing this item
in the list : "Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library (Version 4.0)"
After clicking OK, Delphi built a nice, ready to go unit for complete
access to the DAO-Engine! I couldn't believe my eyes!
That was just the thing I tried to build for so long! Ready in a few seconds!
If you tried to find stuff for accessing DAO (Like I did), you know there are
some comercial components wich do not much more than this (Ok, maybe has a nice
wrapper) for several hundreds of dollars! That's easy money eh?

It works through COM-Objects. I don't know if this is a good thing, but I
guess Bill wants us to use it, since all their newsletters are filled with
subjects about COM-Objects... Anyway, it does the job. I havn't measured it,
but it seems to me it's quite a bit faster than through OLE.

Here's an application that uses that unit to explore a database, the
quick&dirty way, and far from perfect. (Wasn't even my intention ;-) )
I even tried to document it somewhat...
I've included the type-library import unit (DAO_TLB), since I had a lot of
requests for it.
You have to have DAO installed ofcource!
If you can't get it to work for some reason, let me know.

Any hints/tips are more than welcome... (Even improvements of the example)

e-mail   :
ICQ UIN  : 13219219
Homepage :

Sorry for the bad english, it's not my native language...