Component   :   AVDatePick free version
Version     :	1.01 last updated Feb-4-2001
Platform    :	D3, D4, D5
Sources     :	Witout sources
Author      :	Alcides Valega
E-mail      :
WWW         :	

AVDatePick is a component for date edition. This allow edit dates or pick them from a drop down calendar. Allow enter dates in modes masked and not. Dates can be entered in free format using separators '/', '-' or '.'. The years autocompletion feature complete the year when this is entered whith less than 4 digits. The Language property change the hint and message texts and the date formats between M/d/yyyy and d/M/yyyy. 

In the Shareware version I added keyboard features for popup the calendar, move in, and exit them, also have the Skin property who allow place a background image, give a stylish fashion to the drop down calendar, as well this have properties for change font of labels and color of calendar and transparent property of background bitmap (skin). 

I include a exe demo for checking them.