SOFTWrapper Eval
December 19, 1996

SOFTWrapper allows you to make a time restricted trial 
version of any Windows program just by choosing an exe 
file then clicking the "Wrap" button. SOFTWrapper will
automatically add all the date checking functionality 
and user dialogs to the wrapped program that allow the 
user to enter a registration code that will remove the 
expiration function from the wrapped program.

* No development tools or application source code is required

Files included in this eval:

readme.txt	=	this file
wrapeval.exe	=	16-bit Eval version SOFTWrapper
wrapeval.hlp	=	16-bit help file
w32wrape.exe	=	32-bit Eval version SOFTWrapper
w32wrape.hlp	=	32-bit help file

Eval version limitations:

* Evaluation version of SOFTWrapper will only produce one registration code. 
* Evaluation version of SOFTWrapper does not enable the BIOS Locking feature. 
* All applications wrapped using evaluation version of SOFTWrapper expire after one day. 

Basic Instructions:
1. In the SOFTWrapper window, click the "Browse" button to choose
   the exe file of the application to be wrapped. 

* Note that SOFTWrapper does NOT make a backup copy of the exe file
before making changes to it. Backup your exe file before wrapping it.  

2. Enter number of days or date by which all eval copies will expire on. 

3. Click the "User Message" button to enter the text messages that 
   appear during the user's evaluation period. 

4. Click the "Wrap" button to wrap your application. 

5. Freely distribute copies of your wrapped program. 

6. Later on, when satisfied users call in to register, click the 
   "Register" button and give them their Registration Number. 

* Note steps 5 and 6 would only be useful to users of the full
version of SOFTWrapper.

7. Since this is a BETA - PLEASE send us some feedback via e-mail to

Contact Info:

SOFTWrapper is published by 
Andover Advanced Technologies
532 Great Road, Acton MA 01720 
508-635-5300 (voice)  508-635-5326 (fax)

SOFTWrapper was created by 
Seven Locks Software, Inc., 
The SOFTWrapper logo is a trademark of Seven Locks Software, Inc.
Š 1996 Seven Locks Software, Inc.