John C. Taylor
compuserve : 76350,3301

TSpread Component

TSpread is an enhanced StringGrid which supports individual cell fonts, display formats, 
background colors, bitmaps, cell frames and  cell arithmetic.  In addition, TSpread supports 
buttons, check boxes, combo boxes and spinedits in cells.  The display attributes of each 
individual cell can be controlled by a call to one of the methods provided by the component.  
Mathematical formulas can be entered directly into a cell by the user or set programmatically 
in your code.

Version 2.0

There are so many changes in version 2.0 that it would take a week to write about all of them.
The most notable are the introduction of the concept of cell types.  Version 2.0 corrects the 
problem of adding and deleting rows and columns from the grid.  
Cell frames are introduced in version 2.0 as well as a myriad of new methods.