TEquation component

Mike Presley
	compuserve:  75210,2247

TEquation is a Delphi component which evaluates mathematic expressions.  
TEquation recognizes 20 different operators including:

	addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
	exponent, sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine,
	arctangent, hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine,
	hyperbolic tangent, natural logarithm,
	logarithm of base 10, absolute value, square root,
	- (unary), and factorial.

TEquation optionally traces the steps completed to compute the expression 
in adding machine tape format.  This allows an audit of the result.

TEquation is shareware and the unregistered version will only run 
uncrippled from the Delphi IDE.  

Registration is $25.00 plus a $4.00 distribution fee.  Registered users 
receive an uncrippled version of the component and a free upgrade to 
the 32 bit version when it becomes available.  Register by contacting 
author or by GO SWREG id# 8631.

Zip file includes TEquation component, help file, and demo project.  
Preserve directory structure when unzipping to reduce clutter.