Attention Delphi and CBuilder developers, and friends of

EDSSpell v4.0 now supports all versions of Delphi (1, 2, 3 and 4)
as well as all versions of CBuilder (1 and 3).  EDSSpell v4.0
also features an increase in spell checking speed, real to the
end-user, of as much as 600%!

The EDSSpell VCL gives you the developer full control over
language, dialog style (WordPerfect, MSWord or WordPro96), font,
and number of suggestions to name a few.  EDSSpell ships with
several compressed language dictionaries, including 140,000+ word
English and 430,000+ word Spanish dictionaries.  EDSSpell
continues its support of other word processing components (like
WPTools, Turbo Power's Orpheus, and Woll2Woll's InfoPower), RTF
and HTML.

Version 4.0 is still a native Delphi VCL component and therefore
requires no additional DLLs.  There are no run-time royalties for
distributing applications with EDSSpell.

Users of previous versions of EDSSpell purchased since May 1, get
a FREE upgrade; other registered users can upgrade for just $29. 
Please send email with the address you would like to have the
EDSSpell.EXE (the new install) emailed to (without the nospam,
etc.), and when it was purchased/registered, and you get all the
new files for FREE.

The new install is close to 2 MB by email, so please make sure
that your email account can handle it.

Please check out the demos of EDSSpell for all versions of Delphi
and CBuilder at our web site

If you are not a registered user, you can get EDSSpell v4 at ZAC
Catalogs, Programmer's Paradise, or through Compuserve.  If you
prefer, you can also obtain it directly from Eminent Domain
Software by Email; by FAX (956) 729-0011; or by calling
1-800-246-5757.  The investment is just $99USD.

Thank you for your continued support!!!

Eminent Domain Software 
"Custom Software Development For Your Domain"

[Also makers of XSpell, the IDE Expert, EDSPrint and
EDSThesaurus, the English Thesaurus and Dictionary with the
latest and fastest 32 bit compressed database of words and look

PS:  Please pass this on in your organization or user group so
more can benefit from site licensing or group discounts.