TObjGrapheur for Delphi 1.0 - Readme for the VCL component.
This VCl can draw scientifics charts (XY, Polar, Smith).
Pre-release version 0.96  ---  April 1996
No copyrights. This is freeware.

---  Description of TObjGrapheur files  --- 

Grapheur.txt      This File

Grapheur.hlp      French help file for TObjGrapheur
Grapheur.kwf      Keyword file

Grapheur.dcu      TObjGrapheur compiled unit
Grapheur.dcr      Icon file

u_graphe.dcu, fen1.dcu, fen2.dcu, fen3.dcu    Utilities units
fen1.dfm, fen2.dfm, fen3.dfm      Form files

--- Description of Demonstration files  ---

GrSample.exe      Exe file
GrSample.dpr      Project file
GrSample.res      Ressource file

Sample.pas, Sample.dcu  Demonstration unit
Sample.dfm        Form file 

--- Installation of the Help file ---

- Put grapheur.hlp in delphi\bin directory.
- Put grapheur.kwf in delphi\help directory.
- Execute helpinst.exe
  - Open delphi.hqx in delphi\bin
  - Add grapheur.kwf
  - Save and close

--- What's news in version 0.96 ---

- You can move marker directly with the mouse.

--- Solved bugs ---

- Conflict name with the About box.

- Problems when the component was resized.

- Scale dialog box for Polar chart.

--- Known bug ---

- when you put a popupmenu in the form, the popupmenu of TObjGrapheur doesn't appeare.
  (it's Ok with Delphi32 !?!)

Authors: L. Rullier and N. Deudon

Be cool, it's our first component.
Coming soon: English help file + less bugs