There are some date-edit components with some kind of calendar popups.
I wrote this component according to my necessities. It is a data-aware component.
I have downloaded many delphi components from internet and they were very useful for me and
that's why I let my component be free with its source. No charges or restrictons are required.
You can use it as it is or can change it any way you like. There may be some bugs because I
haven't tested it in many machines or systems.

I will be glad if you e-mail to me about your opinions and critics and the way you use TDBDateEDit.

My e-mail address is:

My Name: Serdar AKYILDIZ
e-mail :

How to install:

* Extract the files in your delphi\lib directory. I made some modifications in calendar.pas that
is released with delphi 2.0. So this should be updated too.

* Then Install the custdate.pas component. By default it will install to the "Data Controls" tab
to your delphi component toolbar.

* Then simply drop the TDBDateEdit to your application and specify the DataSource and DataField
properties. It should work.

TDBDateEdit component:

Property YearInterval:
This is an integer value. This value determines the interval of year pop-up in calendar popup
beginning from the year that is minus value from today's year value to the year plus value 
from today's year value.