The values for the HOST statement depends on the type of your network interface. The following types are supported: LCS OSA (in either QDIO, LCS, or Token Ring Mode) CTC/ESCON CLAW HiperSocket IUCV Note that with LCS devices, things get a little confusing. You will want to specify CHANDEV=lcs0, but you will still need to specify eth0 on the HOST= parameter. This is due to the differences between the way the chandev layer looks at things, and the way the TCP/IP layer sees them. You MUST specify a CHANDEV= parameter if your are using a CTC, ESCON, OSA (QDIO or Token Ring), HiperSocket or LCS network interface. If you do not, you will be prompted for it during installation. Refer to the "Device Drivers and Installation Commands" manual from IBM for what you specify here. You MUST specify a CLAW= parameter if you are using a CLAW/CIP network interface. If you do not, you will be prompted for it during installation. It is strongly recommended that you specify QETHPARM= for OSA and HiperSocket network interfaces. The values you specify here will also come from the "Device Drivers and Installation Commands" manual. Note that there is some duplication of function. For CTC and IUCV connections, you can specify the IP address of the default gateway on both the HOST= and NETWORK= parameters. If a value is specified on the NETWORK= parameter, it takes precedence over that specified on the HOST= parameter. This will (hopefully) be changed in future releases. HOST=fqdn:device:ipaddr [:mtu ] (for LCS and OSA ethernet devices, as well as QDIO Guest LAN interfaces) fqdn: your full qualified domain name of the system device: eth0 ipaddr: the fixed IP address for this virtual machine mtu: maximum transfer units (optional) HOST=fqdn:device:ipaddr:gateway [:mtu ] (for CTC and ESCON devices, whether virtual or real) fqdn: your full qualified domain name of the system device: ctc0 ipaddr: the fixed IP address for this virtual machine gateway: IP address of the peer/gateway (the system on the other end of the CTC) mtu: maximum transfer units (optional) HOST=fqdn:device:ipaddr:host:gateway [:mtu ] (for IUCV interfaces) fqdn: your full qualified domain name of the system device: iucv0 ipaddr: the fixed IP address for this virtual machine host: VM userid of the IUCV partner gateway: IP address of the IUCV partner mtu: maximum transfer units (optional) HOST=fqdn:device:ipaddr:gateway [:mtu] (for CLAW interfaces) fqdn: your full qualified domain name of the system device: ci0 ipaddr: the fixed IP address for this system gateway: IP address of the default gateway mtu: maximum transfer units (optional) HOST=fqdn:device:ipaddr:gateway [:mtu] (for real or virtual HiperSockets) fqdn: your full qualified domain name of the system device: hsi0 ipaddr: the fixed IP address for this system gateway: IP address of the default gateway mtu: maximum transfer units (optional) HOST=fqdn:device:ipaddr:gateway [:mtu] (for Token Ring interfaces) fqdn: your full qualified domain name of the system device: tr0 ipaddr: the fixed IP address for this system gateway: IP address of the default gateway mtu: maximum transfer units (optional) NETWORK=network:netmask:broadcast [:gw ] network: the network address of your subnet. (Your IP address logically ANDed with the network mask.) netmask: the network mask for your subnet broadcast: the broadcast address for your subnet gw: IP address of the default gateway (only for CTC and IUCV devices) LCS=base,type base: base device number of the LCS interface type: 1 for an OSA-2 in LCS mode 2 for an OSA-Express in QDIO/QETH mode e.g. LCS=0xfc20,1 for an OSA-2 in LCS mode at 0xfc20 or LCS=0x0f000,2 for an OSA-Express in QDIO/QETH mode at 0x0f000 CLAW=lappl0:lhost0:uappl0:uhost0 lappl0: defines the local application name and must match the claw directive "host-app" field (third string). The default value is "TCPIP". lhost0: defines the local host name and must match the claw directive "host-name" field (first string). The default value is "UTS". uappl0: defines the unit application name and must match the claw directive "device-app" field (fourth string). The default value is "TCPIP". uhost0: defines the unit's name and must match the claw directive "device-name" field (second string). The default value is "C7011". CHANDEV=noauto;ctc0,readdev,writedev[,mem][,protocol][,checksum] (for CTCs) readdev: the device number thatis the read channel writedev: the device number that is the write channel mem: number of kilobytes to use for buffers protocol: 3 if connecting to z/OS 0 is usually good for any other operating system checksum: 1 to calculate checksums for received IP packets, 0 to disable CHANDEV=noauto;lcs0,readdev,writedev[,mem][,portno][,checksum][,hwstats] (for LCS) readdev: the device number thatis the read channel writedev: the device number that is the write channel mem: number of kilobytes to use for buffers portno: 0 to use relative port number 0, 1 to use port 1 checksum: 1 to calculate checksums for received IP packets, 0 to disable hwstats: 1 to collect network statistics from the hardware, 0 to disable CHANDEV=noauto;qeth0,readdev,writedev,datadev[,mem][,portno][,checksum] (for OSA (QDIO and Token Ring) and HiperSockets) readdev: the device number that is the read channel. This must be an even number. writedev: the device number that is the write channel. This number must be readdev+1. datadev: the device number that is the data channel. This number can be even or odd, and need not be in sequence with the read and write channels. mem: number of kilobytes to use for buffers portno: 0 to use relative port number 0, 1 to use port 1. The OSA-Express in QDIO mode uses only port 0, which is the default. checksum: 1 to calculate checksums for received IP packets, 0 to disable QETHPARM=add_parms,chantype,lodevno,highdevno[,string] add_parms: the literal character string add_parms chantype: for CTC 0x01 for ESCON 0x02 for LCS 0x04 for QETH 0x10 lodevno: the low device number allocated to the device highdevno: the high device number allocated to the device string: addition parameters passed to the specific device driver, such as an OSA portname, primary or secondary router, etc. DASD=xxx-yyy Range of device numbers of your DASD devices. If you only have one, specify DASD=xxx DNS=list:of:dns:servers the list of DNS servers,separated by colons e.g. DNS= will use the DNS servers and SEARCHDNS=list:of:search:domains the list of the search domains,separated by colons e.g. DEBUG=<value> if set to any value you will get a shell during installation to debug if you encounter problems.