Changed packages:

==== Mesa ====
Version update (10.3.2 -> 10.3.3)
Subpackages: Mesa-32bit Mesa-devel Mesa-dri-devel Mesa-libEGL-devel Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libEGL1-32bit Mesa-libGL-devel Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libGL1-32bit Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel Mesa-libGLESv1_CM1 Mesa-libGLESv2-2 Mesa-libGLESv2-devel Mesa-libglapi-devel Mesa-libglapi0 Mesa-libglapi0-32bit libOSMesa-devel libOSMesa9 libOSMesa9-32bit libgbm-devel libgbm1 libgbm1-32bit libvdpau_nouveau libvdpau_r600 libvdpau_radeonsi libwayland-egl-devel libwayland-egl1 libxatracker2

- Enable VideoCore IV (vc4) support for ARM
- Cleanup Spec:
  + smaller cleanups
  + Remove all traces of talloc, Mesa uses ralloc
- Update to 10.3.3
  + fdo#82921 layout(location=0) emits error
  >= MAX_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS due to integer underflow
  + fdo#83574 [llvmpipe] [softpipe] piglit
  arb_explicit_uniform_location-use-of-unused-loc regression
  + fdo#85454 Unigine Sanctuary with Wine crashes on Mesa Git
  + fdo#70410 egl-static/Makefile: linking fails with llvm >= 3.4

==== ModemManager ====
Version update (1.0.0 -> 1.4.0)
Subpackages: libmm-glib0

- Update to version 1.4.0:
  + This version comes with the following updates in the
  - Updated the logic around the IP configuration properties in
    the Bearer:
    . Setting DHCP as IP method in the IPv6 settings means that
    SLAAC should be used to retrieve correct addressing and
    routing details.
    . DHCP IP method may now be combined with an explicit static
    IP address, as IPv6 SLAAC may require the link-local
    address to be present.
    . MTU is now also included in the IP configuration
    properties, if specified by the modem, and applicable to
    both DHCP and STATIC methods.
  - New 'OFF' power state, which fully switches off the modem
    device. After setting the modem in this state, no further use
    of it can be done. Currently available in Wavecom and
  - Location interface: new 'unmanaged GPS' support, which allows
    to start/stop the GPS module in the modem, while leaving the
    location information retrieval to other processes. Currently
    available in modems with independent GPS TTYs, like
    Option/HSO, Cinterion and Huawei.
  - New Test DBus interface: not to be installed, just for
    internal system tests.
  + Other notable changes include:
  - MBIM: support for ZTE and Sequans Communications modems.
  - Ericsson MBM: Support for AT-capable /dev/cdc-wdm ports.
  - Huawei: improved support for Network time retrieval.
  - Huawei: implemented GPS support.
  - Huawei: support for /dev/cdc-wdm AT ports via the new
    huawei-cdc-ncm driver.
  - Cinterion: implemented GPS support.
  - Cinterion: implemented unlock retries loading.
  - Cinterion: gather port types for multi-tty devices.
  - Cinterion: custom wait for SIM readiness after SIM-PIN
  - Wavecom: custom wait for SIM readiness after SIM-PIN unlock.
  - Probing: new flag to identify hotplugged devices which don't
    need full reset.
  - Tests: internal refactor of the ports handling code, allowing
    test-driven virtual ports and system tests run during
    'make check'. This new feature also comes with a new internal
    'Test' DBus interface, as well as new --test-[*] options in
    the ModemManager program.
  - and many more fixes...
- Changes from version 1.2.0:
  + Signal interface: new interface for extended signal quality
  + OMA interface: new interface to expose the Device Management
    capabilities defined by the Open Mobile Alliance.
  + Messaging interface: new 'Messages' property.
  + Modem interface: new 'Bearers' property.
  + 3GPP interface: new 'SubscriptionState' property.
  + Other notable changes include:
  - QMI: Implemented Manual CDMA activation logic.
  - QMI: Implemented 3GPP2/CDMA SMS support.
  - QMI: Added support for QMI modems in the ZTE, x22x and
    Cinterion plugins.
  - Huawei: multiple improvements and fixes for the ^NDISDUP
  - Huawei: new mode/switching logic with ^SYSCFGEX for
    LTE-capable devices.
  - Altair-LTE: set subscription state based on PCO.
  - MediaTek: new 'mtk' plugin added for MediaTek devices.
  - libmm-glib: Added GObject Introspection and Vala support.
  - and many more fixes...
- Add gobject-introspection-devel and vala BuildRequires: new build
- Split new subpackage typelib-1_0-ModemManager-1_0.
- Add rcModemManager symlink.

==== MozillaFirefox ====
Version update (33.0.2 -> 33.1)
Subpackages: MozillaFirefox-translations-common

- update to Firefox 33.1
  * Adding DuckDuckGo as a search option (upstream)
  * Forget Button added
  * Enhanced Tiles
  * Privacy tour introduced
- fix typo in GStreamer Recommends
- requires NSS 3.17.2

==== MozillaThunderbird ====
Subpackages: MozillaThunderbird-translations-common

- fix bashism in script

==== NetworkManager ====
Subpackages: NetworkManager-devel libnm-glib-vpn1 libnm-glib4 libnm-util2 typelib-1_0-NMClient-1_0 typelib-1_0-NetworkManager-1_0

- Handle NetworkManager-dispatcher.service using the systemd
- Enable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service in %post: as this is a
  dbus service, the 'systemd unit' must be enabled in order to be
  fired up.

==== accountsservice ====
Version update (0.6.38 -> 0.6.39)
Subpackages: libaccountsservice0 typelib-1_0-AccountsService-1_0

- Update to version 0.6.39:
  + Fix ListCachedUsers race at startup.
  + Add new api for uncaching user.
  + Fix memory corruption bug.
  + Build goo changes.

==== adwaita-icon-theme ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Updated translations.

==== aisleriot ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: aisleriot-themes

- Drop openSUSE-release BuildRequires: as this package gets a daily
  update to represent the build version, aisleriot is being rebuilt
  for no reason everyday.
- Hackup configure to fallback to 'opensuse' as release when no
  /etc/os-release can be found.
- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Revert "build: Run configure script with bash".
  + build: Require bash to run configure.

==== alsa ====
Subpackages: alsa-devel libasound2 libasound2-32bit

- fix bashism in scripts

==== alsa-plugins ====
Subpackages: alsa-plugins-32bit alsa-plugins-pulse alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts:
  option '-p' of 'type' command may be unsupported is some shells,
  use 'command -v' instead

==== amarok ====

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts

==== amor ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libanalitza0 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== apache2 ====
Subpackages: apache2-devel apache2-doc apache2-example-pages apache2-prefork apache2-utils

- fix bashisms in post scripts
- added httpd-2.4.10-check_null_pointer_dereference.patch to avoid
  a crash when Content-Type has an empty value [bnc#899836],

==== apparmor-abstractions ====
Subpackages: apparmor-docs apparmor-parser apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils libapparmor-devel libapparmor1 libapparmor1-32bit pam_apparmor pam_apparmor-32bit perl-apparmor python3-apparmor

- delete cache in apparmor-profiles %post (workaround for
  bnc#904620#c8 / lp#1392042)
- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.
- fix bashism in post script

==== appstream-glib ====
Version update (0.3.1.git.20141030.7a5f76a -> 0.3.1.git.20141031.f9c620c)
Subpackages: libappstream-builder7 libappstream-glib7

- Update to 0.3.1.git.20141031:
  + Fix make check run in chroot.
  + Merge appdata-validate.
- Enable make check.
- Obsolete and provide appdata-tools by the -devel package:
  appdata-tools has been merged into appstream glib and the
  resulting binary is shipped in our -devel package.

==== ark ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkerfuffle4

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== at-spi2-core ====
Version update (2.14.0 -> 2.14.1)
Subpackages: at-spi2-core-devel libatspi0 typelib-1_0-Atspi-2_0

- Update to version 2.14.1:
  + Docs: add AtspiTableCell.

==== awesfx ====

- fix bashism in udev-soundfont script
- add patches:
  * awesfx-0.5.1e-fix-bashisms.patch

==== b43-fwcutter ====
Version update (018 -> 019)

- Update to version 019
  + No changelog available

==== baloo-core ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: baloo-file baloo-kioslaves baloo-pim baloo-tools libbaloofiles4 libbaloopim4 libbalooqueryparser4

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== bijiben ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-bijiben

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + ownCloud: Ensure Notes folder exists.
  + Updated translations.

==== blender ====
Version update (2.71 -> 2.72b)

- fix bashisms in post scripts
- Update to version 2.72b, which is like 2.72a a bugfix release
  A list of fixes can be found here:
- update to version 2.71 to 2.72
  Changes from upstream (see full list with screenshots under
  - Cycles Rendering
    Volume rendering and Subsurface Scattering can be rendered with GPUs.
    Volume and Glossy sampling is improved.
    New Ashikhmin-Shirley distribution enhances Glossy and Anisotropic BSDFs.
    Memory usage during rendering is improved.
    OSL rendering is faster.
    Anamorphic Bokeh support added.
    Caustics are under better control.
  - User Interface
    The long awaited pie menus are available as an addon for ? Tab, Z, Q, ?
    Tab? ShiftCtrl, ., CtrlSpace operators.
    New Tooltip design makes important information more noticeable.
    Python text is displayed in a monospaced font.
    Blender Internal preview now behaves like the Cycles preview; it starts
    rendering at low resolution and improves from there.
    Units parsing has been improved, even though developers claim Blender does
    not feature a units engine, it does a better job now.
  - Modeling
    A new Intersection Tool was added to quickly cut up geometry. It's a bit
    like Boolean Tool, but, does not calculate interior/exterior.
    The Bevel Tool and the Bevel Modifier now have the option to set the
    material of the newly created faces to the material in a given slot.
  - Sculpting/Painting
    Texture painting workflow has been streamlined with easy access to painted
    images and UV layers.
    The ability to generate strokes with curves and lines has been added.
    More blend modes are available and new tools to fill and mask have been
  - Compositing
    A new Sun Beams node has been added to the compositor.
  - Game Development
    A new Mouse Actuator that can achieve a mouse look effect (among other
    things), has been added.
    The Property Sensor has new evaluation types.
    The TrackTo Actuator has new menus to select up/track axis.
    The Property Actuator has a new level mode.
    The Mouse-Over-Any Sensor has new X-Ray and Property/Material detection
    A new BGE Debug and Contraints Wrapper API have been added.
  - Freestyle NPR Rendering
    The Freestyle line rendering engine has been integrated into Cycles in
    addition to the Blender Internal (BI). Freestyle provides Cycles users
    with a versatile non-photorealistic (NPR) line rendering solution. Most
    Freestyle options work in the same way for both Cycles and BI. Line
    textures in Freestyle for Cycles are defined by means of shader nodes
    (unlike Freestyle for BI, which relies on the conventional texture mapping
    and influence panels). New per-material Freestyle line settings provide a
    reliable mean to specify line colors applicable to both Cycles and the
    BI. The Freestyle Python API also has user-visible updates for better code
    readability and run-time performance.
  - Animation
    More Features
    Color ramps now support color interpolation in hue mode both clock-wise
    and counter-clock-wise.
    CtrlF in Animation Editors, is a convenience shortcut to activate Filter
    by Name functionality.
    Weights now draw in wireframe mode in the 3D view.
    Temporary data gets deleted when closing Blender.
    The Video Editor has a new Gaussian blur filter.
    New camera presets: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema and Blackmagic Production
  - Addons
    FBX improvements: Import now supports armatures, shapekeys, animations,
    with shapekeys also being supported for export.
    New DXF importer supports 3D(SubD) geometry, and geo-referencing. It
    imports curves as curve obkects and adds control over various geometry merge
    New UV addon for align distribution and copy/paste (!!) of UVs.
    New Game Publishing Addon is available for game developers!
    New addon for named layers & grouped layer management.

==== blinken ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== bluedevil ====
Subpackages: bluedevil-lang

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts

==== bovo ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== branding-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: dynamic-wallpaper-branding-openSUSE gfxboot-branding-openSUSE grub2-branding-openSUSE plymouth-branding-openSUSE wallpaper-branding-openSUSE xfce4-splash-branding-openSUSE yast2-qt-branding-openSUSE

- Update the tarball to fix the kde-branding patches for KDE 4.14.3
- fix bashisms in post/postun script

==== brasero ====
Version update (3.11.4 -> 3.12.0)
Subpackages: brasero-nautilus libbrasero-burn3-1 libbrasero-media3-1 libbrasero-utils3-1

- Update to version 3.12.0:
  + Fix crash in plugin dialog.
  + Updated translations.
- Drop brasero-fix-segfault-when-displaying-the-plugin-dialog.patch
  fixed upstream.

==== btrfsmaintenance ====

- cron refresh: remove bashism
- cron refresh: remove debugging messages
- post installation must create the cron links (bsc#904518)
- Removed patches:
  * btrfsmaintenance-0.1-fix-bashisms.patch
- fix bashism in script
- add patches:
  * btrfsmaintenance-0.1-fix-bashisms.patch

==== ca-certificates ====

- fix bashism in postun script

==== cairo-devel ====
Version update (1.12.16 -> 1.14.0)
Subpackages: libcairo-gobject2 libcairo-script-interpreter2 libcairo2 libcairo2-32bit

- Update to version 1.14.0:
  + Features:
  - Filtering improvements for the image backend, in particular
    down-scaling of images produces filtered images that depend
    on all the pixels of the source.
  - Improve handling of device transformation and scaling,
    allowing Cairo to now support scaling at a device level,
    permitting easier, more transparent HiDPI support.
  - Support JBIG2 mime data in PDF.  This allows embedding of
    more compressed JPEG formats within PDF, rather than
    including the full uncompressed image. Also, reduce the
    number of transparency groups used by PDF to keep the file
    size small and viewing/printing of the PDF fast.
  - Expand the embedding section to include stencil mask support.
  - Reorder font declarations to be in natural order.
  - Update the Skia backend to build against current Skia.
  - Drop Link-Time Optimization (LTO) support from build system.
  - Optimize VBO size on GL to 1M and to 16k for EGL.
  + API changes:
  - cairo_surface_set_device_scale,
  - cairo_egl_device_get_display, cairo_egl_device_get_context.
  + Dependency changes:
  - Cairo now requires glib 2.14 for its gobject helper
    functions, and pixman 0.30 for downscaling.
  + Bug fixes:
  - Don't embed CMYK Jpeg images in svg.
  - Fix tests to place output in proper location.
  - Fix determination of alpha for all surfaces when recording.
  - Extend oversize check to cairo_gl_surface_create_for_texture,
    so an error surface is returned if the texture is too large
    to render to.
  - Fix embedding of mime data in PDF and PS files.
  - Remove useless error handling in *_reply() functions in XCB.
  - Fix a double-free exposed by multithreaded apps creating and
    destroying the same font concurrently (fdo#69470).
  - Fix corrupt stacks produced by bugs in operand emission for
  - Fix out of bounds array access in format cache for xlib.
  - Don't rename glyphs used by seac operator (fdo#70364).
  - Fix crash on calling cairo_create with a finished surface.
  - Fix SSIZE_T definition problem when making with MSYS on
  - Fix one off issue in gl context cleanup.
  - Fix rectangle stroke with non rectilinear pen.
  - Fix imagemask with pattern source failure on some printers
  - Fix whitespace in font names.
  - Fix page size in generated PDFs (fdo#73452).
  - Fix path-currentpoint test by preserving current-point in
    copy_path()/append_path() sequence.
  - Fix generation of HTML in code docs for
    cairo-format-stride-for-width (fdo#63257).
  - Fix spelling of "tessellator" throughout code (fdo#50411).
  - Fix crash in pixman_image_composite32.
  - Fix crash when trying to modify a (const) all-clipped
    cairo_clip_t (fdo#75819).
  - Add check_composite method to all compositors, to fix crashes
    in the test suite.
  - Fix crash in Firefox when scrolling on certain pages.
  - Fix memory leaks found by static analysis.
  - Fix build of any2ppm if fork is not available.
  - Fix broken build for Qt backend, due to missing libstdc++.
  - Fix typo in two cairo_uint128 functions.  Fixes potential
    build issues on systems without a uint128 type.
  - Fix build when --enable-pdf=no.
  - Fix cache_frozen assertions for Win32 print.
  - Correctly check for xcb image surface for inplace upload.
  - Fix webkit-based web browser crashes due to empty boxes by
    skipping over them when tesselating.
  - Make pixman, libpng, and zlib paths commandline configurable
    for win32 builds.
  - Fix image scale on Win32 when GDI scale is not identity.
  - Fix float endian configure test when using clang -O4.
  - Fix compilation with Android bionic libc.
  - Don't try to build util/sphinx on Windows.
  - Fix loss of precision when emitting joins.
  - Fix loss of precision and associated rendering issues in
    cairo-tor-scan-converter from projection onto sample grid.
  - Fix pixman oversampling of neighbouring edges within a cell
    by eliminating self-intersections for the pixman traps
  - Fix multi-line string splitting in PDFs.
  - Various cleanups and fixes to warnings, documentation, tests,
    and build system. Improve error handling and return value
    checks. Cleanup XFAIL tests and reference images. Cover
    recently added functionality.

==== calibre ====
Version update (2.9.0 -> 2.10.0)

- Update to version 2.10.0:
  * Driver for the PocketBook Lux 2 with latest firmware.
  * Review downloaded metadata: Add suggestions for the tags, authors, publishers and series fields. Suggestions will pop-up as you type.
  * Add Books: Improve performance when adding large numbers of books at once
  * Add Books: Allow adding books from multiple ZIP/RAR archives, each containing many books, by right clicking on the Add Books and choosing 'Add from Archive'
  * Metadata download: Prioritize results that have the same language as the current calibre user interface language
  * Edit Book: Make the CSS used for styling the generated HTML Table of Contents user customizable via
  * Bugfixes (for details see,

==== cervisia ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== cheese ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: libcheese-common libcheese-gtk23 libcheese7

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Add name and summary elements to AppData.
  + Limit default size for avatar cropping (bgo#739870).
  + Substitute bindir and libexecdir in (bgo#726095).
  + Use AC_PROG_SED in
  + Bump required Vala version for get_menu_by_id(). Used to get
    the given menu from GtkApplication.

==== cln ====
Version update (1.3.3 -> 1.3.4)
Subpackages: cln-devel

- updated to 1.3.4:
  * Fix input of huge floats.
  * Support the AArch64 and the Mips64 ABIs.
    => dropped cln-aarch64.patch

==== colord ====
Version update (1.2.3 -> 1.2.4)
Subpackages: libcolord2 libcolorhug2

- Update to version 1.2.4:
  + New Features:
  - libcolord: Add cd_mat33_init() helper function.
  - libcolorhug: Retry the command if the response is incomplete.
  + Bugfixes:
  - Don't enable PIE support when --without-pic is specified.
  - libcolord: Build with PIE enabled.

==== createrepo ====

- Remove debian-specific files; the package doesn't build for
  debian-based distributions
- Remove obsolete conditional macros

==== cron ====
Subpackages: cronie

- fix bashisms in pre scripts

==== cscope ====

- fix bashisms in osc script
- add patches:
  * cscope-15.8a-fix-bashisms.patch

==== cups ====
Subpackages: cups-client cups-devel cups-libs cups-libs-32bit

- Also for SLE12 krb5-devel must be used for build
  (cf. the entry below dated "Wed Jun 26 10:39:30 CEST 2013")
  because in contrast to IBS where krb5-mini-devel is available
  for build in SUSE:SLE-12:GA in OBS it cannot build for SLE_12
  with "unresolvable: nothing provides krb5-mini-devel".

==== curl ====
Version update (7.38.0 -> 7.39.0)
Subpackages: libcurl-devel libcurl4

- update to 7.39.0:
- changes:
    SSLv3 is disabled by default
    build: Added WinIDN build configuration options to Visual Studio projects
    ssh: improve key file search
    SSL: public key pinning. Use CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY and --pinnedpubkey
    vtls: remove QsoSSL support, use gskit!
    mk-ca-bundle: added SHA-384 signature algorithm
    docs: added many examples for libcurl opts and other doc improvements
    build: Added VC ssh2 target to main Makefile
    MinGW: Added support to build with nghttp2
    NetWare: Added support to build with nghttp2
    build: added Watcom support to build with WinSSL
    build: Added optional specific version generation of VC project files
    ... and a bunch of bugfixes
- refreshed libcurl-ocloexec.patch
- removed gpg-offline verification
- spec-cleaned curl.spec

==== cyradm ====
Subpackages: cyrus-imapd perl-Cyrus-IMAP perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve

- Drop unused patch:
  * KOLAB_cyrus-imapd-2.3.18_cross-domain-acls.patch
- Replace the TLS/POODLE patch with what was merged into the upstream
  git repo:
  * cyrus-imapd.tls_options.patch
  * Obsoletes patches cyrus-imapd.tls_tlsonly.patch and
- Add a default tls_versions settings to imapd.conf which disables
  POODLE affected SSL versions.
- Add two patches from Kristian Kraemmer Nielsen found on the info-cyrus mailing list
  * cyrus-imapd.tls_ec.patch		- adding tls_ec for Perfect Forward Secrecy
  * cyrus-imapd.tls_tlsonly.patch	- add tlsonly config option to fix POODLE vulnerability

==== dbus-1-devel ====
Version update (1.8.8 -> 1.8.10)
Subpackages: libdbus-1-3 libdbus-1-3-32bit

- Update to 1.8.10:
  * Security fixes:
  - Increase dbus-daemon's RLIMIT_NOFILE rlimit to 65536
    so that CVE-2014-3636 part A cannot exhaust the system bus'
    file descriptors, completing the incomplete fix in 1.8.8.
    (CVE-2014-7824, fd.o #85105; Simon McVittie, Alban Crequy)

==== dbus-1 ====
Version update (1.8.8 -> 1.8.10)
Subpackages: dbus-1-x11

- Update to 1.8.10:
  * Security fixes:
  - Increase dbus-daemon's RLIMIT_NOFILE rlimit to 65536
    so that CVE-2014-3636 part A cannot exhaust the system bus'
    file descriptors, completing the incomplete fix in 1.8.8.
    (CVE-2014-7824, fd.o #85105; Simon McVittie, Alban Crequy)

==== desktop-data-openSUSE ====

- fix bashisms in post script

==== digikam ====
Subpackages: digikam-doc kipi-plugins kipi-plugins-acquireimage kipi-plugins-geolocation libkface-devel libkface2 libkgeomap-devel libkgeomap1 libmediawiki-devel libmediawiki1

- Added kde#89156.patch: avoid deadlocks with external MySQL/MariaDB,

==== dnsmasq ====

- fix logging, PrivateDevices=yes kills it (bnc#902511, bnc#904537)

==== dragonplayer ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== duplicity ====
Version update (0.6.24 -> 0.7.0)

- Update to version 0.7.0
  * see details here
- updated duplicity-remove_shebang.patch

==== ebtables ====

- Also save include/linux/netfilter_bridge/ebt_ulog.h, as it no
  longer exists in the mainline kernel.

==== eog ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== eog-plugins ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)
Subpackages: eog-plugins-lang

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Updated translations.

==== epiphany ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: epiphany-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-epiphany

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Open web pages source in default text editor (bgo#738475).

==== ethtool ====
Version update (3.12.1 -> 3.16)

- Update to new upstream release 3.16
  * Support for configurable RSS hash key (-x/-X options)
  * Add register dump support for Altera Triple Speed Ethernet
  (-d option)
  * Report Backplane as a supported port
- Remove unused call to %gpg_verify (the macro expands to nothing);
  source validation handled by osc.

==== evolution ====
Version update (3.12.7 -> 3.12.8)

- Update to version 3.12.8:
  + Address two possible places causing runtime warning on a
    GSource removal.
  + cal_comp_util_compare_event_timezones: Do not ask with NULL
  + Mark-All-Read: Save changes to the server immediately.
  + Avoid automatic mail account update when the application is
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#729305, bgo#737330, bgo#738453, bgo#738463,
    bgo#650670, bgo#739375, bgo#739386, bgo#739364, bgo#676471,
    bgo#739605, bgo#739562.
  + Updated translations.

==== evolution-data-server ====
Version update ( -> 3.12.8)
Subpackages: evolution-data-server-devel libcamel-1_2-49 libebackend-1_2-7 libebook-1_2-14 libebook-contacts-1_2-0 libecal-1_2-16 libedata-book-1_2-20 libedata-cal-1_2-23 libedataserver-1_2-18 typelib-1_0-EBook-1_2 typelib-1_0-EBookContacts-1_2 typelib-1_0-EDataServer-1_2

- Update to version 3.12.8:
  + CamelService: Connect/Disconnect rely on provided cancellable.
  + CamelFolder/Store: Check online state of the session too before
  + CamelIMAPXConnManager: Can starve in close connections.
  + CamelOfflineStore: Count with host reachability update delay.
  + IMAPx:
  - Do not connect to the server in offline mode.
  - Try to reconnect after socket I/O timeout.
  + CamelIMAPXServer: Assign tagprefix per account.
  + Use 90 seconds timeout for Camel connections.
  + Disabling/enabling Collection master source doesn't update
    children properly.
  + camel_folder_thaw: Save changes to local summary.
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#737733, bgo#738288, bgo#698964, bgo#708166,
    bgo#737930, bgo#738724, bgo#738965, bgo#738184, bgo#712392,
    bgo#739343, bgo#738724.
  + Updated translations.

==== evolution-ews ====
Version update (3.12.7 -> 3.12.8)
Subpackages: evolution-ews-lang libeews-1_2-0 libewsutils0

- Update to version 3.12.8:
  + Use G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED instead of
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#738987, bgo#691293.

==== farstream-data ====
Version update (0.2.4 -> 0.2.6)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-farstream libfarstream-0_2-2

- Update to version 0.2.6:
  + Add ICE-TCP support.
  + Now require libnice 0.1.8.
- Changes from version 0.2.5:
  + Add SRTP support.
  + Add API to set allowed input/output caps.
  + Make it possible to have input that is not a raw format.
  + Support formats with no encoders/decoders.
  + Add payloader for the Microsoft Lync x-data format.
  + Ignore ICE-TCP in new libnice.
  + Fix misc bugs.
  + Now require GStreamer 1.4.

==== fcitx ====
Subpackages: fcitx-branding-openSUSE fcitx-gtk2 fcitx-gtk3 fcitx-pinyin fcitx-qt4 fcitx-table libfcitx-4_2_8

- fix bashism in script
- add patches:
  * fcitx-

==== file-roller ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: nautilus-file-roller

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== four-in-a-row ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: four-in-a-row-lang

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== fprintd ====
Subpackages: fprintd-pam fprintd-pam-32bit

- fix bashism in postun script
- added baselibs.conf as source to specfile
- drop rpmlintrc
- added baselibs.conf
- activate obsoletes for pam_fprint as yast2-fingerprint-reader
  (which this was waiting for) has been dropped half a year ago
- Change systemd BuildRequires to pkgconfig(systemd) so that
  configure actually finds the dependency. This fixes an issue on
  systemd-based systems where the fprintd dbus service is not
  starting because it's referencing the non-existing fprintd
  systemd service. Fix bnc#850807.
- Add %pre/%post/%preun/%postun sections to register systemd
- Add %{?systemd_requires} to the dependencies.
- Update to version 0.5.1
  + Add support for 147e:2020 to upeke2 driver
  + Fix possible race condition, and cancellation in uru4000 driver
  + Add Microsoft keyboard to the suspend blacklist
  + Plenty of build fixes
- Changes from version 0.5.0:
  + New VFS300/VFS301 driver
  + New AES2550/AES2810 drivers
  + New AES1660 driver
  + New AES2660 driver
  + New DigitalPersona URU4500 driver
  + Avoid empty capture and improve image contrast in the AES2501 and AES2550 drivers
  + Update upektc driver, add support for Eikon Touch 300
  + Fix UrU4000 image capture on ARM
  + Fix power control path for newer kernels
  + Move udev rules to the correct directory
  + Don't print duplicated udev rules
  + Include udev rules in the tarball
  + Allow disabling of udev rules for cross-compiling
  + Add driver names in the generated rules
- Adhere to guidelines
- Fixed self-obsoletion RPMlint warnings
- Added openSUSE license reminder to spec file
- Added fprintd.pod-syntax.patch to fix a syntax error during build.
- Update to version 0.4.1:
  + Enable gtk-doc by default so that file aren't missing in the
- Changes from version 0.4.0:
  + Loads of new translations
  + Fix crasher when PAM module gets unloaded
  + Use GIO to monitor D-Bus clients instead of custom code
- Add lang_package
- Obsolete pam_fprint <= 0.2 (not provided, it's not a pure
  drop-in replacement).
- Rework the BuildRequires to reflect as closely as possible what
  configure looks for.
- initial package for openSUSE, based on Fedora package
- Update to 0.2.0
- Remove use of g_error(), or people think that it crashes when we actually
- Rebuilt for
- Make the -devel package noarch (#507698)
- Merge polkit patch and fix for polkit patch
- Fix the pam module (#510152)
- Remove obsolete patch
- Port to PolicyKit 1
- Add /var/lib/fprint to the RPM to avoid SELinux errors (#499513)
- Excludearch s390 s390x, as we don't have libusb1 on mainframe, we can't build

==== gconf-polkit ====
Subpackages: gconf2 gconf2-devel

- fix bashism in macros.gconf2

==== gdk-pixbuf-devel ====
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-32bit libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0 libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit typelib-1_0-GdkPixbuf-2_0

- fix bashism in post script

==== gedit ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)
Subpackages: python3-gedit

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Increase default window size.
  + Various bug fixes.
  + Updated translations.
- Drop gedit-nobinenv.patch: Fix upstream (slightly different).

==== gedit-plugin-zeitgeist ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)
Subpackages: gedit-plugins gedit-plugins-lang

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Misc bugfixes.
  + Updated translations.

==== git ====
Subpackages: git-core git-cvs git-daemon git-email git-gui git-svn git-web gitk

- Add git-credential-gnome-keyring subpackage for GNOME keyring
  credential storage support
- Allow snapshot generation in apparmor profile (bnc#905707)

==== glabels ====
Version update (3.2.0 -> 3.2.1)
Subpackages: glabels-lang

- Update to version 3.2.1:
  + Fixed "new label dialog" crash introduced with Gtk 3.14.
  + Fixed text box layout problems with center and right alignment.
  + Updated translations.

==== glib2-devel ====
Version update (2.42.0 -> 2.42.1)
Subpackages: glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libgio-2_0-0-32bit libglib-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0-32bit libgmodule-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit libgobject-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0-32bit libgthread-2_0-0 libgthread-2_0-0-32bit

- Update to version 2.42.1:
  + This release disables deprecation warnings by default.
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#728256, bgo#736806, bgo#737143, bgo#738170,
  + Updated translations.

==== gio-branding-openSUSE ====

- Gedit desktop file got renamed to org.gnome.gedit.desktop,
  update gnome_defaults.conf accordingly (boo#904010).

==== gmp-devel ====
Version update (6.0.0a -> 6.0.0)
Subpackages: libgmp10 libgmp10-32bit libgmpxx4

- Make gmp-noexec.diff compatible with arm
- Use correct version number

==== gnome-calculator ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-calculator

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Update: Search provider timeout.
  + Workaround: Warning in search-provider log.
  + Fix:
  - Crash on thousand saperator.
  - Button arrangement in programming mode.
  - Vala warning about empty conditional body.
  - Remove use of GtkAlignment.
  - Use set_accels_for_action().
  + Removed:
  - Gtk.Widget.ensure_style().
  - Use of fixes.vapi for langinfo.
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-chess ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-color-manager ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-common ====

- Add autoconf-archive Requires: the files ax_check_enable_debug.m4
  and ax_code_coverage.m4 are now shipped by ac-archive and from
  a GNOME perspective, those two files are mandatory to be present
  for a bootstrap.
- Remove ax_check_enable_debug.m4 and ax_code_coverage.m4 from
  gnome-common installation.

==== gnome-contacts ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-contacts

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-control-center ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-control-center-color gnome-control-center-user-faces

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Disable SSLv3 because of POODLE.
  + Background:
  - Fix possible crash when date isn't available.
  - Fix crash when adding the second color.
  + Power: Disable hover on non-clickable rows.
  + Printers: Automatically keep the selected row scrolled in view.
  + Region:
  - Make Add/Done buttons blue as intended.
  - Don't crash for locales with no country code.
  + Search: Use g_get_system_data_dirs() to discover providers.
  + Sound: Fix the main volume bars to correctly display changes in
  + Universal Access: Make Add/Done buttons blue as intended.
  + User Accounts:
  - Fix a crash when taking a photo in the avatar chooser.
  - Reset language dialog to original state when used the 2nd
  + Updated translations.
- Drop gnome-control-center-no-country-code-crash.patch,
  gnome-control-center-user-account-cheese-crash.patch, and
  gnome-control-center-crash-when-date-unavailable.patch: Fixed

==== gnome-version ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: libgnome-desktop-3-10 libgnome-desktop-3-devel libgnome-desktop-3_0-common typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-3_0

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + tests: Remove unused code in gtk-reftest (bgo#737123).
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-dictionary ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: libgdict-1_0-6

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Application: Use g_timeout_add_seconds() for multi-second
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-disk-utility ====
Version update (3.12.1 -> 3.14.0)

- Update to version 3.14.0:
  + Fix theming in the volume grid (bgo#723495).
  + Fix headerbar item positions (bgo#729349).
  + Use new icon for the gear menu (bgo#732980).
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-documents ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-documents

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Disable SSLv3 to prevent POODLE attacks.

==== gnome-keyring ====
Subpackages: gnome-keyring-32bit gnome-keyring-pam gnome-keyring-pam-32bit libgck-modules-gnome-keyring

- fix bashism in postun script

==== gnome-klotski ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-klotski-lang

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-maps ====
Version update ( -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-music ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Play/pause is activated twice when pressing spacebar and
    play/pause button is active/selected (bgo#734513).
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-online-accounts ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-online-accounts-devel libgoa-1_0-0 libgoa-backend-1_0-1 typelib-1_0-Goa-1_0

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Bugs fixed:
  - bgo#739168: facebook: Add fallback to get presentation id.
  - bgo#739590: Memory leak fixes.
  - bgo#739593: kerberos: A pile of fixes.

==== gnome-packagekit ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Bugfix: Set a more reasonable size request for
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-photos ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-photos

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Ensure that icon-only buttons get the 'image-button' style
    class (bgo#737310).
  + Fix crash when reading scale factor after window has been
    destroyed (bgo#738527).
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-robots ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-robots-lang

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-settings-daemon ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Media-keys: Fixed a few minor leaks.
  + Power: Disable touchscreens when turning off its screen.
  + Smartcard: Fixed a locking issue.
  + Wacom:
  - Fix possible crash in GsdDeviceMapper.
  - Make sure that display-less tablets can be set back to
    mapping to the full desktop extent.
  - Make sure that the output is looked up again from settings
    when the connected outputs change.
  + XSettings: Don't check for hi-dpi on monitors with broken EDID.
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-shell ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-browser-plugin

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Do not hard-depend on latest NetworkManager (bgo#738485).
  + Fix check for isToday in calendar (bgo#738725).
  + Fix workspace changes from app picker (bgo#737534).
  + Misc. bug fixes (bgo#739497).

==== gnome-software ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + New Features:
  - Add the origin as a keyword if it's not the majority source.
  - Support the LOCAL AppStream icon type.
  + Bugfix:
  - Do not fail to get popular apps if the AppStream data is
  - Do not show a random white line above the star rating widget.
  - Do not show empty app boxes if no popular results are
  - Do not try to download local web-app icons.
  - Fix screenshot loading with --details.
  - Use blue stars for the user-ratings rather than yellow/gold.
- Split libzypp-plugin-appdata out of gnome-software to be able to
  easier maintain updates.

==== gnome-sudoku ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Fix detection of Unity when XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP contains a
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-terminal ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gnome-terminal nautilus-extension-terminal

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-themes-accessibility ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-adwaita gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita gtk3-metatheme-adwaita metatheme-adwaita-common

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Update gtk2 theme (entries, spinbuttons, radios, checks...).
  + Update HC icon names.

==== gnome-tweak-tool ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + startup:
  - Fix check for running executables.
  - Sort application selection list alphabetically.
  + tweakview: Update decorations on settings changes.
  + windows: Stop overriding the Gtk/DecorationLayout xsetting.
  + Remove the use of deprecated properties.
  + Make the window a bit taller.
  + GTK+ required version bump to 3.12.
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-user-docs ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updates to GNOME Help.
  + Updated translations.

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi grub2-x86_64-xen

- fix bashism in post script

==== libgstrtspserver-1_0-0 ====
Version update (1.4.1 -> 1.4.4)

- Update to version 1.4.4:
  + rtsp-client: mikey memory leaks (bgo#739383).
- Changes from version 1.4.3:
  + No changes.
- Changes from version 1.4.2:
  + rtsp-media: Make sure that sequence numbers are monotonic after
    pause (bgo#736017).
  + rtsp-client: Protect saved clients watch with a mutex

==== gstreamer-0_10 ====
Subpackages: gstreamer-0_10-devel gstreamer-0_10-utils libgstreamer-0_10-0 libgstreamer-0_10-0-32bit typelib-1_0-Gst-0_10

- fix script that was broken in previous commit
- fix bashisms in gstreamer.prov and scripts

==== gstreamer ====
Version update (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4)
Subpackages: gstreamer-devel gstreamer-utils libgstreamer-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0

- Revert previous bashish "?xes", but specify in
  and gstreamer.prov scripts that interpeter is #!/bin/bash.
- fix bashism in script
- fix bashisms in gstreamer.prov script
- Update to version 1.4.4:
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#737498, bgo#737794, bgo#737999, bgo#738198.
  + Updated translations.

==== gstreamer-plugins-bad ====
Version update (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4)
Subpackages: libgstbadbase-1_0-0 libgstbadvideo-1_0-0 libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0 libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0 libgstgl-1_0-0 libgstmpegts-1_0-0 libgstphotography-1_0-0 libgsturidownloader-1_0-0

- Update to version 1.4.4:
  + bgo#732239, bgo#733510, bgo#734156, bgo#736319, bgo#737186,
    bgo#737569, bgo#737658, bgo#737724, bgo#738067, bgo#738223,
    bgo#738230, bgo#738243, bgo#738291, bgo#738449, bgo#738519,
    bgo#738532, bgo#738674, bgo#738695, bgo#738696, bgo#739277,
    bgo#739348, bgo#739368, bgo#739374.
  + Updated translations.

==== gstreamer-plugins-base ====
Version update (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-base-devel libgstallocators-1_0-0 libgstapp-1_0-0 libgstaudio-1_0-0 libgstfft-1_0-0 libgstpbutils-1_0-0 libgstriff-1_0-0 libgstrtp-1_0-0 libgstrtsp-1_0-0 libgstsdp-1_0-0 libgsttag-1_0-0 libgstvideo-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-GstAllocators-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstApp-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstAudio-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstFft-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstPbutils-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstRiff-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstRtp-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstRtsp-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstSdp-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstTag-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstVideo-1_0

- Update to version 1.4.4:
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#736969, bgo#737055, bgo#737706, bgo#737742,
    bgo#737752, bgo#738064.
  + Updated translations.

==== gstreamer-plugins-good ====
Version update (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-good-extra

- Update to version 1.4.4:
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#726329, bgo#736071, bgo#737735, bgo#737739,
    bgo#737761, bgo#737771, bgo#737886, bgo#738102, bgo#738152,
    bgo#738297, bgo#738722, bgo#738793, bgo#739430.
  + Updated translations.

==== gstreamer-plugins-ugly ====
Version update (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4)

- Update to version 1.4.4:
  + Updated translations.

==== gtk2-data ====
Subpackages: gtk2-devel gtk2-immodule-amharic gtk2-immodule-inuktitut gtk2-immodule-thai gtk2-immodule-vietnamese gtk2-immodule-xim gtk2-tools gtk2-tools-32bit libgtk-2_0-0 libgtk-2_0-0-32bit typelib-1_0-Gtk-2_0

- fix bashism in post script

==== gtk3-data ====
Version update (3.14.4 -> 3.14.5)
Subpackages: gtk3-devel gtk3-immodule-amharic gtk3-immodule-inuktitut gtk3-immodule-thai gtk3-immodule-vietnamese gtk3-immodule-xim gtk3-tools libgtk-3-0 typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0

- Update to version 3.14.5:
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#726316, bgo#737561, bgo#737891, bgo#738321,
    bgo#738648, bgo#738650, bgo#738886, bgo#738955, bgo#739005,
  + Updated translations.
- Drop gtk3-fix-screen-changes-csd.patch: Fixed upstream.
- fix bashism in post script
- Add gtk3-fix-screen-changes-csd.patch: fixes a problem with
  screen changes and csd that caused some applications to launch
  with ugly black borders (bgo#739812).

==== glade-catalog-gtksourceview ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gtksourceview-devel libgtksourceview-3_0-1 typelib-1_0-GtkSource-3_0

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Bug fix.
  + Updated translations.

==== gucharmap ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: gucharmap-devel libgucharmap_2_90-7 typelib-1_0-Gucharmap-2_90

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + No changes, version bump only.

==== gvfs ====
Version update (1.22.1 -> 1.22.2)
Subpackages: gvfs-backend-afc gvfs-backends gvfs-fuse

- Update to version 1.22.2:
  + sftp: Correctly retrieve the username from the secret store.
  + mtp: Fix crashes when device is unplugged.
  + Several smaller bugfixes.
  + Updated translations.

==== gwenview ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== fd0ssh ====
Version update (20140703 -> 20141112)
Subpackages: ofl

- Update to new upstream release 20141112
  * Removed fduphl (replaced by hardlink(1))
  * New utility "rezip" to recompress ZIP archives recursively with
  maximum settings
  * New utility "move_moov" to call ffmpeg for moving MOOV section of
  MP4 to the front for enabling streaming
  * bin2c gained a -D option for directory prefix prepending

==== hyper-v ====

- fix bashisms in pre/post scripts

==== iagno ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Updated translations.

==== ibus ====
Subpackages: ibus-branding-openSUSE-KDE ibus-gtk ibus-gtk-32bit ibus-gtk3 libibus-1_0-5 libibus-1_0-5-32bit python-ibus typelib-1_0-IBus-1_0

- disable parallel build for install - not much gain and makes it
  less reliable

==== libicu-devel ====
Version update (53.1 -> 54.1)

- Update to new upstream release 54.1
  * Unicode 7.0: Unicode 7.0 adds a total of 2,834 characters,
  encompassing 23 new scripts, two currency symbols (manat &
  ruble), many new pictographic and geometric symbols, and
  character additions to many existing scripts.
  * CLDR 26: 77 languages with 100% modern coverage, more & improved
  data, many more measurement units.
- Remove icu-rpmlint.diff (solved differently upstream),
  icu-fix-tests-depending-on-date.patch (solved differently
  upstream, also take note of it may need to be

==== intel-gpu-tools ====

- rename intel-gpu-tools-1.7-fix-bashisms.patch to
  u_intel-gpu-tools-1.7-fix-bashisms.patch according to our patch
- fix bashism in intel_gpu_abrt script that uses bash-specific
- add patches:
  * intel-gpu-tools-1.7-fix-bashisms.patch

==== java-1_5_0-gcj-compat ====
Subpackages: java-1_5_0-gcj-compat-devel

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts

==== java-1_8_0-openjdk ====
Subpackages: java-1_8_0-openjdk-headless

- Modified patches:
  * s390-size_t.patch
  - rediff and drop unnecessary chunks
  * s390-java-opts.patch
  - modify to correspond to the changed context

==== juk ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== k3b ====

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts

==== kaffeine ====

- fix ksuseinstall to install libxine2-codecs, libxine1 is not used any more since 12.2

==== kalgebra ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kalzium ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kio_kamera ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kanagram ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kapptemplate ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kate ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kate-devel kate-python-plugins kwrite libktexteditor

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== katomic ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kblackbox ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kblocks ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kbounce ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kbreakout ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kbruch ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kcachegrind ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kcalc ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kcharselect ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kcolorchooser ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kcron ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdelibs4-branding-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: kdm-branding-openSUSE ksplash-qml-branding-openSUSE ksplashx-branding-openSUSE susegreeter-branding-openSUSE

- Update the tarball to fix the kde-branding patches for KDE 4.14.3
- fix bashisms in post/postun script

==== kde-mplayer-thumbnailer ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kde4-l10n-cs ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kde4-l10n-da kde4-l10n-de kde4-l10n-de-data kde4-l10n-el kde4-l10n-en_GB kde4-l10n-en_GB-data kde4-l10n-en_GB-doc kde4-l10n-es kde4-l10n-es-data kde4-l10n-fr kde4-l10n-fr-data kde4-l10n-hu kde4-l10n-it kde4-l10n-it-data kde4-l10n-ja kde4-l10n-pl kde4-l10n-pl-data kde4-l10n-pt kde4-l10n-pt_BR kde4-l10n-pt_BR-data kde4-l10n-ru kde4-l10n-ru-data kde4-l10n-ru-doc kde4-l10n-zh_CN kde4-l10n-zh_TW

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kde4-print-manager ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdeartwork4-decorations ====
Version update (4.14.1 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kdeartwork4-screensaver

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See
- Update to 4.14.2
  * KDE 4.14.2 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== dolphin ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kdebase4-libkonq kdebase4-nsplugin kdepasswd kdialog keditbookmarks konqueror konqueror-plugins libkonq-devel libkonq5 plasmoid-folderview

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdebase4-runtime ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kde4-kgreeter-plugins ====
Version update (4.11.12 -> 4.11.14)
Subpackages: kdebase4-workspace kdebase4-workspace-addons kdebase4-workspace-devel kdebase4-workspace-ksysguardd kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle kdebase4-workspace-libs kdm kwin oxygen-cursors4 python-kdebase4

- Recommend the plasma-calendar sub package (boo#902657)
- Update to 4.11.14
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See
- Update to 4.11.13
  * KDE 4.14.2 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdebindings-smokegen ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libsmokegen-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libsmokekde-devel ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libsmokekde3

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libsmokeqt ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libsmokeqt-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdelibs4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kdelibs4-core kdelibs4-doc libkde4 libkde4-devel libkdecore4 libkdecore4-devel libksuseinstall-devel libksuseinstall1

- ksuseinstall.diff: use zypper instead of yast to install packages.
  "yast -i" is deprecated, and just calls "zypper --non-interactive install"
  on 13.2. But this fails to install the packages when there are
  conflicts (e.g. a vendor change is needed), so added the
  "--force-resolution" option as well. (boo#858018)
- adapt ksuseinstall to changes in zypper's output in openSUSE 13.1.
  This fixes the installation of packages. (boo#858018)
- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts
- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See
- Drop patch utilize_xdg_runtime_dir.patch due to upstream inclusion

==== kdenetwork4-filesharing ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== akonadi ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: akregator blogilo kaddressbook kalarm kdepim4 kjots kmail knode knotes kontact korganizer ktimetracker ktnef libkdepim4

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdepim4-runtime ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts
- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdepimlibs4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libakonadi4 libkdepimlibs4 libkdepimlibs4-devel

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts
- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kio_svn ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdesdk-strigi-analyzers ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdesdk4-scripts ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdevelop4 ====
Subpackages: kdevelop4-devel kdevelop4-lang

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts
- Split the cpp support from the kdevelop4 package.
  The cpp and Clang plugins are mutually exclusive. Moving the cpp
  plugin to its own package allows installing the experimental
  clang package.
- Fix some rpmlint warnings

==== kfilereplace ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kimagemapeditor klinkstatus

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdf ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kwikdisk

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdiamond ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdnssd ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdump ====

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts

==== kfilemetadata ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kfloppy ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kgamma ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kgeography ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kget ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kgoldrunner ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kgpg ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== khangman ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkhangmanengine4

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kig ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kio_audiocd ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kiriki ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: kiten

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kiwi ====
Version update (7.01.18 -> 7.02.6)
Subpackages: kiwi-desc-isoboot kiwi-desc-netboot kiwi-desc-oemboot kiwi-desc-vmxboot kiwi-doc kiwi-media-requires kiwi-pxeboot kiwi-templates kiwi-tools

- v7.02.6 released
- Fixed Makefile clean target
  make sure all autogenerated data is wiped on clean
  make sure clean target is called on build of package
- v7.02.5 released
- Allow to run kiwi --describe from git checkout
- Fixed typo in 13.2 os release matcher
- Support kiwi --describe for openSUSE 13.2
  analysing and cloning of 13.2 systems added
- Added fribidi and fbiterm to kiwi-media-requires package
  Unfortunately these two packages are not on the openSUSE 13.2
  DVD. But kiwi uses fbiterm in the boot images. Thus users
  have to add the online repo in order to build. For 13.2 it's
  too late but with this change I hope the two packages will
  be placed on the DVD again
- Cleanup use of installBootLoader
  Instead of building device nodes out of the partition id's hash
  use the already existing device map information. That eliminates
  some unneeded logic as well as two helper methods used to find
  the right place for the device when only the partition id is
- Fixed suseStripKernel for updates/ modules
  If the dependency checker finds a dependency to a module in the updates
  or weak-updates directory the move of the module will fail because kiwi
  always uses updates/weak-updates modules and has moved them already.
  The dependency code however creates a new updates/weak-updates directory
  for the affected module and that causes a conflict when the original
  updates/weak-updates are moved back to the final place. In the end the
  result is that no updates/weak-updates module are present in the initrd
- Better error message in pxeSetupDownloadServer
  Be more descriptive if the PXE download server can't be
  found. In addition cleanup suse/rhel-dump to call
  pxeSetupDownloadServer instead of duplicating the code
- Don't remove kernel and initrd in KIWIMiniIsoPlugin
- Make sure drivers/virtio is part of netboot initrd
  This allows to use the virtio network from qemu if
  started with the virtio-net-pci driver
- Added 12.2 to the cleanup list in the spec file
- fix bashism in post script
  Use a simple string list in the spec file to walk through
  the list of distribution names in order to cleanup old ones
  Original patch by: Led <>
- v7.02.4 released
- Fixed and cleanup unit test processing
  When running the unit tests the class KIWILog is overwritten
  in a way that a global kiwi logger is created from Common::ktLog
  but there is no declaration which really overwrites the KIWILog
  package to be a Common::ktLog. This patch fixes this and makes
  unit testing work in travis again. In addition methods from
  Common::ktLog no longer present in KIWILog were removed too
- Fixed result bundler for vhd-fixed format
  There is a small inconsistency between the schema format setup
  and the extension used in the result file. The schema wants
  format="vhd-fixed" and the file is written as file.vhdfixed
- v7.02.3 released
- Compress install PXE tarball using XZ
  Instead of tar's -z we use now -J for xz compression and
  also changed the output name to *.install.tar.xz in order
  to allow the buildservice to match this file as a result
- v7.02.2 released
- DB: rebuild documentation, build for factory version
- v7.02.1 released
- Fixed broken travis script
- Run travis using perl 5.18
- Run Travis checks only for master
- Revert "Update .travis.yml, run clean target before test"
  This reverts commit 67b5d1880ef36b4ded9879ca4ba07dea7f3293f6.
- Update .travis.yml, run clean target before test
- Update 13.2 JeOS description
  added less and iproute2 packages by default
- Update 13.2 JeOS template
  added default network setup on lan0
- Fixed use of rpm tools
  rpm has removed the db related options --initdb and --rebuilddb
  from the master rpm command. They are only available in the rpmdb
  command. Thus kiwi should better search for the rpm tool chain
  and decide for the commands to use according to their existence
- Update source path in 13.2 JeOS image description

==== kiwi-config-openSUSE ====
Version update (13.2 -> 13.3)

- Also remove quiet from mediacheck (or kiwi swallows the output).

==== kjumpingcube ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== klettres ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kmag ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kmahjongg ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kmines ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kmix ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kmod ====
Subpackages: kmod-compat libkmod2

- Build with full RELRO.
- Enable verbose build (build checks depend on that)

==== kmousetool ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kmouth ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kmplot ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== knavalbattle ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== knetwalk ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kolf ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kollision ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kolourpaint ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kompare ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== konquest ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== konsole ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kopete ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kpat ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts
- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kppp ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kqtquickcharts ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== krdc ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kremotecontrol ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: liblibkremotecontrol1

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kreversi ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== krfb ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kruler ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ksaneplugin ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kscd ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kshisen ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ksirk ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ksnapshot ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kspaceduel ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ksquares ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kstars ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ksudoku ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ksystemlog ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kteatime ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ktimer ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ktouch ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kturtle ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ktux ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kubrick ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kwalletmanager ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kwordquiz ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== bsdtar ====
Subpackages: libarchive-devel libarchive13

- Added CVE-2013-0211.patch to fix CVE-2013-0211 (bnc#800024)

==== libassuan-devel ====
Version update (2.1.2 -> 2.1.3)
Subpackages: libassuan0

- update to 2.1.3:
  + Performance fix for a platform other than GNU/Linux

==== libbaloowidgets4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libcares2 ====

- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.

==== libdc1394-22 ====
Version update (2.2.2 -> 2.2.3)

- Add baselibs.conf as Source
- Version 2.2.3
  - several product IDs have been added for Point Grey USB/IIDC cameras

==== libgcrypt-devel ====
Version update (1.6.1 -> 1.6.2)
Subpackages: libgcrypt20 libgcrypt20-32bit

- libgcrypt 1.6.2:
  * Map deprecated RSA algo number to the RSA algo number for better
  backward compatibility.
  * Support a 0x40 compression prefix for EdDSA.
  * Improve ARM hardware feature detection and building.
  * Fix building for the x32 ABI platform.
  * Fix some possible NULL deref bugs.
- remove libgcrypt-1.6.0-use-intenal-functions.patch, upstream
  via xtrymalloc macro
- remove libgcrypt-fixed-sizet.patch, upstream
- adjust libgcrypt-1.6.1-use-fipscheck.patch for xtrymalloc change

==== libgdata-devel ====
Version update (0.16.0 -> 0.16.1)
Subpackages: libgdata19 typelib-1_0-GData-0_0

- Update to version 0.16.1:
  + Major changes:
  - Add a --disable-tests configure option to build without
  - Remove downstream fix for ISO 8601 dates which was breaking
  - Various fixes for the Google Tasks service.
  + Bugs fixed: bgo#739395, bgo#737799.
  + Updated translations.

==== libkcddb4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkcddb4-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libkcompactdisc4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkcompactdisc4-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libkdcraw-devel ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkdcraw23

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libkdeedu4-data ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkdeedu4-devel libkeduvocdocument4

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== kdegames4-carddecks-default ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkdegames libkdegames-devel libkdegames6

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libkexiv2-11 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkexiv2-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libkipi-devel ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkipi11

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libkmahjongg ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libkmahjongg-devel libkmahjongglib4

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libkolab0 ====

- Do not require binding packages in devel
- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
- Remove some of the confusing stuff and conditions

==== libkomparediff2-4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libksane-devel ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libksane0

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libpcap1 ====
Subpackages: libpcap1-32bit

- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.

==== libpng12-0 ====
Version update (1.2.51 -> 1.2.52)
Subpackages: libpng12-0-32bit libpng12-compat-devel libpng12-devel

- updated to 1.2.52:
  * Avoid out-of-bounds memory access while checking version string.

==== libpng16-16 ====
Version update (1.6.13 -> 1.6.15)
Subpackages: libpng16-16-32bit libpng16-devel

- updated to 1.6.15:
  * Avoid out-of-bounds memory access in png_user_version_check().
  * Fixed incorrect handling of the iTXt compression.
  * Free all allocated memory in pngimage.
  * Fixed array size calculations to avoid warnings.
  etc. see ANNOUNCE

==== libqt4 ====
Subpackages: libqt4-32bit libqt4-devel libqt4-linguist libqt4-qt3support libqt4-qt3support-32bit libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-32bit libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-sql-sqlite-32bit libqt4-x11 libqt4-x11-32bit

- The -devel subpackage requires Mesa-devel, not only at build time
- Fixed compilation on SLE_11_SP3 by making it build against
  Mesa-devel on that system

==== libQt5Core5 ====
Subpackages: libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5OpenGL5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5

- Update QTBUG41590.patch for commit that was pushed upstream

==== libreoffice ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: libreoffice-base libreoffice-base-drivers-mysql libreoffice-calc libreoffice-calc-extensions libreoffice-draw libreoffice-filters-optional libreoffice-gnome libreoffice-icon-theme-galaxy libreoffice-icon-theme-hicontrast libreoffice-icon-theme-oxygen libreoffice-icon-theme-sifr libreoffice-icon-theme-tango libreoffice-impress libreoffice-kde4 libreoffice-l10n-cs libreoffice-l10n-da libreoffice-l10n-de libreoffice-l10n-el libreoffice-l10n-en libreoffice-l10n-es libreoffice-l10n-fr libreoffice-l10n-hu libreoffice-l10n-it libreoffice-l10n-ja libreoffice-l10n-pl libreoffice-l10n-ru libreoffice-mailmerge libreoffice-math libreoffice-pyuno libreoffice-writer libreoffice-writer-extensions

- Version bump to 4.3.4:
  * Few small fixes
  * Fix for calc value ordering "regression"

==== libvirt ====
Subpackages: libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-uml libvirt-daemon-driver-vbox libvirt-daemon-driver-xen libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-daemon-xen

- CVE-2014-7823: dumpxml: security hole with migratable flag
- Fix Qemu AppArmor abstraction.
  - was denied on x86_64. install-apparmor-profiles.patch
  - Temporary fix access to screenshot temporary file. bsc#904426.

==== libxkbcommon-devel ====
Version update (0.4.3 -> 0.5.0)

- Update to version 0.5.0:
  * Added support for Compose/dead keys in a new module (included in
  libxkbcommon). See the documentation or the
  xkbcommon/xkbcommon-compose.h header file for more details.
  * Improved and reordered some sections of the documentation.
  * The doxygen HTML pages were made nicer to read.
  * Most tests now run also on non-linux platforms.
  * A warning is emitted by default about RMLVO values which are not
  used during keymap compilation, which are most often a user
  misconfiguration. For example, "terminate:ctrl_alt_backspace"
  instead of "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp".
  * Added symbol versioning for libxkbcommon and libxkbcommon-x11.
  Note: binaries compiled against this and future versions will not
  be able to link against the previous versions of the library.
  * Removed several compatablity symbols from the binary (the API
  isn't affected). This affects binaries which:
  1. Were compiled against a pre-stable (<0.2.0) version of
  libxkbcommon, and
  2. Are linked against the this or later version of libxkbcommon.
  Such a scenario is likely to fail already.
  * If Xvfb is not available, the x11comp test is now correctly
  skipped instead of hanging.
  * Benchmarks were moved to a separate bench/ directory.
  * Build fixes from OpenBSD.
  * Fixed a bug where key type entries such as "map[None] = Level2;"
  were ignored.
  * New API:

==== libzhuyin-data ====
Version update ( ->

- Update to
  * bump so version
  * add function zhuyin_get_zhuyin_key_rest_offset
- Drop libzhuyin-tools, upstream have dropped it.

==== libzypp-plugin-appdata ====
Version update (1.0 -> 1.0.1)

- Update License to MIT, which matches the header in
- Bump version of libzypp-plugin-appdata to 1.0.1:
  + Disable the automatic metadata update mechanism, openSUSE 13.2
    metadata quality is not ready for this.
  + Inject offline generated metadata into the system, so that
    gnome-software has usable metadata.
- Split out of gnome-software, to be able to easier maintain

==== liblightdm-gobject-1-0 ====
Version update (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
Subpackages: lightdm lightdm-lang

- update to version 1.12.1
  - Fix pipe file descriptor leak for each session login /
  - Use correct syntax for DesktopNames key in session files
  - Mock /run in tests

==== lokalize ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== lskat ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== device-mapper ====
Subpackages: device-mapper-32bit lvm2

- Drop libudev-devel BuildRequires: we already buildrequire
  pkgconfig(libudev), which is the better choice, as it allows us
  to get libudev-mini-devel.

==== lxdm ====

- Add lxdm-0.4.1-automake-1.14.patch: Fix bootstrapping with
  automake 1.14.

==== make ====

- Cleanup a bit with spec-cleaner
- Split lang stuff into subpackage and add recommends
- Add patch to work with non-mounted pts:
  * make-4.1-fix_null_returns_from_ttyname.patch

==== libastro1 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: libmarblewidget19 marble marble-data marble-devel marble-doc

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libmysqlclient-devel ====
Subpackages: libmysqlclient18 libmysqlclient18-32bit libmysqlclient_r18 libmysqld18 mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages

- fix bashism in posttrans script

==== mcelog ====

- While not yet defined, the tmpfiles_create macro takes
  an argument for it to actually work

==== meld ====
Subpackages: meld-lang

- Add patches from upstream:
  + meld-fix-tab-width-handling.patch: fix GtkSourceView tab width
    property binding (bgo#738001)
  + meld-ignore-error-when-copying-metadata.patch: Ignore ENOTSUP
    when copying file metadata
  + meld-SIGINT-handler.patch: add a SIGINT signal handler for
    convenience (bgo#739719)
  + meld-starting-from-different-name-symlink.patch: allow
    starting Meld from differently-named symlink (bgo#739399)

==== mlterm ====
Version update (3.3.6 -> 3.4.0)
Subpackages: mlterm-scim

- updated to 3.4.0:
  * Support DEC Locator mode (which is necessary for Xsixel
  * Support CSI > 2 p (for SDL-sixel and Xsixel) which always hides mouse pointer
    even if it moves. (Not compatible with xterm though.)
  * Add --point/use_point_size option.
  * Support software keyboard on rotated display.
  * Support HLS in sixel sequence.
  * Embed sixel processing to mlterm which is built without --with-imagelib option
    instead of using 'mlimgloader' to improve performance.
  * Support rectangle selection by pressing alt key while selecting.
  * Start scp by drag&drop a file with shift key to the screen on ssh connection.
  * Add --seqfmt/vt_seq_format option.
  * Read /dev/kbd on NetBSD/x68k framebuffer.
  * Add "Auto detect" entry to "Encoding" tab of mlconfig.
  * Add "Local echo" checkbox to "Others" tab in mlconfig.
  * Enable image processing on background terminals.
  * Improve the performance of processing images on 8 or less bpp framebuffer.
  * Support SGR 5, 9, 21, 25 and 29.
  * Support DECFRA, SL and SR.
  * Starting mlterm with -j option executes mlclient if daemon process has already
  * Change the maximum number of "U+XXXX-XXXX" in ~/.mlterm/(t,v,)(aa)font
    from 7 to 511.
  * Add "unlimted" to "Backlog size" entry in mlconfig.
    Add "UNICODE (ARABIC)" and "UNICODE (EMOJI)" to "Font name" entry.
  * Add --it/it_color, --bl/bl_color and --co/co_color options.
  * Add --itfont/use_italic_font option.
  * Add --bisep/bidi_separators option.
  * Add --fullwidth/unicode_full_width_areas option.
  * Add --working-directory/working_directory option.
  * Add --deffont option.
  * Disable "_HALFWIDTH" suffix in ~/.mlterm/(t,v)(aa)font files.
  * Drop --ucsprop/use_unicode_property option.
  * Bug fixes: see ReleaseNote for details

==== mobipocket ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libmono-2_0-1 ====
Version update (3.8.0 -> 3.10.0)
Subpackages: libmono-2_0-devel libmonoboehm-2_0-1 libmonoboehm-2_0-devel libmonosgen-2_0-1 mono-core mono-data mono-data-oracle mono-data-postgresql mono-data-sqlite mono-devel mono-extras mono-locale-extras mono-mvc mono-nunit mono-wcf mono-web mono-winforms mono-winfxcore monodoc-core

- libmono-2_0-1 has a hard dependency on libmonoboehm-2_0-1,
  require it bnc#904460
- fix build for factory x86_64
  * add mono-3.x-keyboards.resources-cp_r.patch
  * resources/keyboards.resources exists on x86_64, so cp won't work
    should add -r argument
- drop mono-core-target-4.0.patch
  * runtime 4.0 is no more, now mono-nunit should use 4.5
- add patch mono-nunit-default-runtime-4.5.patch
  * use runtime 4.5 for mono-nunit by default
- Removed upstreamed mono-core-parallel-build.diff patch
- Updated to 3.10.0
  + Implemented System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.
  + Uri now implements the .NET 4.5 behavior, it can be reverted to the old behavior in the same way by setting the System.Uri::s_IriParsing static field to false.
  + Remove unnecessary locking from core metadata parsing functions.
  + Avoid cache thrashing of locals array when looping over enumerator.
  + Fix support for unaligned offsets in the store_membase_imm opcodes. bxc#23267.
  + Fix the lookup of nested types which have a namespace. bxc#21653.
  + Increase some opcode sizes. bxc#23026.
  + Always pass the imt arg to interface calls in gsharedvt methods. bxc#22624.
  + Store the epilog length in MonoArchEHJitInfo instead of encoding it in jinfo->unwind_desc, since the latter can overflow for methods with large epilogs. bxc#22685.
  + Add a mono_thread_detach_if_exiting () public api function which can be called by embedding code to detach the runtime if the code is running from a pthread dtor. bxc#21164.
  + Fix yet another native types problem. bxc#22053.
  + Fix the leaking of mach ports introduced by 98bbf8512aec0fa01b4426583280f6d231d22187. bxc#22068.
  + Add support for constrained calls with vtype return types in gsharedvt code. bxc#22109.
  + Fix the PLATFORM_GNU check so it works with gnueabi etc. as well. bxc#21520.
  + Don?t make runtime invoke signatures generic. bxc#21973.
  + Allow v8..v15 in unwind info on arm64. Fixes part of #21615.
  + Fix Process.PrivateMemorySize64 etc. on ios. bxc#21882.
  + Fix enum->int casts in gsharedvt code. bxc#21893.
  + Don?t assert when loading a generic methodspec with 0 arity. bxc#19097.
  + Avoid asserting when a cattr cannot be loaded. bxc#21653.
  + Avoid making generic calls from gsharedvt methods normally, go through the rgctx infrastructure instead. bxc#21677.
  + Fix Uri UserInfo parsing. Fixes 23246.
  + Update RequestMessage.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri after redirect. bxc#22383.
  + Fixes XContainer attempt to create a XNode from a null value. bxc#20151.
  + Changed XObject OnChanged and OnChanging to use Owner. When XObject.Owner is not a XElement XObject.Parent returns null and the owner would not be notified of changing and changed events. bxc#18772.
  + Process XslLiteralElements with only child attributes as empty ones. bxc#14751.
  + ?finally? protect ClientRuntimeChannel.Begin/EndProcess(). bxc#22179.
  + WebClient.OpenWrite() must get the response on close. bxc#10163.
  + Fix WebClient.UploadValuesTaskAsync(); bxc#20359.
  + Improve System.Security.Claims. bxc#22282.
  + Fixed serialization of XmlNode field with attribute XmlAnyElement. bxc#3211.
  + Handle String::Format with escaped closing }. bxc#22114
  + Add a missing check to TypeBuilder.CreateType (). bxc#22059.
  + Xml Serialization of Base class w/o a parameterless constructor. Removed validation code that did not allowed serialization of base classes without a parameterless constructor. bxc#6913.
  + Fixed XmlSerializer to handle attribute XmlSchemePrivider.IsAny. XmlSerializer no longer outputs a root element with class name when the class has the attribute   + XmlSchemeProvider and IsAny is true. bxc#11916
  + Test that DeflateStream.Read does read an empty stream. Covers #19313.
  + Reseting all private key values to null is required because a new import may not overwrite existing values. bxc#18482.
  + Handle quoted filename value. bxc#21960.
  + Dispose XmlReader using correct value. bxc#21771.
  + Don?t use `1 naming for compiler generated second level and deeper nested types. bxc#22893.
  + Extend missing type check to type lookups. bxc#20933.
  + Fix copy and paste error in constraints checker. bxc#22131.
  + Speed up nullable tokenizer. bxc#20195.
  + Coalescing operator if the lhs of a null is a integer type that is larger than the integer type on the rhs. bxc#22054.
  + Check for duplicate destructors. bxc#21983.
  + Switch statement with constant block at first label. bxc#21805.
  + Decimal constants modulo folding. bxc#21743.
  + Update codegen for boolean loads. bxc#21685.
  + Workaround for issues with CreateItem task where metadata are not generated due to up-to-data inputs. bxc#23022.
  + Add KeepDuplicates etc. to 4.0 as internal. bxc#20961.

==== mono-kde4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libqyoto2 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: mono-qt4 mono-qt4-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== mutt ====

- handle text/html by default (bnc#899712)
  that is add patch mutt-1.5.21-mailcap.diff

==== libmutter0 ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: mutter mutter-data typelib-1_0-Meta-3_0

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Prevent crash applying monitor config for a closed lid
  + Misc. fixes.
- Update to version
  + Fix wayland hiDPI regression (bgo#739161).
  + Updated translations.

==== libmythes-1_2-0 ====
Version update (1.2.3 -> 1.2.4)

- Version bump to 1.2.4:
  * Fix some clang build warnings

==== gnome-shell-search-provider-nautilus ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)
Subpackages: libnautilus-extension1 nautilus

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Fix regression with --new-window option.
  + Use mount name if available for file operations progress
  + Set max-width for value labels in properties.
  + Increase default window width.
- Add nautilus-as-desktop-launch.patch: Start nautilus
  - -gapplication-service during autostart (boo#900728).

==== libnetpbm-devel ====
Version update (10.67.4 -> 10.68.1)
Subpackages: libnetpbm11 netpbm

- updated to 10.68.1
  * pnmconvol: add -bias .
  * Remove pnmcomp, install a pnmcomp symlink for pamcomp.
  * Fix incorrect option parsing when there are multiple common
    options (e.g. -plain -quiet).
  * cameratopam: fix buffer overflow.
  * cameratopam: fix incorrect output.
  * ppmtopict: Fix unconditional crash.

==== nfsidmap ====

- Use implicit %attrs; remove ancient specfile tags/sections

==== libntfs-3g85 ====
Subpackages: ntfs-3g ntfsprogs

- Enable ACL support
- Buildrequire libuuid-devel and hwinfo-devel, silences build warning
  about the need of that libraries.

==== obs-service-source_validator ====

- remove PKGBUILD file again as it breaks source validator
- update from git:
  - Don't use gpg's --pgp2 option which was removed in gnupg 2.1.0

==== okteta ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: okteta-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== okular ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== orca ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.2)

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Gecko:
  - Update the position and command state after a mouse click.
  - Don't descend tables in findReplicant() - fixes a hang.
  - More hack removal and reworking of
  - Don't switch to focus mode if the object is a text block
  - Check for both focusable and focused states when determining
    text block elements.
  - Only use focused format type for objects which are not text
    block elements.
  - Generate the rolename for links even if they were not "just
  - Suppress tutorial messages for focus mode widgets when not in
    focus mode.
  - Prevent repeating of labels and tutorial messages in entries.
  - Speak text role for Gecko apps when not in document content.
  - Remove FOCUSED and SELECTED states as requirements for focus
  + General: Do not present tutorial messages if the object is not
    the locusOfFocus.
  + Updated translations.

==== osc ====

- fixed #123 (wrong requires for Fedora 20)

==== oxygen-icon-theme ====
Version update (4.14.0 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See
- Update to 4.14.2
  * KDE 4.14.2 SC Bugfix Release
  * See
- Update to 4.14.1
  * KDE 4.14.1 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== pam-config ====

- Added pam_google_authenticator.patch: support google authentiator

==== libpango-1_0-0 ====
Subpackages: libpango-1_0-0-32bit pango-devel pango-tools pango-tools-32bit typelib-1_0-Pango-1_0

- fix bashism in post script

==== parcellite ====

- Fixed boo#904731 adding parcellite-1.1.9_no_kde_start.patch

==== parley ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== patch ====

- reject-print-function-01-drop-useless-test.patch: Drop useless
  test in another_hunk().
- reject-print-function-02-handle-unified-format.patch: Preserve C
  function name in unified rejects (bnc#904519).

==== patterns-openSUSE-apparmor ====
Subpackages: patterns-openSUSE-apparmor_opt patterns-openSUSE-base patterns-openSUSE-books patterns-openSUSE-console patterns-openSUSE-devel_C_C++ patterns-openSUSE-devel_basis patterns-openSUSE-devel_gnome patterns-openSUSE-devel_ide patterns-openSUSE-devel_java patterns-openSUSE-devel_kde patterns-openSUSE-devel_kernel patterns-openSUSE-devel_mono patterns-openSUSE-devel_perl patterns-openSUSE-devel_python patterns-openSUSE-devel_qt4 patterns-openSUSE-devel_rpm_build patterns-openSUSE-devel_ruby patterns-openSUSE-devel_tcl patterns-openSUSE-devel_web patterns-openSUSE-dhcp_dns_server patterns-openSUSE-directory_server patterns-openSUSE-enhanced_base patterns-openSUSE-enhanced_base_opt patterns-openSUSE-file_server patterns-openSUSE-fonts patterns-openSUSE-fonts_opt patterns-openSUSE-games patterns-openSUSE-gateway_server patterns-openSUSE-gnome patterns-openSUSE-gnome_admin patterns-openSUSE-gnome_basis patterns-openSUSE-gnome_basis_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_games patterns-openSUSE-gnome_ide patterns-openSUSE-gnome_imaging patterns-openSUSE-gnome_imaging_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_internet patterns-openSUSE-gnome_laptop patterns-openSUSE-gnome_multimedia patterns-openSUSE-gnome_multimedia_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_office patterns-openSUSE-gnome_office_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_utilities patterns-openSUSE-gnome_yast patterns-openSUSE-imaging patterns-openSUSE-imaging_opt patterns-openSUSE-kde patterns-openSUSE-kde4_admin patterns-openSUSE-kde4_basis patterns-openSUSE-kde4_edutainment patterns-openSUSE-kde4_games patterns-openSUSE-kde4_ide patterns-openSUSE-kde4_imaging patterns-openSUSE-kde4_internet patterns-openSUSE-kde4_laptop patterns-openSUSE-kde4_multimedia patterns-openSUSE-kde4_office patterns-openSUSE-kde4_utilities patterns-openSUSE-kde4_utilities_opt patterns-openSUSE-kde4_yast patterns-openSUSE-kvm_server patterns-openSUSE-lamp_server patterns-openSUSE-laptop patterns-openSUSE-lxde patterns-openSUSE-lxde_laptop patterns-openSUSE-lxde_office patterns-openSUSE-mail_server patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts patterns-openSUSE-misc_server patterns-openSUSE-multimedia patterns-openSUSE-multimedia_opt patterns-openSUSE-network_admin patterns-openSUSE-non_oss patterns-openSUSE-non_oss_opt patterns-openSUSE-office patterns-openSUSE-office_opt patterns-openSUSE-print_server patterns-openSUSE-remote_desktop patterns-openSUSE-rest_dvd patterns-openSUSE-sw_management patterns-openSUSE-sw_management_gnome patterns-openSUSE-sw_management_kde4 patterns-openSUSE-tabletpc patterns-openSUSE-technical_writing patterns-openSUSE-x11 patterns-openSUSE-x11_opt patterns-openSUSE-x11_yast patterns-openSUSE-xen_server patterns-openSUSE-xfce patterns-openSUSE-xfce_basis patterns-openSUSE-xfce_laptop patterns-openSUSE-xfce_office patterns-openSUSE-yast2_basis patterns-openSUSE-yast2_install_wf

- Add gnome-main-menu to mate_basis pattern; fix boo#904096
- prefer the YaST Qt frontend in Xfce and LXDE as well since
  libyui-gtk and libyui-gtk-pkg are unmaintained and have been

==== libpci3 ====
Version update (3.2.1 -> 3.3.0)
Subpackages: pciutils pciutils-devel

- Version bump to 3.3.0:
  * Device names exported by BIOS are displayed on Linux.
  * On Linux systems, HWDB is used to look up device names
    when our ID database gives no match. (More precisely,
    HWDB is consulted after local pci.ids, but before using
    network to query online pci.ids.) Thanks to Tom Gundersen
    for the initial patch.
  * Added experimental back-end for OS X / Darwin. Thanks to
    Richard Yao for providing it.
  * Filters now support matching by device class. Original
    patch by Matthew Wilcox, wrappers for ABI compatibility
    by me.
  * Interrupt Pin and Interrupt Line registers are displayed
    for bridge devices, too.
  * Several portability bugs have been fixed.
  * Several typos have been fixed. Also, use of questionable
    constructs in man pages has been reduced.
  * PCIe link capabilities now include the ASPMOptComp bit.
  * The "CRS Software Visibility" bit is now decoded properly.
  * Updated pci.ids to the current snapshot of the database.
- Refresh patch:
  * pciutils-endianh.patch

==== pciutils-ids ====
Version update (2014.06.02 -> 2014.11.18)

- update pci.ids to version 2014.11.18 (fate#317715)

==== libpcsclite1 ====
Version update (1.8.12 -> 1.8.13)
Subpackages: pcsc-lite

- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.
- Updated to version 1.8.13
  * fix a systemd + libudev hotplug bug introduced in version 1.8.12
    The list of readers was not (yet) available just after the start
    of pcscd
  * Make the license more 3-clause BSD like
  * Fix a rare race condition in the (non default) libusb hotplug
  * Some other minor improvements and bug corrections
- use a few more conditionals for recent systemd changes

==== perl-Encode-HanExtra ====

- fix bashism in postun script

==== perl-Encode-JIS2K ====

- fix bashism in postun script

==== perl-qt4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: perl-qt4-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== phalanx ====
Version update (22.9 -> 23)

- updated to XXIII final
  * Xboard protocol version 2 compatibility.
  * New -n commandline option to limit nodes per second.
  * New -z commandline option to randomize root moves.
  * Easy levels now don't play instantly, but use time.
  * DrawScore (contempt factor) adjusted in endgames towards
    positive values to avoid playing dead draws like KRKR.
  * Minor engine fixes.
  * see HISTORY for details

==== apache2-mod_php5 ====
Version update (5.6.2 -> 5.6.3)
Subpackages: php5 php5-bcmath php5-bz2 php5-calendar php5-ctype php5-curl php5-dba php5-devel php5-dom php5-exif php5-fastcgi php5-ftp php5-gd php5-gettext php5-gmp php5-iconv php5-imap php5-json php5-ldap php5-mbstring php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-odbc php5-openssl php5-pdo php5-pear php5-pgsql php5-shmop php5-snmp php5-sockets php5-sqlite php5-suhosin php5-sysvsem php5-sysvshm php5-tidy php5-tokenizer php5-wddx php5-xmlreader php5-xmlwriter php5-xsl php5-zip php5-zlib

- update to 5.6.3: This release fixes several bugs and one CVE
  in the fileinfo extension.

==== libpurple-plugin-sipe ====
Version update (1.18.3 -> 1.18.4)
Subpackages: pidgin-sipe

- Update to version 1.18.4:
  + ADFS fails when user and login name differ.
  + Adium: SIPE doesn't auto- or re-connect.
  + Fixed memory leaks.
  + Fixed processing of presence publish event response.
  + Fixed a longstanding issue that the Pidgin user status
    sometimes didn't switch back to "Available" after the end of a
  + Bugs fixed: sf#263, sf#264.

==== pin ====

- fix bashisms

==== pinentry ====
Version update (0.8.4 -> 0.9.0)
Subpackages: pinentry-gtk2 pinentry-qt4

- pinentry 0.9.0:
  * New command SETREPEAT.  Currently only supported for Gtk+-2.
  * Gtk+-2: Pasting using the mouse is now supported.
  * curses: Check that it is actually connected to a tty.
  * Removed the old qt-3 and gtk+-1 pinentries.
- remove obsolete patches:
- remove build dependencies and autoconf call, removing patch

==== pitivi ====
Subpackages: pitivi-lang

- Add python3-numpy and python3-gst requires: hard dependencies to
  start pitivi.

==== plasma-addons ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: plasma-addons-akonadi plasma-addons-lancelot plasma-addons-marble

- Add upstream patch kimpanel-boo903556.diff to resolve the issue
  that kimpanel will confuse IBus for other DE's (BOO#903556)
- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See
- Split kimpanel into a subpackage in order not to disturb
  existing installations with ibus-ui-gtk3.

==== libply-boot-client2 ====
Subpackages: libply-splash-core2 libply-splash-graphics2 libply2 plymouth plymouth-dracut plymouth-plugin-label plymouth-plugin-script plymouth-scripts

- fix bashisms in post/postun scripts

==== polkit-default-privs ====

- Add (bsc#904313)
- polkit-default-privs: relaxing pcsc rules (bsc#864178)

==== powertop ====

- fix bashism in post script

==== kde4-l10n-devel ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== privoxy ====

- fix bashisms in pre script

==== libpulse-devel ====
Subpackages: libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 libpulse0-32bit pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-jack pulseaudio-module-lirc pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-module-zeroconf pulseaudio-utils

- Revert yet another one due to still lost headphone handling
- Remove a patch causing more regressions, lost headphone handling
  on Thinkpads (bnc#905418):
- Fix setup-pulseaudio script not to leave $ALSA_CONFIG_PATH when
  alsa-plugins-pulse isn't installed (bnc#905055)

==== python-Babel ====

- fix bashism in pre script

==== python-Pillow ====
Version update (2.5.1 -> 2.6.1)

- Update to 2.6.1
  - Fix SciPy regression for in Image.resize
  - Fix manifest to include all test files
- Update to 2.6.0
  - Relax precision of ImageDraw tests for x86, GimpGradient for PPC
  - Use redistributable image for testing
  - Use redistributable ICC profiles for testing, skip if not available
  - Additional documentation for JPEG info and save options
  - Fix JPEG Encoding memory leak when exif or qtables were specified
  - Image.tobytes() and Image.tostring() documentation update
  - On Windows, do not execute convert.exe without specifying path
  - Fix msvc build error
  - Fix for handling P + transparency -> RGBA conversions
  - Retain alpha in ImageEnhance operations
  - Jpeg2k Decode/encode memory leak fix
  - EpsFilePlugin Speed improvements
  - Don't resize if already the right size
  - Fix for reading multipage TIFFs
  - Correctly handle saving gray and CMYK JPEGs with quality=keep
  - Correct duplicate Tiff Metadata and Exif tag values
  - Windows fixes
  - Fix TGA files with image ID field
  - Fixed wrong P-mode of small, unoptimized L-mode GIF
  - Fixed CVE-2014-3598, a DOS in the Jpeg2KImagePlugin
  - Fixed CVE-2014-3589, a DOS in the IcnsImagePlugin
  - Close open file handle before deleting
  - Return Profile with Transformed Images
  - Changed docstring to refer to the correct function
  - Adding coverage support for C code tests
  - PyPy performance improvements
  - Added support for reading MPO files
  - Added support for encoding and decoding iTXt chunks
  - HSV Support
  - Removed unusable
  - Fix Scrambled XPM
  - Doc cleanup
  - Fix `ImageStat` docs
  - Added docs for ExifTags
  - More tests for CurImagePlugin, DcxImagePlugin, Effects.c, GimpGradientFile, ImageFont, ImageMath, ImagePalette, IptcImagePlugin, SpiderImagePlugin, SgiImagePlugin, XpmImagePlugin and _util
  - Fix return value of FreeTypeFont.textsize() does not include font offsets
  - Fix dispose calculations for animated GIFs
  - Added class checking to Image __eq__ function
  - Test PalmImagePlugin and method to skip known bad tests
- Update to 2.5.3
  - Fixed CVE-2014-3598, a DOS in the Jpeg2KImagePlugin (backport)
- Update to 2.5.2
  - Fixed CVE-2014-3589, a DOS in the IcnsImagePlugin (backport)

==== python-kde4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: python-kde4-akonadi python-kde4-devel python-kde4-khtml python-kde4-knewstuff python-kde4-phonon python-kde4-plasma

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== python-keyring ====

- use update-alternatives for /usr/bin/keyring because there'll be
  a python3-keyring package

==== python-pytz ====
Version update (2014.4 -> 2014.9)

- Use system tz database instead pytz one
  + Add system_zoneinfo.patch
  + Add timezone requirement
- Update to pytz 2014.9
  + Database updated to 2014i

==== python3-pip ====

- fix bashism in pre script

==== libqscintilla-devel ====
Version update (2.8.2 -> 2.8.4)
Subpackages: libqscintilla2-11

- Update to 2.8.4
  - This is a minor functional release include the addition of some hotspot
    related functions to the high-level API.
  - run spec-cleaner
- Update to 2.8.3
  - Added the QsciLexerCoffeeScript class.
  - Font sizes are now handled as floating point values rather than integers.
  - Bug fixes.
- Run spec file through spec-cleaner
- Various spec file cleanups

==== quota ====
Subpackages: quota-nfs

- fix bashism in script

==== radvd ====

- fix bashisms in post script

==== rgb ====
Version update (1.0.5 -> 1.0.6)

- Update to version 1.0.6
  * This release includes contributions by Daphne Pfister to
    resynchronize the X11 color name list with the CSS color
    name list that has forked from ours, and also includes a
    couple minor improements to the showrgb program and to the
    build configuration.

==== rpcbind ====

- Disable debug code, which else would fill up the log files

==== rpm ====
Subpackages: rpm-32bit rpm-build rpm-devel

- Do not generate supplements for kgraft patches (bnc#904848)
  new patch: modalias-no-kgraft.diff

==== rrdtool ====

- fix bashisms in rrdcached-systemd-pre script
- Replace systemd BuildRequires with pkgconfig(systemd): we do not
  require the full installation / dep chain of systemd.

==== rsync ====

- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.

==== rtkit ====

- fix bashism in pre script

==== ruby-kde4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== ruby-qt4 ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)
Subpackages: ruby-qt4-devel

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== libruby2_1-2_1 ====
Version update (2.1.4 -> 2.1.5)
Subpackages: ruby2.1 ruby2.1-devel ruby2.1-stdlib

- explicitely upgrade the libname package so we update libruby when
  we upgrade the stdlib or main package
- update to 2.1.5: (bsc# 905326)
  - This release includes a security fix for DoS vulnerability of
    REXML. It is similar to the fixed vulnerability in the previous
    release, but new and different from it. (CVE-2014-8090)
    add REXML::Document#document.
  - bignum.c (absint_numwords_generic): set an array element after
    definition of a variable to fix compile error with older
    version of fcc (Fujitsu C Compiler) 5.6 on Solaris 10 on Sparc.
    [Bug #10350] [ruby-dev:48608]
  - compile.c (compile_data_alloc): add padding when strict
    alignment is required for memory access. Currently, the padding
    is enabled only when the CPU is 32-bit SPARC and the compiler
    is GCC.  [Bug #9681] [ruby-core:61715]
  - compile.c (STRICT_ALIGNMENT): defined if strict alignment is
    PADDING_SIZE_MAX): new macros for alignemnt word size, bit
    mask, max size of padding.
  - compile.c (calc_padding): new function to calculate padding
  - (__builtin_setjmp): disable with gcc/clang earlier
    than 4.3 on Mac OS X.  [ruby-core:65174] [Bug #10272]
  - bignum.c (bary_mul_balance_with_mulfunc): Fix free work area
    [ruby-dev:48723] [Bug #10464]
    [ruby-core:66044] [Bug #10465]
    Reported by Kohji Nishihama.

==== sash ====
Version update (3.7 -> 3.8)

- updated to 3.8
  * The -ls command has the -n option to print numeric user and
    group ids.
  * The -chroot, -pivot_root, and -losetup commands have been added.
  * The exit status for commands has been implemented (such as -exit).
- deleted patches:
  D    sash-3.7-ed-line-marking.diff (renamed to sash-ed-line-marking.diff)
  D    sash-3.7-ext2_fs-header.diff (upstreamed)
  D    sash-3.7-include.diff (renamed to sash-include.diff)
  D    sash-3.7-install.diff (part of sash-Makefile.diff)
  D    sash-3.7-raid.diff (renamed to sash-raid.diff)
  D    sash-3.7-shared_libc.patch (part of sash-Makefile.diff)
  D    sash-3.7-strip.diff (part of sash-Makefile.diff)
  D    sash-plus-patches-3.7.diff (upstreamed)

==== libsbc1 ====
Version update (1.0 -> 1.3)
Subpackages: sbc

- Provide baselibs.conf
- Update to version 1.3:
  * Fix issue with frame length calculation for dual-channel mode.
- Changes since 1.2:
  * Add support for setup from A2DP configuration data.
  * Add support for enabling high precision build.
- Changes since 1.1:
  * Add support for mSBC encoding and decoding functionality.

==== scim ====
Subpackages: scim-gtk scim-gtk-32bit scim-gtk3 scim-qt4

- fix bashism in scim.config script

==== seamonkey ====
Version update (2.29 -> 2.30)
Subpackages: seamonkey-dom-inspector seamonkey-irc seamonkey-translations-common

- use platform specific build flags as in Firefox
  (including _constraints)
- define /usr/share/myspell as additional dictionary location
  and remove finally (bnc#900639)
- fix bashisms in and scripts
- update to SeaMonkey 2.30 (bnc#900941)
  * venkman debugger removed from application and therefore
    obsolete package seamonkey-venkman
  * MFSA 2014-74/CVE-2014-1574/CVE-2014-1575
    Miscellaneous memory safety hazards
  * MFSA 2014-75/CVE-2014-1576 (bmo#1041512)
    Buffer overflow during CSS manipulation
  * MFSA 2014-76/CVE-2014-1577 (bmo#1012609)
    Web Audio memory corruption issues with custom waveforms
  * MFSA 2014-77/CVE-2014-1578 (bmo#1063327)
    Out-of-bounds write with WebM video
  * MFSA 2014-78/CVE-2014-1580 (bmo#1063733)
    Further uninitialized memory use during GIF rendering
  * MFSA 2014-79/CVE-2014-1581 (bmo#1068218)
    Use-after-free interacting with text directionality
  * MFSA 2014-80/CVE-2014-1582/CVE-2014-1584 (bmo#1049095, bmo#1066190)
    Key pinning bypasses
  * MFSA 2014-81/CVE-2014-1585/CVE-2014-1586 (bmo#1062876, bmo#1062981)
    Inconsistent video sharing within iframe
  * MFSA 2014-82/CVE-2014-1583 (bmo#1015540)
    Accessing cross-origin objects via the Alarms API
    (only relevant for installed web apps)
- requires NSPR 4.10.7
- requires NSS 3.17.1
- removed obsolete patches:
  * mozilla-ppc.patch
  * mozilla-libproxy-compat.patch

==== libsensors4 ====
Subpackages: libsensors4-32bit libsensors4-devel

- lm_sensors-r6216-fancontrol-moving-hwmon-attributes.patch:
  fancontrol: Deal with moving hwmon attributes.
- lm_sensors-r6237-default-config-NCT6779-NCT6791.patch:
  sensors.conf.default: Add support for NCT6779 and NCT6791.
- lm_sensors-r6254-detect-print-kernel-cpu.patch: Print kernel
  version and processor information.
- lm_sensors-r6255-fix-shell-error-FCFANS.patch: fancontrol: Fix
  shell error when FCFANS is not set (bnc#903520).

==== libsqlite3-0 ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: libsqlite3-0-32bit sqlite3 sqlite3-devel sqlite3-doc

- SQLite
  * Enhance the ROLLBACK command so that pending queries are
    allowed to continue as long as the schema is unchanged.
  * Bug fix: Make sure that NULL results from OP_Column are fully
    and completely NULL and do not have the MEM_Ephem bit set.
  * Bug fix: The %c format in sqlite3_mprintf() is able to handle
    precisions greater than 70.
  * Bug fix: Do not automatically remove the DISTINCT keyword from
    a SELECT that forms the right-hand side of an IN operator since
    it is necessary if the SELECT also contains a LIMIT.

==== step ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== strace ====

- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.

==== subversion ====
Subpackages: subversion-devel subversion-perl subversion-python subversion-server subversion-tools

- fix bashisms in script
- add patches:
  * subversion-1.8.10-fix-bashisms.patch

==== sudo ====
Version update (1.8.11p1 -> 1.8.11p2)

- update to 1.8.11p2
  * Fixed a bug where dynamic shared objects loaded from a plugin
    could use the hooked version of getenv() but not the hooked
    versions of putenv(), setenv() or unsetenv().  This can cause
    problems for PAM modules that use those functions.

==== libamd-2_4_1 ====
Subpackages: libcamd-2_4_1 libccolamd-2_9_1 libcolamd-2_9_1 libumfpack-5_7_1

- Update to version 4.4.1
  + Minor update:  two bug fixes (affecting Windows only) for

==== sweeper ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== tcl ====
Version update (8.6.2 -> 8.6.3)
Subpackages: tcl-devel

- New version 8.6.3:
  * (bug)[b9e1a3] Correct Method Search Order
  * (bug)[ccc2c2] Regression [lreplace {} 1 1]
  * <oo-1.18.2> Crash regression in [oo::class destroy]
  * (bug)[84af11] Regress [regsub -all {\(.*} a(b) {}]
  * (bug)[cee90e] [try {} on ok {} - on return {} {}] panic
  * (feature) [tcl::unsupported::getbytecode] disassember
  * (enhancement) [string cat] bytecode optimization
  * (bug)[82521b] segfault in mangled bytecode
  * (bug)[bc5b79] Hang in some [read]s of limited size
  * (bug)[bc1a96] segfault in [array set] of traced array
  * (bug)[59a2e7] MSVC14 compile support
  * (bug)[ed29c4] [fcopy] treats [blocked] as error
  * (bug)[bf7135] regression in Tcl_Write() interface
  * (bug)[10dc6d] fix [gets] on non-blocking channels
  * (bug)[214cc0] Restore [lappend v] return value
  * (bug)[5adc35] Stop forcing EOF to be permanent
- Add itcl-unbreak-iwidgets.patch to revert a recent change in
  itcl that broke iwidgets.

==== libkpathsea6 ====

- Make pdfjam-bin subpackage obsolete the older pdfjam package.
  These two packages provide the same binaries.

==== thunar-plugin-archive ====
Subpackages: thunar-plugin-archive-lang

- fix file-roller symlink name and target (boo#905666)

==== tigervnc ====
Subpackages: xorg-x11-Xvnc

- add -fPIC to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to compile correctly on armv7l

==== timezone ====
Version update (2014i -> 2014j)

- timezone update 2014j [boo#904824]
  + Turks & Caicos' switch from US eastern time to UTC-4 year-round
    moved from 2014-11-02 at 02:00 to 2015-11-01 at 02:00.
  + Corrects pre-1989 time stamps for Asia/Seoul and Asia/Pyongyang
  + Time zones turned into links when they differed from existing
    zones only for pre-1970 time stamps:
    Africa/Addis_Ababa, Africa/Asmara, Africa/Dar_es_Salaam,
    Africa/Djibouti, Africa/Kampala, Africa/Mogadishu,
    Indian/Antananarivo, Indian/Comoro, and Indian/Mayotte.

==== timezone-java ====
Version update (2014i -> 2014j)

- timezone update 2014j [boo#904824]
  + Turks & Caicos' switch from US eastern time to UTC-4 year-round
    moved from 2014-11-02 at 02:00 to 2015-11-01 at 02:00.
  + Corrects pre-1989 time stamps for Asia/Seoul and Asia/Pyongyang
  + Time zones turned into links when they differed from existing
    zones only for pre-1970 time stamps:
    Africa/Addis_Ababa, Africa/Asmara, Africa/Dar_es_Salaam,
    Africa/Djibouti, Africa/Kampala, Africa/Mogadishu,
    Indian/Antananarivo, Indian/Comoro, and Indian/Mayotte.

==== tk ====
Version update (8.6.2 -> 8.6.3)
Subpackages: tk-devel

- New version 8.6.3:
  * (bug)[9e487e] Phony button clicks from browsers to plugin
  * (bug)[810c43] [text] elide changes advance epoch
  * (bug)[fb35eb] fix PNG transparency appearance
  * (bug)[3417012] [scale -digits $bigValue] segfault
  * (bug)[3529885] [scale] handling of negative resolution

==== nautilus-totem ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)
Subpackages: totem totem-plugin-zeitgeist totem-plugins

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Fix lingering white line in fullscreen.
  + Fix bug in MPRIS support when used via Rygel.
  + Thumbnail bookmarked movies as well.
  + Fix starting Totem via D-Bus (gnome-open).
  + Port from appdata-tools to appstream-glib.
  + Add a keyboard shortcut for starting subtitles download.
- Replace appdata-tools for appstream-glib BuildRequires following
  upstreams port.

==== libtracker-common-1_0 ====
Version update (1.2.2 -> 1.2.4)
Subpackages: libtracker-control-1_0-0 libtracker-miner-1_0-0 libtracker-sparql-1_0-0 tracker tracker-devel tracker-miner-files typelib-1_0-Tracker-1_0 typelib-1_0-TrackerControl-1_0 typelib-1_0-TrackerMiner-1_0

- Update to version 1.2.4:
  + Ownership reference not added in tracker-file-notifier.c
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 1.2.3:
  + bgo#737768: fs: TrackerCrawler can crash due to invalid
    container pointers.
  + bgo#738522: libtracker-data: Guard against failure to create a
    FTS update statement.
  + bgo#738450: libtracker-data: Guard against failure to open the
  + libtracker-miner:
  - _NO_STAT breaks in FileNotifier without a GFileInfo.
  - Handle multiple nfo:belongsToContainer properties to 1
  + tracker-writeback: Remove broken code to set file attributes.
  + Updated functional tests.
  + Updated translations.

==== nautilus-extension-tracker-tags ====
Version update (1.2.2 -> 1.2.4)
Subpackages: tracker-gui

- Update to version 1.2.4:
  + Ownership reference not added in tracker-file-notifier.c
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 1.2.3:
  + bgo#737768: fs: TrackerCrawler can crash due to invalid
    container pointers.
  + bgo#738522: libtracker-data: Guard against failure to create a
    FTS update statement.
  + bgo#738450: libtracker-data: Guard against failure to open the
  + libtracker-miner:
  - _NO_STAT breaks in FileNotifier without a GFileInfo.
  - Handle multiple nfo:belongsToContainer properties to 1
  + tracker-writeback: Remove broken code to set file attributes.
  + Updated functional tests.
  + Updated translations.

==== umbrello ====
Version update (4.14.2 -> 4.14.3)

- Update to 4.14.3
  * KDE 4.14.3 SC Bugfix Release
  * See

==== update-desktop-files ====

- fix shebang in and scripts that contains bash-specific

==== libutempter0 ====
Subpackages: utempter-devel

- remove /sbin/ldconfig -n $DESTDIR%{_libdir} as it should be not
  needed in install phase
- Remove Requires: %name as there is no name and adjust obsolete
  as there exist version which is larger than the provides
- Remove sle10 obsolete for ppc64 utempter-64bit
- Clean-up with spec-cleaner

==== libblkid-devel ====
Subpackages: libblkid1 libblkid1-32bit libmount1 libmount1-32bit libsmartcols1 libuuid-devel libuuid1 libuuid1-32bit util-linux

- Remove known fail marker for fdisk/bsd on ppc, ppc64, s390, s390x

==== util-linux-systemd ====

- Remove known fail marker for fdisk/bsd on ppc, ppc64, s390, s390x

==== libvala-0_26-0 ====
Subpackages: vala

- Add attr to ghost entries in file list to fix build in SLE_11

==== gvim ====
Version update (7.4.507.hg.6349 -> 7.4.516.hg.6367)
Subpackages: vim vim-data

- Updated to revision 516, fixes the following problems
  * When generating ja.sjis.po the header is not correctly adjusted.
  * Users are not aware their encryption is weak.
  * "-fwrapv" argument breaks use of cproto.
  * Generating proto for if_ruby.c uses type not defined elsewhere.
  * Crash because reference count is wrong for list returned by
  * Memory access error. (Dominique Pelle)
  * In a help buffer the global 'foldmethod' is used.  (Paul Marshall)
  * Completing a function name containing a # does not work.  Issue

==== vinagre ====
Version update (3.14.1 -> 3.14.2)
Subpackages: vinagre-lang

- Update to version 3.14.2:
  + Remove bashism from
  + Add name and summary elements to AppData.
  + Detect RDP hosts via Avahi.

==== vino ====
Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1)

- Update to version 3.14.1:
  + Updated translations.

==== vpnc ====
Version update (0.5.3r517 -> 0.5.3r550)

- Update to svn r550
  * Bugfixes and many openSUSE patches merged
- Remove vpnc-no-build-dates.patch, vpnc-pidfile-path.diff and
  vpnc-add-name-to-stderr-log.diff. Merged upstream.

==== vsftpd ====

- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.

==== glade-catalog-vte ====
Version update (0.38.1 -> 0.38.2)
Subpackages: gnome-pty-helper libvte-2_91-0 typelib-1_0-Vte-2.91 vte-devel

- Update to version 0.38.2:
  + widget: Check cursor's display before using it.
  + docs: Remove version markers.

==== libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 ====
Version update (2.6.2 -> 2.6.3)
Subpackages: libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.6.3:
  + Fix a crash when loading flash plugins.
  + Correctly report the memory used by the media player to the
    garbage collector to make sure it's freed when the video
    element is removed from the DOM.
  + Fix a crash in TextureMapper when video resolution changes.
  + Ensure that CSS-generated text content is exposed to assistive
  + Enable CSS_IMAGE_SET on production builds to fix some icons
    that are not rendered in the web inspector.
  + Fix the build on FreeBSD and GNU Hurd.
  + Fix the build with video disabled.

==== whois ====
Version update (5.2.1 -> 5.2.2)

- whois 5.2.2:
  * Fixed the code that removes trailing dots.
  * Added the .xn--d1alf (.???, Macedonia) and .xn--node (.??,
    Georgia) TLD servers.
  * Updated the list of new gTLDs.
- make perl requirements explict.
- In 13.1, perl(autodie) is provided by the main perl package, do
  not look at the alternative in perl-autodie.

==== wine ====
Version update (1.7.30 -> 1.7.31)
Subpackages: wine-32bit

- remove gpg-offline usage as its checked by the source services
- Updated to 1.7.31 development snapshot
  - New version of the Gecko engine based on Firefox 34.
  - Support for the Visual Studio 2013 version of the C/C++ runtimes.
  - More font metrics support in DirectWrite.
  - Some more Direct2D work.
  - Various bug fixes.

==== libiw-devel ====
Subpackages: libiw30 wireless-tools

- update URL in install_intersil_firmware script
- fix bashisms in install_*_scripts

==== wireshark ====
Version update (1.12.1 -> 1.12.2)
Subpackages: wireshark-ui-gtk

- Wireshark 1.12.2
- The following vulnerabilities have been fixed.
  + SigComp UDVM buffer overflow
    wnpa-sec-2014-20 CVE-2014-8710 boo#905246
  + AMQP crash
    wnpa-sec-2014-21 CVE-2014-8711 boo#905245
  + NCP crashes
    wnpa-sec-2014-22 CVE-2014-8712 CVE-2014-8713 boo#905248
  + TN5250 infinite loops
    wnpa-sec-2014-23 CVE-2014-8714 boo#905247
- Further bug fixes and updated protocol support as listed in:
- remove gpg-offline, now part of source-validator, also fixing
  SLE 12

==== wondershaper ====

- fix bashism in rcwondershaper script

==== wwwoffle ====

- fix reload target of service file (binary is in /usr/bin)

==== x11-tools ====

- fix bashsisms in xf86debug script more correctly
- fix bashsisms

==== xfce4-panel-plugin-netload ====
Version update (1.2.2 -> 1.2.4)
Subpackages: xfce4-panel-plugin-netload-lang

- update to version 1.2.4
  - option to show values as bits
  - reverted "Do not enforce max length for text/device entries"
  - set iface length name to 32 chars max
  - translation updates
- add xfce4-panel-plugin-netload-fix-array-out-of-bounds.patch in
  order to fix an array out of bounds write (bxo#11328)
- update to version 1.2.3
  - fix a small bug reported by JR, with really big values the code
    segfaulted in the format_byte_humanreadable function

==== xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload ====
Version update (1.1.1 -> 1.1.2)
Subpackages: xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload-lang

- update to version 1.1.2
  - support upower 0.99
  - add a way to run a command when clicking on systemload plugin
  - pick up translation updates & fixes, especially DE locale
  - merge some OpenBSD compatibility patches
- drop obsolete xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload-upower-0.99.patch,

==== xfdesktop ====
Version update (4.10.2 -> 4.10.3)
Subpackages: xfdesktop-lang

- add xfdesktop-fix-default-application-lookup.patch in order to
  fix the default application lookup with gio >= 2.41 (bxo#11306)
- update to version 4.10.3
  - fix for extra blank lines in backdrop list
  - remember the window size of the settings dialog
  - filter out changed events for special icons
  - lower update delay of icon size spinbutton
  - fix missing thumbnail on xfdesktop when thumbler fails to
    create it
  - check for thumbnails in the new location
  - don't set ESETROOT
  - speed up template sub-menu loading code
  - fix template sub-menu loading code for 4.10
  - always move files from the trash
  - use the Path key of desktop files if a path is not set
  - fix for trash always showing empty on system startup
  - unselect the desktop icon after activating it
  - fix HTTP URL performance issue / wrong action proposed
  - decide on move/copy action before items have been dropped
  - translation updates

==== xorg-x11-server ====
Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-extra xorg-x11-server-sdk

- fix bashism in post script

==== xterm ====

- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it
  + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires.
  + No longer execute gpg_verify.

==== yast2 ====
Version update (3.1.109 -> 3.1.110)
Subpackages: yast2-devel-doc

- removed module (obsolete, not supported
  by the new SCC registration)
- 3.1.110

==== yast2-firewall ====
Version update (3.1.1 -> 3.1.2)

- fix breakage of progress in autoinstallation (bnc#845826)
- 3.1.2

==== yast2-firstboot ====
Version update (3.1.4 -> 3.1.5)

- Added missing module for DHCP (bnc#895359, bnc#904527).
- Fixed errors in keyboard and language configuration (bnc#904527).
- 3.1.5

==== yast2-ftp-server ====
Version update (3.1.5 -> 3.1.6)

- Fixed a configuration problem preventing xinetd to handle vsftp,
  since it was always configured as standalone (bnc#897470).
- 3.1.6

==== yast2-installation ====
Version update (3.1.120 -> 3.1.121)

- Merging changes from (SLE12 maintenance branch)
- Fixed the "previously used repositories" step to work properly
  when reached using the back button (bnc#889791)
- 3.1.121

==== yast2-iscsi-client ====
Version update (3.1.18 -> 3.1.19)

- don't change startup mode for already connected targets when
  using the 'Add' button on 'Connected Targets' tab (bnc #886796)
- 3.1.19

==== yast2-network ====
Version update (3.1.104 -> 3.1.109)

- bnc#898250, bnc#899363
  - ignore /etc/install.inf:usessh flag when the file is present in
    installed system and always reload / restart network service in
    case of updated configuration
- 3.1.109
- AutoYaST Routing Import: Initialize device list correctly.
- 3.1.108
- Do not set default_route to "no" in auto-configuration in
  inst-sys, just remove the entry completely (bnc#900466)
- 3.1.107
- Improved help text in "global options" (bnc#892678)
- 3.1.106
- bnc#889287
  - during autoconfiguration at s390 use linuxrc's OSAHWAddr param
    for LLADDR when available.
- 3.1.105

==== yast2-nfs-client ====
Version update (3.1.9 -> 3.1.11)

- fixed string substitution in a translated message
- 3.1.11
- Removed obsolete service (nfsboot) handling (bnc#867766)
- 3.1.10

==== yast2-packager ====
Version update (3.1.53 -> 3.1.54)

- avoid warning about constant redefinition (bnc#905508)
- 3.1.54

==== yast2-samba-server ====
Version update (3.1.10 -> 3.1.11)

- Squash "Possible precedence issue with control flow operator
  warning; (bnc#901597)
- 3.1.11

==== yast2-services-manager ====
Version update (3.1.34 -> 3.1.36)

- From SLE12 maintenance: fixed installation to use the
  localized version of the default target name (bnc#895023).
- 3.1.36

==== yast2-update ====
Version update (3.1.23 -> 3.1.24)

- display product names in the incompatible products error
  message (bnc#904192)
- 3.1.24

==== yast2-users ====
Version update (3.1.34 -> 3.1.35)

- enable changing of cn value if LDAP user is not saved yet
- 3.1.35

==== yast2-vm ====
Version update (3.1.18 -> 3.1.19)

- bnc#905580 - SIGSEGV in yast2 relocation-server
- 3.1.19

Removed packages:
   > hylafax-client
   > libicu53_1-ledata
   > libxkbcommon-x11-0_4_3
   > open-vm-tools
   > open-vm-tools-desktop
   > python-matplotlib-tk
   > libsuitesparseconfig-4_4_0

Added packages:
   > hylafax+-client
   > libicu54_1-ledata
   > libxkbcommon0
   > libsuitesparseconfig-4_4_1